Chapter 24
"Ok we are here what's going on?" Chanyeol and Chen arrive at Kai's penthouse apartment looking worried at the look on their friend's face.
"I have some news that I wanted to tell you both face to face please sit down" Kai signals for them to sit as he starts to smile.
" Please tell us we have been thinking the worst since you called" Chen huffs as he stares at his friend while Chanyeol just scrolls on his phone.
" Baekhyun is pregnant" Kai just blurts it out making Chen and Chanyeol look at each other.
" Ok and?" Chanyeol says as Kai looks at them hoping they catch on
" What has Baekhyun being pregnant got to do with us......Oh shit are you?" Chen starts until Chanyeol butts in
" It's yours?" Chanyeol asks hoping he hasn't made a fool of himself and guessed wrong
" Yes, Baekhyun is pregnant and carrying my child" Kai falls sitting on the sofa as it finally dawned on him, he is going to be a dad for real.
" What else is wrong because judging by your face and how pale it just got there is more to this" Chanyeol stands up and sits beside his friend
" He got spiked I had to go the hospital now he is pregnant " Kai is just staring into space as Chen now gets up and kneels on the floor at his friends' feet.
" Ok Kai take a deep breath and tell us what happened from the start" Chen nods for him to start
" Ok so I was working late with Sehun, and he got a call to say Baekhyun was at the hospital"
" Well he works there so yeah" Chanyeol says only to get a slap on the arm from Chen
" Continue please" Chen says as Kai takes a deep breath
" I drove Sehun to the hospital and we found out Baekhyun was dropped off by a taxi who said he picked him up and Baekhyun told him he was spiked and to bring him to the hospital. The driver told Minseok Baekhyun's friend and they were able to check him over and he was ok "
"Ok then what" Chanyeol moves quickly out to the kitchen and comes back with three glasses and a bottle of rum
"Here looks like we will need this" Chanyeol pours out the drinks they all take a sip.
" Ok so I arrived to check on him this morning and I was messing around trying to be all playful, so I grabbed his chart and was pretending to be a doctor when I spotted it said he was pregnant"
"Holy shit you work fast" Chanyeol teases him as Kai takes the bottle from him and pours out another drink
"So can we ask is Baekhyun keeping it ?" Chen reaches and touches his friends hand hoping it's not too bad of news.
" Yes, he said he wants to and that I am the father"
" But?" Chen carefully asks as Kai looks up at the ceiling trying to stop his tears
"We were clearing the air because we had fallen out and I all was ok till I mentioned something"
" What did you do?" Chanyeol takes the bottle back and places it on the floor beside him in case his friend starts to get upset more
"He had told me he was out trying to numb the pain of hurting everyone and that's when he got spiked. He figured it out and made himself sick and got a taxi. I told him he could have been climbing out of some others person bed this morning after being raped"
" Yes, but he is safe now and he had a wobble and is sorry for it are you walking away from him?" Chen looks up at his friend passing him a tissue.
" I said I would be around him at the beginning then I mentioned the near rape and then basically gave me time to think it through and that I would see him in the morning"
"So how can we help?" Chanyeol places his arm around his best friend's shoulder knowing he has been through a lot himself .
" Baekhyun loves to work and doesn't have much of a social life, so I am scared for him being pregnant and over working. I want to tell him this, but I just needed time to breathe and take it all in"
" That's understandable , do you want the baby and is baby ok after being spiked?" Chen takes both Kai hands in his now showing him comfort as the top CEO is starting to break.
" The baby is good and I really want our baby and I told him I would be back in the morning to see him, but I want to go back now and make this all right" Kai sniffs as he pulls his hand away from Chen's so he can wipe his nose
"Didn't you tell me something happened at the park, and you would fill me in another time ?" Chen waits a Kai starts to cry more and touches his chest just over his heart.
"A guy turned up and he finally told me he was seeing him before me, but he wants to be with me, so everything was ok till he said he was going home to batch cook before he went back to work. I told him I would hire someone to do it for him so he wouldn't have to worry . But I overstepped and kept pushing and he lost it with me said I was smothering him. I told him I would drop him home, but he said no . I just went back to the office then and cancelled the food at the hospital because I was there too much also for him"
" Hang on you did him and the hospital a massive favor with your own money and now he acts like this " Chanyeol stands up getting annoyed and starts to pace the floor
" Look it's sorted he said he was sorry, and I told him if I ever got like that again to tell me. It's just he could have been with anyone just over something like this now there is a baby involved and he wants us to be together"
" Course he does he needs the money" Chanyeol huffs as Chen stands up " Don't you dare say that we don't know Baekhyun, and you can't say that about him plus you just heard him say all was sorted" Chen tries to stop Chanyeol and makes him calm by giving him the look he knows he will understand
" Sorry I didn't mean it " Chanyeol sits back down and pours another drink
"I don't want to be eager and go back now will I wait till the morning so we both have time to think it through?"
