The Goldfish Problem (Part 2)
At a pet store, Y/n had Gus in a blender cup filled with water. He showed him off to the employee who looked confused.
"What do you mean, 'grew back'?" she asks as she takes the fish from Y/n.
"Yesterday, that fish had one fin. It was like that when I bought him," the college student explains. "Today, what do you see?"
"I see two," the woman says.
"Two fins!" Y/n yells, startling the employee. "Yeah, sorry. But, yeah, he's got two fins now."
The pet store employee hands Gus back over to his owner.
"Is that normal, or...?"
"Look, if you wanna swap it, go ahead," the woman says as she begins to feed the other animals. "But, like I said yesterday, they've all got--"
"Whoa, whoa. What do you mean yesterday?" Y/n asks. "I wasn't here yesterday."
"Yeah, right," the woman scoffs. "Look, as I said, they've all got two fins. I don't care what that Nemo movie says. Find a pet shop that sells disabled fish and you go there. I don't have time for this."
She walks over to another part of the store. Y/n goes to follow her, but he spots a clock and sees the time. It was almost seven o'clock.
"Wait, is that... is that clock right?" he asks. "No, that's impossible. I just woke up."
"Are you mad?" the pet store employee asks. "The fish is wrong, the time is wrong. You're not quite right."
"Oh, crap. Crap. I've got a date," Y/n turns to the woman. "Sorry, I've got a date. Sayōnara!"
Y/n runs out of the pet store with Gus. The woman just eyes him like he was crazy, which could be argued that he really was.
At his apartment, Y/n was nearly finished with dressing in his only nice suit. In the bathroom mirror, Y/n looked at himself as he tightened his tie. Once he was finished, he brushed his overjacket down and examined himself. He sighed as he slumped his shoulders.
"Nope," he shakes his head as he takes off the jacket. "You look ridiculous."
Later, Y/n is seen in a more casual attire as he sat at a table outside a restaurant. He looked around, trying to see if he could spot the girl he was supposed to be on a date with. He couldn't find her yet.
"We still expecting one more?" a waiter asks as he walks up to Y/n.
"Yes," Y/n sighs. "It's not looking so good, is it?"
The waiter doesn't respond and he walks away. Y/n lets out a breath and looks at the bouquet of flowers and box of chocolate he had bought earlier. His mother always told him that giving gifts was a great way to show love and affection.
Y/n then takes out his phone and unlocks it. He goes to his contacts and finds the girl's number. He clicks on it and the phone begins to ring. It takes a few moments, but the call is answered.
"Oh, so now you're calling me?" the girl says before Y/n could get a word out.
"What? What do you mean?" Y/n asks. "I'm at the restaurant for steak. It's steak time."
"Yeah, I ate steak by myself, thanks," the girl states. "Two days ago."
"What? I thought we said Friday," Y/n says. "Today."
"Right. Welcome to Sunday," the girl snarls.
"Come on, no," Y/n thought he was being told a bad joke. "I think Friday still comes after Thursday, doesn't it?"
"It doesn't change the fact that today is Sunday," the girl states, "which means 'lose my number'. Sayōnara."
The phone clicks and the call ends. Y/n pulls his phone from his ear and looks down at it in utter shock. He then turns to a passing waiter.
"Sir, what day is it today?"
"Sunday, sir."
"No..." Y/n couldn't believe his ears. "Is it... really?"
"The kitchen's closing soon," the waiter informs.
"Okay. Um... you know what?" Y/n sighs. "I'll have a steak, please."
"Sure," the waiter said. "What cut would you like?"
"I see. Um..." Y/n looked through the menu before closing it. "I'll have the best bit of the... the steak. That's the bit that I want."
It was obvious Y/n never had steak before. But he didn't care. He had just ruined his chances of getting a girlfriend. He screwed up. Like he always does.
"The center-cut's filet," the waiter jots down the order. "And how would you like that?"
"Good, yeah. Very good," Y/n nods his head. "Very good. Yeah."
"I'll, uh... I'll put you for well done."
"Okay. Alright," Y/n tries to smile. "Yeah. That sounds delicious."
The waiter nods and walks away to give the kitchen the new order. Y/n just sighed as he tried not to cry over screwing himself over. He hated his sleeping disorder.
Walking down a street to reach his apartment, Y/n was sending a voicemail to his mother. In his other hand, he held the bouquet of roses and had the box of chocolates under his arm.
"Yeah, you know, I think she really liked me," he tosses the flowers into a nearby trash bin. "She loved the flowers, yeah. Yeah, well, I'm gonna bring her around soon, I think. Yeah, I think you'd love her. She has a great sense of humor."
