For the majority, the event they had gathered at was a relaxing and fun filled event. Alcohol was flowing and so was food, the music was blasting out and the little groups everyone had broken off into was going well. That was for everyone but the birthday girl herself. The event went on around her but Naomi felt as though she was in another world entirely. The anxiety she felt regarding what she knew was about to happen, was keeping her from truly enjoying everything going on. She tried to enjoy herself surrounded by the teenagers who would, after tonight, become the only ones she would be able to be associated with.
She focused on every single one within the group; Millicent Bulstrode, Marcus Flint, Daphne and Astoria Greengrass, Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson. And despite their initial rough edges, which there were many, once you had moved past that Naomi struggled to really find any faults in them. Sure they were conceited, who wasn't if they were part of the sacred 28. Many of the girls despite being a little petty were also rather easy to get along with even including the sneazle looking Pansy Parkinson. Naomi hadn't really spoken much to Pansy over the years they had been at school together, but she couldn't not admit that she wasn't intelligent. It was just a shame the only thing she was known for was hanging off Draco's sleeve. Though once realising that she only did this due to her parents pressuring her into ensuring that the two teenagers were arranged to marry, it made much more sense as to why the girl acted in the way she did.
As the evening progressed into the night, the number of guests did the opposite of what you would assume. Rather than begin to dwindle it suddenly began to expand at a rapid pace. The small group of teenagers was suddenly extremely outnumbered by the number of adults who had appeared. Naomi could hear the distinct sound of apparition as the Death Eaters continued to arrive and she had to awkwardly meet those she would consider her new coworkers. The one person who arrived she had not expected to, had been her own head of house Severus Snape. Upon greeting the girl for the first time Professor Snape did not have the look of a teacher who was begging for the summer holidays, he held a look of sympathy and understanding. It was strange, perhaps he too was being forced into being on the other side. A voice nagged at her that perhaps he knew about her relationship with the Weasley girl. Naomi had heard rumours that he used to be in love with a witch who fought for the light side and how they had to fight against her during the First Wizarding War.
At exactly 10pm that evening Naomi's ritual started. It was supposed to be much like a religious baptism going by the words of her brother. And this was when she became to feel nauseous with nerves.
In the large dining room of the manor, they had moved the table out of the way so the space was optimised for the many death eaters who had made themselves present. There must have been around 40 or more Death Eaters in the living room, or as they sometimes referred to between themselves the Knights of Walpurgis. Stood at the very front of them command everyone's presence was none other than Tom Riddle. Though anyone who would refer to him by that name would not walk out of that door. No, he would forever be referred to as the Dark Lord and that would be all Naomi would ever call him. Naomi took a moment to stare at his rebirthed face feeling the chill take over as she absorbed what was supposed to be a man. Rather she felt as though she was stood looking at a humanoid snake with the man's nose and she pondered if he had a split tongue. The chill associated to looking at him reached her very bones and her hands began to sweat in anticipation.
"Tonight, my loyal Death Eaters we have gathered to welcome another into our ranks." At these words the room erupted in what Naomi assumed to be a sound of mass approval for her actions, as there were some clapping, a few were screeching and then there was just overall loud noise. However, with a waver of Tom Riddle's ghostly pale hand the room suddenly stilled and no more sound was produced.
"This ritual has been one I have been anticipating for some time now. We all remember our brother Harrison Nott who fought for our cause until he was unrightfully locked away. Before his departure he promised the loyalty of both his teenaged children upon their 16th birthdays. Today we call back upon that promise." Upon the mentioning of the Nott father the room once erupted with shouts of protest against his imprisonment.
"I would hence like to invite the youngest Nott to come forth." Naomi knew that this was finally her time. Her legs felt like jelly, and she struggled to convince herself to move from her position and head forwards. But she knew she had no choice as the hiss of the Dark Lord's words entrapped her bringing her closer towards him. Once they were close enough, the Dark Lord took hold of both of her hands and tugged her even closer to the point where she could feel his breath upon face.
"You really are beautiful, it is more pressing up close." Naomi swore to check the word beautiful off the list of words she considered compliments. This word would now only be associated to the memories of tonight. Naomi just had to grin and bear it knowing that the quieter and more compliant she was the quicker it would be all over and she could leave the room.
"Now Naomi, do you pledge your loyalty to our cause? To me as your lord?"
"I pledge my allegiance my Lord"
"To never tell of our secrets and to uphold our beliefs."
"I pledge to uphold our beliefs and secrets my lord." She didn't catch what the spell was that he cast upon her now revealed left forearm. For the pain started immediately and all she could focus on was not making a fool of herself and preventing herself from fainting.Despite it feeling like forever, it had only been a few minutes when her arm was released from the grasp of Tom Riddle. Where his hand had once been now stood the brand she would never be able to remove from her skin.
The second she had been released from the Dark Lord and his attention moved elsewhere, her brother was by her side and she was guided out of the room.
And with a new grudge and hatred for herself she went to bed, only to lock herself away for the rest of the winter holiday.
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