A Group Sleepover
HOLY DEAR DEAD AEOR (rip rivendell scott) 1.5K READS?! ONE THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDERED AND SIXTY SIX READS?! OH. MY. COD. Thank you all insanely!! hope yall are enjoying this<3
(very.. very.. long chapter today.. [not even halfway; spent 4-5 hours on this, 1663 words as im writing this, my gosh, save me] anyway enjoy long chapter!!)
(I wanted to give pixl some more attention, he also deserves fluff. he deserves kindness, HES SO SWEET IRL AND THEY MAKE HIM SO DISTANT IN BOOKS, HE DESERVES MOREEEE)
TW(s): Mentions of illness
{Scotts POV}
I called the group chat as fast as impulse pitched the idea of a sleepover, impulse and gem were already over so it was easy enough to do
(Gem and the scotts reference already???? yes. lol)
"'Iya everyone!!!" I spoke excitedly
"Hey scott! ya need somethin'?" jimmy spoke and everyone kept asking the question
"okay okay enough questions!!im here to ask you all a question so hush hush" i laughed
"ask away!" shelby said
"Okay, all of you, my house, one hour, that work for everyone?"
there were jeers of "works for me", "im down", and "sures"
"great! see you all then, by the way it is a sleepover, that matter??" i asked
"no!" or "nope!" everyone said
"great! byeee!!" i said and everyone said bye, me gem and impulse began making snacks and to-do lists
~litterally 2 minutes later~
"wowwweee i wonder who that could beeee" i joked, gem and impulse confused not knowing joel and shelby litterally lived 2 houses down
"..'iya you two!!" i said smiling
"hey mr mysterious ice dude!" shelby joked
"oh shut uppp" i joked back
"wait- your not wearing your eyepatch-?!" joel said surprised
"..yeahhh.. erm, you four know about it soo.." i mumbled
"four?" they came in
"oh hey gem! hey- impulse??" shelby said confused
"Hey!! Grown close with these two over the past few weeks soo~ if your confused why im here thats why!" He said and smiled
"Okay! welcome to the gang dude!" joel said and grabbed his hand with a high five like 'men' do sometimes-
we all hung out and joel and shelby put their stuff down in my room and helped us with the lists and food.
~approximately an hour later..~
People started arriving left and right and welcomed impulse with open arms to our group
"Hey jim, sense i have impulse here and the two of our best friends are close, if you want you can call tango! i dont mind" people were shocked to hear me say
"you dont?" jimmy quizzed
"nope! ive got a DND hermit here you can have yours! joel, bring etho if you wanna!" i spoke brightly
"okay!" both jimmy and joel replied and called their separate soulbound hermits
"tangos cool with it and on his way!" jimmy spoke excitedly
"Same with etho!" joel spoke and smiled
"Yay! friends!!" impulse cheered with his warmhearted laugh
I smiled at his laughter
Soon, tango got there, then etho, both were welcomed.
Etho, i personally knew a little bit better, but the suspicion was resolved .. mostly.. but i didnt mind it!
we hung out and me and lizzie convinced everyone to watch Mean Girls, i sent martyn a picture to make a reference to the 'mean gills' thing we had going on, besides, martyn was the only one who knew about my.. siren secret...
"Hey how about.. we play a few games! we can turn on movies in the background and itll be fun!! Gem, Scott, Impulse, you guys have the lists right?" Etho pitched, i could tell he was smiling behind his mask
"Yeah im down! " Tango agreed, jeers of excitement erupted from the group.
"Well, 'gem and the scotts' go get the lists!!" joel joked, most of our group was confused by the reference but me gem and impulse stood up to open the drawer of lists we'd made.
"Wait- is 'gem and the scotts' your trio name-?" sausage asked confusingly
"Yep! We've got the smart scott and the pretty scott!" gem jeered
"yknow.. i was about to be offended though i remembered those were my words..- wait! heyyy!! you cant use my own words against meeee!!" I joked and impulse laughed
"she just did mr. clingy" impulse joked
"shush!" i replied and nudged him gently
"i. am. so insanely confused." fwhip stated and earned laughs from everyone who knew
"okay- whose the best person to explain this-?" gem quizzed
"Etho! Tango and Impulse, which one of you three is closest with Gri??" i quizzed
"Probably Me or Impulse, if mumbo and scar were here those are his top two though." Tango assured
"Okay choose between the two of you to call him, or just play the video if ya want" I smiled and grabbed the last 2 lists out of the drawer
"Ill call him" Impulse smiled
"Okay!" I said
"Impulse, whatever you do. do not. mention me being here. P L E A S E" jimmy begged
"okay okay- why though-?" impulse quizzed clicking on grians contact
"Hes my crazy cousin. we are only a few months apart in age and he makes sure i know it- but hes insane-" jimmy assured
"well i knew he was insane.. but i didnt know you two were cousins!" impulse smiled
"yeeeeppp-" jimmy sighed and impulse called Gri
"Hey G! " impulse said
"Hey impulse! need something??" grian asked
"Okay- we need you to explain Secret Life to our group- people are insanely confused" Impulse assured
"Okay, secret life is a part of a series of games that ive made up over the course of a few years, it started with 3rd life which i won, then last life which scott won, then double life which tactically scott and pearl won, but pearl was last dead by theory, then limited life, which was last season and martyn won. Secret life.. is this season! we have thirty hearts which do not regenerate naturally. theres this stature called 'the secret keeper' and you need to complete a secret in order to regenerate your hearts, thats the main gist of it!" grian assured
"Confusing... yet makes more sense" shelby stated
"Yeah.. it is confusing but! we have the ranch 2.0!" etho laughed
"and crazy redheads building above your home.." lizzie mumbled
"Hey! you do not talk smack about redheads liza!" i joked and stood infront of gem, twirling my own little piece of natural red hair around my finger, that sat right across from a piece of natural silver hair in my bangs where both were placed
"wait- sense when do you have a streak of red hair?!" sausage gasped
"AND SILVER?!" lizzie gasped aswell
"hah- erm- ive had these for my whole life. xor has them aswell" i assured them
"way to call us out like that." xornoth said coming downstairs
"its about time they know about.. him." i mumbled
"who?" shelby asked
".well. i guess we've got a story to share. its erm- not the happiest story- that alright with everyone?" xornoth considered
"yeah we dont mind! plus, we can just turn on movies and play games to lighten the mood afterwards!!" lizzie cheered
"alright then, well i guess ill start." i mumbled
"...a long time has passed sense then. me and xornoth were barely two days old once we were given up. But. when we were in the agency, there was always this one boy. who would come to visit us. he went by the name.. of.. 'Acho Denholm' he has gorgeous silver hair and always wore a sophisticated blue coat, a golden embroidered heron in the collar. Just.. like.. this one." i stated and swayed my finger in a circle, flicking my wrist. a green misty light appeared from my fingertip as a light and dark blue jacket made its way into my hands.
