Part 26
Springbonnie's P.O.V
Where the heck are they?! I thought, clenching a fist in aggravation. It had been a good two hours since I had last seen my brothers, and it was starting to worry me. Ethan must have noticed my frustration, as he walked over to me. "Hey, something wrong? You look like you're ready to kill something." "I can't find Shadow Freddy or Fre- Golden Freddy." Why do I still try to call him Fredbear?! "Last I saw, they were asleep in the basement with Emerald." I facepalmed. "The one place I didn't look!" He laughed. "That's always the case, it seems." "Yeah, I guess..." He nodded a farewell and walked away. Silently, I walked down the basement stairs, seeing my siblings and Emerald asleep on an air matress. A smile formed on my face and I curled up beside them. Emerald wiggled out from Goldie's grasp and replaced herself with my arm. My older brother hugged my limb to his chest and wouldn't let go. Emerald snickered at me, transformed into a dragon and started to try to fly. She successfully got into the air, and I was goggling at her, in compleate awe. Her scales became yellow and neon pink as she flew in circles around me and my sleeping brothers, almost falling once but managing to stay in the air. After that one almost fall, I shooed her away so my brothers and I could sleep without the threat of dragonets falling from the sky. She flapped up the stairs happily. A soft murmer pulled my attention to the two bears curled up beside me. Fred- I mean Golden Freddy- was clinging to my arm tightly with Shadow Freddy hugging him just as tightly. I smiled, relaxed, and was soon asleep.
Springtrap's P.O.V
I once again woke up thrashing. It had happened oftenly since Springbonnie had first returned. Seeing the suit that had locked me in a never-ending afterlife brought back old memories. Bad memories. I didn't fear him, though- he tried to be nice to me. Fredbear always dragged him off, though. There was another new animatronic. Well, not quite new. Another old one from Fredbear's, designed to be Fredbear’s twin brother but scraped last minute and replaced by Springbonnie. My 'heartbeat' and breathing have finally calmed. I heard movement outside the vent. It sounded very strange and unusual. The vent cover was removed with a clank. A wolf puppy looked out at me from the vent. We stared at eachother for quite a while before it jumped into the Saferoom. It walked over to me and sat in front of me. "Hello little pup." I said, my voice rougher than normal from lack of use. It barked a response, almost like it understood my words. I decided to test the little puppy. I held up three fingers. "How many fingers am I holding up?" The puppy barked three times. It's tail thumped apon my shocked expresion. Both of us jumped when we heard a name being called outside the vent. "Emerald? Eeeemerald?!" The puppy nuzzled me, jumped into the vent and was gone. So... You're name's Emerald... Must be a female, then. A wolf, too... Could this... Could this be the recarnation of my lost daughter?
{Guyyyyyyys i'm sooooooo sorry please don't murder my stupid butt! I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry about the lack of anything to this book! Between my laziness, new school, some strange drama with my P.E teacher, my newfound obsession with Undertale and roleplaying , and the largest case of writers block I've ever suffered... It's been rough. But, hey, here's a new chapter! Should have more out soon. Feel free to bash me in the comments, I deserve it XD! That's all!
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