Once again the students had been called to the great hall of the school. Only this time it was not for pleasantries. Not that it had ever been this academic year. But once again, there were no ables laid out for the students to sit upon. Naomi followed the rest of the Slytherins entering the hall, the group entirely silent and perfectly in synch. Just as they always were, one big massive pack. Once stood she takes a moment to scan the rest of the student body, making direct eye contact with Ginny as soon as she had spotted the ginger. The pair hold eye contact for a while, with Naomi wishing more than anything she could be on the other side of the hall in that moment in time holding the ginger's hand. For something bad was going to happen she could just feel it.
Professor Snape stood near the teachers table at the back of the hall ready to address the student body as they finally finished collating. He had his normal stern face on and looked as though he was ready to murder a couple of the students. Not that Naomi would put that past his abilities. For someone who hated kids so much he really should have avoided going into teaching.
"Many of you are surely wondering why I have summoned you here at this hour. It has come to my attention that earlier this evening... Harry Potter was spotted in Hogsmede." Snape brought their attention to him and Naomi could hear the excited chatter amongst the students. Their champion was returning. Otherwise why else would the boy be spotted in Hogsmede, the only purpose would be to return to the school.
"I mention this in hopes that the truth will not be supplanted by rumour. For myself and a few select members of staff, this comes as a little surprise. We have for some time, considered Mr Potter's return to Hogwarts to be not only possible but inevitable. Consequently, in the past several months under my specific direction, exhaustive defensive strategies have been employed to defeat any attempt Mr Potter might make to breach these walls. But know this, should anyone student or staff attempt to aid Mr Potter, that person will be punished in a matter consistent with the severity of their transgression. Rest assured: as long as I am head master at Hogwarts, Harry Potter will never again step foot in this castle." Snape continued his dramatic monologue.
Naomi had to watch on in disgust as the fellow Slytherins around her cheered and clapped at the statement made by Professor Snape. Many of these kids were not Death Eaters and just enjoyed the house wide hate of the boy who lived. It was pitiful and made her feel sick regarding her school house. As Snape raises his hand to silence the mainly Slytherin students making noise Naomi watches as he intends to continue his villain monologue.
"Now then if anyone here has knowledge of Mr Potter's movements this evening. I invite them to step forwards now." At Snape's final statement the hall remained in silence. Nobody seemed to dare to move forwards. Until footsteps could be heard from the area the Gryffindor students were stood in. Naomi couldn't believe what she was seeing. For from the middle of the pack moved out a very familiar figure, considering how much she wanted to throttle him for his advances on her girlfriend last year, which belonged to no other than Harry Potter.
"I think I can help you with that. It would seem that despite your exhaustive defensive strategies that you have a bit of a security problem, headmaster." As Harry spoke Naomi watched in awe as more and more people she recognise entered the Great Hall. Her eyes locked once again with her ex professor and the longer she looked at Professor Lupin she knew that this was it. Her time was nearly upon her.
"And I'm afraid it's rather extensive. How dare you stand where he stood. Tell them how it was that night. Tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you and killed him. Tell them." Despite Harry's revelation being a shock to many of the students in the room it was something Naomi knew all too well. Considering, Snape had been given the responsibility to kill Dumbledore if Draco could not, Naomi was well aware.
Just as Snape went to attack Harry Naomi watched as Professor McGonagall who suddenly looked like her old self and not the version she had become over the last couple months stepped forwards. Her wandless magic sent a blast towards Snape though it barely misses. She was suddenly joined by the majority of the staff who began to fire spell after spell towards the headmaster. Before said headmaster suddenly fled the room.
"Coward! Coward! He didn't even stay to fight." McGonagall shouted into the abyss where Snape had once been. As the students cheered for Harry's return to the school things seemed to once again change. The atmosphere suddenly got colder as a disembodied voice entered the hall.
"I know many of you will want to fight. Some of you might think this wise. But this is folly. I wish you no harm. I have great respect for the students of Hogwarts. I was once a student myself after all. I ask for but once thing and if granted no magical blood will be spilt. Give me Harry Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded." The voice came from one Naomi assumed will always haunt her dreams. She could recognise the nasally tone of Voldermort from anywhere.
For a while there was silence nobody dared to say anything. Many took a few moments to recover from what they had just experienced, just felt. For the voice was more of in their heads than making its way across the hall. Something she was sure the first years would never get over.
"But he's there. Potter's there. Somebody grab him." Pansy shouted as she pointed at the boy stood in the middle of the hall. Without even thinking twice Naomi moved to smack the older girl on the back of her head. What was she thinking, a stupid girl. But before any of the other dumb Slytherins could move towards Harry, people had started to form a barrier of protection. Ginny stood at the front her wand raised and her eyes suddenly locked on Naomi. As if challenging her to act and either come and join them on the other side of the hall or to take Harry. Ignoring the pain that passed through her Naomi gave a subtle shake of her head.
"Not yet." She mouthed at the other girl. Before she could do anything she needed to get the younger years to safety. She would never forget if one of them was to come to harm. As the Hufflepuff's and Ravenclaws moved to support the Gryffindor's Naomi finally felt that divide the school always refused having taking full force. The Slytherin's would always be seen as the villains of the school and this seemed evident to the other students. Only one person had voiced giving Harry in but in fear of rebuttal from the other houses nobody else from her house had dared to move.
"Student's out of bed. Student's in the corridor." Filch interrupted the tense atmosphere
"They're supposed to be out of bed you blithering idiot." McGonagall all but shouted at the man. God Naomi hated him.
"Wait! As it turns out, Mr Filch, your arrival is most opportune. If you would I'd like you to lead Miss Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin house from the hall. "Professor McGonagall caught the man before he left and Naomi knew they were going to be lead to the dungeons and left there. She would have to follow before breaking off from the others.
As the group were lead away Naomi took one second to look back at Ginny. Give her a look to say she would be fine and see her soon. They weren't locking her in the dungeons. She was Naomi Nott and she wasn't going to be trapped away. Not when the people she loved were going to be fighting for their lives above her. Allowing them to head a down a couple of flights of stairs, Naomi watched as Draco and his goons slipped away. She waited for the next corner slowly dropping back. She carried on following them, just from afar rather than closely. Watching what Filch assumed to be the last student enter the portrait, and knowing that the younger students were now safely locked away. Naomi turned and raced back in the direction she had come from. It was now or never.
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