[1] Eighteen
Lol more fanfiction. This time, I plan to finish this one-
"Okay, WHO LEFT THE TWINKIES IN THE MICROWAVE!?" you called out to your atrocious family while trying to juggle three plates full of food you made. Oh, and not to mention the fact that you were on the phone scheduling your step-brother's dentist appointment because he was too much of a wuss to go and deal with the first like every other normal person has to. You struggled to walk over to the dining table and place down the dishes without completely messing up.
Your family acted like trash. And not to mention that they treated you like it. They made you slave away at doing the chores, fixing up dinner, and going out to buy the groceries for them. When you turned thirteen, your step-dad couldn't handle your mother anymore—so he took the money you had been saving up for a bus ticket out of there, and skipped town himself. Ever since that day, you regretted telling him about your secret money stash.
"(Y/N)!!! DID YOU REFILL THE PUPPY'S FOOD DISH!?!" your mother screeched from upstairs.
You groaned and screamed back, "THE THING WEIGHS MORE THAN YOU, I DON'T THINK WE SHOULD FEED IT ANYMORE!!" You managed to set the plates down without breaking anything. You glimpsed over to the chihuahua you had been referring to. It just looked at you with bugged-out eyes practically screaming "help me" and a long tongue falling out the side of its mouth. It looked disturbed. "Gross," you commented with a scowl as an expression. Finally, you just sat yourself down and let out a big sigh.
Until Godzilla broke loose. You heard the panned-out sound of high-heeled shoes trudging down the stairs. The old wood creaked every step she took.
"Why, hello, Mother," you said, turning to her with a sarcastic tone in your voice. You knew you had smelled the familiar scent of cheap perfume.
"Yesss," you nodded your head, brain-dead. Even though your brother was twelve, she expected you to treat him like a newborn.
"Refill the dog's bowl? Yes. And get you that Chanel lipstick—specifically the color of Merlot? No, I just got a dupe from the drugstore."
Your mother's face went red with rage. You just ignored it since it was not uncommon. in that second, her filthy hand clasped onto a lock of your hair and yanked it. A few tears from the stress filled your eyes as you got dragged down. Your mother came close to your ear and whispered,
"Look girl, I don't know why you just can't accept your life for what it is. You have noooowhere else to go."
Her breath was so vile it almost made your ears numb. However, you flinched away and drew your hair back behind your shoulders. "That's not true. When I turn 18, I'm blowing this Popsicle stand!"
"Tell me, where will you go? Huh? What, do you plan to end up on the streets like your cowardly step-father?" she pestered. The old bat was really starting to get on your nerves, and out of vexation, you just punched the woman in the mouth.
"OOF!" she grunted, falling back and landing on the dog. The dog puked and its leftovers were now all over your mother's expensive haircut. She rolled off and locked her vision on you with ire burning in her eyes. "YOU WILL REGRET THAT!"
"I'm welling up with tears," you responded, sarcasm blatantly dripping from your words. "I'm tired of being your slave. And once I turn 18 tonight, I'm getting out of here. Being without a home is better than being with you! Family is home—and I wouldn't consider you my family. By blood or not!" After saying your piece, you stormed out of the kitchen. You ran up the flight of stairs and came into your bedroom—slamming the door behind you. You extended all of the drawers full of your neatly-placed clothes and began placing the needed essentials in a bag.
Though. . .I wonder where I will go. I guess it doesn't matter as long as I'm far from here, you mentally said to yourself. You then closed your eyes and triggered a memory.
I still can't believe that deadbeat 'step-father' of mine left me with this old hag. I mean, what dad steals his daughter's money to escape a family? Ever since, it's been hard to get a job, any money. . .or anything.
You suddenly stopped your current task of packing and thought for a moment. After that, you got it together and threw the full bag over your shoulder. You knew that you couldn't risk being caught by your mother so you just. . .looked at your window. Even though you were on the second story, you decided to do it anyway.
You walked up to the window, slid the frame up, and hopped out. You were now on the roof. Time was approaching the golden hour. A crisp wind bit at your skin, which made it harder to keep composure up top on the roof. Looking down, you exhaled. "YOLO," you quoted as you slid down the roof and managed to grab onto a tree. The roughness from the branches made your hands grow sore. Climbing down wasn't too hard, but it got worse when you heard that whiny voice of a boy. Your brother.
