🎨3️⃣ Requested Artwork (Dakawolf)
This was requested by @Alexmctavish , author of Unto the Shadow. The request was a Dakawolf, a being of their creation which are "wolves made of earth and trapped souls".
Final Artwork is at the bottom of this page.
I created multiple drawings of a Dakawolf, and they are listed below. You (@Alexmctabis) can go through and pick which design you like most.
Design 1
My original idea was to create a large wolf-based canine made of stone, with large cracks revealing a blue glow underneath the rock.
Since this was a being of fantasy and magic, I imagined a trapped soul shielding itself with crumbling stone. Almost like the stone was being held together by magic. To portray this thought, I added some hovering rock shards off of the spikes, which resemble fur.
It had to look dangerous, and other-worldly. This was another reason I made the rock jagged and sharp, but also representing the wolf's fur.
The trapped soul has an eye, and the glowing energy keeping to stone together has a bright point similar to a pupil.
I have several pictures of the first drawing
using different filters.
Feel free to use whichever you like best,
if this design is what you'd like the most.
Design 2
So I drifted away from the "immortal, possessed pile of rocks" and more into an actual wolf infested by decaying nature. This version is much softer and weaker looking, with its rib cage stretching through thin skin and droopy twigs dragging along behind.
Following a specific descriptions of Dakawolves, drew tree branches/roots growing through the hide, blood red eyes, leaves laying on its head, and dirt colored hide.
I tried to make this design more boney and drained, this being a creature of death. Being an unkillable trapped soul, it probably wouldn't be looking too healthy after time.
Design 3
This third design primarily focuses on the "death" aspect of Dakawolves. I wanted it to feel rotten and decaying, so I drew the hide falling off of the bones like so, with flies buzzing around.
Like above, the idea was that it was an immortal soul that was trapped, and can not die. Given time, a body would decompose into bones. With this design, there can be several stages to determine Dakawolf age. Obviously, skeletal wolves are the oldest, and skinned wolves are younger. The one drawn below is probably in a stage between.
I feel like this design also offers a lot of flexibility. Different parts of the wolf can be rotting away at different rates. A Dakawolf, like the one drawn, can have a skull head with most of its main body intact. Others might have the entire spine exposed, for example, while having a normal wolf head.
I also felt like these should not be polished, clean creatures. When you think "trapped soul", you think distraught, motivation-less, and barely stalling itself forward. A "trapped soul" probably doesn't bother cleaning itself up, and might also self loathe itself or wish to pass. That's why I made the fur on its chart shoulder-blades very spiked and I kept looking, instead of glossy and lush.
I have several pictures of the first drawing
using different filters.
Feel free to use whichever you like best,
if this design is what you'd like the most.
Final Drawing
(So far)
I basically kept bits of the skeletal idea from Design 1, and made the hide more falling apart rather than falling off.
I also wanted it to look menacing, because I mean this isn't a teddy bear. It will bite your face off. I kept the pose from Design 1, as well as the shape of spikes.
A specific description explained there were "branches weaving through the hide". I kept the large chunk of foot on its back, and the twigs go inside the decaying flesh holes. In this way, it is infected by rotten nature.
I still will add a ton more details, as well as fur and wood textures. Leaves still need to be added, and I need to work on the tail. Obviously, I will still add things to the overall picture as well...
Alright, so I've added some fur on the tail and back of the legs, some more branches, leaves, I've narrowed the eye, darkened the lines, and added flies.
If this is okay, I will start going into detail. I will not finish until you do not comment here or PM me in case you don't like this final design.
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