𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎
It must have been love
But it's over now
It must have been good
But I lost it somehow
It must have been love
But it's over now
From the moment we touched
Till the time had run out
Make believing
We're together
That I'm sheltered
By your heart
But in and outside
I turn to water
Like a teardrop
In your palm
And it's a hard
Winter's day
I dream away
Emma always sang in the shower. Always. So now, she was doing the same. In fact, since she knew she was home alone, she was singing her lungs out, doing silly dances. She didn't stop when she got out of the shower. Still dancing, she put on her underwear, got out of the bathroom and did one of those awkward runs towards her bedroom, because she was cold.
Opening her closet, Emma quickly put her favourite hoodie. That's when she saw one of James' hats. She smiled, put it on and grabbed the nearest deodorant to use as a microphone, before fully singing out loud the song she has been having in her mind all day again.
The doorbell rang and Stephanie went to the front door to answer it. She opened the door and saw James standing on their doorstep with a smile on his face. "Hi Stephanie, is Emma here? I want to hangout out with her today." He announced sweetly.
"Hi James, she's in her room probably taking a shower or something. Please come in," Stephanie grinned as she stepped aside to let James inside.
"Thanks..." he replied as he walked up the stairs to Emma's bedroom to search for her.
As James was walking to the hallways upstairs, he heard music blasting in full volume coming from Emma's room down the hallway on the left. He carefully placed his ear to the wooden door and listening to the music Emma was listening to.
"Emma?" He questioned, turning the doorknob softly and walked in the room investigating what Emma was doing. James spotted undergarments on the floor and picked up the lace panties up from the floor. "What in the world? Oh my God..." he grimaced and threw the panties disgustingly somewhere in the room.
"Emma are you in here? Come on, I got a surprise for you..." James shouted in the room.
It must have been love (it must have been love)
But it's over now (but it's over now)
It was all that I wanted
Now I'm living without
It must have been love
But it's over now
It's where the water flows
It's where the wind blows
James opened the door before him and saw Emma sang to It Must Of Been Love by Roxette from the movie Pretty Woman. He cleared his throat and crossed his arms around his chest nonchalantly and leaning against the doorframe.
Emma stopped singing and turned to look at him shocked. "James! What are you doing here?" Her eyes widen as she tried to look busy.
"Don't act like you don't know Emma, I heard you singing from down the hallway just now. And I gotta say you were an amazing singer. Maybe I should listen to you sing more often..." James smirked as he walked away from the bathroom and to her bedroom quietly.
"What? No! I'm not a professional singer, I was just singing just for fun." Emma smiled as she continued to apply lipstick on her lips.
"So, what do you want to do today?" James asked sitting on her bed.
"Well, tomorrow we're going camping in the woods. We might stay in a cabin." Emma grinned as she walked out of the bathroom and walked downstairs with James.
"Nice, is it okay if I come along with you?" James beamed as he turned to look at her smiling.
"Sure," Emma replied.
"Hey, do you want to go catch a movie with me? Just the two of us?" James suggested looking at her with a smile plastered on his face.
"Sure, that'll be great." Emma smiled as she slid on her coat and walked out the front door with James. "Hey, Aunt Caroline? I'll be back soon..." Emma shouted for her aunt from the front door.
"Okay, dear, have a good time." Aunt Caroline said peeking her head from the kitchen happily.
Emma smiled and closed the door behind her.
They got into James' old fashioned truck and drove to the movie theater. The ride to the movie theater was silent and it was just James focusing the road and the sound of music blasting through the radio softly and Emma looking out the cold winter's morning watching the snow fall to the ground calmly.
"Hey, um... do you want to listen to some music?" James asked as he turned to look at her smiling.
"Sure, what are you listening to?" Emma asked turning on the old fashion radio nonchalantly.
"Staring at the moon so blue, turning all my thoughts to you..."
"Oh my God! You listen to Michael Learns to Rock?" she questioned turning to look at him bewilderedly.
"Yeah, I love their music..." James grinned as he kept his eyes on the road.
"This is so..."
"What? Are you okay?" James asked bewilderedly.
Emma cheered loudly as James groaned from the driver's side. Giggling, she turned the volume up louder and sing along with all her might. She was never the best singer on the planet but James still loved her just the same. In fact, at times he encouraged it.
"Emma, you should probably turn the music down," James said as he made a left turn. She pretended not to hear him and kept singing along.
You took my heart away
When my whole world was gray
You gave me everything, and a little bit more
And when it's cold at night
And you sleep by my side
You become the meaning of my life.
Emma saw James cringe slightly, but she didn't care. It was a catchy song and he got to sing it every night before going to bed. The least he could do was let her have three minutes to herself. She reached an intersection and was stopped, which gave Emma all the more reason to sing.
