Chapter 1 ✓
Platform 9 and 3/4 was packed with fathers, mothers, siblings, along with old and new arrivals all eager to board the crimson steam engine that would take them to Hogwarts. First years were practically quivering with excitement as they boarded and completely oblivious to the worry which was clearly etched on their parents faces.
Lory rolled her trunk with ease and lifted into the train. It was empty for the most part as she didn't pack very many clothes and had few belongings that she could call her own in Malfoy Manor. Draco followed with Lucius and Narcissa along with a house elf who struggled to carry along Draco's luggage. Lory got of the train and went over to help the struggling elf and was rewarded with a disgusted look from Lucius.
"You do know that's what she's for right?" Draco asked as Lory struggled to lift his trunk onto the train.
Lory ignored him and instead asked. "Jeez what do you have in here? A dead body?"
Draco rolled his eyes and stepped onto the train. His mother was very openly concerned and gave him several warnings, including a reminder of the contraception spell. Lory's eyebrows had shot up at that, considering the fact that Draco was only 13 or 14 years old and he was already one of the most obnoxious twats she's come across.
"Make sure to stick with your cousin Draco. Take care of her and ensure she gets good friends." Narcissa said. "You do understand what I'm saying don't you."
"I can take care of myself." Lory assured. Draco rolled his eyes.
Narcissa ignored her and said devoid of any affection or sentiment. "Take care dear. It will be a tough year in Hogwarts for you."
"No kidding." Lory said dryly. She rolled her trunk into the carriage and was closely followed by Draco who struggled to heave his luggage.
"Oi, Crabbe, Goyle come here and carry my trunk." Draco called.
Two burly looking boys came over pushing a few Hufflepuffs aside and took the trunk from him.
"Where are you guys sitting?" Draco asked.
"Just ahead over there." One of them replied. "Goyle and I took the carriage as soon as we came on."
"There it is cousin. That carriage to your left." Draco said.
"I don't want to sit with you." Lory said bluntly.
"Don't be silly, Lorelei no one else is going to want to sit with the daughter of a murderer." Draco smirked as he noticed Crabbe and Goyle's shocked expressions.
"Don't call me that." Lory snapped. "My name is Lory. It is what everyone's called me for the past five years and nothing's going to change that."
She towered over him with her wand out and he stepped back nervously. "I...I don't think you can do very much about it. Everyone will know you as Lorelei Black."
The people in the carriages near them turned and stared with wide eyes. Some had a copy of the Daily Prophet which had her father's face displayed. Lory glared at Draco and stormed off in search of an empty carriage. Unfortunately almost all of them were full and so she had to return to the carriage which Draco was sharing with his friends. Along with Crabbe and Goyle, there was a girl with short dark hair and a ginger haired girl. They all wore Slytherin robes.
"The infamous Lorelei Black, in person." The dark haired girl said. "Hi, I'm Pansy Parkinson. Draco and I are very close. You're his cousin...I'm sure we can be good friends. This is Daphne Greengrass. I'm sure you've heard of their family."
Lory looked at her blankly and said nothing before sitting in a corner near the window, away from the others. Draco cleared his throat. "My cousin lived in America for a long time...with a Muggle Born witch. She doesn't really know of all the pureblood families. That will be remedied of course...this Christmas we will be having our usual dinner."
"Can't let the escape of a psychopath to interfere with our habits." Daphne grinned. Lory rose her eyebrows at the redhead. "I'm sorry...but your father is known to be..."
"A cold blooded backstabber, yes I am aware." Lory cut in wryly. "But at least show some decorum."
Daphne nodded, before turning to Draco. "So, how was your holiday, Draco?"
"It was fantastic, mother, father and I went to several places throughout July after that we had to stay more at home though, because that's when the news of Sirius Black's escape came out. Mother was terrified when she heard. A week after that my dear cousin Lorelei arrived, surprising both myself and mother. Father said that her former carer had become unfit to take care of her and was hoping we'd take her in. Father of course graciously agreed to help her out as she is family after all."
"Ha. Graciously my ass Draco." Lory said. "Your father hates me with every fibre in his body and your mother or should I say my dear aunt probably only agreed to take me in because she didn't have to work to care for me, a house elf does."
"Well, there's nothing wrong with that, house elfs are there to serve their masters. I'm sure you know that Lorelei." Pansy said.
"My name is Lory. That is what people have called me for the past five years, and that is what you will call me." Lory told her. Her voice had a particular cold edge to it. "Is that understood?"
Pansy nodded.
"And Draco, you don't have to pretend to like me or tolerate me anymore, your father's not here. I know for a fact that the only reason you put up with me is because you feared what dear old Lucius would do if you didn't." Lory said.
Draco's jaw clenched but he kept his composure. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Lory laughed. "Right okay, tell yourself what you need to, but I'll tell you one thing, I don't like this arrangement anymore than you do, okay? It's just something I have to put up with and I am mature enough to do so. I hope you will at least try to be too, instead of being a passive aggressive twat."
Draco said nothing and Lory turned away to stare outside the window. She saw many faces of parents marred with worry waving their children goodbye. A red haired woman was hugging her daughter particularly tightly before letting her get on the train. The girl was followed by a dark haired boy who was being encouraged to get on the train by a man who seemed to be the husband of the woman.
The boy seemed to be hesitant to get on the train and his face seemed very familiar to Lory. He had jet black hair that was rather messy and fell over his forehead and round glasses. He was also on the shorter side being a little shorter than Draco. Before Lory could decide where she knew him from however he entered the train and was out of her field of view.
The noise of the steam engine starting was rather jarring as conversation had become sparse in the carriage. Each of Draco's friends regarded Lory warily as if they were afraid she would spontaneously combust or grow another head. She rolled her eyes and sighed before turning back to stare out of the window.
This is going to be a long year.
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