Okay so, i had ZERO clue what to write, so.. S. Major angst...
Because i got this prompt: The whumpee is disoriented and suffers a panic attack without access to medical facilities, and takes a bit to recover fully, with comfort from a close friend
On a prompt generator, and wanted.. more.. angst.. (DESPITE THE ANGST COMING UP COUGH COUGH)
But uhm:
S. Major angst,
Basketballers Fluff <3
(slight nature wives fluff)
{Shelbys POV}
I was sat in my dorm, legit just, sat there.
Swinging my legs back and fourth off my bed.
My pet frog in which for some reason is purple, tortoise, sat on my thigh.
"Shelbs!!" Katherine yelled, her voice ever so calm.. and perfect along with her flowy black hair that falls ever so perfectly onto her shoulders...
"i- erm- Yeah??" I stumbled
"So uh, we have 3 hours until school still.. i was wondering if you wanted to go get coffee with me?" Katherine asked
"Of course, ide love too!!" I exclaimed
"wanna bring tortoise? I saw you got a travelling cage for him and i know how much you love him" She said
"Your letting me bring my pet frog to go get coffee with us.. EEE! you are the best!!" i hugged her and blushed
"I- UH.. S-sorry!! i shouldve as-" she cut me off
"No, its alright!!" She hugged me back i smiled
"Shall we go then?" I asked, putting tortoise into his cage
"we shall!" she replied and we exchanged smiles
We walked to the nearest coffee shop and had a nice time, talking and playing with tortoise, it was the perfect morning.
{Scotts POV}
I woke up just feeling, off.
I was more tired, i felt drained almost, but i hadnt done anything?
I was confused, I noticed i was shaky, but why?
I sat up and the blankets fell off my body, i shivered, though the dorm.. wasnt cold.
I brushed it off as something not serious and stumbled over to my closet.
But i froze.
I didnt open it.
I just stood there, staring at the calendar.
December Nineteenth...
a 'normal' day to most.
This explained the, shaking, the chills.. and drain..
I ripped my calendar off of my closet door and threw it at the wall.
It landed on top of the red pen i never picked up from a month ago.
I walked to the bathroom and shuttered on the light.
Starring at myself in the mirror.
Not wearing my binder.
In a white tank top and black shorts.
Starring at every little tiny scar that covered my body.
i wanted to cry at the sight.
Why wasnt i comfortable in my own skin.?
why cant i be... me?
I felt my eyes well with tears.
But i was frozen in place.
as if.. all time had. stopped
I got rushing memories of all my past families.
I felt the tears wet my face and stain my cheeks.
But i was still frozen.
Starring at the body i was cursed into.
I snapped myself out of it.
and walked back to my room, slid on my binder and threw the tank top back on.
I curled up against my pillows.
It was all i could do.
I had no energy.
Owen and Joel soon awoke.
I had covered myself in my blankets.
They couldnt see me.
Im not sure if i was thankful for that or not.
But i just laid there.
Tears falling from my eyes.
But i made.. zero sound.
~3 hours later~
{Owens POV}
I was stood with scotts usual group, though i began to worry as scott never showed up. But xornoth, joey and joel all were here.
Maybe hes in the library?
no he wouldve left a letter...
mums cafe?
nope he left a letter for that aswell...
He wouldve left a note if he went anywhere.
Is he still in the dorm?
But whats he doing?
I was so confused, my brain flooded with thoughts until i heard shelby speak up
"Oh yeah erm, has anyone seen scott? havent seen him all morning" She spoke
"I was just thinking about that, he wouldve left a note if he went anywhere so my guess is hes still in the dorm" I pitched
"But why? and what the hell is he doing thats taking this long?" Joel quizzed
"Im not sure, but come to think of it, i didnt see him when we were getting ready" I replied
"I didnt either, did you ask joe or xor?" Joel asked
"No, i just kind of assumed if he left he wouldve left a note or told xor, who.. wouldve told.. us.." worry crept into my voice, i could hear it.
"Scott hates, and i mean hates skipping school, so if he does today.. somethings.. wrong wrong." Gem pitched in
"hey, xor??" i called peeking my head over at him
"Yeah owen??" he replied
"you seen Scott? none of us have seen him all morning" i stated
"no.. i assumed he was either with you or you knew where he was.." he stated, worry began to seep through his teeth onto his tounge.
"..If i knew i wouldve told you. Should we ask mum if he came home or if hes at the cafe?" I asked
"mum already texted, the cafe is closed today. and shes not at home, apparently she has a 'date' today" xor filled me in
"..erm..any word from lauren?" i asked
"Nope, not a single text out of that one- she never texts back though" xor stated
"true.. uhh.. im not quite sure." i said
"neither am i erm-" he questioned his own speaking
I was very. worried. i could deeply tell xornoth was aswell.
but the bell rang.. so we had to go to class.
we'd figure it out sooner or later.
we hope.
{Joels POV}
I was additively worried, where the fvck was he?!
I couldnt think. I was completely zoned out all of first period.