To her left, there was a car filled with teenage girls laughing at her. They mocked her singing, mimicking her movements. That ruined her mood quickly. In a second, Emma reached forward and turned down the volume, mumbling, "I'm not feeling it anymore."
James was never one to be an observant friend, but he did have his moments. He looked to her direction and saw the girls. In an instant, he rolled down the windows, turned the volume to the highest extent, and started belting out the song.
"This is for you all for insulting my best friend's singing voice!" James yelled out from the truck's window vexedly.
You took my heart away
When my whole world was gray
You gave me everything, and a little bit more
And when it's cold at night
And you sleep by my side
You become the meaning of my life
By the time the girls realized who he was, the stoplight changed to green, and James stepped on the pedal.
After a while of driving, he reached for her hand and held it in his. "You sing wonderfully, Emma," he mumbled, "don't let anyone tell you different."
"Look! We're here!" James exclaimed turning off the engine and got out of the truck in front of the theater.
Emma walked into the movie theater, reluctance making her drag her feet, although she's secretly very excited. Reluctance because she gave in and agreed to watch that stupid horror film The Nun instead of the much cooler movie she wanted. And excitement because she'll be watching the movie with her friend, James.
"Hey James!" Emma called out, walking over. "Get me a popcorn!" There's a long line behind him and she's not getting into it.
"Too late," he said, turning around and exiting the line. He held up a bag of popcorn. "It's okay though, I got a large combo. I will allow you to take a piece or two."
Emma gave him a big, fake smile. "Your generosity astounds me," she said sarcastically.
He mirrored her smile. "I know, I'm a saint."
Emma reached over and grabbed a handful of popcorn. "Hey!" he said indignantly, reaching out a hand to retrieve his stolen goods, but she jumped away, laughing.
"I'm sorry, did you want this back?" She chucked a piece at him, pegging him on the forehead. Bullseye. She does a victory dance.
James growled playfully and grabbed a couple pieces of popcorn, aiming for her face. Emma ducked, but one of them bounced off her head anyway. She threw the last piece at him and tear off down the hallway.
James chased her down and caught up to her just as they both arrived at the door of their assigned theater. Emma quickly down the rest of her handful of popcorn, munching happily as he glowered.
"Mmm, buttery, thanks James!" Emma looked over his shoulder. In his hurry to catch up he spilled popcorn out of the bag all over the hallway. "Nice job," she remarked, pointing.
He turned to look. "Oops." He turned back, and for a second they looked at each other. "Hey Emma," he said, grinning.
"Hey James," she grinned back. Emma almost forgotten that this is the first time in a while that she's seeing him in person. Their friendship has developed so much over text that talking to him for real just feels natural and ordinary. Still, she appreciated being able to see him in the flesh, actually experience the hilarious height difference, hear his voice, and hey, he smelled good, too.
"Well, let's watch this movie, shall we?" he gestured to the theater door.
Emma sighed dramatically, remembering the stupid horror film their about to watch. "I'm so not excited. Only for you, James."
He seemed pleased with himself. "After you," he said in mocked politeness. Emma walked in and he followed her to their seats in the back of the theater. The hookup row, they can't help but think. But hey, she didn't picked these seats, he did. And it was probably a good choice, because knowing him, he'll talk disruptively through the entire movie.
The trailers are still going, and that movie he kept texting her about came on. He got visibly excited. "That's the movie I was talking about! Looks sick, right?"
"Mmm hmm," Emma said without passion. James and his horror films... He blabbered on. "We're watching that next. Soon. Maybe right after this we watch that." As he talked she quickly google it. "Oh my god, chill, it comes out in like two weeks."
"Um, that's not okay..." she stuttered, torn between her nervousness at the word date and her eagerness to see him as much as possible. In typical Emma's fashion, she quickly change the subject. "She's hugging the popcorn. I want some." She held out her hand expectantly.
He looked scornfully at her and makes a show of dropping two small pieces into her hand. "Okay, give me that," Emma said, grabbing the bag from his lap and putting it on hers. He tried to take it back, gripping the edges of the bag and brushing the front of her shirt in the process. But she won't submit. This popcorn is hers now.
Luckily, the trailers finally finish up and the movie began, so James gave up and sat back in his chair to watch. She gobbled her popcorn triumphantly as the opening scene unfurled.
Suddenly Emma's back pocket buzzed, and she jumped. Oh, it's just her cell phone. She pulled it out and read the notification on the lock screen. It's a text from her elder sister Stephanie to their group chat. How's your date going Emma? Another message popped up from Hunter, saying Emma and James sitting in the tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G with a big smirk emoji shown on the screen.
