However, it would appear that neither of the two girls different plans to get with the other had got any traction. That was until the start of their third week at Hogwarts.
It was edging towards the mandatory curfew the school had put in place. The strict curfew which had students of the prefect system patrolling to ensure it was abided to. It was Ginny who was the first one to have the idea to break the curfew. the darkening sky did nothing to tire the girl. For she had just finished another brutal Qudditch practice held by their new captain, the long term girlfriend of her older brother Angelina. She was no longer tired the adrenaline she felt as she was flying around on a broomstick was way more than enough to keep her from sleeping for a few more hours. Rather she headed towards a tree on the grounds which was not far from the lake but was far enough from the corridors so that she did not caught. And upon the grass which laid under the tree she settled to look above at the stars.
However, she was not alone for much longer, as she started to settle and relax staring at the twinkling stars above, another body joined her on the grass. When turning her head she was met with the dark haired beauty which had distracted her many a times in the last few weeks. The sight of Naomi's concentrated stare at the same stars she had been looking at moments prior was enough to cause Ginny's heart to beat faster.
"Hi Naomi." Ginny spoke her voice not much above a whisper as her eyes stayed concentrated on the other girl. She got very little response at first from Naomi who eventually broke her attention from the stars and turned it towards Ginny.
"Hello Ginevra." The other girl replied and normally Ginny would pounce on anyone who even attempted to call her by her birth name, yet the way Naomi said it gave her name meaning it hadn't had before.
No words were spoken between the pair at first, rather Ginny took a moment to realise just how much they contrasted each other in that moment of time. Ginny's bulky and heavy quidditch uniform partnered with the knee pads and elbow pads blazed in the gold and red colours of her house, compared to Naomi's emerald green day dress, black fishnets and Mary Janes. They looked like a Christmas clash come early.
The silence continued as Naomi's attention once again went to the star's and Ginny's remained on the girl laying next to her. Naomi wasn't bothered by the staring, she could feel the girls eyes upon her. Yet made no conscious effort to stop it. She was used to the stares, they followed her everywhere. At some point they had been because of her, because of her popularity, her looks, her smarts. Now, now they were only due to her father's conviction and the student body having convinced themselves that she was already a death eater. She only prayed that the staring was for the reason she hoped it was. Naomi didn't know what she would do if Ginny was staring at her for the same reason everyone else did.
"What is it about the stars?" Came Ginny's slightly rough voice, it was guttural and strong very much a reflection of her character.
"The stars always have a story to tell, they see so much but are never wavered." Naomi replied an airiness to her voice. Ginny had to double take to ensure it wasn't Luna sat next to her for Naomi's voice was an almost replica of the one Luna had when she talked about the creatures she was so fond of.
"Will you tell me about them?" Ginny questioned once again, she hadn't elected to take astronomy and her family hadn't ever had a true interest in the subject. It was the fact that she would have to stay up until late for lessons that put her off ever taking the subject. And she was thankful to have done so as she was now able to experience this moment. For Naomi turned so she was now looking at Ginny, their eyes connecting. Naomi was almost checking to see if the other girl was being serious. Many people their age didn't care about the stars or astronomy in general, sure it involved a lot of arithmacy and understanding the conceptual points, but it was everything to her. Upon seeing nothing that indicated the ginger haired girl was lying she jumped into the explanation of each star and the stories associated to them. The sky was clear enough to allow them to see multiple constellations. And during her explanations Naomi had scooted further and further into Ginny searching for warmth and taking the other girls hand in order to clearly point out what stars they could see.
Time slipped by, the two girls completely aware of how the night progressed spending it in their own world of blissful peace. In this moment, they were just two teenage girls with feelings. They weren't on separate sides of a war. Neither was necessarily light or dark. They weren't natural enemies. They were just teens trying to 'connect'. That was it they were just connecting.
"Is someone out there?" Came a disembodied voice from the direction of the walkway of the castle. The pair had spent enough time now that it was way past curfew. The two turned to look at each other and Naomi was puzzled. She had no clue what to do in this situation, she had never been out late before, barely having ever broken any rules set out for them. It wasn't in her nature to be a rule breaker rather she was much of a people pleaser in terms of things which were set out for her. A follower in every sense of the word. Ginny however, was the complete opposite. It had been the first thing her prankster older brothers had taught her the moment she had arrived in Hogwarts, how to break the rules and hopefully get away without being caught. She could proudly say she was better at the last part than those two had ever been. Taking the lead on the situation Ginny mouthed to 'stay calm and quiet' and watched as Naomi instantly followed her words. They could faintly hear who was assumed to be the prefect's voices dimmer as though they were walking away from the spot they had seen the two girls in.
Ginny clambered to her feel, looking out to see if there was another person in their vicinity. Yet when she came across nothing but the dark stretches of the grounds she let out a sigh. From there Ginny stuck out her hand to help the other girl to her feet. Naomi stood with a grace that Ginny was sure she never would achieve. And once they were both stood did the two girls realise just how close they had become.
There was not much between the two. Ginny was slightly taller than the average girl her age reaching 5'7" yet Naomi stood around two inches taller than her at 5'9". The two inches between them wasn't much yet for most person that would be enough for them to feel threatened by the heavy gaze of Naomi Nott looking down at them. Yet for Ginny, this gaze bewitched her and caused a sudden spell of thoughts. Had she always had such a desire to kiss the Slytherin?
Ginny was never one to think twice before making any decision in her life. It was how she had ended up in most of her previous predicament no matter good or bad. And therefore, she didn't really think twice when it came to making the decision that yes she did want to kiss Naomi Nott. However, she wasn't going to do it without consent. After all consent is like a cup of tea. And maybe Naomi didn't want tea.
"Can I kiss you?" Ginny's voice was strong and confident as she hid the fear of rejection. She was scared she had read the situation wrong, well terrified was probably a more apt wording. She got no verbal response, which was always idea when asking for consent, but she did get confirmation in the form of a nod. Naomi nodded her head in the dim moonlight and took a single step forwards moving so now their chests were touching. And that was enough for Ginny to lean upwards slightly so that their lips met and she kissed the taller girl.
The kiss wasn't like any other she had experienced, nor was it like what she had read in muggle books. There were no fireworks or pops of feet. But there also wasn't the feeling that this was not right. Like there had been when she had kissed her boyfriends in her previous relationships. This felt right, it felt like something Ginny should have done ages ago. And she knew that this was the moment she decided that this would be something she wanted to do for much longer. Naomi Nott would continue to be in her future.
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