" I think that's best yes and then if you want him, and the baby then go for it we will support you " Chen hugs his friend as Kai begins to sob letting all his anger and frustration out finally
"You need to try relax this isn't good for you right now after your last hospital stay" Chanyeol joins in on the hug worried for his friend
" I will be ok I guess it's just the first time I can let it all out properly" Kai wipes his face and takes a sip from his glass
" Look we can stay with you tonight and talk more if you want then in the morning, you can decide what you want" Chen says as he can't help but worry over his friend
Back at the hospital Baekhyun is finally resting after being warned off by Minseok that its best to just take time to relax and decide himself if he really wants Kai .
Since everyone has gone back to work, he lays in his bed rubbing his flat stomach smiling to himself that there is in fact a baby in there. He has heard of men getting pregnant but never thought it would be him. " Oh little one I'm going to love you so so much and your uncles Minseok and Sehun and Lucas will spoil you rotten just you wait and see. As for your dad I can't force him, but he wants to be there for us I just hope I get a second change because I have been such a fool. I'm not use to people fussing over me so that is something I am going to have to learn to deal with . I just hope and pray I don't fuck things up" Baekhyun lets out a sigh of content and closes his eyes hoping to fall asleep soon.
" Hello sorry to disturb you " Baekhyun opens his eyes to see Chenle standing with the door open holding some hot coco. " I have woken you ?" Chenle looks with panic as Baekhyun sits up in the bed. " No no please come in " Chenle steps into the room and passes Baekhyun a cup of hot coco as he takes a seat beside the doctor's bed.
" I hear you are pregnant this must be amazing news to you" Chenle sips his coco as Baekhyun smiles.
" It is a shock but yes, it is amazing news. I am lucky enough to be able to carry a baby" Baekhyun smiles as he blows on his coco.
" Is Mr Kim excited ?"
" Let me guess Lucas told you?" Baekhyun smiles as he starts to see the panic on Chenle's face
" I'm sorry " Chenle feels like he should just keep quiet now and not keep pushing
" Yes, it is Mr Kim and I met before he was a patient here so, please don't think I went against the rules here Chenle . I know you will make a great doctor here someday" Baekhyun smiles taking a sip of his coco as Chenle moves closer
" Baekhyun, can I get some advice from you?" Chenle looks embarrassed now as Baekhyun looks at him with concern
" Of course what is it?"
" My boyfriend, I want to take things further and I don't know how to tell him"
"Take things further how?"
" Ask him to marry me" Chenle smiles a huge smile making Baekhyun get all giddy
" Well go for it , if anything I have learnt these past few days is speak up tell him how you really feel and pop the question. Life is short "
" Thank you Baekhyun , I will leave you to rest thank you again" Chenle leaves the room Baekhyun sits back enjoying the coco a little too much he is nearly making sexual pleasure noises.
Settling in the bed Baekhyun reaches for his phone and opens the message app. Should he text Kai or wait . Hovering over the keys he decides to let Kai have the time to decide what he wants . Putting the cup down and turning on his side he snuggles down in bed hoping to fall asleep soon
Next morning
" Hey so how do I look?" Baekhyun stands proud all dressed after Sehun dropped him off clothes before he headed to work
" You look fine, well rested " Minseok says as he signs the paperwork letting Baekhyun go home
Knock knock
Baekhyun can't help but get butterflies in his stomach now as the door opens and there is Kai in a black suit and black silk like shirt under it with the two top buttons open showing off his tan skin
" Hi " Kai says as Minseok leaves the room as fast as he can
" Hey, you dropped by" Baekhyun continues to put his dressing gowns he had away into the bin.
" Yeah, you're all dressed I see, are you feeling better?" Kai watches as he takes in how good Baekhyun actually looks this morning.
" I feel so rested it's like I got a weight off my shoulders " Baekhyun takes a seat on the edge of the bed as Kai stands
" Are you going home?" Kai wants to get straight to it, but he feels awkward for the first time in his life
" Yeah, I just need to clear this stuff Sehun dropped me up away then I can go home" Baekhyun keeps watching as Kai paces the floor
" I have a car outside my driver can drop you home if you like?" Kai watches as Baekhyun smiles " That would be really nice are you sure you don't need him to drop you anywhere?"
" Well I will be with you in the car we can drop you off home and then I have no idea what I am doing after . I have cancelled my morning meetings"
" Didn't you drive yourself this morning ?"
