Chapter 9
"Ames! Don't use that in front of our sister!" Canada said coming in the room.
"Like you don't use those words either—" America snapped back
"I am 15. I can handle myself." New Zeland said as Canada walked over and sat down on the ground with them.
It became quieter and quieter, but to Zealand and Canada. Louder with laughter.
Everything faded. But not like America just shut down.
His memory just faded.
"GAH!" America yelled as he woke up. He checked his phone in a panic, then looking at his arm.
The gash on his arm was gone. As if it was a nightmare.
Friday May 7
6:40 a.m.
He didn't wanna believe it. But he was re living today.
Or whatever day it was. He couldn't remember, all he wanted to know right now was his friend.
He climbed out of bed, everything seemed normal.
"Jesse?" America said opening his door, walking through the hallway.
"Jesse..? Hello?" He called out.
America ran into Jesse's room and bust opened the door.
Then he saw Jesse. Hanging from the ceiling.
His heart was racing. Wake up. Wake UP—
That's exactly what he did. It was Saturday May 8.
And he was screaming, and sweaty.
If this was a dream, where was he? He looked around.
"At least I am home.." he said sighing, laying his head back on his pillow.
Struggling to sleep.
If he was home with his parents then.. he took out his phone and pulled out the flashlight.
He looked at his arm and shined the light over his arm.
It was gone..but how? He was in his parents house so. Getting the cut isn't a dream.
He put his phone back,
'this is fine, we can solve this in the morning! the morning.' America said struggling to go back to sleep.
Next day was Saturday. Technically he'd work, or not.
It's like he had amnesia after that dream and his memories were jumbled up code in his brain.
What's wrong with me.? If I am at home. And if the cut isn't there, was it really all a dream? Did I get amnesia or something?
He pushed away those thoughts, laying down on his bed. Scrolling through his friend's Instagram page.
Canada's Post:
America sighed.
He loved that his brother found someone. But not in the best way.
It wasn't like they didn't have a good brother relationship. America is just jealous that Canada gets everything from his Dad. While France will do anything for America.
He turned off his phone, and sighed. Looking through all of his friends posts made him want to check on Jesse.
So that's what he did
Jesse? Why didn't you answer me like two days ago??
Lol did you know that I was at the dentist? 😂
Would you get onto me if I said yes-
Dunno. Maybe, depends on when you'll remember my birthday genius.
That was today wasn't it.?
. . .
Their conversation only ended there.
Left America on read. Which only led America to be lazy today.
He felt like an idiot. With Philip's words filling is head like a broken record.
'Your an idiot.'
Then more and more words came from his friends.
'We did what we had to.'
'We can't be friends.'
'Lets just fucking go.'
Make it stop. Make it go away. America begged.
"STOP!" America yelled, Canada rushed in and had his axe in his hand.
America blinked in disbelief. While Canada looked pissed.
"So I brought my axe for nothing." Canada said as he put it down and walked over to sit on America's bed
America shrugged, "Maybe you need it in the future. You never know."
"Since when did you get all wise?"
"Since when do you carry a axe around like it's nothing?"
"Fair point." Canada agreed.
"Ames!" Australia said and barged in America's room while he was playing Fortnite
"What Aussie?" America said taking of his headset
"Wanna play snake versus?" Australia said holding up a snake in America's face
America flinched "Hard pass."
"I'll put a spider in your bed while you sleep."
"Okay!" He said enthusiastically, "Who's the vs this time Aussie?"
"I hate you."
"Exactly the reason I chose the spider, now cmon!" He said putting the snake around his neck and grabbing America to go outside
"Ok. Ready?" Australia said giving the snake to America
"Didn't think so! Now on the count of—-"
"THREE!" Zealand said riding her sheep and interrupting them
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