A not so pleasant run in & incident.
TW: Abuse, curses, a crazy ex
{Scotts perspective}
I sat up in my bed and groaned looking at my phone "4:37 am.." I mumbled and yawned. I groaned before flinging my legs off the side of my bed and sitting there for a moment before finally standing up.
God i feel like sh!t- i spoke to myself in my head, ughhh- ill just shower and get ready- i kept speaking to myself through my thoughts having nothing else to do
I went into my bathroom, took a quick shower before proceeding to get dressed in comfortable cloths that still looked halfway "presentable" I headed downstairs and made tea with honey
I continued to think to myself "exactly what mom used to make when me and Xor were sick.." I thought to myself smiling but i also felt like i wanted to cry. The thought of mom herself made me wanna cry. I couldnt even bring myself to think of any memories of dad.
I sat down on the couch and sipped at my tea, i soon heard someone come downstairs. "Scott..?" I heard a soft voice say from the staircase, my head flung around "Oh! Hey Maam" I said smiling "I told you scott, you dont have to call me maam!" She smiled "S-sorry.. old habits" i muttered "Its alright dear! why are you up so early?" She quizzed
"I woke up randomly and couldnt fall back to sleep" i said trying to be quiet as to not wake anyone else up "Alright! your tea smells lovely, what is it?" she asked sitting down next to me "Oh.. uh, green tea with honey, my mom used to make this all the time." i said looking down at the steaming tea
"Your.. biological mother darling..?" She questioned "Yeah.. uhm, that was years ago.. but uh yknow." I said still looking down at the cup "You dont have to talk about it dear!" she said trying to cheer me up "I will, eventually.. just not now okay?" I said smiling "Youve only been here 2-3 months, take however much time you need. Now im, going to make coffee" she said with a chuckle
"Alright! Do you mind if i turn the tv on?" I asked her "You dont have to ask, Scott! you live here too with your own choices and opinions" She said before running the coffee machine "Thank you.. mom.." I said lightly smiling, she looked slightly shocked though smiled at me wholeheartedly
~TIMESKIP, The walk to school~
I walked to school, xornoth drove, i could drive but i preferred not to. It was a 30 minute walk so i left earlier than Xor did, though today i got unlucky, not even halfway there it started storming, bad storming. Thunder, lightning, heavy rain, everything. I didnt even pick up my pace, i just let myself get soaked.
Someone with black hair, fading into bleached blonde near the end ran up to me with an umbrella "Baby!! I never thought ide see you again! especially in brighton!!" the guy said cheerfully "B-baby..?" I replied in a questioning tone "yes scotty darlin~" I recognized his voice "I.. Milo?!?!" I said shocked "yes darlinggg~~" He said flirtingly "GET THE ACTUAL HELL AWAY FROM ME!!" I screamed pushing him over
"~Oh darling, not happy to see me?~" He said teasingly"NO! NO I AM NOT!! Y-you..!!" I screamed again but couldnt get all my words out "You know you love mee~~" He said grabbing my collar "NO. I. DO. NOT!!!" I yelled before he pushed me out into the road, a car skimmed my ankle, hitting it badly "F**K!!!!" I screamed falling onto the edge of the sidewalk
"Karma darlin!~" He said before walking away into the depths of the woods next to us, all i could do was cry, i ran into my ex, i just potentially broke my ankle, i felt sick as hell, i didnt know what to do. I called Gem, sobbing
"Hey scott! need something? youve never called me this early before?"
"u..uhm ge..gem..?"
"Scott whats wrong?! are you crying?!"
"i uhm.. a-any..way y..you and fw..fwhip could come get m..me..?"
"yes, yes we can but whats wrong?!"
"I.. ran into a...an ex this morning, u..uhm i feel sick a-as hell.. and u-uhm.. m..my ex.. may or may n..not have.. pushed me into the.. the street.. and uh..."
"Say no more, im getting in my car with fwhip right now okay? stay calm, where are you."
"Right infront of Concrete park.."
"Im on my way right now okay?! ill be there in two minutes."
She said before hanging up, i luckily got myself further away from the road for no more 'incidents' to happen.