"he left him this.. many years ago for when he were to grow into it. it fits now but he doesnt wear it.. normally it sits on the dress mold in his room. but.. acho was our brother. 3 years older than us. but he.. he was kept in our parents hands. and god i hope they treated him alright.. never gotten any word from em. but thats where our name originates from now, we are seen as majors, but before. we were Scarlette and Xornoth Denholm. " xornoth finished
"my cod- i was- not expecting that.." jimmy mumbled
"neither was i, though i do have one more question S. Major." pix added
"go ahead" i nodded
"why do you wear the eyepatch. and the bandage on your face? both have been there sense you met us. which was more than half a year ago now." pixl asked
"ah, i guess its time you guys are to know." i assured
"you sure?" xornoth quizzed
"yes. yes i am." i stated confidently
i tore off the bandage first, which covered the frozen spot on my face near my jawline, then after the eyepatch, which showed the golden yellow eye, surrounded by ice.
"HOW THE HECK DOES THAT NOT HURT?!" oli blurted out
"it does sometimes. grown used to it after a while." i stated
"whats with the yellow eye? thats unusual..." pixl murmured
"When i was eleven we were adopted by an explorer. an archaeologist. going by the name of Rover Riffs. He once took us into a temple in the desert, i made the mistake of grazing the side of the skull in awe, and lost my eye in his tent that night. it was turned into a crystal. so now here i was, left half blind for three years before finding a witch who regenerated my eye with- some magic one." i sighed
"wait.. so your last name was originally denholm.. have you two ever gone by the last name of Ambrose..?!" pixl asked, now shocked
"...yes.. Apoali and Verosica were expected to be our forever parents but passed away a few years back." xornoth assured
"So you two.. were the ones known as Scarlette and Xeor Ambrose.?" pixl asked
".been a long time sense ive heard myself be reffered to as Xeor.." xornoth mumbled
"so you were." pixl said, we nodded
"hm. i thought i knew your accent from somewhere.." pixl smiled for once
"..holy dear aeor.. so you were the Pixl we knew!!" i stated
"okay okay.. WHAT IN THE DEAR DRAGON EGGS ARE GOING ON!?" oli busted out
"pix and his father fostered us when we were eleven, i cant believe i didnt recognize you!" i blurted out and to my surprise, pix hugged me
xornoth joined us
"ey! i wasnt expecting to find my long lost foster brother during storytime!!" i blurted out and pix laughed
~A few hours later.. . . .~
We played games and watched movies for hours, xornoth did end up joining our sleepover and nobody minded, he was nice to my friends either which way, plus, joey was there so he definitely.. did not mind..
we blasted music, song after song.. and one song in particular came on. Me, Impulse, Joel, Tango, Etho and Jimmy all immediately looked at each other, smirked and nodded.
~Curses~ By the crane wives..
"Theres a fire in my brain and im.. burning up.~" Tango started, perfectly on tune with the music
"oh my~" joel added
"oh my~" jimmy sing
"Keep runnin for the sink but the.. well is dry~" etho added
"Oh my~" tango sung
"oh my~" jimmy sung and smirked at tango
"Every word i sayy~ is kindling.." etho sung, spot on in tune
"But the smoke clears when your around~" impulse smiled
"Wont you stay with me! my darlin~" i finally sung and looked at jimmy
"When my walls start burning.. down.. down.. down..." jimmy sung and glared at joel
"this house says my name like an elegy.." impulse sung
"oh my~" jimmy sung
"oh my~" joel sung and smirked at etho
"echoing where my ghosts all used to be~" i sung
"oh my~ oh my~" impulse laughed with a playful roll in his eyes
"theres still cobwebs in the corners~" joel smirked at etho
"and the backyards full of bones~" etho smiled back
"wont you stay with me, my darlin~" tango smiled and grabbed jimmys hands turning them towards eachother, i bubbled with jealousy but pushed it off.
"when this house dont feel like home..~" i sung quieter
"when this house dont feel like home..." impulse sung back and took my hands the same way tango took jimmys
"ohh~ ashes, ashes! dust to dust.~" gem sung along, me and impulse smiled at her
"THE DEVILS AFTER BOTHH OF US!!~" i sung more confidently
"ooh.. lay my curses out to rest..~"
"take mercy out of me..~" tango sung
"this tired old machine is a-rumbling~" etho sung and took joels hand
"oh my~, oh my~" lizzie sung and smiled at the two soulbounds
"singing songs to secrets behind my eye!~" i sung and finally opened the golden yellow eye ide not shown them when the eyepatch was on, even though ide told the story.
