Chapter 22
It's been a few days now and Kai has thrown himself into work. He decided to give Baekhyun his space since that day in the park. Every time he closes his eyes he can see Baekhyun sitting on the grass as he drives away. He stopped Sehun from telling him about the smaller. He knows himself he was just trying to be nice and was told off for it. He never thought we would be accused of being a person that smothers someone.
He cancelled the food and drinks to the hospital and he feels bad for it but then again he did only do it when the accident happened and staff were not able to get time to eat. Now that is over there is no need for it anymore.
"Boss?" Jaehyun his driver peaks his head around the office door.
"Yes, come in sorry Jaehyun my mind was elsewhere" Kai sits back in his office chair taking a breath as if he was holding it while he worked.
"I got the food from the restaurant down stairs that you asked for" Jaehyun steps into the room from the signal of his boss.
"Thank you Jaehyun just put it over at the sofas and I'll get it now" he stands up from his office chair touching his back trying to stretch it out from sitting so long.
"I will leave you to eat sir" Jaehyun nods and leaves the room quickly closing the door behind him.
Looking out the window of the city below on this dull overcast day his eyes spots the hospital. He feels a little pain in his heart as he thinks about the doctor he has spent alot of time with and made love to right here in his office. He let's out a breath he didn't know he was holding and moves to the sofa to have some much needed food.
Knock knock
"Come in" he shouts towards the door as Chanyeol his friend steps in.
"What has you here?" Kai starts to eat as his friend closes the door and sits on one of the sofas with some lunch for himself.
"To be honest I came by to make sure you have been eating" Chanyeol tucks into his food making Kai smile at his friend " I'm ok you don't need to worry" he smiles back as Chanyeol wipes his mouth.
"I know you are. I just wanted to make sure that's all. Have you heard from a certain doctor at all yet?"
"No yeol I haven't I'm giving him the space he needs. Can I ask you something though. Do I smother people?"
"I don't think so no. You're just too kind for your own good that's all. If people don't like that and what you do for them then that's their problem. Don't change who you are for anyone, you told me that" Chanyeol continues to eat as Kai just smiles hearing his friend speak of him like this.
"Do you miss him?"
"Yeah I do but I have also been busy with work so it's kinda made the days go faster"
"Good it will keep your mind off him then anyway how is work going I really hope you are getting some rest"
"Like I said we have been busy. I have been heading home at a normal time every evening so dont worry it's just tonight I will be later home there is a few files I need to sort out and get rid of them off my desk for good"
"Just make sure you still rest I can't be loosing you Kai"
"Aww I love you too" Kai playfully says teasing his friend but knowing deep down he just wants what is best for him.
"Well I will be off and thanks for the company with lunch try not be so late tonight getting home and I will see you soon" Chanyeol throws his food wrappers into the bin and leaves as Kai sits back in sofa laying his head back and closing his eyes.
Feeling a bit more energised he cleans up the food wrapper and washes his hands before getting back into his work pile.
Across town
" One more try, there we go. Wow thats some marble" Doctor Byun wipes the marble he just removed from a kids nose and holds it out to him.
"What do you say to the doctor sweetheart?"
"Thank you doctor" the little boy says holding his marble in his hand.
"Don't stick anything else up there buddie ok, because next time I might not be able to get it out so easy ok" Baekhyun watches as the little boy leans closer and hugs him.
"Awww" thank you now off you go and have fun and no more sticking things up there ok" Baekhyun waves to the boy and his mother as they leave the emergency room.
"Oh kids they do the weirdest things" Baekhyun washes his hands as he makes his way to the staff room for a ten minute break.
"Hey Lucas how's it going?" Baek makes his way over to the coffee machine grabbing a cup.
"It's ok I have to do a surgery soon to remove an appendix I think just waiting on the results of the scan to come back so I'm on standby for that".
"Oh fun and just before lunch" Baekhyun smiles as he sits down at the table beside his friend
"How are you baek?" Lucas moves closer almost whispering.
"I'm ok I guess"
"Just ok?"
"Yes just ok lucas everyone needs to stop worrying about me so much I'm fine"
"No your not, you miss Mr tall dark and handsome" Minseok says smirking as he steps into the room.
"Which one" Lucas laughs out making Baekhyun give him a killer look.
"Sorry but it's true" Lucas shrugs his shoulders not seeing what he said that was wrong
"He ain't wrong" Minseok joins in making Baekhyun put his head on the table.
"So what is the deal then?" Minseok bravely takes a seat close to baek as the smaller finally looks up at them both.
"There is no deal with either of them I'm better off on my own. I come to work I go home that's enough for me"
"That is no life baek. You need to live your life also instead of staying inside on your days off go out and get some fresh air into you". Minseok reach across touching his friends hand in comfort.
"Minseok is right baek you need to get out more. Plus I better head off now and call my man before I head in for surgery, laters" Lucas rushes out the door leaving the two alone.
