Ginevra Weasley, or as she would much rather be called Ginny, was a rather tall young girl. At the age of 15 she reached just about 5'7" and towered over the rest of her friendship group. Her athletic figure and auburn hair that would cascade its way to her mid back, if she didn't constantly have it thrown up in the messiest ponytail she could muster, made her somewhat desirable to the other teens around her. Ginny Weasley may be more braun than brains but she was more than aware of the lingering eyes, the whispers and the remarks which had been made since she had arrived on the platform that morning. Despite the obvious second hand clothing that didn't quite fit her right, she had become a talk of the train as she trekked her way down the hallway and into the familiar carriage she had spent the previous four years travelling in.
Ginny supposed if the fellow student body were more concerned about talking about how she had changed over the summer, they wouldn't be focused on more of the negative aspects which had surrounded her family over the summer. In the previous year alone she was aware of the looming dark cloud hanging over the wizarding community. How slowly the 'dark' side were growing, yet this summer they seemed to increase the speed with each week that passed. How the numbers were tripling at an alarming rate. Her family, were one of the more prominent upon the 'light' side of the war. They had after all hosted the so called saviour of the wizarding world for years now. And therefore, they were involved even more in the fight and plans despite things not truly being fully underway just yet.
Therefore, the dark cloud that had begun to loom over most of the community clung hard above her family. It had been fulled with death, deception and darkness intensely for the previous two years. From her brother's sudden distancing from the family to the night terrors associated to the PTSD her father suffered following the attack set upon him in the Department of Mysteries during the Christmas just passed. Perhaps even to her own suffering she faced following the fight which occurred between the Death Eaters and the poorly trained Dumbledore's Army when she was only just 14.
This lead to Ginny praying that she would be safe and protected in what was deemed as the safest place in the country. Hogwarts would be able to provide her with a break from all of the chaos occurring around her. And just for a short period of time she would be able to live her life out as a normal 15 year old girl. Apprehensive about love and relationships. Not about how long they had until the Wizarding World was at war against itself.
The sliding of the heavy oak door of the carriage was what brought her attention from her own thought and to her surroundings. From around the door stepped a medium built girl around her own age, fluffy blonde hair piled upon the top of her head in a bun with brightly coloured cat eyed glassed perched upon the bridge of her nose. This was none other than her best friend Luna Lovegood. Luna and Ginny had been best friends since childhood, being the only two magical children their age in the Devon countryside for miles. They had grown up together, experiencing everything as young best friends could, first periods, first kisses. They had shared everything together since they were so young. Luna's unusual ways were something Ginny never thought twice about. To other's Luna could be considered strange, 'a little nutty' had been the words commonly used to describe the Ravenclaw. Yet everything that the other's talked down about Luna for were the very things that Ginny cherished. In luna she could always trust, the other girl was non judgemental, with a thirst for knowledge that never seemed to dry and a sense of adventure that only those truly brave at heart could muster. She could be considered in these times the brightnesses that everybody craved.
Luna perched herself on the seat opposite Ginny, giving the slightly younger girl a wave and a beaming smile before pulling out a book to read whilst they endured their multi-hour train journey to Scotland. Unlike Luna's usual pick for the train journey, which was generally one of the magazines published by the girls father, Luna was uncharacteristically choosing to read a book focused on a subject Ginny knew the girl did not study. She supposed this was something that the girl had discovered a sudden passion for during the last week or so. The book was beautiful, a royal navy colour with silver pipe like curving across the across the cover and down the spine. Ginny took notice of the book purely due to its presentation wondering just what the subject could be on the glistening silver title met her eyes 'The Amazonian Forest and it's Inhabitants'. Ginny could not recall Luna mentioning a sudden interest in the Amazon however, she was keen to know what the other girl had discovered after reading the book. As she love the way her best friends eyes lit up as she spoke about the new knowledge she had obtained. Ginny continued to study the book cover considering just how pretty it was, and her eyes finally found the author's name written in the same silver colour as the title and vine like structures across the cover. The name "Kerus Nott' shone back at her.
From there on Ginny felt as though she was being pulled into a deep hole in her subconscious. For the surname Nott was a rather familiar name. Like the Weasley surname, the Notts were another pureblooded family consisting of nothing but wizards going back centuries or more. In fact Ginny knew very much that there was currently two children from that very blood line currently attending school at the same time that she was. And the enigma which was Naomi Nott quickly overtook the rest of Ginny's thoughts. Not that she was agains it that was.
Naomi Nott was someone Ginny was overly familiar with. The most popular girl in the current 5th year and quite possibly the most popular if not one of them within the entire student body currently attending Hogwarts. She gave both Cho Chang and her brother's best friend Hermione a run for their money regarding the position of 'It Girl' within the student body. Not that Ginny could be mad at the girl for it. She was stunning as her name suggested, with long ebony hair that waved down her back and screamed at Ginny to run her hands through it. She had dark brown almost black eyes that were rimmed by a thick set of eye lashes that fluttered so majestically that they drew their bewitched's attention in even further. Her voice was melodic casting you under a spell that made you want to sit and listen to her speak forever. If there ever was such as thing as perfect that would be Naomi.
There was only one problem Ginny had with Naomi, that she was not Ginny's to love. She was not by Ginny's side charming her with her voice or making the younger girls heart skip a beat. Naomi Nott was just a smidge too far from Ginny's grip, an echo away from her soul.
Oh and Naomi was a Slytherin, from a known Death Eater Family.
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