"oh my~ oh my~" gem sung
"all my aching bones are trembling~" i sung again and grabbed gems hand, keeping impulses in mine
"and i may yet fall apart~" i sung once more
"wont you stay with me.. my darling~" jimmy sung and pulled me away from the two, which i was partially mad at, but he pulled me into a light hug afterwards, i smiled
"when the war starts in my heart..?~" i sung back
"when the war starts in my heart.!!~" jimmy sung rather confidently
"oh ashes, ashes!~ dust to dust..~" tango sung
"ooh... lay my curses out to rest~" jimmy sung once more
"make a mercy out of me..~" i sung back
"oh ashes ashes! dust to dust~" joel sung and put his arm around lizzie and etho
"..tell me i am good enough..~" i sung and stepped back, gem and impulse took either one of my hands from behind
"oh.. lay my curses out to rest..~" i sung this time instead of jimmy
"make a mercy.. out of..~" impulse finished as etho strung the last two notes on his guitar
(why did i do this? i was listening to the song constantly while reading this and Chrisrin on youtube, an animator did a last life animation to this song, so i thought it fit if they all like knew the song and had like some sort of thing they do whenever they hear it idk lol)
"I dont know what just happened, but i absolutely loved it" oli stated and smiled
"has something to do.. with the life games" impulse added and placed an arm around me
"not gonna question that any further.." shelby laughed
"good idea!" etho laughed, gaining chuckles from our group
"anyways.... whose up for truth or dare!?" sausage asked daringly
"OH YEAH!!" joel cheered holding his, ethos, and lizzies hands in the air, they chuckled
people agreed and we began our game
"...gem truth or dare?" oli said
"..truth!" gem stated excitedly
"how did your team 'Gem and the scotts' originate?" oli asked
"impulse can answer that on my en.." impulse cut her off
"she saved my life and then punched me in the face, IT WAS AMAZING!" impulse laughed and i chuckled
"then we found scott in the caves, went mining together and thats the band!" gem smiled
"what about the name..-?" sausage asked
"thats a new question sir" gem protested and we laughed
"Okay okay-" sausage gave in
"Scott Truth or dare?" gem said
"erm- truth" i said and smiled
"which one of your exes is your favorite" gem laughed
"oh dear aeor.." i mumbled
"HOW MANY EXES DO YOU HAVE?!" oli blurted out
"..four" i replied and smiled
"only one of them i actually dated dated.. and thats jimmy" i smirked
jimmy blushed, i laughed
"wait did you two break up-?" joel quizzed
"NO I- joel- your smarter than this-" i sighed
"OH 3rd life- my bad.." joel chuckled
"yet i thought my soulmate was smart-" etho rolled his eyes playfully
"and you let scott burn it all down. " etho stated
" i was busy messing with scar" joel pretested again
"do you two ever stop-?" pix quizzed, not sounding 'proper' for once
"no." joel spat jokingly
"just answer the question-" gem laughed
"okay... well not pearl, erm, cleo and martyn are vey close but jimmys my actual boyfriend, and you and impulse arnt my exes yet sooo, jim is my favorite 'ex'" i smiled
"YAY" jimmy cheered
i moved closer to him on the floor where we were sitting and kissed him on the cheek before moving back to my spot between gem and impulse
he blushed
"Okay.., tango, truth or dare" i smirked
"dare." tango said and smirked, flashing his pointy teeth
"call scar, and say.. absolutely nothing. and see how long it takes for him to hang up" i smirked
"oh god- " tango sighed and called scar
"hellloo there!" scar stated
"..." tango said nothing, none of us did
"elllllllllo there mr. dungeon man?" scar sounded more confused
"blondieeee?" scar quizzed
"ravager wrangler?" scar quizzed
beep beep beep...
"HAH!" joel laughed
"ravager wranglerrrr!!" jimmy joked
"and blondie?! is that the best he could do?!" oli joked
"Mister dungeon man?! HAH! thats your payback for calling me washed up." etho laughed, we all chuckled
"ill get my payback on you you stupid little cyanette." tango spat, but i couldnt sense his tone, and it hurt a bit... a lot.
I inched a little bit closer to gem and she sensed my actions and moved herself closer to me aswell
"Okay okay, impulse, truth or dare?" tango asked
"truth." impulse spat back at him, sensing why i was clinging to gem
"okay...why do you use the name impulse instead of Scott?" tango asked
"two reasons, one, it would get confusing having two scotts, and we cant use scotts old nickname because we have someone named scar, but secondly, as much as i love my normal name, i needed something more.. creative.. and more.. me!" impulse explained
(A/N: I HAVE, NO CLUE IF THIS IS CORRECT, JUST A SMALL MADE UP STORY! also yes, it is clarified the "SV" in impulses name are his initials and the S stands for Scott! so ImpulseSV's real name, is Scott)
"we could just go back to calling scott gatekeep" joel laughed
"ah yes, the three G's!" lizzie spoke
"gatekeep, girlboss and gaslight!!" i cheered staying glued to gems side
"the old trio, now its gem and the scotts, how times change" tango replied
"ermm..... lizzie, truth or dare?" impulse said
"uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmm...... dare!" lizzie spoke, holding out the 'h' wayy too long
"choose one random thing for us all to bake together!" impulse spoke, giving her a
"BROWNIES!" lizzie said excitedly
"specifically with pink frosting" she added
i chucked but noticed a slight pain creep into the back of my head, i brushed it off as something to do with the noise
i flapped my arms, letting my wrists flap, besides my casted one, just stimming for a second before snapping myself back into reality
"your stims are adorable" jimmy said
"its okay jim!" i chuckled keeping my normal, bright tone through the slightly increasing pain
he blushed and i stimmed happily, just happy to be able to be myself
we all went to the kitchen and i grabbed the brownie ingredients, ide always loved baking and had my own brownie recipe ide come up with when i was 6, my mother now sells them at her bakery and their our families tradition to make them on holidays
"from scratch??" lizzie quizzed
"yeah! have you ever had the brownies at my mums bakery??" i quizzed
"YESS!!! those are amazing! the extra chocolate in them is perfection!" lizzie cheered, i winced ever so slightly at the loud noise against the already increased pain still creeping from the back of my head, but it wasn't noticeable
"welll.. i came up with that recipe! i was 6 and now its a tradition to make them every holiday!" i cheered
"NO. I REFUSE TO BELIEVE" lizzie gasped
"CAN CONFIRM STORY IS TRUE!" xornoth called from the couch in our living room
"see?" i joked and smirked
"i had no clue you could bake" impulse added
"ive always been able to, sense i can remember! started baking under supervision when i was four, here i am sixteen years old and some of my personal recipes are in a bakery!" i informed, the increasing pain was getting harder to push off, but i still did.
I grabbed out the dark blue notebook from a cabinet, it had soot on some of the pages, smeared ink and graphite, and on the cardboard there was a small amount of a blood stain on the crease from the incident when we were nine. some parts were torn from water and it just being ripped and pulled by kids in the agency. ide had this book sense i first started baking, gifted to me when Mrs. Bek was only 17 and volunteering at our agency, and ide kept it all along the way.
"that is one messed up book" oli stated
"..its been through alot with me, its beyond repair now but.. it holds special recipes and memories, i promised Mrs. Bek ide keep it, and i dont plan to break that." i informed, a soft smile graced my lips
"that is so wholesome- yet your life is so depressing-" oli both sighed and laughed, i smiled back at him
"oh. my. goodness. scott. teach me your ways" lizzie begged and i chuckled, though it felt like a match had swung down my throat as it stung to laugh, but still, i brushed it off.
"if you want you can look through my recipes!" i assured her and swallowed, which felt like ide swallowed glass or fire.
