It was later that very night that Ginny sought to return to that very dimly lit classroom. And just like the time beforehand she was not alone. Her calloused hands were wrapped tightly around the slim arm of the other girl she had dragged along with her. Ginny had not wasted any time getting to this moment fearing that was she to waste the smallest amount of time by changing her uniform she would back out of what she intended to do. Therefore, both girls were still stood in their school uniform the scratchy material irritating but nevertheless would be less irritating than the conversation they were bound to have. Once firmly inside the classroom, and after allowing the door to slam shut behind them. Ginny took her time to look Naomi dead in the eyes. Hope that they would start to show the emotions of what the girl was truly feeling before she even starting to talk. Yet all she could see in the other girls eyes was confusion.
Naomi could only stare at Ginny wondering just why she had been dragged to an unused classroom of all places. Upon the initial realisation that the person who had grabbed her was none other than her girlfriend, Naomi assumed they were going to go somewhere for a cute little date. A walk around the school grounds, down to the lake or something. Not the stingy old classroom every avoided because Moaning Myrtle tended to interrupt any class which was held in the room.
"Ginny, what's going on? Why have you brought me here of all places?" Naomi's words were laced with both confusion and an sudden burst of overwhelming concern she was slammed with. She suddenly had no clue as to what was going on and it caused her to feel alarmed for no apparent reason. Well she assumed there was no apparent reason.
"I have a theory I would like to pass by you." Ginny started to phrase the way she wanted to bring the topic into conversation. However, she wasn't sure whether this would be a good thing or not yet. If she was being truly honest but here she was. As she took a moment to think of her next words she went to lift up the left sleeve of Naomi's jumper and shirt, she went to run her fingers over the mark that would be eternally burned into the pale skin. Yet she watched as once again Naomi jumped at the contact a small hiss leaving her lips as she went. Instantly Ginny went to let go and drop Naomi's arm in general but she was stopped by the small whimper the older girl let out.
"Please don't let go, if I concentrate on your contact I can forget about the dull ache just for a little while." Naomi's voice was small in that moment as she admitted to a weakness she never really wanted anyone to know about.
"I won't stop okay, baby why didn't you tell me it hurt?" Ginny took her attention away from her burning questions for a moment.
"I deserve the pain, for what I've done, what I'm doing and what I'm going to have to do. The burning is a constant reminder." Naomi replied her voice still not any louder than it was. At the point the taller girl had started to cry not audibly but alas there were still tears falling steadily down her face.
"Naomi no, this none of this shit show is on you. You've had the right to chose taken away from you in these circumstances." Ginny attempted to reaffirm the other girl into believing that there were other forces in play of what was going on around them. She had begun to rub small circles on Naomi's arm a small distance away from where the mark was held not wanting to further add to the pain the other girl felt.
"You had a theory." The evident sadness was now even more clear in Naomi's voice as if the ever growing number of tears were not enough proof. Before Ginny even started to say any more to Naomi she went to slowly wipe away at the tears she could see with the free hand she still had.
"You and Malfoy are working on something that he-who-must-not-be-named gave you no choice in doing. They're holding something over you. I don't know exactly what it is but it's not a light slap on the wrist." Naomi despite still having the tears she could not control anymore falling again returned to a look of confusion as she pondered just how Ginny had worked it all out without any hints from Naomi herself. There was only one way. Astoria.
"Yes. That sounds about right." Naomi was a little lost for what she could say considering her oath.
"There must be a way to get you out of this." Ginny stated as her mind started running through the multiple ideas she had been creating all afternoon. As she personally ran through plans A to Z Naomi only took her time studying the person stood opposite her.
"I don't believe so Gin, I don't think there's any possibility I can just walk away from this." Naomi responded.
"There must be something Naomi, I won't let you be forced to do something you are so against." Ginny tried to plead with the girl.
"Ginny if I could just walk away from this I could. But what they've promised they'll do I fully believe. I can't just walk away." Once again Naomi could feel the emotion rising in her as she considered just how good the person standing in front of her was. The uttermost good trying to still help the shadow of bad she had become.
"Please just let me help you, we can go to Dumbledore or someone else and we can get you help. We can get you out. Let me help you please." It wasn't just Naomi now who was getting all teary eyed. Whilst Naomi was unable to hold her tears Ginny had much more control as her eyes were only teary and none had escaped.
"Ginny. I'm sorry but I can't, you know I can't. I want nothing more than to be able to run away with you. But I can't and I won't. I don't want to put you at any more risk than you are right now. If it goes wrong and they believe you are the cause you will lose your life. I will never allow you to die for me. Never." Naomi protested.
"Please Naomi just let me help you." Ginny was pleading her girlfriend now.
"Help me by staying safe. You can do that can't you beautiful." Naomi had moved them to the point where she was able to cradle Ginny's face in her hands. She stroked Ginny's cheeks as she looked her in the eye. She wanted this message to really get to the girl she was sure she loved.
"But Naomi."
"Ginny please, just try to stay safe for me." Ginny seemed to give up for a moment then when she nodded along to the girls words. And all Naomi could say in response wasn't quite words. She let out a small laugh.
"I can't believe we've just had this conversation in an unused classroom of all places. You really do pick 'em Weasley."
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