"You miss him don't you?" Minseok watches as Baekhyun shakes his head.
"Yes and no. He was pretty full on with me minseok"
"He just cared for you and made sure you were taken care off baek"
"Im not use to all that. I like things my way and when I say I will do something I mean I will do it not to keep pushing your way"
"I know he did that with you but give him a chance baek he was just doing what he thought was right"
"I know but still I felt smothered he was so involved so fast"
"You had a part in that also baek not just him. You never told him anything different untill the last minute so you can't blame him for that"
"So I'm the bad guy?" Baekhyun looks up at his friend in shock
"Yeah you kinda are. He can't read your mind baek"
"Why can't people just leave me alone" baekhyun lowers his head on the table again feeling drained.
"What about the teacher?"
"What about him?" Baekhyun looks up fast making minseok jump a little at the sudden movement.
"Have you spoke to him since that day in the park?"
"Are you serious? You spoke to him and not Kai who you slept with" minseok stands up in shock at what he is hearing.
"I met him in the supermarket when I was getting food I couldn't just ignore him could I"
"Oh yeah and what happened then?"
"I went home, alone" Baekhyun stands up and makes his way to the sink to wash his cup he didn't even drink.
"You either want one or neither don't play them baek" Minseok leaves the room making baek feel like shit.
He decides once he is done here he is going to go to a bar and get drunk.
Later that night
"Another one please sir" Baekhyun smiles as the barman passes him another drink.
"Gotta love the Irish and how they drink"he cheers and knocks back his shot.
He drinks his bottle of beer and orders another shot as a guy appears beside him at the bar. Turning to face him a little he smiles and continues his drink. The tall dark-haired man beside him can't keep his eyes off him.
"Hi can I buy you a drink?" the stranger asks as he takes a seat beside Baekhyun at the bar.
"Yeah ok thanks" Baekhyun smiles as he watches the guy buy him a drink.
"So do you come here often?" Baekhyun laughs realising just how stupid he just sounded"
"No, I'm here with friends it's new for me" he smiles clinking his bottle with Baekhyuns before taking a sip.
"It's my second time here in this Irish pub now I just love the atmosphere" Baekhyun smiles remembering the time him and yixing were here on a date.
"Yeah it seems great here I'm from out of town so me and my friends catch up once a month and go on a mad one"
"Sound like fun, I hope I'm not keeping you from your friends" Baekhyun looks towards the table of friends and smiles knowing they are having fun and are not even looking in their direction.
"They won't mind plus I'm talking to a cute guy" Baekhyun looks at the stranger and can't get over his sculptured jaw line and what he just said.
"Your not so bad yourself" Baekhyun continues to drink as the stranger does the same.
Time has past and both are quite tipsy. "I need the bathroom excuse me" Baekhyun leaves to go to the bathroom as he looks over his shoulder at the guy he has been talking to the last 2 hours and smiles as he makes his way into the bathroom. Finally empty he washes his hands and fixes himself in the mirror only to be met by said stranger outside the bathroom door.
"Oh hi" baekhyun blushes as he steps aside to let the stranger pass him but he too moves.
"Hi" the stranger places his hands on Baekhyuns waist and steps closer. Giggling and feeling rather tipsey Baekhyun seems to like it.
"What now?" Baekhyun watches as the stranger cups his cheek and kisses him softly on the lips.
"Oh" Baekhyun moves away touching his lips.
"Sorry but I needed to taste these beautiful lips" the stranger doesn't let go and feeling how he feels right now Baekhyun grabs him and kisses him back. He misses being held and kissed and a stranger will do for now.
"Let me take you somewhere" the stranger whispers in the smallers ear In between passionate kisses.
"More drink first" Baekhyun pulls away and heads back to the bar to his seat as the stranger sits beside him.
"My friends bought us a drink I hope you don't mind" the stranger says as he looks at the new drink on the bar in front of them.
"That's nice of them" Baekhyun takes up the glass and has a sip as the stranger moves closer kissing his neck.
"What the hell" Baekhyun spits out his second mouthful of the drink as he can see clearly something mixing in his glass with the drink.
"You bastard" he drops the glass back on to the bar and pushes the stranger away before grabbing his coat and running to the bathroom. The stalls are all busy so he decides the sinks will have to do. Being a ER doctor he knows he needs to get it out of his system so he places his fingers down his throat and makes himself sick.
Once he cant get anything more out he makes his way out of the back door of the pub and waves down a taxi.
"Sir are you ok?" the driver jumps out and tries to help Baekhyun stand.
"My drink was spiked I need to go the hospital please" the driver helps him into the car and speeds down to the hospital that just so happens to be the one that Baekhyun works in.
"Help someone please" the driver shouts in the reception area as Minseok rushes to him. "Are you ok sir?" minseok ask as the driver brings him outside to his cab and shows him Baekhyun laying down in the back trying to stay awake.