"i say, we take the brownies and go turn on another movie and play some more games!!!" fwhip stated excitedly
"perfect!" i stated and smiled, brushing off the pain
"anyone want some additional snacks?" i added, confusing them by holding up my finger
i swirled my finger in a circle and grabbed a fresh piece of paper with dark green mist swirling from my fingertip and dropping the paper into my hands, a pen clipped onto the top. I handed the paper and pen around to everybody and they wrote down what they wanted
Joel- C H I P S (spelled specifically with capitals and spaces), and water :)
Etho-Nothing, ill just steal joels chips (exact words), will have water though!
Lizzie&Gem- Good with brownies (we're basic!), also orange juice for the both of us :D
Jimmy-strawberries! :D (yes- i admit, tango did help me spell it) pomigranite juice :)
Tango-Oranges (and ill steal jims strawberries, duh) cant drink fluids but ty! :D
Xornoth- your an idiot if you dont know what i want. (no, seriously) same with my drink.
Impulse- apples+caramel & iced tea /w lemon pls :-)
Fwhip- blueberries and water please!! :D
Sausage- raspberries and water! (/w cherry flavoring if you have it)
Oli- just potato chips (ill probably steal everyone elses food ngl) orange juice pls!
Pix- just an apple /w water! (:
Katherine- Pomegranates and strawberries please! waters fine :D
Shelby- Mangoes and cinnamon! (trust me its good) and Apple juice if ya have it!
Joey- Peaches /w water
(A/N: i think thats everyone, please inform me if not!)
(HEADCANNON: Tango cannot drink anything fluid that isnt lava, as it would put out his fire and cool him down too much for a nether hybrid, but he can also change between his nether hybrid and the dungeon master, in which hes literally frozen, and that way can drink something if he really needs to, prefers to stay in his nether form though)
I swirled my finger in a quick circle, the dark green now had cyan particles coming off of it.
I got all of my friends snacks and floated them to the living room in a sheet of magic
"scott. can i uhm. talk to you for a second?" shelby quizzed
"of course!" i said, trying to fight the pain still.
shelby walked me out of the living room and we stood behind the wall., not knowing people were listening in
"..the decay?" she spat
I rolled up my sleeve, my witching 'tattoo' ide been born with, untouched yet splotched with small decayed-green skin around it
"i told you it would get worse!! what did we tell you?!" shelby argued
"..sorry.." i mumbled
she sighed
She swirled her wand, which had a deep purple glow around it, only making my headache worse from using my magic eye.
She swirled golden yellow bandages around my arm
"stop using the necromancy. use your wands or.. your eye, your ice just something!" shelby argued again
"the necromancy helps me more than hurts me" i assured her
"your just lucky i have healing magic." she spat
the bandages disintegrated and the decayed skin was gone, replaced with scars.
"thanks.." i murmured and tugged my sleeve down saltily at the new found permanent marks that were added to the collection on my body.
"take care of yourself." shelby assured walking back into the living room
i sighed and took a deep breath, falling against the wall.
It stung to breathe, this.. wasnt normal.
I tried to swallow the feeling, but it only got worse.
The stupid headache only increased, making me feel nauseous.
Headaches were one thing, but i was NOT up for a migraine today.
I took one more pained breath before walking back in with a pen and notebook, to make it look like i was doing something.
Joel and etho were sitting by the tv on the floor, eating chips and looking for a movie to watch
Jimmy and tango were on the floor, just chatting and snacking
Gem was sitting infront of the couch, leaning against it
Impulse was sat above gem on the couch and braiding her hair
shelby was sat with lizzie near joel and etho, on a chair big enough for two people
fwhip and sausage were sitting on the rug, just chatting
Pix and oli were standing against a wall,
Xornoth and joey were very.. VERY obviously flirting with each other
I sat next to impulse, with my band.
Yes, it was a lot of people. but i knew them all and.. i could be myself.
I began clicking my tongue on the roof of my mouth, vocally stimming
"ey! keep it down magic kid" joey snapped
(joey wasnt informed about scotts autism, because i felt like it, even though they 'started over')
".." i stayed quiet, forcing myself to stop and leaned against impulse.
"ey. joey, let him do what the heck he wants 'ight?! plus. its a vocal stim, get used to it." xornoth spat, the two then got distracted by their flirting again.
{Jimmys POV}
Scotts been acting weird all night.
and being.. more clingy to gem than normal. and it wasnt just a task this time.
i decided against saying something and continued my conversation with tango
"how long exactly did it take you to come up with and make decked out?" i questioned
"oh gosh uhm- three ish years as of now sense the first version was released" he informed
"the new versions amazing! the old one was too but this one has so much more detail!" impulse added, smiling
"thanks pulse! glad your enjoying it so far" tango smiled
"ide like it more if you didnt call me washed up." etho joked
"sorrryyy but its true" tango laughed, earning a laugh from etho aswell
"also- why didnt you just call Gri cute guy when he was in his cute guy uniform and you got the replica of his head? wouldve made much more sense next to scar as the two are partners" impulse added
"because 'hot guy' is more known than 'cute guy' people wouldnt have gotten whom it was, though it does look like G" tango assured him
"Oh, alright!" impulse smiled, his usual cheerful self.
I looked over and scott was leaning onto impulses side, impulse had his arm around him, it was quite cute, those two really did act like brothers sometimes
~an hour flies by...~
"Joel truth or dare!" i opted daringly
"DARE NERD!" joel fought back
"go throw a rock at someones window, anybody's. " i dared
"oh, was not expecting that... but OKAY!" joel said daringly and went for the door, some of the group followed him, this included, Scott, Impulse, Me, Tango, Etho, Gem, Fwhip, Oli and Lizzie.
Joel picked out a good sized rock and held it in his hand before throwing the rock at one of scotts distant neighbors windows 'really epically' he quoted
what really happened:
The window shattered and glass flew towards us. but we got lucky as scott stepped in and spread his large owl wings to keep us from any harm.
"you all okay?" he asked, concerned, but my concern built up for him as his voice began to sound weaker?
