How a single call can change a life...
TW(s): implied panic attack, elf boi being stubborn
More smajor angst.. so sorry :,)
Yall deserve it soo which one do you want next chapter: Jizzie Fluff, Jornoth fluff, Copper husbands fluff, Mean Gills Fluff, Flower Husbands fluff, Divorce Quartet Fluff, or lastly.. Gem and the Scotts fluff
Feel free to vote in the comments!!! <3
{Scotts POV}
I woke up and fluttered my eyes open, only to be met with too much light and a splitting headache.
oh my aeor... i dont have time for another migraine.
i scoffed to myself and got up, swaying slightly on my feet though pushing through the random floods of dizziness sprawling in my mind.
i just grabbed a hoodie and sweatpants, i added some sneakers and adjusted the promise bracelets.
I looked like a mess.
my hair was tied in a fluffy messy ponytail
my roots were insanely grown out
my skin looked blotchy
the ice patch on my face had bruised and swollen skin around it today
i put on my eyepatch for the first time in a week, i couldnt risk this headache getting any worse from the use of magic
i strode out to the kitchen to make some tea before school
i finished out my tea and rested gently onto the couch, hoping to relax a little bit before having to go down to the student center
"morning!" joel called
"..morning joel" i mumbled and took another sip of my tea
"you alright?" he questioned
"..yea..yeah. i think. woke up with another stupid migraine" i spat and rolled my eyes
"that explains the eyepatch after about a week" he exclaimed
"yeah i dont want it to get worse" i sighed
"i can grab your medicine from the cabinet if you want" joel questioned
"its in my locker, last time it happened in the middle of the day and i haven't had time to fill my script" i scoffed in annoyance
"yeahh- im taking you to the pharmacy after school to get that filled." he scoffed
"im not even going to argue with you" i sighed, resting my head on the back of the couch
"ill walk you to your locker in a bit okay? im just gonna finish my coffee and get dressed then we can go!" he smiled
"okay.." i mumbled, taking another sip of tea
~36 minutes later~
"sorry i took so long- your brother stole my brush without telling me-" joel scoffed, i chuckled and opened my eyes
"th..ats alright" i mumbled
"you wanna get going?" he smiled
"mhm" i hummed
he helped me up and we walked out of the dorm.
it was bright so i held onto him as he guided me, my eyes stayed closed most of the way
it was even brigher in the student center so he shielded the light from my eyes, i believed i heard fwhips voice which made me know we walked past our group to get to my locker.
"do you have your key with you?" he questioned, i could feel eyes on us
"mhm, its in the front pocket of my bag" i mumbled and he opened the pocket, taking out my small locker key and clicking it open
"here, hold out your hand" he told me and i let go of his hand to place it in front of him
i felt the small cold pills hit my palm and he closed my fingers down over them
"there, want a water to take them with?" he asked
" i take medicine dry all the time, ill live" i smirked and he chuckled
i took the medicine and rested my head gently on his shoulder
"do you want to go somewhere dark while we wait for the medicine to kick in?" he asked
"..mhm" i hummed
"cmon we can go backstage, your apart of stage crew anyway right?" he questioned
"yeah.. stage crew and chorus(choir)" i smiled as he guided me down the bright hallway into the backstage
"here you can sit down on the small couch in the corner, do you want me to stay with you?" he quizzed
"yeah.. if you dont mind" i whispered
"of course i dont, why would i care, you my best friend and you need me right now" joel smiled
"thank you joel.." i mumbled and rested my head on his shoulder once we were both sitting down
*knock knock*
"everything alright you two? you walked right past us earlier" shelbys voice spoke as the door creaked open
"everythings alright shelbs, sorry for walking past you guys, scott woke up with another migraine and keeps his medicine in his locker" joel informed her
"do you feel alright now?" her voice said, closing the door as i kept my eyes closed
"i feel better, still not great but i can keep my eyes open now so.." i sighed
"well atleast its a bit better! ill go get some water, you should stay hydrated especially with these happening more often now." shelby smiled and walked out
{Shelbys POV}
I walked out of the backstage door and to my locker where i have the cooler and extra water bottles aswell as sugary candies for any situation that may come across us.
I creeped my locker open which was just around the corner from where our group was standing.
I zipped open the small cooler and grabbed out a small water and a couple small hard candies as i assumed he hadnt eaten anything either
*locker door slams*
i closed my locker and saw jimmys head peek around the corner
"oh when did you get back shelby?" he questions
"ive only been here for like a minute, though i am going back to the two, ill explain later okay?" i smiled
"are they both okay??" lizzie asked
"yeah, but i do need to go, bye!" i said before rushing back to the backstage area
"im backk~" i smiled and walked in
"hey shelbs..." scott mumbled and smiled
"here, water and a few hard candies to keep your sugar up" i smiled and he took the two away from my hands
"thank you.. both of you" scott smiled
"thats what best friends are for!" joel cheered
scott drank the water and put one of the candies to rest on his tongue
me and joel went back and fourth talking as scott rested on joels shoulder
"alright.. i think ill be able to make it through first period" scott smiled
"you sure??" i questioned, just to be sure
"yeah i think, ill leave if not, i promise" he smiled
"your lucky we have the same first period otherwise ide fight for you not to go-" joel sighed
"over protective much" scott joked
we headed out of the classroom and into the hall, scott flinched a little but adjusted to the light after a few moments
"ey! where were you guys this morning?" pix asked, it made all of us happy to finally see pix genuinely happy and not forcing himself to be proper
"sorry we were backstage, its darker back there-" joel smiled
"why did you need the dark?" gem asked and lizzie nodded
"some creature hasnt been taking his medicine" joel rolled his eyes and scoffed playfully
"shut up and stop calling me a creature-" scott sighed
"i have one thing to say to you." gem sighed
"ide rather only take it when i need it-" scott sighed
"yet you wonder why the migraines are coming more frequently-" i sighed
"dear aeor- " scott sighed and looked at the floor
"ey, its progress, you told someone this time mate, im proud of you for that" joel smiled
"you really need to be less stubborn" katherine laughed
"think all ya want, it aint happening-" scott scoffed jokingly
"so kind-" oli joked and scott chuckled
"please- you should see me with xornoth after a fight, this is nothing" scott scoffed and laughed
"WAY TO CALL ME OUT LIKE THAT-!!" scott fought back
"you know its trueeee!!!~" xornoth jeered
"i hate you so much-" scott scoffed
"you love me" xornoth joked
"every now and then" scott teased
"i understand now.." oli mumbled
"see, doesnt take long to learn that!" scott laughed
~lunch time.. because.. author powers..~
we all sat around our usual table but scott never showed, he always joined us for lunch which made us certainly worried..