"Baek what the hell" minseok pulls his friend out of the car as others rush to join with a wheelchair.
"Did he say what happened?" minseok asked the driver as he tells me what Baekhyun told him
"Shit, here you go thank you so much" minseok pays him and tips him before rushing baek into a room.
"Baek what the hell were you doing?" Minseok and the others rush around getting a line into baeks arm to pump him with fluids.
"Take some blood and see what he was spiked with and get these fluids into him. Baek it's me minseok your in the hospital and your safe now. I need you to answer me have you thrown up?" minseok tries his best to talk to baek but he keeps falling asleep and waking back up.
" Mini" Baekhyun moans as minseok keeps tapping his cheek to keep him awake
"Baek have you thrown up? Come on answer me please"
"Yes" Baekhyun says before passing out holding his friends hand.
"Ok good maybe he didn't get so much if he made himself sick" he tells the others as Lucas arrives into the room.
"What's happend to one of our own?" he rushes to the bed and grabs baeks other hand as he wipes baeks sweaty hair off his forehead.
"Someone spiked him" minseok says as he watches the staff hook him up to a heart monitor and a fluid bag.
"He will be ok won't he?" Lucas looks concerned as he keeps looking at baek.
"I think he may have noticed it and threw up. He made it into a taxi to get here which wouldn't usually happen with people who have been spiked" Minseok let's everyone leave as he and Lucas sit with baek.
"This is crazy he will have a massive hang over when he wakes" Lucas rubs the smaller hand not believing what he has witnessed with one of their own.
"The fluids will take care of that for him so he will be fine he just needs to rest now"
"Mins anything could have happened to him tonight"
"I know, I don't want to think about it. I'm just glad he is safe now here with us" minseok leaves the room to ring Sehun and let him know what has happened.
Across town
"Thanks Sehun you have stayed late enough go home and ring your man" Kai smiles as he watches Sehun grab his phone from his pocket and look shocked at the number.
"It's the hospital" he says as Kai watches him with worry
"Hi minseok"
"He what"
"Oh god I'm on my way"
Sehun hangs up the phone and looks at Kai.
" What's wrong? " Kai moves closer to him seeing Sehun start to panic.
" Baeks drink got spiked and he is in the hospital" Sehun drops the files and makes a run to his desk as Kai rushes out after him.
"Let me drive you" Kai rushes back into his office to grab his jacket and keys
"I... Be fine ill get a taxi" Sehun begins to get emotional as he keeps staring at his desk not knowing what to do next.
"Here is your coat and phone now come on ill drive you" Kai guides him to the lift as they hurry to the car and off to the hospital.
The hospital
"Minseok where is he?" Sehun rushes in with tears down his cheek followed by Kai.
"I have him in a private room come with me" minseok brings them down the hallway towards baeks room.
"Omg what happend?" Sehun walks closer holding baeks hand in his.
"He got spiked, a taxi dropped him here" Minseok closes over the door as Kai walks in closer and stands at the end of the bed as Lucas is holding baeks other hand.
"He said he threw it up so he may have noticed it before the affects started to happen" Lucas says moving away from baek so Kai can sit with him.
"It seems like it was alot if he is this bad" Kai says making minseok step closer to check the fluid drip.
"He may have drank some of it before he realised"
"Have the police been called?" Kai turns to face them as a nurse enters the room. " The police are here now minseok" she smiles as Minseok leaves to deal with them.
"Baek what have you been up to" Sehun kisses his friends head hoping he will be ok.
"I'm just going to ring Suho and tell him whats happened" he too leaves the room as Kai looks around for baeks chart to see what has been done for him but can't find it so he reaches out and takes the smaller hand in his and holds it.
He misses the smaller and didn't realise just how much untill seeing him here like this now.
"All done" Minseok enters the room as he spots Kai holding Baeks hand.
"Are they going to look for the ass hole that did this?" Kai stares at him as minseok starts to feel a little uncomfortable.
"Yeah they spoke with the taxi driver and are following up on it now" Kai nods his head and relaxes as he rubs his temple with one hand.
"He will be out for the night why don't you go get some sleep" Minseok watches as Kai stands up.
"He may not want me here anyway can you just tell him I was here for him" minseok can see the sadness in the tallers eyes and it breaks his heart knowing his good friend is messing him around.
"Of course I will" minseok smiles as Kai moves closer and gently kisses baekhyun on the forehead before he leaves the room and heads off home.
"Sir you may want to see this" the blood doctor appears passing Baekhyuns chart to him.
"What is it?" he opens the chart to see the blood work and looks back at the doc
"Yeah I thought I'd bring it to you myself before word spread" the doc leaves as minseok drops the chart on the bed and takes a seat beside the smaller holding his hand.
"Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant baek"
To be continued...
❤️C ❤️
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