Chapter 7
Sehyun Han and Suzy Aranaz
November 3, 1800
As they exited the boat, Sehyun dropped his blanket into the ocean. Instead of worrying or trying to retrieve it, he simply watched it float away. To him, it was funny, but he was too tired to laugh.
Just like the blanket would decay one day in the ocean, everyone alive would as well.
Unless immortality wasn't a myth.
A few weeks before he met Captain Aeryn Branche, he'd read a nameless book about a magical race called the Fey. They were immortal beings with limitless beauty at their disposal.
Even if they were near extinct.
According to the book, the Fey and their half-human offspring had fought against each other in a civil war. But what really intrigued his interest was the format of the book. It was written like a diary from the perspective of one of the Fey.
"Captain," Suzy said.
He gave her his attention.
Suddenly, he was brought back to reality. He hadn't even realized they'd reached the end of the docks.
"Would you like to accompany me to look for Marty or would you like to rest?"
Sehyun slumped his shoulders, looking much shorter than he truly was from the way he kept his back bent. "I don't know."
Suzy studied Sehyun's face.
His eyes drifted from her to the blanket he dropped into the ocean. He reached into his pocket for his pen and twirled it around, meaning he was focused on a thought, a conspiracy, or a story. And she knew better than to disturb him from his thoughts more than once.
Instead, Suzy would allow him ten more seconds to answer before leaving him there.
Returning to the real world once the blanket floated out of sight, Sehyun said, "I'll come with." He returned his pen to his pocket before suggesting they go to the Night Market while it was still dark.
The wind had spontaneously picked up during their journey, taking them to their location much quicker than expected.
They probably had two hours before Marty even woke up.
The pair walked in silence through a market to pass the time. Every so often, Sehyun would point at a snack or a drink he wanted and Suzy would purchase the item for him. She would then proceed to take "one bite" out of everything.
Tereline's night market was the greatest thing to grace the Earth, but what mattered most was the street food.
By the time the sun rose, Sehyun had already stuffed his face and his belly to the point where even walking became a chore--and walking was Sehyun's only preferred method of exercise.
A chill ran down Sehyun's spine. Suzy had gone windowshopping on of the ladies' store, so she wouldn't be there to provide aid to whatever put him on alert.
He straightened his back, the cracks satisfying his ears.
Han rarely felt the need to protect himself. He either had Suzy or Marty around and they were good enough to hold their own. But without either of them nearby, he was reminded of the first time he set foot on the Black Egret. It was quite a horrid feeling. It was just a few days before his eighteenth birthday, but he was grateful for Marty's warm approach.
Would you like some cake? Marty had asked. Quinta, the chef, made it for your arrival. The son of the captain, right?
Only if it isn't lemon flavoured. Sehyun hadn't made eye contact and completely ignored everything Marty had said after cake. He was no son of the captain, just his offspring to protect his status on the ship. To keep the "Bae" name on the ship. Too bad for him. Sehyun had taken his mother's last name.
It's strawberry flavoured.
What's your name?
Sehyun had looked at Marty as if he'd asked to duel. He never gave his name out. It was an internal fear he'd developed solely from reading, but something about the way he smiled made him speak. Sehyun. Yours?
An awkward silence had fallen, weighing more on Sehyun's shoulders than Marty's. Who's that girl over there?
Suzy Aranaz, the captain's pride. He basically raised her after her mother died.
That's when Sehyun truly started hating his father and his mother for loving him regardless. He had time to raise someone else's child but no time for his own sons? Had his father been there, Sehyun might've had a childhood rather than trying his best to give Jaehyun one. He might've pursued the dreams he wanted to instead of the ones he was given. He might've liked humanity a little bit more.
He might've been free.
But now he was bound by contract to the ship. By contract!
Another chill ran down Han's spine, his eyes scanning the people nearby.
By now, most of the crows had gone home to catch up on sleep so spotting what made him so anxious should be easy.
Except nothing was.
He caught a glimpse of Suzy exiting a stall. "Captain, I think we've ought to fetch Marty now."
"Of course."
But throughout the walk towards the tavern Marty had gained a reputation at, Sehyun couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen.
He kept his arm looped through Suzy's the entire time and repeatedly peeked over his shoulder.
"Is there something wrong?"
"Would you mind elaborating?"
"I think someone's watching me."
Suzy studied the empty landscape behind her as the sun rose steadily from the horizon, an orange glow blanketing the world with warmth. "There's nothing to suggest we're being watched."
Trusting Suzy's judgement but not his gut, he released Suzy's arm but held onto her coat.
Despite the chilling wind, Sehyun did not feel cold. He did not miss his blanket and he'd forgotten about his pneumonia--though it was weird to last this long. The symptoms should've become mild by now, but there were no signs of it getting ready to say goodbye.
"Captain, I have a question I've been meaning to ask you ever since we sunk Sheries' ship."
Sehyun sucked his teeth. "Don't you think two years is too long to hold a question in?"
"Yes, but I've only recently gained the courage to ask you this."
Scared as if his mother asked him to "talk" and as if a stranger wanted to strike a conversation with him, Sehyun nodded. "Go ahead."
"How come you're never bothered by all the lives you've taken--or at least all the lives that you caused the death of indirectly?"
Taken aback, Sehyun froze. "I didn't expect you to ask that."
"Your crew remains indifferent most of the time because they've served under your father before you. And he was thrice the monster the world thinks you are despite being as unpopular as civilians, but the new recruits have a hard time coming to terms with the number of lives they've taken. Yet you remain indifferent."
"I would rather be myself than beat myself over it. I could say I have no choice and others would say I do. I could simply refuse to do what my curse says three times and die, but I rather like being alive. And I would like to live rather than survive off of a weak mindset and crumble every night. But why'd you ask?"
"Because you are unlike anyone I've ever met. Aeryn tries hard to be apathetic, but she has a fire. She's quite angry and passionate. She's as easy to read as a children's book. But you are different. I've yet to see you cry, get mad, raise your voice, blame yourself, or simply experience any negative human emotions. That's why."
Sehyun didn't know how to take the compliment, so he simply said, "The tavern should be nearby."
Noticing Sehyun trying to change the topic, Suzy tilted her head. "Do you think you are a monster?"
This question was harder to answer than the previous one. This was a matter of opinion rather than having to explain himself. "I think the only thing I need to do to become a monster is to have a cup of tea with Hades."
Suzy grinned, and it was genuine.
But her happiness lasted merely for seconds.
Word Count: 1400
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