[3] Pandemonium
It's been a few hours since you've arrived inside the Castle. You were loving every minute of it. It had loads of space—there wasn't constant screaming in your face—and best of all: no demanding mothers or shrill siblings! Right now, you were changing into some swimwear because Allura told you that there was a hot tub somewhere upstairs. You put on a tankini and pair of shorts that Allura lent you. She thought that it'd be good for you to relax. You covered yourself with the wrap and headed to the elevator.
You couldn't remember the last time you ever relaxed in a hot tub. Now that it comes to mind, you don't think you ever had the pleasure of having that experience. Well, now that time was to come. The elevator came up to the floor above.
Wow, nice area, you thought, looking around the big space. You saw the big pool and then the whirlpool. Finally, time to let loose and just relax. You placed the wrap on the chair nearby and slid into the Jacuzzi. Its hot bubbling water surrounded you. It felt so incredibly lush and therapeutic. "Ahh. . .alone at last," you mumbled without a care in the world.
. . .
Your eyes shot open. You jerked your head in the direction of the noise, only to see Lance sitting on the far side of the tub.
"Get out of the water, you'll clog up the drain," you murmured.
"It's free real estate," he responded in a smooth manner. It made you want to puke. He then scooted closer to you. "Besides, I've loved you for as long as I can remember~"
"You've only known me for three hours—"
Before you knew it, his arm was placed around you. You honestly didn't feel like beating him up, so you just said,
"Sometimes I pretend that I've been captured by Galra and they're using me to make human soup."
". . ." Lance went silent. He slowly took his arm away and hopped out of the Jacuzzi, fleeing for his life. On the way out, he accidentally knocked into Keith and Pidge.
"Lance, what the heck?" Keith looked back to see where he was running.
"Who knows, probably thought there was a shark in the pool or something," Pidge quipped.
Keith shrugged. They both continued to head to the pools. You were in there, leaning your head back and getting comfortable. "Finally, no more interruptions," you whispered to yourself. You tilted your head back up and slowly opened your eyes.
"Hey," Pidge waved with a half-smile. Keith only sat there with an uninterested expression on his face.
"I thought Allura said this place was tranquil. . ." you mumbled, inaudible to them.
Keith said, "we saw Lance running away from this area. I'm guessing he was trying to hit on you. You're the first girl I've known that's managed to scare him away."
"Oh, well, I have this little thing I quote that scares most guys away. . ."
"What?" Keith seemed interested.
"I'm not giving it away." After a few seconds of silence, you began to get frustrated. "So, you're not gonna be in here long, are you—becau—"
Like a shot, something rocketed out of the water at an expeditious speed—causing the hot water to splash all over you. "YAAAH!!!"
"AAAAAAAAH!!!" you shrieked before clutching onto your chest. Pidge was huddled up against the corner of the tub, shaking. Keith—on the other hand—didn't even flinch.
"WELL!?" the person shouted out. It was Coran. "DID I TERRIFY YOU??"
"No, not really," Keith responded.
Coran chuckled. "You're a tough nut to crack, my friend!" He extended his hand to shake Keith's. "One tough nut." Keith shook it and faintly smiled. You were still trying to compose your breathing.
"HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN IN THERE!?" Pidge questioned, her voice breaking from the tension.
"Ah, half an hour at the most," Coran responded in his peppy voice.
". . .WHY!?" you asked.
"I just wanted to play a little prank! Now, carry on with your day, friends!" he climbed out of the Jacuzzi and walked away. You looked at Keith and Pidge once more before you got out.
This ship is janked. You slid back into your wrap and put on some flip-flops. Exiting the pool area, you let out a sigh of relief. You didn't even realize that you entered into the kitchen until something knocked into you. "Oof—" you grunted.
"Oh! My bad, sorry!" the voice apologized. It was Hunk. You helped him balance himself by taking the tray of pastries into your hold. An apron was tied around his waist—obviously, he just finished baking. The aroma of the goods filled the room. You could tell that he was an excellent chef.
