Zachary's POV
I watched Phoebe's retreating figure as she went up the stairs. It was quite obvious she needed a moment to herself to herself and would not be coming down any time soon.
"You boys drove her away," Elaine accused.
"Certainly not." Xavier said. "We did give you girls enough time to get together, aren't we allowed to spend a little time with you?" Xavier reasoned.
"Always the practical one, aren't you, Xavy?" Alvina asked sacarstically. He shrugged.
"I guess I am." Xavier said and Alvina booed. That resulted in an argument between the two which led to further conversation and laughter as those two were so relentless whenever they bantered.
Father soon sent me a text asking I meet up with him in his office. It sounded urgent and was straight to the point just like most of dad's messages. I excused myself from the table and headed for father's office. As soon as I was seated, dad proceeded to speak.
"Zach, we'll be having dignitaries from Portugal, visit. They will be here in three days' time." He said. My eyes widened. "I already informed your mother and you will assist her ensure that everything is in place. We cannot afford our guests to be displeased in any manner. You very well know how these guests can be, we must avoid trouble at all costs." He said.
I nodded knowingly. The Southern Nations, where my country is located has the highest number of the enabled compared to the other nations. This has caused other nations to feel threatened by us and try to find a way to subdue us. Despite we have all come into an understanding, there always are tendencies to fall out at every slight provocation. Portugal was no exception.
"How can they give a notice of merely three days?" I muttered.
"It doesn't matter now. What matters is that we are ready for them. They are coming here for a review of the rights of the enabled and the normal man. It should take about three days of consultation. After those three days, we'll be rid of them."
"Three days you say dad, I will not be surprised in the least if it stretches to a week." I said.
Dad nodded smiling thinly. "Be it a few days, a few weeks or a few months, Zach. We are who we are and it is our responsibility not just to look out for these guests but to protect our citizens as well no matter what it takes." Dad said. "I know I have made you take charge of so many things beyond your years, but I believe in you Zachary and hopefully, I hope you will get it one day." Dad said quietly.
I regarded him for a while. I couldn't help but recount my early childhood. Those times felt so surreal now. When dad took me to baseball games or we'll hold our own game of rugby in the court or simply go on a picnic as a family. Elaine was a baby back then and life was so much fun and so much easier. Too bad we couldn't bring back those times no matter what but we had to settle for what we had now. A family not only concerned about their own affairs but one primarily concerned with the welfare of the nation as a whole. Sometimes, thinking about it reminded me of the 'incredibles' except we weren't them but we are still together.
"And son," Dad called right behind me as I made to step out. "Decide what you think it's best for Phoebe. Never leave her unprotected and defenseless." His tone had an edge of caution and I merely nodded.
I returned to my bedroom and plopped onto the bed. I closed my eyes in an attempt to shut out the never ending thoughts that floated into my mind. There was a knock on my door and I asked who it was. Xavier opened the door slightly ajar and peeped in.
"May I come in or is it a bad time?" Xavier asked. I sat up on the bed.
"It's nothing. Come in, you are just who I need to speak to." I said.
"O-kay" Xavier said with his eyebrows furrowed as he stepped in and shut the door behind him.
He took the seat opposite the bed. His favorite seat, as he called it. He ran his hands through his hair.
"Zach, how do you do it?" He asked.
"Do what?" I returned.
"Just not get attached to anything or anyone." He said leaning back in his seat.
"What do you mean?" I inquired getting interested at this point.
"Tell me, have you ever in your eighteen years of existence had someone always on your mind?" Xavier asked and I looked to the ground. "I thought as much. I never thought I'd say this Zach but I really envy you. All it took me was one meeting; just one rendered me a blithering love-sick puppy." Oh! The irony.
"I had just hoped that we were merely brushing past by but turns out she is here to stay. Am really trying to avoid my feelings but it gets worse each time I try to run. Worst is that I have no courage whatsoever to do anything about it. I sound pathetic, don't I?" Xavier self- chastised. "Don't say anything Zach. It's just me letting out how I feel to a wall. It's mostly girls who do this stuff and I've always thought it stupid. It actually works, I feel much lighter already. Okay, now I sound like a sissy." Xavier tumbled out and I chuckled. At least I didn't have to say anything in response to that.
"About A. A week, what are the final arrangements?" Xavier asked promptly changing the subject.
"Well, on Monday, we will hold general training and practice with Jaden, Simon and Mason. Jaden is already planning out the session and depending on how it goes, we'll know what to work with." I briefed.
