Chapter 21
"I'm lucky I have extra shirts with me at work" I smile as Baek sit on the desk in front of me buttoning up my shirt.
"Yeah you are lucky but I'd rather you not wear a shirt" Baek kisses my naked chest one more time before closing the last button.
"Let me take you out. Let's get out of here for the day" I watch as his eyes light up a little. "I've been in bed for a good few days it would be nice to see the world for a bit" Baek slides off the counter and pulls his shoes on before fixing his hair again.
"So beautiful" I wrap my arms around his waist from behind hugging him tight as I kiss his neck. "So cheesy" Baek playfully says as I make him turn to face me better.
"Cheesy, am I know. How though I called you beautiful" I lean in kissing his neck making me giggle.
"I don't know, maybe I'm just not use to being called all the sweet things you call me" I watch as he lowers his head a little feeling shy for once.
"Come on then let's get out of here" Grabbing my jacket and car keys we leave my office and head down to the car.
"Have you been taking your medication?" he turns Doctor on me in the lift as I just smile at him. "Yes doc I am like a very good boy. If I wasn't would you punish me?" I try tease him as he continues to be serious.
"Please tell me you have been taking them Kai" I see he is rather concerned so I don't mess anymore and pull him closer.
"Yes sweetheart I have been, I promise you" cupping his cheek I move in and gently kiss his lips.
"So where are we going?" His mood changes all of a sudden taking me off guard as I shake my head and try to think.
"There are a few new takeaway food stalls in the big square in the park near the fountain. I'd like to take you there" the lift opens as I step out and hold out my hand hoping he will take it.
"Sounds perfect to me let's go" he smiles from ear to ear and takes my hand linking our fingers together. It's so good to see him smiling again after him being so down and tired these past few days.
The park
"I can see why you took the blanket from your car" he looks at me smiling as many others in the park have done the same on this beautiful sunny day.
Taking the blanket he walks ahead of me and finds a nice spot by a tree where people have moved from.
"Oh wow this is beautiful here" he flops down on the blanket making me stand and watch him. "Well don't stand there Mr Kim come sit with me" he pats the ground beside him as he slides off his shoes.
"Fancy some food?" I nod over to the venders at the food stalls. "Oh bring me back anything please you choose" he lays back on the blanket with his eyes closed as I grab us some food.
No pov
"Hey stranger" Baekhyun hears and sits up quickly seeing the teacher he had the date with before standing blocking his sun.
"Oh.... Hi.... How's you?" Baekhyun panics while looking over to see Kai still at the food stalls
"Good are you here alone?" The teacher sits beside him on the blanket making Baekhyun start to sweat.
"No I'm here with a friend of mine actually and he is just getting us some food"
"That's good I won't keep you then. How's work at the hospital?" The teacher stands up brushing himself off.
"Very busy to be honest this is my first proper day off and out in the fresh air. How's school?" Baekhyun tries to be nice but just wants the teacher to leave.
"Yeah the kids are great as always and schools nearly over so I'll have my free time soon" the teacher smiles making Baekhyun blush knowing he kinda played him a little.
"That's great news" Baekhyun looks down at his lap not knowing what else to say.
"Fancy a drink some time?" Lay asks as Baekhyun blushes. "I'm kinda seeing someone now, I'm sorry" Baekhyun hates being this harsh but he can't lie.
"Aww ok I guess giving you space was a loss to me" Yixing smirks feeling like he was used.
"No its wasn't like that it's just how it happened I'm so sorry Yixing I really am" Baekhyun stands up feeling really bad as yixing just smiles "Nice guys always finish last isn't that what they say. Well enjoy your time off and take care Baekhyun" and with that he walks off leaving Baekhyun feeling terrible at how things went with him.
"Hey foods up" Kai returns with the boxes of hot food as Baekhyun sits and takes one from him
"Who was that?" Kai asks noticing Baekhyuns mood has changed for the worst.
"I won't lie to you Kai he is a guy I met in the supermarket and went out on a date with just as you appeared into my life. I kinda brushed him off when he tried to reach out telling me I was too tired or busy with work. He asked me there just now if I'd like to have a drink with him" Kai watches feeling like his heart is about to break.
"Do you want to?" Kai whispers as he watches Baekhyuns reaction.
"No I don't and I told him that. I'm happy here with you Kai, I like you" Baekhyun gives a shy smile as he begins to eat his food as Kai smiles back feeling maybe he got in the way of something.
"Mmm this food is delicious" Baekhyun's eyes open wider tasting the food as Kai put his down.
"Baek have I got in the way of something?"
"No no I just met him in the supermarket. We went on a date and yes I kissed him but nothing more. I can't help it was around the time I met you.
"Are you sure" Kai watches a Baekhyun puts his food down and climbs over to the taller putting his arms around his neck and sitting on his lap not caring who sees
"I'm more then sure. I am here with you. I have slept with you. I don't want anyone but you" leaning in he kisses the taller softly on the lips making Kai smile.
"Thank you for being honest with me, let's eat" Kai smiles delighted to actually speak with an honest person for once in a relationship.
"Let's just enjoy the sun food and the company" Baekhyun climbs off the taller's lap and takes his seat on the blanket as they both tuck into their food.
