Moving Day
3rd Person POV
Scott and Xornoth were just moving in to their new rooms in the Majors household. Xornoth was ecstatic about moving and finally finding a home. His brother Scott on the other hand was alot more cautious not trusting their new family all too well quite yet.
"Scottt!!" xornoth yelled from his new empty room Scotts head jolted up from his sketchbook as he sat in the corner of his baby blue painted empty bedroom. Scott stood up hiding his sketchbook under his bags and heading down the hallway to Xornoths room. "Need something Xor?" scott questioned confused. "yeah uhhhhm" Xornoth muttered "what do you need-" scott blurted out followed by a quiet sigh. "Can you help me unpack..? im not the best with decorating" Xornoth stated looking up at his brother whos eyes lit up "Of course!!! youve never asked for my help before usually the other way around but uhm... Yes! yes ill help you!" Scott rambled in excitement
(3 and a half hours later)
"Aaaaand done!" Scott said just loud enough for his brother to hear him "wow i uh- my gosh this looks.. Incredible!!" xornoth said excitedly at all the small details his brother had put around the room. "Heh- uh thanks!" Scott says flustered "Scott, Xor!!" Owen yelled from downstairs "DINNERRRRR" Lauren yelled so her two new older brothers could hear Scott chuckled "lets head downstairs" he suggested to his brother who was sat on his red sheeted bed. "Okay-" xornoth said plainly glancing at the rest of the room again.
~The Two Head Downstairs~
What were you two upto?" Mrs. Major commented as the twins walked into the dining room "Decorating" Xornoth said with a subtle smile towards her "Stop the small talk i just wanna eattt!!!" Lauren screeched. Scott kept a straight face not knowing where to go from where he was standing. Xornoth grabbed scotts arm and lead him to the table. "so Scott, Xornoth do you guys have any hobbies or interets?" Mrs Major questioned the twins. "I play hockey or used to-" Xornoth said thinking back to their past. "that sounds fun Xor!" Owen said excitedly "What about you Scott?" Mrs major asked "I draw and animate sometimes... i also figure skate.. once again uh- used to." Scott mutters trying not to ramble "Do you two play any instroments?!" Lauren asked looking up at her 3 brothers and Mom "I play the Electric guitar or guitar in gneral and uh- i used to play the drums" Xornoth stated excited to be sharing his interests. "And you scott?" Owen questioned him waiting for a response. "Mmmm... I uh.. Play the violin, guitar and piano.." scott mutters in a quick response
~After a very awkward first dinner~
Scott walked away upstairs into his room putting on his noise cancelling headphones as xornoth, owen and lauren played loud music jumping around and dancing playfully with their mother. Scott let out a sigh putting on some music he likes as he grabbed his sketchbook and began to draw in a dark cyan tinted colored pencil He drew a stag with flowers and leaves hanging from its antlers He sat there for atleast four hours before falling sleep sitting uo against the wall.
"Scottt!!! come join us its fun!!" Xornoth yelled..
no responce
"Ill be right back" Xornoth said quickly before going upstairs, he saw scott backed into a far corner of his room with boxes and bags surrounding him. Xornoth just chuckled and smiles picking up his brother and lying him down on his bed before going back downstairs.
~Current time~ 1:30 am~
Scott had woke up awhile ago he sat there on his bed his sketchbook closed just sat there thinking "what if i dont make friends.." ~ "what if they see me as a weird homeschooled autistic outcast.." ~ " what if they make fun of me.." "what if-" his thought was cut off by his Brunette brother with orange tips peeked inside his room "Uhm scott.?" "Hm...?" Scott muttered his head jolting up "oh owen.! hey" Scott blurted out quickly "why are you up so late?" Owen questioned his brother "Oh uhm.. cant sleep..." scott muttered quickly in response "and you?" scott shot back "same reason." Owen said "can i uh- come in?" Owen questioned as his voice trailed into silence "...Yeah come in!" scott said after thinking a moment
~Owen came in and the two talked until they fell asleep~
~Current time: 8:21 am~
Scott yawned as he sat up seeing his little brother asleep next to him, he gave a subtle smug smile seeing how comfortable Owen looked. Scott sat there for a moment before getting up and walks over to his stuff for his brush to quietly unpack eventually scot was interrupted in his decorating around his closet by owen waking up, the room smelled of paint. Owen sat up swiftly to look at what scott was doing because of the paint scent. Scott was painting poppies on the bottom of his wall. "Oh Owen! morning!" scott blurted out looking over his shoulder "Morning!" owen muttered gaining his energy directly after waking up. "That looks so cool by the way! i had no clue you could paint" owen compliments the multiple poppies painted, surrounding scotts closet. "oh- uh thank you.!" scott said lightly and quick, flustered.