"Sounds good to me. We certainly cannot fall for Seradon's ruses and shenanigans this semester. We have to beat them at their own game." Xavier said.
"Exactly." I acquiesced.
"So, why did your dad call you over all of a sudden?" he asked. Of course he knew it was only dad that could call me over and I'd be off. He'd been around long enough to realize this.
"We are expecting some visitors from Portugal in three days." I admitted.
"Portugal? Was it not where that girl..." he thought for a bit and snapped his fingers. "Rachel, that was her name right? Isn't she from there?" he asked and I shot him a playful glare.
"Dude, I forgot already. Please do not remind me of that nightmare of a girl." I said as grim as I could manage. That only made Xavier guffaw. I side-glanced at him and rose to my feet, "Your time is up. Up, you are leaving this room."
Xavier frowned even as a silly smile tugged at the sides of his mouth. "You are sending me away?" he asked in a sardonic tone. I ignored him as I kicked his leg. "Resorting to violence, now?"
"Out Xav. I want you out of my hair."
"Are you sure? Last I checked, you couldn't stay away from me." He said feigning concern.
"Seriously? You are being narcissistic." I vented.
"Maybe." He shrugged. "With a face like mine, you couldn't be thoughtful and humble at the same time. It just wouldn't be fair." He argued. I frowned.
"Is that point even valid? I wonder what all your admirers really look out for." I mused. Xavier shrugged and meant to relax again. I pulled him up. He stared at me as though I had stolen from him. "I asked you to leave not make yourself comfortable." I glared.
"Aish. You are so petty." He said rising to his feet and brushing off non-existent dirt from his shirt. He tsked as he left the room. I shook my head and returned to lie back on the bed. Judging from the red light streaming in through the blinders, I could tell it was evening. I so needed to relax before taking dinner.
I finally settled on swimming. Nothing in the world eased me more than a swim. I changed into a pair of swimming shorts and with a towel headed for the indoor pool.
I dived into the pool after I had carefully laid my towel on a bench. I saw another towel but there were no signs of anyone being around. As I dived in, a body suddenly sprang up from the water coughing and wiping away water from her face furiously. She quickly turned to me, her emerald green eyes furious but on meeting my eyes, the fire dimmed out. She visibly gulped as she wiped away the water more to see clearly.
"Zach?" she croaked. "You gave me a fright. You shouldn't dive in like that." She said.
"It scared you? What were you thinking it was?" I teased just for the prize of the reaction.
"A crocodile or turtle or hippopotamus?" she said
I stared at her incredulously. "In an Indoor swimming pool? Really?"
She shrugged. "I wouldn't know. Anything is possible. Don't think that because you are here, I would leave. I came before you and am the guest so you mind your side of the lake while I mind mine."
"I never suggested you should leave." I informed.
"Just making sure." She said over her shoulder as she swam away and soon slowly immersed into the water. I was staring all the while. I noticed she had been underneath for a while and wondered if it was alright. I looked around but found no trace of her, that got me alert. "Phoebe, Phoebe, where are you?" I called but jumped back as I she appeared before me. She burst into laughter. I stared at her still in shock. Why was she laughing? Did she think that what happened was funny?
"Works every time. You should have seen yourself and the way you jumped. You looked like a puppy afraid to take a dip." she said amidst giggles.
Once again, a near-forgotten memory resurfaced. The first time that Phoebe had tried to wash Killian. He had been so afraid to get into the tub. The memory was one I was fond of. It reminded me of a time where I could do what I wanted to and expect not the regimented life I had.
"You really should never do that again." I chided and she did not look in the least bit remorseful.
"If I do, what happens? You know I could spread the news that I frightened the invincible Zachary Ellicott. What's in it for me?" she asked her eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Do you honestly want to play this game?" I asked. Something made her stop smiling as she moved away briskly as though she had been stunk by a bee. She immediately looked down to the water.
"Am sorry." she said. "I should go." I stared in bewilderment as she swam away and rose from the pool.
"Phoebe, wait." I called as I went after her. She calmly reached for her towel and wrapped it around her dripping wet beautiful body. I forced myself to forget that part and stared at her straight at the eye. I didn't mind that I was dripping wet as well but Phoebe seemed to mind as she averted her eyes to pick up my towel and handed it to me. "Thanks."
"You are welcome. See you then." she said and made to walk past me but instinctively, I reached for her wrist and drew her back. I released her before she could register the shock. The slight skin contact also affected me and I couldn't let her see that, ever.