"yeah, but you?"etho pointed out
"theres probably some debris or glass stuck in my wings but i dont think anything.. cut." he paused for a second putting his wings infront of his eyes
"nevermind-" he sighed and pulled his hand back with a deep crimson color trailing at his fingertips
"oh cod-!!" i exclaimed and went up to him
"i can preen and bandage your wings inside! bout time right?" i smiled
"okay..!" he exclaimed, but his voice sounded quieter
"lets get back, the cuts arnt bad whatsoever" i assured him, he smiled
"sorry mate-" joel mumbled
"its alright! not your fault, the windows fault" scott laughed
"you promise?" joel said, sounding unsure
"promise." scott exclaimed and flicked his finger around, but instead of deep green it was cyan and white, with small snowflakes coming off of it. The two stopped and the color swirled around them, another bracelet appeared on scotts wrist, it was pink, orange, green, cyan, white, and gold, all braided together gorgeously,
"its official now, an elven promise, the knot will loosen if the promise is broken." scott states
"thats what all the bracelets are!!" i exclaimed
"yep! promises from the past.." scott mumbled and smiled
"i can go through them when ya preen my wings! but- lets get inside.. im freezing" scott sighed and i pulled him in with his arm putting mine around him, careful of his large wings.
"Where do you keep your preening needles?" i quizzed, people who didnt come outside were confused
"their at my sewing desk in my bedroom, their color coded, in the red drawer, on the side painted white" he assured me, i smiled and nodded. replacing my fish figures with small canary wings.
i came back down and he was sitting on the floor, gem was on one side of him and impulse was next to her.
i flew over to the couch and sat behind him, folding my wings at my back and beginning to take out the debris and glass
"you have wings jim?" fwhip quizzed
"yep!" i assured him
"what kind of bird are you?" pix asked, excitedly
"Im a Domestic Canary, some sort of curse that came upon me a few years back, but its not cod awful!" i smiled and continued to pluck through scotts large white feathers, putting bandaids where the glass made small cuts under the feathers
it only took around an hour and a half and he was calm throughout the whole thing with a usual stim, but by the end he had his head resting on my knee, i smiled and brought him onto the couch, leaning him against me as i sat up
he shifted just a bit and i could feel him shivering
I grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch and laid it gently over him
"why is he so peaceful its adorable!" tango smiled
"he is peaceful, and i agree.. he is most definitely adorable.." i smiled gracing my hand through the soft feathers
i stopped for a moment
"no." scott mumbled and nudged me
i chuckled gently and continued to run my fingers through his feathers
"oh. my. goodness. that is soo sweeeet!!!!" lizzie jeered
"he looks like hed be mean.. but hes a really huge freaking softie" i smirked
"that is so impeccably true" xornoth laughed
"yknow, theres a twin shared trait, looks mean but is really sweet!" gem cheered
"sometimes.." joel coughed and we all laughed
i wrapped my golden wing around scott and he basically melted into the extra warmth
"mr ice man likes to be warm?! im shook" joey joked
"shut the heck up joey or next time it will be your house i put a spike through" scott half joked sternly as he sat up cuddling into my wing gently
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NEXT TIME?!" gem quizzed, confused
"some abusive parents of ours in the past had it coming.. " he smirked
"and how old were you exactly?" katherine questioned
"..seven." scott spat
"you were one vicious seven year old-" oli laughed
"..thats what trauma does to you!" scott smiled, again
"you genuinely scare me" sausage joked
"good" scott smiled and sausage playfully backed away
"nono!! dude it was a joke-!!" sausage assured him, worried
"..oh.. o..okay.. promise?" scott questioned, his tone soft and scratchy
"promise!" sausage smiled
the blue swirled around the two and a brand new bracelet appeared on scotts wrist, it was red, white, and a deep green, braided in with silver, gold and cyan.
"thats the second elven promise ive made tonight-" scott laughed, though his voice sounded weak, and he was visibly paler but.. was seemingly.. fine?
"may i ask why the bracelets only appear on your wrist?" pixl asked
"ah! in order for the bracelet to appear on both peoples wrist both people must be an elf or partial elf, and if your not an elf then the bracelet will not appear unless one of three things, a shapeshifter, a witch, or a wizard." he spoke, his tone was getting a little raspy but he still spoke softly
"welp didnt expect to actually learn something at this sleepover.. do you think thisll come up in mythology?!" katherine asked
"yep! it does, in the ancient history of rivendell. hence one of my previous last names" he told her
"wait- did you originate from denholm or rivendell?" pix asked confused
"our origional name was Rivendell. we were born under stag gods both of us being champions of one, me being aeor and xor being xeor. denholm was our second last name and it stuck, so we ended up being the Rivendell Denholm twins. mostly reffered to as Scarlette and Xornoth rivendell. but acho.. hes forever our biological brother. i dont care if its not true or possible. its possible to us, and nothing absolutely nothing will ever change that." scott explained
"what do you mean by scarlette mate?" oli asked confused
scott sighed and lifted up his shirt a bit, showing his binder.
"oh wait, your trans??" pix asked
"mhm." scott hummed
"im not sure how i didnt catch that.. you were still female when my father fostered you two." pix quizzed
"so.. scarlette is your deadname?" oli asked
"yeah.. can we uh.. nevermind.." scott mumbled and moved out of my wings grip
"are you o-" he cut me off by a huge wave of blue light entering the room and disappearing
"ill go check on him, and yes xor ill be gentle i promise" impulse said before a swirl of phantom magic entered and he disappeared in a cloud of purple.
{Impulse's POV}
I teleported to scott, he was in his room?
I watched for a second just to see what he was doing.
He paced his room for a second before sitting down on the edge of his bed and sighed.
he leaned over placing his elbows on his thighs and clenching his fists and placing them on his forehead, he was pale and it looked like he was seemingly.. crying?