"The sun is going down we should head back" Kai kisses the head of the smaller who is snuggled into his chest as they lay on the blanket.
"Yeah today was perfect and your right we should get home, I have work the day after tomorrow so I need to get some food cooked and frozen"
"Hey let me organise the food for you" Kai stands up from the blanket fixing himself as he also picks up their rubbish.
"I'd rather do it Kai if that's ok" Baekhyun too stands up as Kai looks scolded.
"I just want to help" Kai huffs making Baekhyun annoyed now.
"Kai you have done plenty for me please just let me do this"
"Come on I'll order a chief to cook for you and bring it over you can freeze it and won't have to worry about it"
" KAI I SAID NO" Baekhyun shouts trying to get the attention of the taller and make him listen.
"OK there is no need to shout I just wanted to help that's all. I won't mention it again"
"Are you serious right now?" Baekhyun picks up the blanket shaking it off annoyed even more.
"What I do now?" Kai holds his arms out in defeat as something he clearly thinks he missed.
"I don't need you smothering me ok" Baekhyun drops the blanket on the ground covering his mouth not believing what he said out loud
"I didn't mean to smother you I just wanted to try take the pressure off you for a bit. You have had it tough lately"
"Yes I have and you have been there every single day like clock work and I took a week off and never told you because I was damn tired and needed the break ok and now you want to make my food"
"Hey hey what's gotten into you in the past few minutes?" Kai watches on as Baekhyun just grabs his hair in his hands angry.
"I need space ok" Baekhyun huffs as Kai reaches down and picks up the blanket still not understanding what he did wrong.
"Shall I drop you home?" Kai cautiously asks as baek shakes his head no
"I'll make my own way home thank you" Baekhyun sits back on the grass as Kai nods and just starts to head off back to his car.
Climbing into his car he can't help but wonder what he actually did wrong. Everything was and has been ok till the guy showed up. Does Baekhyun still have feelings for him or is he just confused. Starting the car he takes one more look seeing Baekhyun leave the park and walk in the opposite direction as he drives off back to the office.
"Sehun can we talk?" Kai says as he walks past Sehun's desk and into his office.
"Everything ok boss?" Sehun steps in and closes the door.
"I have no idea what's wrong with baek. We went on a picnic and everything was amazing he then was talking to this guy and then all of a sudden his mood changed as soon as I told him I'd order him food so he didn't have too cook for the week ahead"
"I haven't heard from him sir, that's not like Baekhyun" Sehun sits on the edge of the chair wondering what could be wrong.
"He also said I'm smothering him lately and that was it he went one way and I went the other. Just check in and see if he is ok please" Kai falls into his chair still confused at the sudden change.
Across town
Slamming his apartment door shut Baekhyun takes his shoes off and makes his way to his bed. Falling onto it face first he grabs his pillow and starts to cry.
Feeling rather crap and like his life is being smothered he also feels bad of how he treated Yixing and Kai.
This is the reason he doesn't date it gets too messy but how can he treat them like this. It's not like him to be this way with people. He doesn't mess with their heads or hearts.
"I'm so horrible" he screams into his pillow feeling sorry for himself before he sits up on his bed to the sound of his phone ring
"Hey Sehun"
"What's going on?"
"So you heard"
"Well yeah he is worried about you"
"Oh god I wish he would just stop smothering me"
"Smother you really baek. He is just being nice to you and helping you out"
"Oh I'm sorry so you are in this relationship or whatever it is"
"No I'm not but I know you baek"
"No you dont"
"Yes I do and keep quiet for a second. Kai has been there for you with work bringing food etc making sure you ate. He asked about you every day to make sure you didn't burn yourself out and now all of a sudden since you slept you seem to have turned into a jerk after a few hours "
"I seen the teacher today"
"And so what"
"I felt bad ok Sehun"
"Felt bad for what, you're seeing Kai tough shit on him"
"Well I kinda seen him first and then Kai. I told Yixing I couldnt see him as I was busy and he got a little annoyed when I told him I was kinda seeing someone else"
"Your seeing Kai now forget all that other stuff"
"Am I seeing Kai though neither one of us asked the other we just fell into bed"
"Oh baek decide what you want or who you want then"
"That's not fair"
"No you telling Kai he was smothering you wasn't fair baek. It's not like you never told him to stop. You let it continue"
"I was working"
"Yes I know that but you have to see it from his point of view also. He didn't see no wrong and you never said to stop so how was he to know"
"Bye I'm going to bed"
"Baek talk to me"
"No I want to be alone like I was before were everyone leaves me be"
Hanging up the phone he falls back in his bed and covers his head wanting the day to be over.
"Sir can I drop you home?" Jaehyun appears in his bosses room snapping the boss out of his head
"No I still have a bit to do here you head off and I will see you tomorrow" Jaehyun nods his head and just leaves leaving Kai alone.
Looking at the sofa where he made love earlier and spotting a button from his shirt just under his desk he smiles remembering how hot it was between them.
He decides to make the call and cancel the food and drinks to the hospital now hoping that will calm everything down and that baekhyun will come around eventually.
Turning to face his desk his places the button down beside his phone and starts on the work on his desk.
To be Contined...
❤️C ❤️
What got into Baek I wonder?
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