"Talk. What is on your mind?" I asked bluntly while trying to put on my most gentle appearance.
I watched her stare at me completely speechless. "No... nothing." She stuttered. "There's nothing to talk about Kill... Zach." I watched as her chest rose and fell. I felt guilty. I could just tell her right there and clear her mind but telling her was one side of it. What if she doesn't get it? What if she thinks I've stalked her through most of her life? What if she flees from me in terror or even hate me? I still left her in the end. I thought of what to say to lighten the tense atmosphere.
"Just in case you do not know, my middle name is Killian." I admitted and watched as her eyes shot up to me in surprise.
"Wow. No kidding. Big coincidence. Who would have thought?" she blurted. "But hold on, how did you know I was gonna call you that?"
"Lip movement. The obvious." I replied easily. She chuckled as she ran her fingers through her wet hair.
"Silly me. Who would have ever thought that I would be so obsessed over a dog for years?" she muttered. "Thanks for telling me." she tried to leave again and I held her back by gripping her shoulders.
"Whoa. Slow down there. What's the rush? Am I smelling or do I look like some monster that constantly makes you take off?" I asked a bit offended.
"I didn't realize it looked that way. I apologize." she said looking quite red.
"Okay. So, do you want to stay for a bit or go up for supper?" I asked tentatively.
"Am still kinda full from lunch so I'll pass on supper but staying here," she sucked in a breath. "Am not so sure." she admitted.
"I won't bite. We could just talk. I promise." I assured her.
"Doesn't sound bad at all." she replied and I was relieved. Perhaps, we could get some things straight.
We sat side by side on the back rest seats beside the pool.
"Since you have near sighted, why do you always use glasses? You don't exactly need it from what am seeing." And what I've seen, I added in my mind.
She shrugged. "Just used to it. Makes me feel more comfortable and I hate it when I can't see far because of my sight." she admitted. "Also, I feel like I can withdraw into the background if am on glasses and have my hair down. When it's up and am without glasses, I always get attention and it isn't comfortable though it has been helpful a few times." she confessed and I chuckled lightly. "What about you Zach, what do you hope to be apart from The Ellicotts' heir?"
"I have my hobbies." I said. I saw Phoebe sit up and listen attentively. "The answer I have will definitely blow your mind. It's not your usual type of hobby." I warned.
"Ha!" she gasped putting her hand over her mouth. "Is it something dirty Zach?" she asked in mock disbelief.
I rolled my eyes. "What do you honestly take me for, Phoebe. Of course not. I just love sleeping and eating really well."
She stared at me blankly. That had definitely taken her by surprise. "Seriously? What kind of hobby is that?" she asked in disbelief.
"My life as it is is already too regimented. There is always something to attend to, I hardly have time for me and whenever am too exhausted to try anything new. So, I eat and sleep." I said rubbing behind my ear.
"Aw, so cute. I get it. I have hobbies is because I have time on my hands. I can't imagine being you. It must be so tough. But if it makes you feel better, I support you." she said.
"Thank you Phoebe. How about you? How do you feel about having the power to write fate?" I asked.
"I don't know. Still trying to figure out if am in a dream or if it's truly reality. It's overwhelming." she sighed. "What's more, am more terrified than I've ever been in my whole life. What happens if I write something wrong, what happens if I wield this power wrongly? It bothers me very much."
"Try not to think too much about it, I know you 'll make the right decision." I said quietly.
"I hope so too. So, Zach I've been curious. How many languages do you speak?" she asked.
I furrowed my brows. "I don't know. Maybe about five. French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and Russian." I listed off.
"You are being serious?" she asked bewildered. I nodded slowly. "You are amazing."
"But you speak every kind." I reminded.
"Without realizing it. It's sort of part of who I am but you sweated to learn and that makes it way cooler." she said.
"Not exactly. Dad and mom always spoke different languages to us while growing up and most of our staff come all over the world. Languages was easy to learn." I said.
"Brilliant. You will definitely become a politician, I know and a scientist?" she asked.
"How did you know?"
"Elly may have mentioned it." she said sheepishly.
"Yes. I want to become a scientist. My greatest mentor had been my grandfather and I want to follow in his footsteps and also, I feel I have much to offer to humanity if I become a scientist." I replied and she smiled at me.
"I knew you were cool." she said and I couldn't help but stare at that beautiful smile.
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