From his bed
TW: None this time! Yall are safe :D (enjoy the sibling fluff)
{Owens POV}
It was day one of scott being at home, Hed been in his room alot hence barely being able to move and being on bedrest. Mum had put a tv in there so he could watch tv or movies, but we had heard him talking, he was on the phone with joel, who was at school currently.
Mum gave me, Xornoth and Lauren a few days off school as to not leave scott home alone when she was at work. Plus hed probably feel lonely as being stuck in his room. 30 minutes have gone by sense hed stopped talking, i decided to go upstairs to check on him.
I gently creaked his door open and peeked in, he had fallen asleep, he was just lying there on his side, peaceful with his leg elevated, the tv playing a twitch stream. I turned off the tv and gently pulled a blanket over him sitting down myself and soon felt him lean his head against my chest. I softly smiled. and sat there on my phone.
About an hour later i felt him wake up, i looked down and his eyes blinked open "Hiya scott" I said smiling "O..owen?" He slurred, still partially asleep "Yessir" I said laughing a bit "wha' time is it?" he asked, his words still slightly slurring from being halfway asleep "its 12:43 bud" I said and smiled
He smiled back and curled up next to me pulling the blanket over his shoulders, i smiled fondly.
{Laurens POV}
I heard Owen and Scott talking, i walked upstairs and saw the two cuddling in scotts bed, both looking comfy. "Mind if i join?" I said smiling as i creaked open the door again "Come join in!" Owen said lifting up the blanket they were laying under, I ran up to them and hopped under the blanket gently as to not bump into scott.
I cuddled up against Owens side as we turned on a movie and could feel owen shift slightly as he slightly dozed off to sleep and smiled, grabbing the corner of the blanket and pulling it over myself a little bit more "Laurennnn dont steal the blanketsss" Scott complained "No promises!" I said resting under the blanket as he chucked slightly
I hugged in to the blanket as scott did the same, i grabbed his hand and he grabbed mine, we exchanged smiles before i could see him start to fall asleep. Soon after, i was watching the movie we had put on and xornoth came into the room "Hey uh you guys loo-" I cut him off "Come join us! Sibling cuddle pile!!" I said cheerfully as i lifted up the large blanket for him to crawl under, in which he did.
Me and xornoth began talking in order to keep ourselves busy, though we were quiet as to not wake up owen and scott we all were huddles together on scotts queen sized bed.
I rested my head against Owens chest and smiled as my eyes shifted shut. I soon feel xornoth run his fingers through my long, purply brown hair. I smiled and relaxed at his touch, it was soothing.
{Xornoth's POV}
I smiled fondly, the movie playing in the background, running my fingers through Lauren's faded purple dyed hair. We all laid like this for about 2 hours before the movie finished, all three of them were asleep, before i knew it i had started to drift off to my own sleep.
~2 hours later~
I blinked my eyes open, i heard gentle chatter amongst atleast two of them. "you all awake?" i asked "yes, yes we are " scott said with a smile "Mom home yet?" I asked "No, she texted me, shes working late today" Owen said smiling "what yall talking about?" I asked my final question "Oh! we're talking about our futures and what we wanna be!" Lauren said excitedly
"yeah says the future 'bread taster'" scott joked "A bread taster..?" I asked "yes, that is my profession and im proud of it." she said before laughing "Thats not a real job for the last time lauren!!" Owen said laughing "Says the future orange eater." Lauren says "Okay- no- i want to be a writer, not an orange eater. Peace and mercy for the oranges!!" Owen said gaining a few laughs
"aye anyone hungry?" Owen asked "Yeah kinda i guess, we havent really eaten" i replied, scott hummed in response and Lauren nodded. "Ill go make food for when mum gets home! what do yall want?" Owen said cheerfully "Ramen with tofu?": scott asked with a smile on his face "i can do that! yall alright with it aswell?" owen asked "sounds good to me!" lauren replied "Yeah! that sounds good" i smiled sitting up and leaning back.
{Owens POV}
I smiled at the smell of the food. I grabbed the three bowls on a metal tray and headed upstairs. "Foods readyy!!" I said smiling i walked in and saw scott excitedly flap his little head wings as xor whipped his tail around scott to help him sit up (A/N: yes, xornoth does have a tail, its not included much but hes half demon half elf)
My ears drooped on my head as i set down the food on the bedside table and xor ruffled my hair, i smiled fondly at his touch. (A/N: not human ears, that would look weird, as said in introduction, owen is half llama!)
~Time skip because im not gonna describe how they eat ramen~
We all finished our food and began to talk when we heard the door open, scott and xornoth froze at the sound "Its okay, its just mom" I said quickly yet calmly as the two settled, scott wrapped his large wings around us all and i cuddled into the warmth aswell as xornoth and lauren did.
Soon, mom came upstairs "You guys look comfortable, good day i presume?" she asked us smiling "Yeah! we had a really relaxing day, we just chilled and watched movies" I told her smiling as i felt the fluffy feathers ruffle against my arm "Well im happy to see you guys getting along!" she said before walking down the hallway.
Scott stretched out his large wings and folded them back up behind him. We all relaxed and settled down nicely against eachother. Another night passed, we all stayed next to eachother the whole night.
