[14] Pearl
Finally, Allura reported that the tracking-repellent thingamajig was done. She brought you to see Ryner.
"(Y/N), I finished it. Come closer."
"Alright," you bent down to the Olkari's level. She gently stroked your hair away and put a coating on the earrings. "This will stop any tracking frequency."
"Finally, we can get off this planet." You were relieved to go back. Perhaps today would be the day you could.
Around late noon, Shiro called everyone back to the Castle. You all packed up your belongings and boarded the ship. Keith exited to his room, slamming his door shut—a few minutes later, the muffled blaring of heavy death metal was heard. Shiro was banging on his door, screaming at him to turn it down.
"Hm, I think we forgot something, guys. Oh, right—the sanity of this group," you retorted. They only laughed.
Hunk remarked, "I think we left that behind long ago."
After sharing a laugh, you headed to your room—beginning to unpack. Man, I forgot how bland their rooms were. Time for some decorating. . .
You may or may have not snuck into Keith's room and stolen some of his band posters he was storing in the closet. Some of them you liked, and some were just fitting for the aesthetic. Either way, you "borrowed" all the ones you could find. After the makeover, your room looked dark, disturbing, and emo. Perfect!
". . .Where are my band posters?" Keith asked as he opened the closet.
Nightfall came—you couldn't tell in space, but Shiro said so. You prepped yourself for bed. It had been a boring day honestly, besides the encounter with those two pervy aliens. Man, if I had a face like theirs—I'd sue my parents. You chuckled and fell into a calm slumber.
The next morning, you arose. The inspiring blackness of dull space was a real amazing view to wake up to. You never felt so alive inside—or ever to begin with. You scanned the room, and something familiar caught your eye. That black pearl necklace from the vendor was on your end table.
Wha? Picking it up, you read the note attached to the chain. It said,
Saw you looking at this. So, I said "screw it". You better enjoy it 'cause I used up all my chiz to buy that.
"He—he bought it for me?" Your gaze softened. You've never received something so thoughtful before. It felt. . .unusual, but for once you actually felt. . .happy. You held it close to your heart and shut your eyes.
After that, you walked to the dining room. Everyone was there, eating breakfast. Did they never bother to wake you up? The food always got cold. You took a seat and dug in.
"G'morning!" Pidge smiled, food still in her mouth.
Shiro questioned, "how are you feeling today, (Y/N)?"
". . .Pretty good, actually," you responded. Everyone was a bit shocked upon your reply.
"That's a first," Keith commented. The group tittered.
"Hey, will we have any cool missions this week?" Lance asked.
Shiro and Allura pondered. She responded, "hmm. . .I don't think so, actually. Maybe we'll finally have some well-deserved rest this time."
"Boringggg!" he pouted. Shiro elbowed him. "Stahp, I bruise like a delicate peach—"
You quipped, "you got that right." Lance crossed his arms and hmphed.
After breakfast, everyone went off to do their own thing. Pidge and Hunk were probably modding a game, Lance listening to Shakira, Shiro drinking coffee. . .and you were with Keith. He was looking out a large window, staring at all the millions of stars.
"Keith," you called. He turned to you. "I just wanted to say thank you."
"For what?"
You rolled your eyes. "You know—you got me the necklace."
"Oh—that was nothing—actually, it was. I spent good money on that, you better appreciate it."
You laughed. "I do! I've never gotten anything like it before. I love it." You smiled wholeheartedly.
Keith blushed at your sudden show of emotion. He moved closer to you. Without thinking, you took his hand.
I do like him, you mentally said to yourself.
Keith looked down at the ground, purposely letting his bangs cover his eyes. And being totally out of character, you placed your other hand on his cheek. His feelings clouded his mind, unsure of what to think. And instead of thinking, you both let your instincts take over. Keith leaned in, as did you.
And right before you two could share a kiss—the sound of someone sipping a beverage was heard. You both slowly turned your heads to see Shiro, Hunk, and Pidge lolled back in lawn chairs.
"You're right, this is better than anything on NBC," Shiro stated before taking another sip of his coffee. Pidge and Hunk were both sharing a tub of caramel popcorn.
"WOT 'N TARNATION—" Keith slipped back into his southern accent for a split-second. You choked on your own laughter from hearing his screech. You pulled away, throwing your hands on your knees—trying to catch your breath. "WHAT'RE YOU DOING WATCHING US, CREEPO STALKERS!?"
"Why do we even need a TV when this kinda stuff is going on?" Shiro asked. Pidge high-fived him and replied,
"I knew you'd enjoy it."
Besides the fact you were in complete hysteria, you were very angry and embarrassed. If you managed to get a grip, you were heading straight to the kitchen and grabbing the nearest fork. Keith stormed out of the room and headed to his, doing the thing he first thought of: blaring every emo band that ever existed.
"You three will pay for this," you told them, finally regaining some composure. "I will get even."
"Honestly, at this point—what have I got to lose?" Shiro joked, not really joking at all. He continued sipping his coffee. "It's worth it to see this train wreck."
"It's only a matter of time before you two get together~" Hunk teased. You hmphed and exited the room. How was it three days ago, you and Keith hated each other's guts—but now that just turned into some. . .angsty soap opera pairing among the ship? You hoped it would pass, that everyone would forget it—but it didn't seem like Pidge and Hunk were stopping their obsession too soon. Now it seemed like Shiro was in on it too. . .
I should have never left Earth.
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