Part 17
Golden Freddy woke from his dream with a start. Emerald was on his chest. She looked up at him calmly. "Gwood morning." He smiled to her, pushing his slight sadness to the back of his mind. "Good morning, Emerald." She smiled back to him happily. "Ethan got the wolf. Swould we do it soon?" A jolt of surprise went through Golden Freddy, as he hadn't thought he had slept that long. Emerald seemed to sense his suprise, for she smiled and said, "You slept a long time, silly!" He ruffled her hair playfully then climbed to his feet. In the Parts and Service room, Puppet and Freddy were waiting. Both were admiring a wolf necklace hanging from one of Puppet's long fingers. It was a running wolf, it's legs stretched out. It had a single diamond on it, as to serve as an eye. Golden Freddy could easily imagine Shadow Freddy grabing it and throwing it over his head, admiring it. It brought a smile to his face. "Yep, he'll never want to take that off. He can take it off, right?" Freddy nodded. "We've figured out a wording to where it just gives him a constant stream of strength. Heck, maybe he can even become solid with it!" Emerald looked annoyed. "Let's get this done, plwease?" Everyone laughed at her. "Sure. Um, Goldie, where is he?" Puppet sounded uncertain. Golden Freddy closed his eyes, extending his senses to find his twin. He felt him lingering in the basement, and tryed to catch his attention. The presence apeared beside him. "He's in here. Beside me." Golden Freddy's eyes blinked open. He put Emerald on the floor, and she went into dragon form. Puppet passed the necklace into her talons. She muttered something under her breath and her eyes glazed for a split second then went back to normal. She lifted her talons, with the necklace, to Golden Freddy. He gave her a confused look. "You have to put it on him." Freddy pointed out. Golden Freddy held it up where Shadow Freddy's neck would be. He held it there as Shadow Freddy's form flickered into existence. He dropped it once he was done. Shock was flowing through him; Shadow Freddy was brused and his suit was ripped in a few places. One of his shoulders was dented in, that arm was completely limp, and the other shoulder wasn't in much better condition. One of his knees was obviously busted, his left eye had wires coming out of it and was glassed over. He leaned against Golden Freddy, his one working eye looking downward. The room was silent for quite a while, then Golden Freddy finally broke the silence. "What the heck happened to you, Shadow?!" Shadow Freddy glanced up at his twin, his ears pressed almost flat against his head. "I-i-i do- don't kn- know..." He winced. Golden Freddy hugged him tightly and Shadow Freddy laid his head on his twin's shoulder. Everyone else in the room was watching the not-exactly-joyful reunion silentlyl until Springbonnie poked his head in the doorway. "You gu-" His eyes grew wide when his gaze landed on Shadow Freddy. He covered his mouth with his hand and walked over to the two bears. He went to put a hand on Shadow Freddy's shoulder, but noticed the damage on it and put it on his head instead. Emerald went into human form and crawled over to the trio. "I can fix him?" She said, as though she was asking for permission. Golden Freddy let go of his twin and nodded to Emerald. He eased Shadow onto the table and helped Emerald up beside him. Emerald went into dragon form and gently spread her talons over his shoulders. She closed her eyes and they healed, sealing over and bending back in place. Shadow Freddy grimaced at the strange, but not quite unpleasant, sensation. She moved to his eye, gently tucking the wires back into place before healing it. Shadow screwed his eyes up but then blicked them open. He looked around, both eyes functioning properly. Emerald moved to his knee, then to the larger cuts. "M-my th- thro-at." Shadow stuttered with a cough. She placed two talons on his neck and Shadow Freddy choked at the strange and slightly painful feeling. He hesitantly swallowed, a smile forming on his face when it didn't hurt. "Thanks, um... i dont know your name." Emerald went back to her human form and smiled, extending a hand. "Emerald." Shadow Freddy extended a finger and Emerald shook it, giggling like crazy. She seemed a bit wore out. Golden Freddy picked her up while Freddy and Puppet introduced themselves. Shadow Freddy seemed hesitant about meeting everyone else, but agreed. Everything went smoothly, nothing else important and out-of-the-ordanary happened. The Toys left, everyone went to sleep and Ethan headed to the back office to take the day shift.
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