"Scott..? bud whats wrong.?" i asked gently sitting down next to him
"..sorry pulse..." he mumbled, his voice was raspy and shaky
"are you alright..?" i asked him gently and was shocked as he wrapped his arms around me into a hug, burying his head into my shoulder
"..s..orry for c..crying.. i.. i just don..dont feel well and.. thi..this is not.. convenient ti..timing.." he mumbled
"why didnt you tell anyone sooner.?" i questioned
"..it.. it wasnt until li..like an..hour i...ish in? but... i-i didnt wan..want to worr..worry anyone.. or.. or b..be a burden.." scott mumbled back, i hugged him tighter and could feel him shivering
"look, your health is not a burden to anyone. i can speak for everyone on that." i spoke softly
"mmhmm.." he hummed
"can you tell me whats wrong?" i asked
"..migraine...is.. is the.. mos..most of it... d..do you ..wa..nt every..everything..?" he asked and informed
"if theres more to hear im here to listen, i want to help in any way i can okay?" i assured him
"..mhm.. th..the headache is.. the worst.. but.. i- i.. also have a s..sore throat.. a..and my stomach k..kinda hurts..." he mumbled and buried his head further into my shoulder"
"im going to grab you medicine, then we can go back downstairs and get comfortable okay?" i smiled and he nodded
I came back with medicine and water in which he took without hesitation
"..thanks f..for helping pulse.. " he mumbled
"of course, look your like a brother to me alright?" i smiled
"i... i apprec.. *coughing* appreciate that.." he smiled weakly
~back downstairs because.. i dont actually have a reason..~
we were already sat down and scott was laying on his side, his head resting against a pillow that was resting on my thigh, people were distracted but i was talking to gem
"is he alright??" she asked me
"doesnt feel the greatest, i already gave him medicine and im hoping it subsides" i assured her and she frowned
"atleast we know everyone here is willing to help with anything and everything! ..besides joey-" she spoke, i chuckled
"yeah.. thats true!" i smiled and she smiled back
i felt him shift against the pillow and look down at him, he was now curled up under the blankets, his wings had fell completely lifeless off the side of the couch
i felt eyes on me, i looked up and saw jimmys light brown eyes looking at me, bubbling with concern
"hes alright jim, he doesnt feel the greatest, but we're gonna do the best to take care of him and hope it subsides" i smiled
"you sure hes alright.? sorry for the questioning.. i- im worried about him." jimmy admitted
"im pretty sure, he said a migraine is most of it" i informed him and he sat down, facing the couch next to gem, he ran his fingers gently through scotts wings, in which seemingly calmed the both of them down
"..cold...." scott mumbled
"hes never normally this cold.." jimmy mumbled and placed the back of his hand on scotts forehead, his face dropped in pure concern
"..definitely a fever.." jimmy sighed
"ey, it might not be convenient timing, but everyone heres our friend!" gem said
"yeah.. cant help but feel bad for him though, tonight was supposed to be a group night and he fell sick" jimmy frowns
"yeah true. but we can only do our best to take care of him" i smiled
Shelby then teleported her and joel over
"some kind of separate party going on over here mates?" joel joked
"also.. impulse, share your ways with us. HOW THE HECK DID YOU GET HIM TO SLEEP?!" shelby quizzed/joked
"i didnt force him actually, this is his own doing" i smiled and they looked shocked
"no no i can assure you this is our stubborn little elf owl witch- thing- its our creature." jimmy teased
"what is wrong with you guys-" gem sighed
"absolutely *insert joel cussing* nothing gem." he smiled
"language joel-" gem sighed and facepalmed
"sense when would i *insert joel cussing* listen to you gem?" he teased
"you two wanna know whats going on our did you just come over here to make me mad-" gem sighed
"okay ide like to know whats going on, joel shut up" shelby spat and smirked
"rude" joel said and stayed quiet
"im not sure how long its been going on but when we were in his room he admitted to not feeling well, he most definitely has a fever though we arnt sure besides that." I informed them
"well if yall need help taking care of him we're here!" shelby said enthusiastically
"Yeah!" joel agreed and nudged shelby
they both went back to their separate conversations and we just waited, hoping dearly that it would get better from here.
As much as it does suck that its at our sleepover, we've already informed the whole group and nobody seems to care, instead they started making noise regulations to keep it quiet so nothing would escalate. It was quite sweet despite how chaotic this group usually is
{Lizzies POV}
i was sat talking to gem and braiding her small face framing pieces of hair out of pure boredom. She didnt care and we just continued talking, knowing that everyone would be willing to help if anything more were to happen.
"..why are you guys still.. still here.." scott mumbled under his breath and i frowned at the question
"because we wanna help take care of you, plus you mom wont be home until tomorrow afternoon so we plan to stay until then!" i ensured him
"..why t..th..*coughing* why though..?" he quizzed, his voice weaker and raspy
"because, we're all your friends mate! we arnt gonna leave you alone like this" oli smiled
"i agree. we are all here to help, we promise." Pixl smiled
"..than..thank you.." scott mumbled under his breath and closed his eyes again
"of course. tell us if you need anything at all" impulse smiled rubbing scotts arm and scott nodded
"our friend group is like a family, we arnt ones to give up on eachother!" Joel stated from across the room, i blushed at his enthusiastic yet caring voice
"you s..see xor? this.. this right here. *coughing* is .. is why i.. i didnt join.. yo..your group." scott smiled
"rude... but true. Jackson wouldve left in a *insert xornoth cussing* heartbeat" xornoth laughed
"that is- fairly true" joey agreed
"my p..point exactly " scott joked before coughing
"okay now stop talking, we dont need your throat to get torn up even more than it is, plus we dont need your voice worse either" gem smiled, scott nodded
"hey liz?" joel questioned, i could see he was blushing
"yeah??" i replied
"can we uh.. talk outside for a sec? itsnothingbadiswear" he asked and panicked
"of course!" i smiled and gem gave me a thumbs up, i took joels hand and we walked out onto the front porch of scott and xors house
"..i know this isnt the.. the best time, but.. how would you feel about a date tomorrow?" he blushed
"of course ill go on another date with you silly!!" i exclaimed and threw my arms around him kicking my leg back as it hit the ends of my long bubblegum pink hair
"shall we go back inside now gorgeous?" he questioned and kissed the top of my head
"yes we shall handsome!" i smirked as he flushed pink, i kissed him on the cheek and he guided me back inside
"how bout we all get changed into something more comfortable" joel suggested
"ah! i can help with that!" shelby smiled and pulled out her wand, twisting it around as everyone was switched to their comfier cloths theyd brought with them
"new spell?" oli asked
"yes sir!!" shelby smiled
"your learning fast, im impressed!" gem smiled and switched out of her deer form to a wizard
"YOURE A SHAPESHIFTER?!" i questioned, shocked
"yes maam! " gem smiled
"that. is . so . cool!!!!" pixl jeered, actually sounding genuinely excited about something
"You look good in purple..~" katherine whispered, her voice gentle and shelby turned bright pink
"OH CRAP UHM.. DID I SAY THAT ALOUD!?" she quizzed
"..yep- b-but thank you for-for the compliment.!" shelby blushed, katherine joined
"JUST DATE ALREADY!!!" fwhip jeered
"WAIT JOEY!! your MY boyfriend?!" xornoth argued
"shes my girl crush, your my male crush, simple!" joey smiled
"..sure.." xornoth mumbled saltily
"xor.. you..youve known this- stop.. ac..acting dissapointed.. at..*coughing* at least you.. managed to.. ke..keep a boyfriend f..for what? *C O U G H I N G* more than.. a we..week now?" scott teased
"oh shut up, literally. your cough is getting worse." xornoth sighed, he sounded mad but you could see the sympathy and worry in his eyes.