Gem came quickly, she stepped out of the car panicked to see blood on the end of my pant-leg and dripping onto the sidewalk. "Sh!t uhhmm fwhip!!" She yelled "Yeah whats wrong?! you never told me" he replied "Do we still have the first aid kit in the car?! its kind of an emergency.." She said "yeah! ill grab it quick!!"
{Gems Pov}
I asked fwhip for the first aid kit as to keep him from losing more blood until we got to the hospital "Hurry fwhip!!!" I yelled panicked fwhip soon came up to the both of us and let out an audible gasp when he saw scotts state, shivering, soaked, bleeding and pale.
He handed me the first aid kit and i quickly grabbed the Gauze and wrapped scotts ankle/foot to attempt to keep it from bleeding, "Do you think you can stand for a couple of seconds to get to the car?" fwhip asked "i.. i dont know..." scott stuttered choking back more tears I quickly got scott into my arms "Yeah no way am i letting you stand." I said demandingly
We put scott into the back of the car, lying him down. "Gosh.. did he tell you how this happened.?" fwhip mumbled in an attempt for scott not to hear us "mmhmm. He told me he already felt sick this morning and- " I got cut off "If hes sick why would he be coming to school??" My brother quizzed "Its scott, hes a workaholic, i learned that fast." I said keeping my voice stern and my eyes on the road.
"anyways, continue." He said "He ran into an ex this morning, apparently he had pushed him into the road, after i heard that i grabbed you and we came." I stated trying to keep my eyes from watering of worry
"Thats one psycho ex if ive ever heard of one-" he stated back "Yeah no sh!t fwhip-" i replied followed by a snarky laugh "Soooo kind of you." he replied joining my laughs as we arrived at the hospital. "Think youll be able to carry him inside or are you too short?" I asked also jokingly "I AM NOT THAT SHORT!!!" he yelled "and im taller than you.." he muttered "By 3 inches fwhip, 3 inches." I said as we both hopped out of the car opening the back, seeing our new friend in this state broke my heart as fwhip carefully picked him up out of the car
We both made our way quickly towards the doors of the ER begging for a room, luckily they got us in quickly seeing our friends state. A nurse escorted us out into the living room, leaving nurses and doctors going into our friends room. "Lets just hope its not as bad as it looks.. right?" I said to fwhip "Yeah.. we can only hope." He said wiping the blood off his hand onto his black jeans.
{Lizzies POV}
"Hey has anyone seen Gem, Fwhip or Scott this morning?" Joel asked walking up to our group chatting, Shelby at his side. "No i havnt, why are they not here?" I replied to my worried looking boyfriend "Me and shelbs have searched the whole school, no sight of any of them." He replied sternly, worry creeping into his voice "We were kinda hoping they were with you guys.. Maybe Xornoth would know?" She asked "Yeah! I mean he is scotts twin afterall" Jimmy replied cheerfully, as normal.
We all walked over to xornoth, also asking Pixl and False along the way, no luck. "Hey, xor!" Shelby said looking up at xornoth "Sup shelbs!" He replied to her with a smile "Yall need somethin'?" He said giving us a confused look "Have you happened to see Scott, Gem or Fwhip?" Joel asked him "No, scott left early this morning so i didnt even see him at the house, no trace of him besides his bag being gone either." He replied "And your not worried-?" Jimmy asked confused "Nah, he does this sometimes, probs dragged gem and fwhip to the park with him." He replied "But, gem.. shed. never agree to be late and 1st period starts in 3 minutes!!" Sausage said from behind xornoth
"He is right.. gem wouldnt be late." Joel said "Hey guys!!" we heard a cheerful voice from behind us say "Oh hey Kath!" I said smiling "Why do you guys seem worried-? did something happen?!" She asked "i-uhm we arnt exactly sure.." Joel said looking down at katherine
"Oh?" She said raising an eyebrow confused. "You havnt seen scott, gem or fwhip have you?" Shelby asked "No sorry guys, i thought theyd be with you." She said confusion still uttering in her voice.
The loud bell rang, "well we will report back after 1st period?" Kath replied turning her body away but not her head. "Yes maam!" Joel replied and we all headed out our seperate ways.
{Joels POV}
1st period.. Atleast shelby and Xor are here. I sighed sitting down, we were 25 minutes into class when we were interrupted by Xornoths phone buzzing on his desk. "May i maam?" He questioned as the teacher nodded at her before walking out of the room to answer the phone.