"Here," you handed the tray back.
He received it and responded with a "thank you!"
"What did you make?"
"Calzones! They're like, my favorite dessert."
You responded, "lovely." Before getting too engaged in conversation, you sneaked past him and returned in the direction back to your room. Yey, peace. . .at last.
You sprung up onto your bed instantly after hearing the din. "WHAT WAS THAT!?" Hair standing up, you bolted out of the room to see what the pandemonium was all about. Examining the hallway, you slowly sneaked around to see what was happening. Without warning, you once again knocked into another person. "GAH!" you squealed.
"SHH!" A hand covered your mouth. Fortuitously, it turned out to just be Keith. "We're being attacked. And the last thing we need is for you to be screaming."
Out of frustration, you just bit his hand.
"OWWWWW!!!" his screech rose up to four octaves and six notes. You almost went deaf from hearing such a crescendo.
"Who's the one screaming now~?" you quipped with a sly grin. He reddened with anger from your response.
"Look, just stay back," he instructed with a cold tone. And with a flick of his wrist, he summoned a weapon of an undetectable material. It was a sword consisting of the colors red and white. He swept his dark hair out of his eyes and to the side of his view. The violet coloring in his irises dazzled due to the artificial lighting throughout the area.
"Nice genetics," you 'complimented'. "I'm assuming you're the face of this team."
"What? NO—"
"I get it," you remarked with a kittenish smile. "I bet you and that Allura chick have a thing going on. Is a forbidden romance happening aboard this ship~?"
"What the heck are you talking about? Is your only goal in life to cause me emotional pain?"
"It used to be to get away from my soulless mother. But since I completed that aspiration. . ." you tilted your head and looked at him. He gritted his teeth and blushed. Now that you've established that your only goal in life was to cause Keith ignominy—it was time to find out who was ambushing.
Keith spoke to the radio on his helmet. "Shiro, who's attacking the ship?"
"It looks like. . .one of the Galra ships," you heard Shiro's quiet reply from where you stood. When he mentioned the word Galra, you went pale. The air suddenly felt chill.
"Galra?" you repeated with an anxious tone—yet you did your best to try and hide your contained fear from Keith. "Oh, heck no. Staying here is a death wish, where are the nearest escape pods?"
"You were the one who demanded to be here and I'm not letting you waste our resources! Now shut up and duck in that corner!"
"Maybe I don't want to—GAH!" Without warning, a rocketing laser blast hurtled toward your feet. It missed by a few inches. Keith had shoved you back just in time. You both looked over to see a few Galra soldiers. They had formidable armor and really. . .big guns. Keith narrowed his eyes and posed himself into his fighting stance.
"Will you get out of here already!?" he loudly whispered over to you, inaudible to the troopers. But before you could reply, one of the Galra jumped toward you and Keith at an immiscible speed. You shrieked, whipped out a can of mace, and showered it in the offender's eyes.
"AAAAAAAUGHHHH!!!" it yowled in agony before falling to the ground. As it was clawing its eyes out, you hopped over the beast and began to shoot the mace toward the eyes of your foes. As they all hit the ground, one somehow managed to snatch the can you had—throwing it to the side of the room—and seize you afterward. You opened your eyes to see the malformed creature. Its electric yellow eyes pierced through your soul, practically blinding you. And the mauve skin contouring the curves of its monstrous face. Don't even get me started on the serrated fangs.
Finally, after having so much time to focus on its outer appearance and write an essay-length description on the Galra itself, Keith struck the cheek of the blade against the Galra—slamming the monster against the steel wall.
"Come on!" he yelled. You looked up at him, frankly shamefaced over your taunts from earlier. So, you nodded and stood up—resulting in following him.
You didn't quite know why the Galra were attacking. But the one thing you did know—was that you weren't going to die today.
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