(A/N: ^ I plan to put fanart of this either where this A/N is or in a different chapter! just for funzies)
{Scotts POV}
I woke up to the blinding lights within my bedroom blaring in from my window and lamp. I looked up before quickly shutting my eyes and pulling a blanket over my face. "You alright scott?" Xornoth asked me "mm.. headache..." i muttered cuddling up against him. He began to run his fingers through my hair. "Lauren and owen are downstairs by the way.. do you want the lights off?" he said "mm..mmhmm.." i hummed weakly in response as i grabbed and hugged a pillow to my chest.
He turned off the lights and closed the blinds and curtains. "Better?" he asked sitting down next to me again "y..eah.. than' you.." i said slowly and softly he began to rub my back for comfort, i melted into the touch relaxing against his chest. he just chuckled
"BOYYS!!! IM HEADED OFF TO WORK!!" mom yelled from downstairs "Bye mum love you!" xor called down to her "tell 'er bye for me.." i mumbled, my words slurred and muffled "Scott says bye aswell mom!!" he called down smiling "Bye you two!! see you later!" she yelled, the door soon slammed shut.
My body relaxed, and i felt myself drift off to a light sleep.
{Xornoths POV}
we laid in scotts bed for a few additional hours as i felt him fall asleep, though soon, i had to wake him up "Scott, can you get up for me?" I asked him "mmmm..mhhhmmm.." he groaned then hummed in response getting off of me as i stood up
"Im gonna go make us breakfast okay?" I said smiling "Okay.. thank you xor..!" he said with a warm smile, leaning against his pillows, halfway sitting up "Of course!" i replied more cheerful than normal trying to brighten his mood, he smiled and laughed before i headed downstairs
"Morning you two!" i said smiling at owen and lauren on the couch "Morning xor! Hows scott?" Owen asked "Hes good, woke up with a headache though, assuming its from the medicine wearing off overnight" i said and frowned before heading into the kitchen "Seems to be another chill day then! whatcha making?" Lauren asked with a sympathetic smile on her face "Pancakes, yall want some?" I smiled
"YES YESYESYESYESYESYESYES!!" Lauren screeched "Ill have some, thanks xor!" Owen smiled "Okay then! ill make extras!" I said smiling "YAAAAAY" Lauren screeched excitedly "why you so excited girlie-?" I joked "BREAD. FRISBEESS!!!" She exclaimed excitedly "okay okay, calm down" owen told her and smiled
"here yall go!" i smiled setting their food down on the coffee table "Thanks xor!" Owen said grabbing his plate, lauren grabbing hers aswell "Your welcome!" i said before grabbing mine and scotts plate and walked upstairs "fooooood!" i said with a large smile seeing my brother sit up straight, moving himself back a bit to sit up fully. I set down our food and moved the pillows his casted leg was rested on back a bit "thank you!" he exclaimed "Of course, heres your food by the way" I said handing his food to him "Thank you again xor!" he smiled "I presume your feeling better?" I asked
"mmhmm! i think it was like an early morning thing or something" he said "thats good, i hope you like the pancakes!" I smiled as as he took a few bites of food "Dang- you can actually cook-? im shocked." he said jokingly "heyyyyyyyy" i replied "im jokingggg chill-" he said with a smile, we both laughed and ate our food watching a movie on the tv, one of the fake floating lanterns he hung up above his room for light we hung out for a few hours, playing video games and watching movies
"This has been nice.. i like the kind version of you!" he said chuckling "Look, i may be a b!t*h sometimes, but when it comes to my siblings ill protect and take care of you guys no matter what" I smiled at him "Atleast your self aware of your B!t*hy side" he smirked, i just chuckled taking off his eyepatch "heyyyyyyyyyy" he complained
"your eye is gorgeous and unique, please know that." I said comfortingly smiling at him "Yeah the eye i got from a random stranger to replace one i lost? yeah soooooo pretty-" he said "Its legit golden yellow!!" i exclaimed "But it gives me a massive headache to use, hence another reason i keep it either shut or covered. "true true." i replied smiling at him \
we started to play some minecraft and settled in a mangrove swamp for our base, he began to build and i began to mine for iron. we played for awhile before owen and lauren came upstairs "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" lauren said running into the room "Hi Mini Bread Queen" Scott replied and chuckled
{Scotts POV}
"Yeah thats right, bow to me peasants. " Lauren replied snarky and smirking. I laughed as owen walked in the room "Movies and chill?" owen asked a small smile on his face "Get over here idiots!!" I said lifting up the blanket with my stretched out wing. we turned on a long movie and began to chat, before we knew it hours had gone by.
If i was being honest, i still had a headache, but i wasnt going to let that knock into my time with my siblings. With my family. We had only been here 2 and a half months but they treated us as their own.. it was.. peaceful. I loved it, i loved feeling welcome, i loved feeling needed, i loved finally having a parent i can call my own.
Hours on end went by, i ignored every text and call i got from joel or shelby, or anyone from that matter. I was with my family. and nothing, was going to cut that short.. nothing at all.
Soon, when mom got home she joined on our movie marathon and cuddle pile, it was relaxing... peaceful, and.. just overall felt like i was meant to be here.. Like we.. like we were meant to be here. Like we were welcome, like it was some other reason we moved to Brighton, not just to get away from the chaos and abuse in Scotland, but as if they knew, that we would find our forever home, This felt like my true family..
And i wouldnt have it any other way...
Hope you guys loved the fluff! Wanted to get away from the angst and injuries! We have a few more fluff chapters coming up, but another angsty one coming creeping back in. Also, 3 chapters in one day!! Idk how i did it, i just got really motivated outta nowhere, hope you all enjoy what youve read so far!
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