"fine..." scott spat jokingly
"you two are so kind to eachother." i chuckled
"..sometimes." xornoth mumbled
"that sometimes is seemingly very limited" etho joked
"you should see them alone, xornoth has a soft side" shelby smirked
"SHELBY GRACE!!" xornoth yelled
"...loud.." scott mumbled into the pillow and impulse pulled him closer
"xornoth. the regulations." i spat, reminding him
"sorry." he mumbled
"no need, just no yelling okays?" jimmy smiled
"..yeah." he murmured
.~The night goes on.. 12:00 AM..~.
{Scotts POV}
I clearly had fallen asleep as when i pulled my eyes open i was now leaning against a pile of pillows instead of impulse. i looked over the edge of the couch, there was a mini table, a water, a few crackers, the remote, a box of tissues, a mini trashcan and a note
𝘚𝘰𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘢! 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘪 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘶𝘱, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘴 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘪𝘵! 𝘸𝘦'𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘪𝘷𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘮 𝘢𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱, 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘪𝘤𝘬 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘶𝘱!
𝘐𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘬𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘬𝘢𝘺??
𝘏𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 :(
He was so sweet. i attempted to take a deep breath but i couldnt breathe out of my nose, it was annoying, i sighed and let my head hit the pillow again
For the first 5 minutes i enjoyed the relief from the sick feeling and pain, but after that little time it all came rushing back to slap me in the face- not fun
I groaned and buried my face into one of the pillows
i couldnt even bring myself to grab the medicine, i felt so exhausted despite sleeping for hours
it hurt to move practically anything, and when i tried to sit up my body just tightened and conflicted more pain, which i heavily did not appreciate.
I laid there for a few minutes and removed two of the blankets, i was too hot with them but freezing without, i tried putting one of them back but i was still cold, i hated this feeling.
I was freezing cold but sweating
Every little thing about this i despised
I finally convinced myself to give it one last shot.
I built up all my energy and attempted to sit up, every little part of my body tightened, i managed to prop myself up slightly against the pillows
I leaned over and grabbed the medicine hed left for me, every little inch of my body ached so i preyed this worked.
I took the medicine and sipped at the water a bit, i had two crackers but couldnt bring myself to eat any more than that as even before eating my stomach hurt, i didnt feel like making that worse.
I laid myself back down and just laid there for a few minutes, the medicine didnt do a single thing.. worth a shot.
I closed my eyes.. and willingly fell into a light sleep.
~2:45 AM~
I flicked my eyes open slowly, it took me around 15 seconds for my brain to comprehend how much pain i was in.
I wrapped my arms tightly around my stomach hoping it would decrease the pain for a temporary time
I cried softly into the pillow, it hurt and i wasnt going to wake anyone up.. i couldnt
But i saw a small light move closer to me, i squinted my eyes back open, it was tango. His hair, legit fire creating a light cast on the room
"..you alright? i heard you crying and.. thought ide check on you." tango smiled, his words soft and comforting
"..h..hurts.." i mumbled, my voice was quiet and it hurt an awful amount to talk
"hey.. its okay alright? im here for you okay?" he kneeled down infront of the couch and wrapped his arm around me, beginning to rub my back, which admittedly felt nice, his hands were warm and i pulled him closer, sitting myself up
"did you take the medicine pulse left.?" he asked quietly
"..mhm.. di..didnt do.. anything.." i mumbled and coughed, he continued to rub my back and pulled me into a comforting hug
"look, im here okay? and im going to stay as long as you need me." He assured me. I couldnt talk, so i just nodded and rested my head on his shoulder
"cold?" he asked
"..mhm.." i mumbled
He wrapped warm fiery wings around me, they turn into actual fire when hes mad.. but they always stay warm
"better?" he questioned
"..mhm.. than'.. you.." i mumbled and shifted to get comfortable, he kept me held close.
Me and tango were never the closest, so his affection shocked me a little, but it was comforting.. and nice.
"of course, ill stay right here okay? just tell me if you need anything" he smiled
"..okay.. thanks tango.." i smiled
"you wanna lay back down?" he asked me
"..yeah.." i mumbled and he laid me back down, but he placed a pillow between us, so i was resting on his thigh like i was with impulse earlier
I curled up against him, my arms still wrapped around myself, his warm hand rubbed gentle circles on my back, which allowed my body to relax a little
"your okay alright? im right here" he spoke comfortingly, i finally let my body relax, my wings falling gently off the couch
~3:37 AM~
Tango sat there with me for the past hour, he forced himself awake in order to comfort me, which was... really sweet. But even under his warmth i still shivered and felt a little cold after awhile
"cold still?" he questioned, now concerned
"..yeah.." i mumbled
"im.. not the right person for this.. everything feels warm to me.. uhm.. oh!" he spoke and teleported a thermometer into his hand
"im not sure how i didnt think of this earlier." he mumbled, i chuckled but stopped as it stung
I felt the small, cold machine against my forehead
"102.3" he head and frowned
"gonna be honest.. ive ha..had *coughing* higher fevers before.." i mumbled
"goodness child!" was tangos reaction, i wanted to laugh but decided against it.
I felt my body turn cooler than before and looked up, where his large red eyes were are now glistening blue ones, where the fire was is now frozen, still in the shape of the fire.
I watched as his hand grazed his frozen hair and his hand itself froze, guess im not the only one who can do that
He pressed the frozen hand against my forehead in which i pulled up the covers and relaxed into
After around 20 minutes i fell asleep..
~8:35 AM~
I woke up and was immediately blinded by the light filling the living room
I turned over, wrapping my arms around tango, who was still sat there with his frozen hand on my feverish forehead.
"..'ey etho, can you close the curtains?" tangos voice asked softly
"yeppers!" Etho replied softly and the light drained out of the room
"can i ask why your in your Dungeon Master form?" ethos voice quizzed
"scotts fever went decently high last night, so i used it to freeze my hand as a cold compress so he could relax" tango assured him
"awww so you two can get along!" etho jeered
"shush-" tango hissed and etho laughed
"..are.. are you two the on..only ones awake..?" i mumbled
"yeah as of now, gem will probably be up soon" tango said
"nope not gem-" oil yawned
"i said soon, not next" tango joked
"very funny mr. fire.. ice.. man" oli said, unconfidently
"yeah and you think 'Mr. fireice man is an insult" tango laughed
"shut uppp-" oli jeered.
