Chapter Fifteen
It's hard to let the child you've kept a close eye on out of your sight. So as one of the maids carries his giggling form off, I struggle to hold back from chasing after them. As Lussios leads me even further away, I want to shout that the child needs to come with us.
Lussios grabs my hand and pulls me into his side before wrapping an arm around my shoulder. The sudden proximity only makes me want more as I wrap my own arm around his waist. Behind us, the curious gazes cause my skin to prick.
It's not common practice for men of his ranking to still be single. In this timezone, having an heir is one of the most important things one can do as a noble. So I'm sure that every single one of the workers here is surprised to see Lussios being handsy with some random woman who definitely doesn't look like she belongs here.
"He'll be safe here," Lussios whispers into my ear, causing shivers to run don my spine. "You have my word that no one will try to harm you or him in this place."
It's not that I don't believe being here is more in my favor than Torbum. I know that this place is my best bet and that even being in a foreign land will be better than the place I was born.
Shaking my head, I purse my lips, shelving the snappy reply I have. For some reason, I'm feeling unnaturally moody right this very second. Maybe it's the fact that Lussios kept such a huge secret from me... even when he knew who I was this whole time. Maybe it's because after being stuck on a boat for so long, I just don't know what to do with myself. Or I'm just feeling anxious about being in a new place and about this conversation we're about to have.
Lussios stops outside of another set of double doors, but these are much smaller than the entrance. Like earlier, one person rushes forward then pulls the large blocks of wood open. Then he bows while we enter. I'm starting to think that Lussios doesn't open his own doors.
We step into a dining room that hosts a large table with a beautiful centerpiece made of a wide clear vase and with what looks like magnolias. Various artworks line the walls, almost making the room seem like a gallery or a showroom of sorts, though I can't miss the fact that one of the paintings is that of Lussios dressed to the nines in what I'm guessing is his ultimate formal wear.
Lussios pulls my chair out for me, shooing away yet another servant. He takes his own sea before maids come out in a flurry, pushing carts of liquids and food. They set our table before bowing and scurrying away.
"We haven't had anything since the early morning. I'm sure you're both hungry and tired, please eat." Lussios motions to the food on my plate. He gives me a smile, but it's not his usual one. I'm sure he's gearing himself up for the long talk we're going to have.
"I'd much rather you explain over dinner."
Lussios sighs and rubs his stubbled chin. Picking up his glass, he sips the drink before nodding. "I think you've already put the pieces together... but yes. Let me properly introduce myself.
"My name is Lussios Rekha. I am the seventh ruler of Rekha, a kingdom of the south which is home to a lot of different types of people and beings from all over. We are a land that takes pride in the use of magic, the protection of our citizens, and the fact that we are always open to everybody."
With an open mind, I take in his words. Rekha is a land that pushes magic as one of their main sources of... well everything. Magic is the one thing they have no nonsense over, and I know that Lussios works hard to make sure his citizens are kept safe. His last statement, I can see how Rekha would be an open place to all. I saw so many different people in the city just earlier; even ones who looked like me, so it's clear as day they don't discriminate.
Digesting this information doesn't take longer than a second. Yes, I had already put most of the pieces together regarding Lussios' identity. It had become glaringly obvious after he dropped so many hints especially after he had rescued me.
For some reason, I feel entitled to feeling upset, as if Lussios owes me more than he has given me. I feel as if I've just been betrayed by my longtime lover, like he's kept a major secret from me. Though now I might just be projecting as Lussios and I really haven't known each other for long. He's been treating me with the utmost respect, but he doesn't owe me anything.
Nodding my head, I can only say I see as I begin to eat the food that has been placed in front of me. He was right. I'm starving and I can't hold myself back as I devour a bowl of soup, protein that appears and tastes like chicken, and a hearty salad. At one point I look up and meet eyes with Lussios who has a small smile on. Unlike me, his plates are still full and barely touched.