"(Y/N)!!!!" your younger brother shrieked. "DID YOU GET MY WATERMELON JUICE??"
"No, now begone."
"LOOK, TWIT," you yelled, hopping down from the tree. "If you ruin this for me, I will smash your Xbox with a hammer, slowly, right in front of your very eyes. Annihilate every memory card within the system and even put Reese's pieces in the disk slot. And all of your Minecraft worlds, Fortnite armor, and those fancy Roblox hats will be erased. Permanently."
". . ." your brother burst out into tears and darted back inside crying, "MOMMY!!"
You smirked and turned off back toward the road you were originally heading. Jokes on him, I already did all that before I left. Enjoy gaming, you little brat.
Before you even knew it, nightfall fell upon the town. You looked up at the black sky and glanced toward the sun's ombre behind the trees one last time. You couldn't help but grin. Fortuitously, you had some cash left over so you could pay for a night at a cheap motel. Sure, it wasn't the coziest way to spend your birthday, but at least it was something.
Finally, you found an average one and checked yourself in. You were a bit tired from today, so you just decided to just take a much-needed nap once you got inside. You ambled through the halls of the hotel to find your room. When you finally did, you unlocked it and opened the door to reveal just a normal living space. Almost immediately, you fell back into the cushions of the bed and slowly let your eyes drift asleep. Your last thoughts before slumber were the happiness of being free.
And without notice, a crash went off. You had fallen into a deep sleep, so it took a few seconds to realize what was going on. And then the sound of people screaming occurred. That made you shoot up from the bed and jump up to see what was out the window. The sky was clouded with a reddish hue. You took a glimpse at the clock and saw that it was 3:11AM. You made haste and headed out the door, only to follow the stampede of crowds and families escaping the hotel. You had felt very cold due to the frightening sounds and atmosphere. Though it almost seemed a blur.
After running around the area, you eventually came to be outside. You scanned the area and saw that ships were flying back and forth, battling in the sky. People were still scattering and dodging flying objects.
"What the heck?" is what you mumbled.
And in an instant, you heard a voice call, "LOOK OUT!!" You turned your head toward the noise and before you could see who it was, the figure knocked you down to the hard surface. You could barely see a razor-sharp scrap of a leftover metal slice through the ground that you just stood on a few seconds ago.
"WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON!?" you screamed, opening your eyes. The figure was revealed a guy that looked your age. His appearance consisted of pale skin and hair the color of your soul—black. Not to mention his eyes were an odd aesthetic of violet. This person assaulted you, but it's cool 'cause he's hot. Next, he offered his hand to you and began talking.
"You need to get to the rescue ship! Come with me if you want to live!"
You nodded and took his hand. You had noticed that the area you were in lacked people. Perhaps they were on the ship that this guy mentioned. Why was this town being attacked anyways? You knew that Zarkon and his legion of the brain-dead dodos existed, but why would he find any interest in this bland place? Finally, you just decided to ask.
"Why is this place being attacked!?" you questioned in a loud tone, trying to over talk all the noise. The mysterious person stilled scanned the area for any upcoming danger.
He didn't respond. You couldn't tell if he wasn't able to hear you, or if he was just being a jerk—probably the second one. You both still scurried throughout the rubble in order to get to the destination. Finally, he approached the rescue ship and threw you in the queue.
You briskly turned back to your savior and yelled, "if I may ask, what is your name. . .?"
This caught him by surprise. He stopped in his tracks and peered over to see you half-way. "Why?"
"Without you, I wouldn't be here. It'd leave me guilty to not even know the name of the person who saved my life."
The fire's wine illumination in the background reflected off the tufts of his Stygian hair and the curves of his face. A faint smile formed upon his face as he simply responded, "Keith Kogane." He then headed off.
Keith Kogane. . . you repeated to yourself. An interesting name.
Thanks for reading! Be sure to vote and like and all that. It really keeps me motivated. I hope you liked and bye!
Psst! If you enjoy totally chaotic stories with this type of humor, check out my original series: Surviving Specter High: Werewolves 101 on my profile. It's about a normal human girl who finds herself accidentally enrolled in a supernatural high school full of werewolves, vampires, fairies, and satyrs.
Thank you and enjoy~!
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