"I wonder whos calling him in the middle of class?" I muttered leaning over to shelby "Im not sure.." She mumbled. We looked up as he peeked in and looked at us, tears forming in his eyes "Uhm.. She..shekby.. joel.. we.. we have to go." He said trying not to cry infront of everyone "Why whats wrong.?!" Shelby asked "I-ill explain on the way there but we have to go." He said sternly.
I, without question just stood up and joined him in the doorframe, shelby soon following. We confusingly walked out of the school being stopped by two of our friends "Joel, Shelby? Xor? Where are you three going??" Lizzie said as i turned around "Xor hasnt told us." Shelby said "No i havnt, but i will on the way." Xornoth said choking back more tears
"Is something wrong.?" JImmy asked worry creeping into his voice "I. Do. Not. Have. TIME FOR THIS!! i told you two... we need to go.. and now." Xornoth snapped looking back revealing the tears now freely creeping down his face. Lizzie just nodded, scared of xornoth raising his voice "We will fill you in.. i promise, i love you liz." I said before walking out with xornoth and shelby.
"Care to explain?" Shelby said bitterly "I know where your three friends are." He said wiping the tears away from his eyes. "Oh?" Shelby said, now curious "Itll be self explanatory once we are there.. Gem and Fwhip are alright, i promise." He said followed by a sniff and looking back to the road
He had only mentioned gem and fwhip.. is scott okay?! god what happened.. did something happen?! supid joel.. of course something happened. I snapped back to reality when we pulled into a hospital parking lot "whaa.." shelby said shocked as all three of us quickly got out of the car, entered and checked in.
{Shelbys POV}
We arrived at a hospital.. "wha.." was the only thing that could come out of my mouth as we tactically ran in and checked in frantically. I saw gem and fwhip sitting in the waiting room, both unharmed, with tears in their eyes, Once i was checked in i ran over to them and gem began to explain to us what had happened, Once the story had finished i clanged to joels arm realizing he had started crying.
A few minutes later a doctor had come out of a room and walked up to us. "Your free to see him, a nurse can explain to you the injuries if your interested." She said calmly "Thank You maam." Gem said with a smile as the 5 of us headed towards the room
Xor was the first to run in seeing his brother. I saw him soon after, Pale, his leg being elevated and a thick cast covering his calf and foot with a couple of bandages around his hands/arms
"you f*ck!ng idiot.. i couldve walked with you.. and this wouldnt have happened!!" Xor said through his tears hugging his brother "Xor, i shouldve told you i was leaving early in the first place, plus you never, ever walk with me-" Scott said keeping his normal sassy yet joking tone "Your still an idiot.." Xor said with a soft smile towards his brother
"If anything your ex is that idiot. was it uhhh- whats his name again?" Joel said "Wait was it milo?!" I blurted out as scott just looked down "Yeah.. hasnt changed one bit. Yet to think we moved to Brighton partially to get away from him.." Scott said "B-but im fine!! really its not as bad as it looks-!!" He blurted out
"Scott, your ankle was ran over by a car. its bad." Gem said with a stern face "wait- i just realized we never called your mom-" Gem said "YOU DIDNT TELL HER-?!" xornoth blurted out "Ill uh.. go do that.." fwhip said "No, let me, its better she hears hes okay from me." Xor said ruffling his brothers hair "Okay works for me-" gem said as xor pushed past her out of the room and we fell into a gentle conversation, not even 10 minutes later xor came back in with the twos foster mom
"My gosh scott!! Xor already told me the details, stay. away. from. him" she said sternly "I know i know.. yet to think the agency noticed and moved us all the way to brighton, yet here he is, still traumatizing me.. fun" scott said in a half joking half teary voice as he hugged their mother
"Mrs. Major Im guessing?" Scotts doctor said coming into the room "Yes, thats me!" His mother replied with her normal warm smile "May i talk with you in the hallway? I presume youll want to know the details in depth." The nurse said calmly "Ah yes!" She said before turning her head towards me "Make sure he doesnt do anything stupid, Shelby" She said smiling "mommm-" Scott complained "Darling." she said sternly, scott rolled his eyes jokingly in responce "dont worry Ms. Major, i will" I said before smiling and chuckling "Once i can walk i swear im going to murder you shelby." Scott said glaring me "Scott, we talked about this, no death threats!!" His mother said jokingly before her and scott glanced at each other and exchanged laughter.