They all had awoken within a little bit, as the day went on i slowly felt better but it began to get worse again after joel practically force fed me food-
"okay okay.. no- no more-" i protested and moved back my chair
"you stubborn little creature-" shelby joked
"im only refusing because eatings only making it worse.. and i dont feel like feeling worse than this.." i mumbled and felt arms pick me up, they were my brothers
"couch or bed?" he questioned
"..couch.. i still wanna be with people.." i mumbled and he smiled at me, laying me down on the couch and wrapping blankets around me, which felt nice
i felt a hand slowly grace my back, tracing shapes near my shoulder, it was calming
"you like?" jimmys voice cooed softly
"mmhmm.." i hummed and he continued, we as a group turned back on a vote-decided movie
i laid there and listened.. but after around an hour into the movie there was keys rattling, but not my mums keys, i knew what hers sounded like by heart.
I looked at the door and owen came in, holding laurens hand
"hey we're ho- oh goodness thats alot of people in our living room-" owen reacted
"yeah.. s-sorry for not warning you.." i mumbled
"We told mum though, also scott. How. many times. will i have to remind you to stop talking?!" xornoth quizzed
"to..too many *coughing* f..for your well being." i jokes and smirked
"does mum know your sick.?" lauren asked concerned
"yes, she does." xornoth responded for me
"yep! and we learned scott and tango dont brutally hate eachother" etho smirked
"*coughing* etho.. we..we told. *coughing* you to.. stop talking about thatt" i begged and rested my head on the pillow that leaned against jimmy now.
"never agreed to that" etho joked
"scott your voice really doesnt sound great- are you alright?" owen set down his bags and came into the living room, lauren sat down in the kitchen
"im alright.. it.. i- *coughing* it was worse.. la..last ni- *COUGHING* night.." i mumbled
"you werent coughing as much last night." tango replied
"has he had a fever at all?" owen asked and looked at the group
"yeah middle of the day yesterday and when did you say you checked tango?" impulse quizzed
"at like.. three fourty seven maybe?" tango replied
"what was his temp last night?" owen asked tango
"102.3, i haven't checked sense." tango assured him and owen grabbed the thermometer off the small coffee table and i felt the small cold machine grace my forehead once more
"102.1, so a little better" owen smiled and sat down next to jimmy
"atleast its better, even if its just a little!" gem smiled
now all three of my siblings are here.. all my friends... it was rather nice!
despite not feeling good-
I curled up against the pillow that rested in jimmys lap, i felt the blankets catch over my shoulders as i melted into the warmpth
another 5 hours passed as i slept.. right next to my boyfriend, will all of my friends, with my siblings.. before ide fell asleep lauren curled up next to owen and the two cuddled into a blanket watching the movie that was already half over.
~1:56 PM~
*insert keys rattling*
i woke up to the sound of keys rattling outside, this time.. they were my mothers, i could hear the plastic snowflake charm ide gifted her when we moved in clank against her keys, i smiled and kept my eyes closed, gripping the blankets and pulling them up against me, my hands, covered in the blankets up to my mouth like a mask.
"Hello everyone!" my mother greeted
"Hi Mrs. Major!" joel called
"ah hello joel, shelby, lizzie, jimmy, gem, impulse!" those were my six friends she knew the best
"Hi mrs. Major, the names etho, nice to meet you!" etho greeted
"im tango!" tango smiled
"well pleased to meet you two!" she called
"ah hello fwhip, sausage, gems brothers correct?" my mother set down her keys
"yes maam!" sausage smiled
"hello darling, how are you feeling?" my mother asked kneeling down and ruffling my hair
"no.. be.. *coughing* better no.. wor-worse" i mumbled and kept my mouth covered by the blankets
"well atleast no worse!" she smiled
"would you kids like some food? i can make you soup scott" she smiled
they all jeered saying they could eat
i nodded at the thought of soup, it seemed peaceful, and better than joel trying to force feed me crackers- not literally of course.. he just wanted me to eat but- i just- didnt want to
~2:15 PM~
My mom made everyone a homemade pizza and brought some cookies from the bakery, i sat up and leaned against jimmys shoulder
"you are really clingy when your sick-" jimmy joked and i gave him an annoyed groan
"whats wrong?" he quizzed
"..no teasing.." i mumbled
"okay okay, sorry" he kissed the top of my head and my mum handed me the soup, in which i ate around half of and couldnt bring myself to eat the rest without the thought of triggering my emetophobia. gross.
i cuddled back up against jimmy and tried to fall asleep.
my body wasnt letting me sleep with the anxious thought of... triggering.. that.
I couldnt even bring myself to think of the word without feeling nauseous, which i did not appreciate
I felt nauseous either which way so i kept my eyes closed to hopefully relax, people began to leave and saying their byes and wishes.
Now it was just me, my siblings, my mom, jimmy, lizzie, joel, and shelby
jimmy was still rubbing my back, it was gentle and sweet
my arms wrapped around my stomach, in which they had been for the past 20 minutes
jimmy kept checking on me and lizzie had fallen asleep against joels arm
"you sure your alright.?" jimmy questioned softly
"..i dunno.." was all i could mutter out before falling into a coughing fit, jimmy sat me up and rubbed my back calmly until it subsided.. i was grateful to have him there.
"you alright now?" he smiled
"mmhmm.." i hummed and fell back onto the pillow that rested across his thighs
"lets just hope this doesnt last long.." shelby murmured
3rd person Conclusion:
Scott stayed sick for atleast 4-5 days, missing a couple days of school.
He ended up returning in the middle of the day one day after going to a doctors appointment he didnt explain further to his friends. They were concerned on his end but he was seemingly fine
They continued to keep a close eye on him for about a week, but when they were sure he was alright they left him alone.
Hello everyone! leo here, ironic i fell sick while writing this chapter..
But anyways, im so sorry for all the push-backs and delays on this, it may be a bit before the next chapter comes out as i am still sick.
I also focused heavily on this chapter and was unable to work ahead on any of the future chapters. deepest of apologies again, but im going to try and get a little bit better before beginning to write again.
I love you all/p
Have a great day/night
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