My mind flooded with thoughts.. good and bad..
oh for fvcks sake- they were bad.
What was i supposed to do?!
He never skips..
and when he does.. something is very... very wrong..
last time he missed he was ill.. the time before that..
The car accident..
I was preying something of that measure didnt happen again.
The bell knocked me out of my thoughts and i grabbed my bag and just walked out.
I was going to the dorm.
to find him.
no matter fvck!ng what.
I headed for the door
"joel!!" i heard fwhip say
"where ya goin mate?" oil chimed in
"dorm." i spat blatantly
"Why?" fwhip asked
"im gonna see if somethings wrong with scott." i mumbled
"is he not here?" oli asked
"no. and without warning either." i stated turning back to the door
"fill us in when you get back will ya?" Fwhip stated
"i will." i said, walking out.
I walked to the dorm building a bumped into someone
"Oh- i- er- joel-?" Grian stuttered
"why are you just now leaving the dorms-?" i asked
"iskall turned off my alarm... but why are you coming back?" G asked
"..checking on scott, didnt turn up today." I spoke
"Good luck mate! i gotta go before i miss second period too-" gri flapped his wings and rushed to his class
I continued walking towards our dorm.
I opened the door, the keys rattling in my hand.
"Scott?" my voice echoed softly
..no answer.
I walked towards our bedroom.
The door was closed.
"Scott?" i knocked
"..'oel...?" i heard scott murmer
"bud.. can i come in?" I asked
"..ye..yeah.." he mumbled
I opened the door
"Whats wrong..?" I asked him, cautiously
He just hugged me. tightly.
His breathing was staggered, uneasy and light
"bud.. can you calm down for me..?" i said warily
"...can.. can... tr..y.." he mumbled through gasps for air
"..have you been like this sense morning..?" i asked
"mm..mhm.." he hummed quickly
"bud.. why didnt you tell anyone? was it a panic attack..?" i asked cautiously
"i- i.. dunno... i-..its.. it.. just.. just.. happen.. happened.. i.. dunno wh..why..!.." he mumbled, sobbing into my shoulder
"shh... your okay..im gonna call shelbs alright..?" I said
"...o..kay...kays.." he mumbled, his body relaxing a bit
ring.. ring...
"Hello?" i heard shelby say
" hey- erm shelby" i said
"Hey joel, everything alright?" she quizzed
I could hear other peoples voices, she was with the group.
"..how fast can you get to our dorm?" i asked
"joel. what... what happened?" she asked cautiously, the voices went quiet
{Shelbys POV}
"Joel.. what.. what happened?" i asked, cautious and confused
"Shelbs whats going on?" jimmy asked
"hold on." i replied
"joel tell me, did something happen?" i demanded
"scott had a panic attack. your the comfort friend, help- please-" he begged
"oh sh!t erm- whats your dorm number again-?!" i asked, now quite panicked
"whats going on shelby?" Lizzie asked, sterner than her brother
".gimme a minute" i said
"415, please hurry, hes a damn mess and i dont know what to do.." joel begged again
"Okay, im on my way, can you keep him calm til im there?" i asked
"tell us shelb, what is happening?!" joey demanded
"hold. on!!" i snapped
"hes mostly calm, i have him working on breathing... but im not sure where to go from there" joel stated
"okay, thats a great start, im proud. Okay, when his breathing is regulated, let him lay down again, i imagine that drained him, can i ask, does he feel alright now?" I asked
"shelby. WHAT. IS. GOING. ON?!" gem demanded, her voice firm
i ignored them
"He said he has a pretty bad headache, is dizzy and his chest hurts.. is that all- normal?" Joel quizzed
"Yes, that is normal after a panic attack, okay, look. Im headed there right now, let him rest til i get there, kay?" I told him
"Okay, thank you.. please be quick" joel begged once more
"I will, i promise" I said and sighed, hanging up
"Mind telling us what the fvck that was about?!" Sausage yelled, gem grabbed his arm
"ill keep it short and simple, scott had a panic attack, joel needs my help. end of discussion!!" i snapped turning my back and walking towards the door before pulling out my broom, stepping on and flying to the dorms as fast as i could.
I kicked down the door like a fvck!ng badass.
and quickly went to their room
"hey.. everything alright..?" i muttered
scott stood up and ran, hugging me
"hey bud.. you okay now..?" I asked
he half nodded
"Go lay down okay..? we're here.." i spoke, comforting him
We sat down on his bed, he laid down, curling up between me and joel
I rubbed his back as he fell asleep, me and joel talk quietly.
It had been awhile sense we had actually had time together..
just the three of us..
But.. i wasnt expecting it to be like.. this..
though.. it was rather..
A/N: rushed the ending to this :(
so many angsty chapters coming up its crazy-
I shouldve added more to this but i blanked and had to get something out-
I am mostly caught up on school but i do have a busy day tomorrow!
It is 1:07 am as im writing this- erm.. and i get up at 6:00 am.. soo..
Love you all/p
and have a great day/night!
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