{Mrs. Majors POV} (ooo somethin different..~)
"Mrs. Major i hate to be the barer of bad news but uhm." The doctor said somewhat nervous "Is everything alright?" I asked trying to keep calm "Im afraid he may need surgery, He shattered his ankle and growth plate, aswell as tearing a tendon, these are all pretty decent injuries and all mixed together, it isnt pretty." She said sternly yet softly looking down at me "I see, may i ask how long that may take?" I said looking down with a wary frown
"We will keep him here for an additional week after the surgery as to be monitored by medical professionals and to be kept on an iv due to the amount of blood he had lost. We should be able to get him into surgery ide like to say by this Wednesday, ill have to ask his other doctors and nurses but i believe we should keep him here until further notice." She had replied, i nodded and gave her a soft smile "Thank you for helping my son.. . ." i stopped not knowing her name "Ah! Dr. Mintz!" she said holding out her hand "Thank you Dr. Mintz, greatly appreciated." I said shaking her hand "Just doing my job Mrs. Major!" She said smiling before walking down the hallway.
~Thoughts~ I gave a smile before heading back into the room, hearing scotts laugh made me smile, as his twin brother messed with him as normal, they may not always be fond of each other, but when they are.. their a peaceful duo.. ~Thoughts~
{Xornoths POV}
~Thoughts~ As worried as i was for him, he seemed happy, mum seemed worried but brushed it off when she smiled. I also noticed, this was scotts first time calling her mom.. or atleast what i had heard, that thought made me content as we continued to mess around, making sure to be careful around him yet he kept a smile, his normal sassy, warm smile. ~Thoughts~
{Joels POV}
~Thoughts~ We were all worried, but scott kept a smile through the whole thing, a few times you could tell he was in pain as his smile would fade for a split second before laughter filled the room again seeing Scott, Xornoth, Gem, Fwhip, Shelby and Mrs. major all smiling as we would keep conversation and laugh made this whole thing feel light hearted, despite our close friends current condition. ~Thoughts~
{Shelbys POV}
~Thoughts~ Everyone seemed content and happy, despite his injury and faint wincing every few minutes Scott seemed happy. and him being happy.. well it made me feel happy! The same happy and content feeling i guessed everyone else had hearing his laughs and seeing his warm smile as we all continued to talk. ~Thoughts~
{Gems POV}
~Thoughts~ I loved how happy everyone seemed, deep down i knew scott was in pain but seemingly was fine from the outside, I knew everyone was worried, but i got the feeling they were all content or happy, or just happy to see scott still smiling and laughing through all of this, What would've happened if he hadnt called..? ~Thoughts~
{Fwhips POV}
~Thoughts~ gem looked the most worried, but kept a smile on her lightly freckled face, her ginger hair falling infront of her eyes, Scotts cyan hair clashing with the light blue blanket that was draped over his legs, Joel looking happy and smiling, Xornoth messing with scott, Shelby just sitting there, seemingly happy and joining in on our laughter, and Mrs. Major, whom seemed worried yet kept a smile through it all, It made me happy to see everyone else smiling and laughing, even through dark times such as this one. ~Thoughts~
{Scotts POV}
~Thoughts~ I knew everyone was worried, i was nervous as hell, i didnt know what had really happened, what wouldve happened if i didnt call gem? How long will i be here, why can i only feel the ache in my ankle and wrists.. My friends seem so happy and sympethetic.. xor just messed with me, per usual, i waited and waited, for a chance to just relax and sleep, i was nervous and tired, but i knew i had to keep my spirits up to let my friends happiness peak! It was what had to be done. I cant let them worry any more.. I dont wanna be a burden to them. I wonder how long ill be here. I wanna go home.. ~Thoughts~
A/N did yall like the thoughts bit? It came to mind and i was gonna do everyone like, lizzy, jimmy katherine, joey, sausage ext, but that wouldve gotten confusing and i wanted to get something out, Hope you all are enjoying so far! (also not smajor centered chapter coming soon?~ cough cough (jizzie fluff) cough cough..
WC: 3313
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