Chapter Nine
That night, the captain called everyone to the deck for a meeting. Everyone except for Piles and Davis, that is.
The crew, once hardened men, looked a bit shaken. They were hungry. They were tired. They were confused and in fear. Edmond had to keep a brave face for the men.
The fog hadn't lifted, so seeing all the men's faces in the back wasn't easy. He wondered if they could all see him. Probably not. As long as they could hear him, that was most important.
Edmond began, "You all know about Bell and Shepherd. It was a tragic loss. And it could have happened to any of us. Therefore, we need to be more mindful."
"How could they just fall into the sea?" Marlin asked. "It just doesn't make sense."
Of all the things Edmond had witnessed, he wasn't sure how much to share with the men. Would he even be believed? They knew Davis had been attacked, but they hadn't known by what. The men didn't know about the incident with Davis' eyes. Only Edmond, Halcreek, and Willas were in on that much.
As much as Edmond wanted to protect his men, he also didn't want to spook them unnecessarily. But was this unnecessary? How much could he share that could potentially save their lives?
"There's no saying." Edmond answered while looking to Halcreek. He didn't want for him to start yelling all around the deck about monsters in the sea. At least not in his over-the-top manner. This was a delicate matter.
Edmond continued, "We will need to work in groups of four or more. Make sure that in all you do, you are with others. Safety in numbers."
"What about rifles?" Halcreek asked. It was as if he was just waiting for his moment to say something.
"Why do we need rifles?" The researcher spoke for some of the men, "What are we shooting?"
"We don't have enough rifles for all the men," Edmond reasoned. Though he did see the potential need for it. "All who patrol in the night will have them."
The researcher felt the need to press, "What are the rifles for?"
Edmond sighed. Would he believe him? Would the whole crew find him mad? Would they think he had lost his mind?
"For protection." Edmond told him. He turned and nodded to Halcreek. The men looked to each other, wondering who to group with.
"Tonight, I will patrol." Edmond felt it was his duty to protect them, and that meant putting himself in front of his men. "Which three of you will patrol with me?"
"Me!" Halcreek was quick to raise his hand. He just seemed happy to finally be getting his rifle.
"Aye!" DeVitas volunteered.
"I'm at your side. Always." Willas clasped the captain's shoulder.
The rest of the men went about below deck to try their hardest to get some sleep.
The four men collected their rifles.
The night seemed calm. No rain. No wind. No thunder. Only fog and the creaking of the ship. The four of them stayed evenly spaced, spread out along the ship. They couldn't see each other, but called out to each other every few minutes. If anything climbed onto the ship, they would be sure to see it.
There was a whisper over the waves that came soothingly to Edmond's ear. At least, it started as a whisper. Then, slowly grew into a soft song. That beautiful voice again. He swore it sounded just like Maryann.
He could actually hear the words now. He could make out what her voice was singing.
Sink within below the waves
The surface never knew you
A peace that everybody craves
Surrounded by the vast blue
Sink within as you descend
Ears muffled by the deep
No more needing to pretend
Finally you can sleep
He paced to the edge of the ship, looking out into the night. He hadn't expected to see much. He never did. The song continued.
Sink within and find your peace
Let the waters fill you
The burning in your lungs will cease
And all the pain you've been through
Sink within this cold embrace
You've found where you belong
Your vision dims of this last place
For now, it won't be long
He felt a tugging at his heart. A tugging at his whole body. He glanced down at the water. It looked so warm. So inviting. Welcoming him to rest.
Sink within the cool allure
Your home is the depths below
You'll never be more secure
Become undone and swallowed whole
Sink within the endless void
The dark and stillness you pursue
A shell to a soul has been destroyed
The surface never knew you
He hadn't realized over the course of the sound that the voice was growing louder, closer. But it was what his ears heard next that caused him to freeze. A wet slapping sound. Like wet cloth hitting the deck repeatedly.
It came from his right, back up towards the helm. He raised his rifle and slowly approached through the fog to see the back of a woman. She stood at the back of the ship, looking out over the sea.
Edmond raised his rifle.
She must have heard it.
She turned around to face him.
His heart clutched tightly in his chest.
It was Maryann. His sweet Maryann. She wore her white nightgown that almost blended into the fog. Her auburn hair fell over her shoulders in curls. She rested her hand on her very swollen stomach.
"My love?" She looked frightened.
"Maryann..." He lowered the rifle, his voice breathless. "My love, what are you doing here? How?"
"Come." She lifted her free hand to him, her delicate, slim fingers reaching out for him. "Come to me, darling. Hold me. Kiss me."
His heart fluttered in his chest. Was he going crazy? He missed her so much. He wanted nothing more but to take her into his arms.
"My sweet, please." She said softly, "I'm so cold."
Sanity be damned. He wanted his wife more than anything now. He dropped the rifle and walked towards her, his arms open to embrace her.
A loud shot cracked the sound barrier and seemed to rattle all of Edmonds organs, making him jolt at the sound. A gunshot. Fired so close to him.
He turned around to see who had fired only to see Willas and the others running towards him, the fog swirling around them. Their mouths moved in completely silent screams. All he heard was her voice.
"My love!"
Another shot, this one from Halcreek. And he didn't miss. The shot ripped into Maryann's shoulder.
Edmond yelled and threw himself in front of his men to stop their madness. But that was when a blood curdling screech came from behind him from the woman.
He looked back over his shoulder to see... something. Certainly not his lovely wife. The illusion was broken. In place of Maryann stood an almost human looking creature. "Stood" being the key word. Because her legs weren't legs. She had a long fish tail that trailed behind her, long like a snake. She was propped up in that way. Her torso looked the most human, but even then, only barely as she was covered in scales. Her face was grotesque. Her face seemed mostly occupied by teeth, jagged and yellow, protruding sharply from her wide, unhinged jaw. Her eyes were large and black. Her "hair" seemed stringy like seaweed. Her nails were long, her fingers bony and sharp.
This was the monster that Halcreek had warned them of. Edmond knew now what the devil looked like.
She grabbed her shoulder and flung herself from the back of the ship before any more shots could be fired.
The sounds of the world seemed to return to Edmond as he heard his men now.
"What were you thinking!" Willas shook the captain's shoulders. "Are you mad!"
DeVitas came to the edge of the ship to look over it, still holding his rifle up, ready to shoot if he saw anything pop up from the surface.
"Do you see?" Halcreek pointed over the edge, looking at Edmond. "Do you see now how the men will leap to their deaths!? They are witches of the sea! Casting spells on men to lure them in!"
"I saw Maryann.." Edmond's hands trembled. Due to fear and agitation. He couldn't believe he thought that hideous beast was his Maryann. What had that thing done to his mind?
"Of course you did!" Halcreek shouted, "It's what I've been trying to tell you this whole time! We need to leave!"
"We almost lost you!" Willas told Edmond. "Rifles are useless when you're under their trance."
"Did you hear it?" Edmond was still in a half daze. Still confused, "Did you hear the song?"
The men looked among themselves and shook their heads. How could they not hear her voice?
"They sang for you." Halcreek told him. "Just like they sang for Davis. Just like they sang for Shepherd and Bell! They give your mind delusions to see whatever you desire most! They have set their sights on you, Captain."
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