~a few minutes before lunchtime shall we?~
{Scotts POV}
i leaned against my locker when my phone rang
"Mrs. Bek?" i mumbled out loud and answered it
"who?" fwhip questioned and i walked away to a more private space
"Scarlette Darling?" mrs bek spoke
"hello mrs. bek.. also uh, i go by scott now" i informed her
"well okay well, scott. i regret to inform you.. your new mother never made your adoption official.. meaning its.. well.. illegal for her to keep you.." mrs bek informed
"..wha...what are you saying?!" i spoke through panicked tears
"im saying.. we need you and xornoth back at the agency.. unless your mother files for another three months of foster care and signs the papers within the next four hours." she spoke
"but.. i- we- we arnt home.. that wont be possible..!!" i panicked through sobs
"..i guess ill be meeting you again soon. i apoligize dear.. " she spoke and hung up
"no.. no.. no.. NO!! DEAR AEOR..!!!" i snapped and my knees buckled beneath me as i fell to the floor sobbing
"scott?!" xornoth quizzed, i could hear the worry in his voice as he fell to my side
"whats wrong?!" xornoth hissed
"..we're going back.." i mumbled
"where?" he questioned
"...the agency. mrs bek just called me. its illegal for mrs. major to keep us as of now.. she.. never signed the papers.." i sobbed and he pulled me into a hug
"i.. i dont wanna go back there..!" i sobbed into his shoulder
"i know.. lets try calling mom okay..?" he moved the hair out of my face
"..okay.." i mumbled
~present time~
i walked into the cafeteria, clinging to my twin brothers side as we walked up to my usual table to get owen as mrs. major was picking the three of us up early.
"owen." xornoth hissed
"yeah xor?" owen turned around
"cmon, your mums picking us up." xornoth sighed
"what do you mean my mum, she adopted the two of you?" owen quizzed
"yeah.. not officially." i hissed and wiped my eyes
"are you two.. going back..?" owen questioned, my whole group watching in pure confusion, shelby and joel nearly in tears
"..unless we can get the papers and through a meeting or two to sign them in the next few hours.. yes." xornoth hissed and sighed
"no you guys cant..! we just got you back!!" people were shocked to hear joel snap
"im sorry joel.. we... dont have a choice." i sobbed and pulled him out of his seat into a hug, shelby joined us
"hey.. best of wishes for the meeting okay.?! itll all be okay.. right?" shelby qiestioned
"..mhm.. right.." i mumbled
"ill text you two later.. with.. results. i promise.." i smiled
"okay.. good luck you two" joel smiled and me, owen and xor walked out, my wings around my siblings.
{Joels POV}
"..why now?" i mumbled to shelby, who was still standing up
"..we just got them back for evermoores sake!!" shelby snapped and i pulled her close.
"i dont understand, whats going on?" fwhip quizzed
"they never got formally adopted, so.. in order for it to be 'legal'.. they need to go back to a place that caused them the most pain.. that stupid agency." i spat and held shelby close
"oh.. my.. cod.." jimmy mumbled under his breath.
{Owens POV}
"why now?! why today?! WHY?!" xornoth snapped yelling at mother
"im sorry darling, i never thought it would come to this.. lets head to that meeting shall we..?" she sighed
"fine." xornoth spat
They went to the meeting, which had three rounds, an hour each.
As much as they thought they wouldnt make it, the second the paper was infront of mrs. majors eyes she took the pen and signed, both the foster care and adoption papers, making it official and effective immediately.
even though they made it, and it was still legal for mrs. major to keep them and was now their official mother.. they were still left traumatized.
Both effected and cried most of the night.
Xornoth took care of scott for the next couple of days, they didnt turn up to school.
People were unaware of what happened and their situatuon.
But were informed when they return
They were gentle with the twins for a bit after that as they were recovering, but even though it seemed like it was all coming to an end.. it worked itself out.. for the better.
I am still sick while writing this but got heavily bored and had too much freetime-
Feel free to vote on what you want to see next chapter and ill get started as soon as possible on what wins while working ahead until then!
The options one more time:
Copper husbands fluff
Jizzie fluff
Jornoth fluff
Flower Husbands Fluff
Mean Gills fluff
Divorce Quartet Fluff
and lastly..
Gem and the Scotts Fluff
Choose any that you please!
Hoping to get started and get a few new chapters out soon but sick author will mean slower updates :(
I love you all/p
have an amazing day/night my girls, gays, guys and those whom dont identify!
signing off,
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