Everyone Needs a day off sometimes..
(TITLE INSPIRED BY ONESHOT BY: @sketchers_writes )
TW: mentions of illness, Fainting, blood
Brotherly fluff :D
Angsty Fluff :D
(i like sickfics, their fun to write tbh)
{Scotts POV}
I laid in my bed all night, not feeling well and not being able to sleep.
I turned over onto my side
"eughhhh.... tomorrows gonna suck..." i groaned and mumbled to myself.
Then i heard
"ughhhh... i guess todays gonna suck then..." i said grabbing my phone and turning off my alarm
I just got up, i had nothing else to do. I showered and got dressed preying ide feel better but nooo- my body had to decide to hate me today-
"Ughhh and i have a test todayyyyy-" I sighed, pulling at my long, damp hair.
"ey, you up weirdo?" Xornoth asked from my doorframe
"yeeeeeeepppp-" i said
"Cool- you ready? i wanna leave early today" he said
"Yea' 'm ready wha' bout joel, owen and joey?" i asked, a few of my words kinda slurred.
"Im up, your brother is loud blondie" Joel said
"damn way to be quiet you guys..." owen said, yawning and sitting up
"Blame xornoth not me" i said, smirking though the pain i was in
"cmon. get ready yall" Xor said "Joeys waiting." He said again
"Ohhh sureee~ wouldnt wanna keep bird boy waiting..~" owen said, yawning again
~1st period~
"Ey, you alright? youve been acting off this morning" Joel said/asked
"Oh yeah yeah im fine-! just stressed for the history test-" i said, making up a quick lie
"Promise?" shelby asked
"yes you twoo- im fineeee-" i said, attempting to hold back a cough
"Your pale as shit, arev you suuuu-" i cut joel off
"YES- yes im sure-" i said, still attempting to hold back a cough as to not draw attention to myself.
~2nd Period~
"You sureee your alright?" shelby asked
"yes... yes im sure shelby-" i stated
"Whats goin' on?" jimmy asked
"This lil biiiit... owl.. aghem.. owl.. keeps saying hes fine but look at him jim- does he look 'alright' to you?" she said
"Yeah no- you are quite pale are yo-" i cut him off, getting p!ssed at all the questions
"im fvck!ng fine.!!! i swear to aeor." I said, crutching faster and away from them.
{Shelbys POV}
"..he really doesnt seen alright.. he- he never just- just- leaves!!" i said
"yeah.. hes acting different for sure and he was decently pale." Jimmy said
"mmhmm.." i hummed
"we should go check on him.." i muttered
"agreed." jimmy said as we went the way scott went.
{Scotts POV}
I sat in the field, the sun finally at a full rise.
I just sat there. and sobbed into my knees. I felt awful but they cant know that! theyd make me miss out and abandon me..
I wrapped my arms around my knees, pulling them tighter as i sat out front of the school
"Scott..?" A voice said distantly, my head shot up
"o..oh.. what do you want joey." i scoffed, choking back tears
"Look im sorry alrigh-" i cut him off
"SORRY?! YOUR 'SORRY'!?" i yelled, then laughing
{Jimmys pov}
we went over to where we saw scott go, and heard.. yelling?
so we listened in.. on.. scott and.. joey?!
"IM FVCKING SORRY OKAY?! I.. wanna start over." Joey admitted
"YOU- wa..it.. wha'..." scott said, getting quieter
"are you alright.?" joey asked him, me and shelby then looked at the scene for context
"If im being honest.. i have no clue.. ive just been stressed out today.. didnt sleep much last night.." Scott murmured as he and joey sat down in the field
"Look. ive wronged you okay? but im not letting you have a panic attack because you ruin your routine one time, over the fact you didnt sleep." Joey said, half sternly
"Thanks.. joey.." scott muttered as joey pulled him into a hug, they wrapped their wings around eachother "awhhhhhh" shelby said, taking pictures.
The two then got up and walked to class together, they each had a wing around another.
~Gym Class~ Chaos commences..
{Scotts POV}
I stood awkwardly to the side in gym class, as i couldnt even participate. I could feel myself begin to sway on my foot and steadied myself against my crutches, brushing it off.
I felt dazed, as i just stared into the distance
"Scott you alright?" A voice knocked me back to reality
"i-m.. fin- nope- nope.. im not..." i caved in my balance fall limp against my brother, my crutches fell loudly getting the attention of everyone else in the gym, I smacked my head on the wall behind me busting it open when i fell as i was unbalanced and swaying.
"SCO--!!1 A-E Y-- O--Y?!"
I heard panicked voiced of my friends.
Black dots danced my vision as it all..
went dark.
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