Typical. Emma didn't know how she always managed to make that typo. Stephanie texted, did you get to make out yet? and she suddenly remembered who she's sitting right next to. She quickly hid her cell phone and sneak a glance sideways to see if James read the messages over her shoulder. He's looking straight ahead at the big screen, but the smirk on his face told her that he probably saw everything.
She winced and mentally facepalm. Turning her cell phone away so he can't see it, she quickly texted back, Oh my God shut up Stephanie, we're not making out! and then add, I'm turning on the Do Not Disturb mode, I'll see you in two hours sis. Emma shut her cell phone and put it back in her pocket.
"Hunter and Stephanie checking on you?" James teased, and Emma knew from his tone that he definitely saw their texts. Great. "Uh, yeah," how else is she going to respond?
James just kept smirking to himself, and they both turn their attention back to the movie.
Every couple minutes he turned and looked at her expectantly, sometimes asking, "What do you think?" or "Pretty great, huh?" Emma mostly respond with noncommittal grunts. The movie is just as stupid as she thought it would be.
Emma munch on her stolen popcorn. James reached into the bag every few seconds to get popcorn for himself. Every once in awhile they'll go in at the same time, and their hands bumped into each other clumsily. Of course, neither of them backed down, and they fight over control of the popcorn, which just meant they shove each other's hands away and grabbed as much as possible.
She goes in for another handful, and James' hand goes in after hers. But this time, instead of pushing her hand out of the way, he just clamped his hand over hers. As in, Emma felt his palm resting on the back of her hand. She's confused, and at the same time, her heart started to flutter. Emma looked over at him. He's still staring straight ahead, but he's smiling, and he's got a bit of a devious look right at this moment.
Emma's hand is still clenched around the popcorn, but it looks like that's not what's happening right now, so she allowed it to go limp and release the popcorn, not without feeling a little sad. No matter how much she loved boys, food will always be a priority too.
James took this opportunity to lace his fingers between hers, and now it seemed like he's holding her hand. Well, okay then! This is certainly a development. Amidst her nervous confusion and excitement, Emma smiled a little picturing Stephanie and Hunter's reactions when she told them about this.
As if holding her hand isn't enough, James started rubbing circles with his thumb, sending shivers down her spine. Emma's breathing seemed to get louder and she's worried that he can hear it. Maybe he can also hear her heart beating furiously in her chest.
If someone were to ask her the plot of the movie at this point she would have no idea what to tell them.
After several minutes of this, he untwined his fingers from hers and took his hand out of the popcorn bag. Emma can't help but feel a twinge of disappointment, but it doesn't last long, because the next thing she knew that arm is now around her shoulders. He pulled her towards him and rested his head on the top of hers. For once she appreciated being as short as she was. The ten inch difference is really helping with this whole cuddling thing.
They both just stared at each other for what felt like forever. Emma then heard a scary sound coming from the speakers. Everyone screamed. She then jumped into James' arms and buried her head in his chest. She could hear his heart speed up as soon as she lay her head on his chest. It pounded harder and harder every second. It wasn't because of the movie, it was because of Emma.
"Hey Emma are you okay?" James asked, turning to face her.
"I'm fine." She said between scares.
Next thing she knew there was yet another jump scare, sending her straight onto James' lap again.
"Emma are you sure you're okay?" James asked worriedly.
"I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Emma nervously chuckled.
"Well, I mean you are literally sitting on me." James chuckled, wrapping his arms around her tightly.
"I'm sorry I'm just scared..." Emma whispered, moving back into her seat shyly.
"Aww why didn't you just tell me?" He cooed, grabbing her hand and pulling her back on his lap.
"I just didn't want to ruin the movie for you." Emma said, embarrassed.
Cuddling into James' chest he kept his arms around Emma, covering her eyes for the remaining jump scares.
Once James had done that they were able to finish the movie without being scared. That was until Emma remembered she was going to be the only one at home tonight with Stephanie.
"That was amazing!" James exclaimed, as the two of them walked hand-in-hand out of the theater.
Emma smiled and nodded, trying her best to hide the fear. Unlucky for her James knew her all too well.
"Hey Emma what's wrong?" He asked, turning to face her worriedly.
"I'm sorry, I'm just being a baby." Emma said, looking down at her feet shyly.
"Emma you aren't, just tell me what's wrong." He pleaded, gently lifting her chin to make her face him.
"I just realized I'm going to be the only person home tonight with Stephanie."
Emma whispered, looking back down at her feet. He didn't say anything, he just simply pulled her into a hug.
"You really think I'd leave you to go home to an empty house? Emma don't worry I'll come stay with you. I'll always be here for you." He cooed, gently swaying as they hugged.
"Thank you. I'll always be here for you." Emma replied, hugging him even tighter.
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