Owen jumps in and helps scott hang shelves and put up photos and his sketchbook onto a mushroom shelf a miniature stag statue on the very top of his floating shelves above his bed. "Thanks for the help" scott says looking back at owen "No problem! this is really coming together" owen says loudly. Scott flinches slightly at owens loud voice as the two continue to talk while scott paints and owen decorated and hangs stuff up.
~A couple hours later, Current time:10:56 am~
Scott stood up his cloths and hands covered in paint and looks around smiling "We really pulled this off didnt we?" owen states "Yeah.. we really did" scott says lightly with a smile. "you should shower your covered in red paint-" Owen says looking at scott lightly chuckling "Yeah probably- ill meet you downstairs once im done!" scott says warming up to owen quickly Owen softly smiles at scott.
~Downstairs After the Shower, Current time:11:15 am~
Scott came down the stairs as lauren ran to him "Hi scott!!" she yelled clinging onto the tall hybrids leg. Scott looked at her, smiling and knelt down to her height "Hi star" he said with a calm voice followed by a soft smile "Star.?" lauren questioned "S-sorry! do you not like it i can call you something different if you wa-" he was cut off by lauren "No no! i love it! i love space and the galaxy! i just wasnt expecting it but i love it! i promise!!" Lauren rambled back trying to say as much as she could before hurting scotts feelings. "You two are so similar even if one of you is adopted-" Xornoth said before walking back to help their mom with the pancakes on the stove.
~That evening~
Owen was sitting on the couch, lauren xornoth and scott were outside playfully chasing eachother. Owen sat on the couch and flipped through channels on the remote. "Owen dear why arnt you outside with them?" Mrs. Major asks "I dont want people seeing me with llama ears-" he sighed "Darling our whole neighborhood is hybrids plus look at scott hes a mix of like 6 different things and is new to our household" Mrs. Major calmly replied back "Eh i like the outdoors but im used to the inside more" he shot back "Alright darling as confusing as you are, i understand." She replied followed by a chuckle "HEYYY! IM NOT THA-" He got cut off by scotts phone ringing "Oh uh hold on mom" he said before heading outside "okay darling!" she said happily
~outside, current time: 3:47 pm~
Scotttttttt "owen said standing by the door which caught their attention, scott knelt down to laurens ear and whispered "Go get X for me.. i know you can outrun him starfire" this made lauren chuckle as she continued to chase xornoth around the yard as scott made his way over to owen. "Hey, need something?" scott questions "Oh uh- your phone rang and i didnt wanna be the one to go through it sooo-" owen said handing the phone to scott "Oh thanks!" Scott sat down on the doorstep as owen headed back inside. Scott looked at his phone and was happy with who he saw had called him. "Joel and shelby!" he thought to himself happily. "SCOTT HELP ME THIS GREMLIN IS FASTTTT!!!!!!" xornoth yelled speeding up a bit "NO DONT INTERFERE THIS IS FUN!!!!" lauren yelled back to him "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh- ima just go take this inside...." scott said backing up into the house hating the fact they were screaming which is the real reason he left.
~Inside, Current time:3:58 pm~
Scott ran upstairs into his bedroom closing the door behind him. "oh- wai- Scott-?!-" owen stammered seeing scott run past owen and his mother. "Give him some time alone dear, theyre new here. remember that" She says. "And tomorrow is their first day at their new highschool." she then again shot to owen "I know i know-" owen said back. "SCOTT!!" they heard two muffled voices yell and heard scotts reply "Hey guys! did you two need something..-?" scott stated "Come back outside-" "like now." joel and shelby both said. "Okay..?" Scott was confused as he walked back downstairs still on the phone "Go outside and look down the street" they heard a females voice say on his phone "Okay-???" he questioned towards them "just trust us scott pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee" They heard a males voice say desperately "I never said i dont trust you two-" scott states "who are you on the phone with scott?" Mrs. Major asks him "Oh uh- uh- theyre m-my friends. u-uhm can i-i say your guyses names.?" scott stuttered "Ofc course-" joel said "Fine with me!" shelby stated "Theyre m-my friends joel and sh-shelby" he stuttered again "Oh we have neighbors with those names." owen shot back. and then it hit him, Scott flung the door open and sprinted down the street owen and Mrs. major ran to the door to see why he was in such a hurry as they watched him run down to their neighbors. "JOEL, SHELBY!!!!!" he said before running upto them and hugging them. "AHHHH scott!! we missed you!!!" shelby yelled before quickly apologizing "s-sorry i know you dont like yelling i didnt mean it i-" she got cut off by scotts hand covering her mouth "Its alright shrub"
~they all go back to their houses after a dramatic reunion and head to sleep because time skips because im lazy and wanna get to more introductions~
Words, besides this: 1792
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