Clearing my throat, I move a hand up to hide my grease-covered mouth. After a hefty swallow, I clear my throat a second time. "What were your plans in Torbum?"
I've been dying to know. Not really. I haven't had much of a chance to think about that with how fast the world has been moving around us. Plus, it's been half a year already, so it almost seems weird to ask now.
"I was meant to be meeting with the emperor about things that have been happening not just in Rekha." His honesty catches me off guard. I thought he would tell me it's a national secret and that it's something I can't hear, especially because I'm not a citizen of Rekha. "There have been signs of disasters for years now, a tremble in the world here and there."
"Earthquake-" He cuts me off with the shake of his head.
"Rekha doesn't have earthquakes, never has. Even as we have various people studying this land and everything that happens here, Rekha has always been stable. Nothing has shifted until around five years ago." Lussios cuts into his meat before putting his fork and knife down. He rubs a hand on his stubbled jaw. "Until recently, I have been practically begging for a meeting with Tobum. I have already met with other lands and nations about what's going on and I've gotten the most pushback from them."
It makes sense. Callum is a stubborn and prideful man who would rather see his castle burn down before admitting that he's wrong.
"Nothing too tense has happened yet until that afternoon when I found your carriage. Until then, there had only been tremors."
"And did you get to meet with him?" I ask. Reaching out, I grab my glass of wine and sip the burgundy liquid. And damn, it's the best glass of wine I've ever had. "What was the outcome?"
Lussios smiles, but it's tense, matching a fire that's brewing in his eyes. "He refused to meet. Even after we had set an appointment, planned the meeting, and I made the long journey here. He refused me and my delegates, and didn't even open the palace gates for us."
My teeth clench down harshly on my top lip. After so long, this is the first time I had seen Lussios show any type of emotion other than happiness and tranquility. It's not the time, but seeing his hot gaze makes my stomach tighten and it's not fear or uncomfortableness making me feel that way.
But there's something deeper to think about now. It sounds like a random sinkhole didn't just form in a crazy coincidence. Rather, whatever Lussios has been studying popped up full fledged right under me. But maybe it's just a crazy bout of luck that Callum was rude to Lussios and then I was able to be saved.
"So the crater that I almost plummeted into?"
"There's a very high possibility," Lussios confirms, nodding. He reaches toward his own glass of wine and takes a sip. "Right before my departure for Torbum, I had received letters from neighboring empires that their tremors had started to form cracks in the foundation of their land."
"And nobody happens to know the cause?" I ask next, raising a eyebrow. My empty plates are removed before a dessert that looks like flan is set in front of me. "After five years?"
"That's the thing... now that the crevice has broken, I'll need to exchange correspondence once again with Torbum," Lussios says. "We're going to need to investigate the hole that formed and see what's causing all of this, then work from there."
I shake my head vigorously in a failed attempt to wrap my head around what he's just said. "You're going into that?" Even to my own ears, I sound like some screaming banshee with the shrieking voice I spoke with.
Memories arise, ones I was able to bury because of the life I brought into this world immediately after my near death experience. Now I can only think about the dark abyss that would have been our final resting place - me and my baby's. It's a terrible feeling to think that while I hadn't thought of something in a while, I still have trauma from it. And that trauma was laying dormant in the back of my mind until brought to the forefront.
"It probably won't be me. There are a lot of risks involved with a sovereign running headfirst to his possible death."
"That's not funny Lussios." I don't mean to snap at him, but my words come out harsh.
At least he's relaxed with his morbid joke now. Gone is the fire in his eyes and the wrinkles between his brow. But this isn't a joke and I wish he would take it a little more seriously.
But do I have a right to say that?
Rubbing my face, I stand from the table, leaving the delicious looking dessert there untouched. "I need to go check on my child."
I don't wait for his reply before I'm storming away in a stupid and unnatural fit of anger. I feel like a child who has just been denied having candy or cake.
It's not like my husband is going off to war, so why am I acting like this?
*Early update for being late!*
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