[32] Reunited
"And like, after we saved Santa Clause—we all came back to the Castle to rest up. Y'know, I bet we're gonna save Pidge's cousins while were at it too," you said to Keith through the communicator. You were relaxing on your bed, stomach-first, while continually rambling about what took place yesterday.
"Wow, I just—can't believe Zarkon is actually dead though," he responded.
"It is crazy," you agreed. "Maybe this Lotor guy is genuine. . ."
"Still. . .Don't let your guard down."
"I'm not, I'm just curious about the whole thing." You then rolled over to the other side, trying to get comfortable. "So, what's been going on with you?"
Keith didn't want to tell you about the failed mission, so instead he made up a lie. "Oh, I just uh—went on a mission to help orphans on the Olkari planet."
"Wow, okay."
"But I mean like, anything adventurous?" you continuously grilled. You could hear him letting out a small groan of annoyance over the other line.
"Nope, just boring stuff."
"Welp." You sat yourself up—only to stretch. "I guess I'll see you later."
"Yeah—well uh, see you later."
He seemed so off today. You wondered why. Perhaps just stress. But still, there was an ache in your heart. You wanted him to be back so desperately.
Little did you know, was that that wish would come true very soon. . .but not in the way you imagined.
Walking out of your room, you overheard something quite suspicious. It was Lotor's voice—but it didn't sound like he was talking to one of the Paladins. You peered over the corner to check it out. And what you saw was a communicator in his hand. Who was he talking to? This was what you made out.
"Of course, I have that (Y/N) girl. Yes, and her earrings. I mean, they're practically stuck to her, you imbecile. But the deal was if I brought her back to you—you'd free me of my bounty, correct? . . .Uh huh, alright. I'll deliver her as soon as possible."
With that being said, you snarled. Of course—you knew something was wrong with this idiot. He only wanted to take advantage of everyone. You knew it from the start, since when he started to subtly flirt with Allura. What a pathological liar. After piecing it all together, you darted back to find the others.
"GUYS," you called in a frantic tone.
"(Y/N)?" Allura turned her head toward you. Everyone else did the same. All their attention was now on you.
"We can't trust that Lotor guy! He's—he's a phony!"
"Haven't we been over this?" Allura wondered, unimpressed.
"Look, lady. You gotta believe me—he's not good news."
"Are you calling him a liar?" Coran inquired.
You countered with, "I ain't calling him a truther!"
Lance slid over and placed his hands on your shoulders. "I agree—"
"Don't touch me."
He released you, but still stood close.
"You two are obviously overreacting," Allura sweatdropped.
You loudly groaned. "UGH! THERE'S NO TALKING TO YOU PEOPLE."
After that awkward conversation, you stormed out the room. You wanted to check on the Red Lion—and maybe get a breath of fresh air. But that was impossible since you were in space. Whatever.
However, there was a change of plans. You were abruptly stopped in an isolated hallway by none other than. . .Lotor.
"Well, well, well." He shot you a mischievous smirk. "I heard you were spreading rumors about me behind my back. I thought we were friends."
"Please, I figured it from the start. You're just the same as every other crook in this galaxy," you told him with no hesitation whatsoever.
"Is that so?" The gleam in his eye was unnerving—but you simply ignored his wannabe bad boy act.
"Indeed," you replied—mocking his charming attitude about the whole thing.
He then pulled something up—it seemed to be a spray or something. That couldn't have been good news. Before you had the time to react, he ended with the words, "You're coming with me."
You then thought about Clockman—but that was beside the point. However, he knocked you out with this unknown chemical. The last thing you remember was blacking out.
You woke up. Now, you were in a room that was completely unfamiliar. It's surroundings were bleak and dark. You attempted to blink away the blurriness from your vision—which helped a bit. Now that you could see clearer, you saw several guards surrounding you. While these other two were holding you back.
"Ugh. . ." you grunted. "Where—Where am I?"
"Shut it," the one ordered.
"Shut your face."
It appeared you were on a Galra ship. But you weren't sure if it was one of the main ones. After a few minutes, these two figures arrived. One looked like Lotor—of course. And the other, a hag with a cliché-looking cloak.
"Bring her over," an elderly voice croaked. So, you were dragged over to the strange woman. She was hunched over—glaring you down with her inhuman yellow eyes. In a way, she kind of reminded you of your mother. But that wasn't the point.
"Who's the crone?" you loudly asked with no shame.
"She does have a smart mouth," Lotor noted.
"Better believe it, Peaches." You riposted before winking in a mockful manner at him. He only scoffed—acting as if everyone around him were peasants.
"Hush, child."
Now that you got a closer look at her—you remembered a witch named Haggar or something. This must have been the woman.
"So, what do you want?" you hissed.
"I think you should know by now," she answered with an evil smile. "Your earrings are mine."
What was this? The Wizard of Oz? Things just kept getting weirder.
"But you can't get them off."
"Heh, watch me." The hag raised up her arms, and positioned her wrinkled hands toward your figure. The guards backed off, but you were still cornered. Suddenly, these magical purple sparks began to sizzle from her fingers. You started to worry.
"What the heck is that—" You tried to back away, but it was no use.
"It's the only way," she maliciously answered.
"SCREE—" You closed your eyes and hoped for the best. And in that moment, the jewels from your earrings were now in the palm of this woman's hand. It didn't hurt you or anything—but it was an unsatisfying feeling.
However, the earrings were off. They had fractured due to the pressure of the magic. In a way, you felt relieved—but you knew all the planets were now in danger. You regretted not leaving when you first found out Lotor was conspiring against everyone. A huge weight fell upon your shoulders—but it didn't matter. Humanity was now doomed.
"Now, take her to see that pathetic boyfriend of hers," Hagger instructed.
"Huh?" You perked up once you heard those words. It was obvious who she was referring too—but why would Keith be here?
"Yes, Ma'am." The guards delivered you to the prisons. After shuffling through the halls, you were shoved into one of the cells. There, you found Keith sitting on the bench—looking as depressed as ever.
"KEITH—" Without thinking, you threw yourself into his embrace. Keith was shocked—yet he returned it in a shyer mannerism.
"(Y/N)." He stared into your eyes. After all he had been through, it was a relief to be by your side again. All he wanted was for you to be safe.
"Keith, how—how did you end up here?" you asked him in a shaky—yet concerned—voice.
"The Blade of Marmora sent me out here on a solo mission to gather more information about their plans. But the Galra caught me and—yeah. What are you doing here?" He looked quite distressed—who know what the Galra tried to pry out of him.
"Lotor captured me—and now, that witch has the earrings."
"Oh, great." Keith attempted to uncloud his mind. He wasn't sure what to do yet—but before he could say anything else, he felt you tighten your hug around him. "Huh?"
"Oh, Keith—" you wept, not even trying to sound tough at this point. He hadn't ever seen you so defenseless before. "I don't know what to do—I feel like it's all my fault. If only I—"
"Hey, hey. Don't say that. Nothing is your fault. Blaming yourself isn't going to help the situation," he tried consoling. You still continued to sob into his shoulder. Letting it out felt good. He only stroked your hair back so it wouldn't get in the way of the tears.
"Thank you, Keith." You drew back and rubbed your eyes. "You know, I missed you. A lot."
He blushed. "I missed you too, (Y/N). But after this whole thing, I want to come back—and stay with you."
You smiled upon hearing his news. It gave you some hope. That is, if you both made it out alive. . .
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