" No I had too much to drink last night so I would still be over the limit to drive and better to be safe than sorry"
" Yeah, clever idea, well ok ill just get my toothbrush and wash bag and I'll be ready to leave " Baekhyun makes his way into the bathroom and lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Grabbing his things he makes his way back to the bed seeing Kai sitting on the bed holding the teddy
" I am ready now" Baekhyun smiles as he pops his things in the small bag and zips it up
" Ok let me carry that " Kai takes the bag swinging it over his shoulder as Baekhyun doesn't put up a fight and lets the taller do it .
"Goodbye Baekhyun see you soon" his work colleagues wave him off as they head out to Kai's waiting car
" After you" Kai smiles as he holds open the door for Baekhyun to climb in. Closing the door he climbs in the other side and gives the directions to his driver
The car ride is quiet, and both don't know how to start what they need to talk about.
After a few minutes they arrive at Baekhyun apartment building.
" So can you come up for a chat?" Baekhyun holds open the car door before climbing out
" Yes, I would really like that. I'll send my driver off " they both climb out of the car and head on up to the apartment
" Home finally" Baekhyun moves into his sitting room and opens the window to let some fresh air in.
"So where will I put the bag ?" Kai slides his shoes off as Baekhyun takes the bag from him and brings it to his bedroom. Dropping it on the bed he rubs his stomach and whispers " Here we go"
" Hi" he says softly as he finds Kai looking out the window of the sitting room
" Have you decided anything about our situation?" Baekhyun take his shoes off and takes a seat on the sofa placing a cushion on his lap
" I have yes . I would like us to make a go of it and I want to know if you have decided you want to keep our baby" Kai sits on the single chair across from the sofa making Baekhyun smile
"I am keeping the baby and I would like for us to have another try. We haven't really decided on being in a relationship we just jumped into bed"
" I know, how bold of us" Kai smiles as he watches how nervous Baekhyun really is
" I know you like things your way that you have a system, but I was wondering if you could change it for us now"
Baekhyun wipes a tear that kisses his cheek making Kai move and sit beside him.
"I know this is hard for you and you like being so busy with work but what would you like to do?"
"I would like for us to start dating properly and get to know each other before baby comes along" Baekhyun doesn't take his eyes of the CEO
" I would really like that also. I think we it would be a good thing to do. I would like to put an idea your way if I can?" Kai watches as Baekhyun nods " go ahead"
" Ok I was thinking we could both .... how can I say this without making it sound bossy"?
" Kai just say it please its ok that's why we are having this talk it's to get things off our chest" Baekhyun reaches across and takes kai's hand in his
"Maybe we could look into maybe find a place we both like and move in together before baby comes so when baby arrives, we are settled and ready for him or her?"
" Wow you thought that far I only thought of us being together I'm sorry I didn't think that far ahead" Baekhyun looks away feeling like an idiot
" To be honest I wanted to have answers in case you said something similar to me " Kai chuckles a little as Baekhyun smiles
" I would like that but what about your place mine is definitely not big enough"
"If you want yes, you can move in with me or if you would like to stay here till, you're ready, we can do that also"
" I like the idea of us living together so how about we start off dating first and getting to know each other in a non-sexual way then we can sort out moving as we go along
" I like that idea , deal" Baekhyun holds out his hand as they shake on it .
" So can I buy you breakfast ?" Chanyeol stands up holding out his hand for the smaller
"Oh now that would be nice " Baekhyun slips back on his shoes as he watches Kai close the window before putting his shoes back on
"You look so sexy" Baekhyun just blurts it out and covers his mouth making Kai look at him
" Where you supposed to say that in your head?"
" Yep, I'm so sorry" Baekhyun blushes as kai holds open the door of the apartment
" Come on beautiful let's get some food " Kai waits as Baekhyun leaves then closes the door behind them
" As your doctor I recommend some greasy food for your hangover" Baekhyun teases as they take the lift down
" I know I shouldn't have but it was a mini celebration of being a dad"
"I can only imagine " Baekhyun doesn't say anything more and goes quiet
" Tell me what is it?" Kai stops him as they leave the lift on the ground floor
" I just want to kiss you and I am kind of jealous you and I celebrated apart like you with your friends and me with mine"
" Well we can change that how about this weekend we both get our friends together and celebrate properly then we can do it in my place ?"
"I would really like that thank you, I think we both deserve it " Baekhyun slides his hand into Kai's hoping it is ok . Kai holds the little hand in his as they head off out for something to eat but deep down Baekhyun knows he needs to tell Kai about the kiss in the pub with the guy who spiked him so the air is properly clear before they move on together
to be continued
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