Y/n sniffles and he rubs his nose. He couldn't believe he was lying to his mother about the date. But what else could he do? He couldn't let his mother know he's as much of a failure now as he was as a kid.
"So... anyway, I'll tell you more about it tomorrow," Y/n says. "Love you. Laters, gators."
Y/n ends the voicemail and puts his phone in his pocket. He then approaches his apartment complex and walks through the front door. He then makes his way up through the elevator and walks to his room.
He opens the door with a creak, and he stops at the doorway. He sighs as he turns on the lights and walks inside before closing the door. He looks around at his drab, lonely little apartment which only had enough room for him. Kazuya was right about him. He is fucking useless.
Y/n turns off the lights and walks over to his desk. He turns on the lamp there and sits down on the desk. He opens the chocolate box and begins to dig into the chocolate that he never bought for him. His eyes were red as a few tears rolled down his face, but he quickly wiped them away. He then looked over at his new Gus who was swimming happily.
"Do you want some?" he asks the goldfish. "Alright. You can have some sprinkles."
Standing to his feet, Y/n walks over to the fish tank and grabbed some sprinkles at the bottom of the box. He then sprinkles the sprinkles into the tank and waited for the new Gus to eat them. However, the fish ignored them and Y/n sighed.
"If you're Gus, I'm the fucking Queen of Sheba," he tells the fish.
Y/n turns to walk away, but he stumbles and drops his chocolate. He groans and bends over to pick up the box and the chocolate. However, he stopped when he saw scrape marks on his wood plank floor.
"What's this?" he asks himself as he traces the scrape marks with his hand.
He looks over at his small metal table and then at the rug next to it. He moves it aside to reveal more scrape marks, and then completely pulls it away. He then looks at his desk.
Soon Y/n was dragging his table across the floor all the way to the point were the scrapes stopped. He looked around until he looked up and spotted a flimsy wood plank high on his wall. Growing curious, Y/n checks the table's stability before standing on top of it.
"What is this?" he asks himself as he looks at the wood plank.
He grips the plank and rips it off the wall to reveal a small hole behind it. Peering inside, Y/n spots something in the hole and reaches to grab it. Once he gets what he saw, he pulls his hand out to see a flipphone and a key attached to a plastic card with a red "U" on a white background.
Later, Y/n is seen at his desk. Wearing his glasses, Y/n was looking at the flipphone. There wasn't much on there. The only thing that truly looked important were the contacts, so he decided to take a look at them. He discovered that there were probably hundreds of missed calls from someone.
"Rumi..." Y/n reads aloud.
He thought he had heard that name somewhere. Maybe in one of his dreams, or someone had spoken it to him. Then the phone started ringing, startling Y/n as he took off his glasses and stood from his chair. Not knowing what else to do, the university student answered.
"Hello?" he says.
"Oh, my God, you're alive!" a woman's voice speaks from the phone.
"That's it? I've been texting and calling you for months! You couldn't give me any sign that you were okay?" the woman asked in a worried tone. "I thought something happened to you. Where are you? Where've you been?"
"Uh..." Y/n couldn't find any words.
"Hello? You..." the woman sighs.
"Sorry, I just found this phone in my apartment," Y/n finally says, "and I'm just trying to figure out whose it is."
"What's with your voice?" the woman asked.
"What?" Y/n questioned.
"What is happening right now?" the woman questions.
"Sorry, but who do you think I am?" Y/n asks the woman.
"What do you mean 'who'?!" the woman sounded angry and annoyed. "What's wrong with you, Marc?"
Y/n stopped. That name...
"What did you just call me?" he asks in confusion, but it sounded more threatening aloud. "Who is this? Why did you call me... 'Marc'?"
There was no answer, so Y/n called out to see if the woman was still there. Then the phone beeped, signaling the call had been ended. He looks back at the phone and trials to redial the number.
"No, no, no. Come on," he says impatiently.
However, he sighs when he doesn't get a response.
Said adult spun around to see who called to him. There was no one.
Y/n turned around again. Still, there was no one.
"Hello?" he called out.
"Y/n," the voice sounded more commanding, "you need to stop."
"Who said that?" Y/n asked no one as he walked forward.
"You're gonna get yourself in trouble," the voice sounded American. What was an American doing in Y/n's apartment?
Y/n shook his head as he spun around again to find the owner of the strange voice. However, it seemed to come from everywhere... and nowhere at the same time. Was he being pranked?
Slowly making his way towards the bathroom, Y/n slowly started to worry. Was there actually someone in his home? If so, who were they? What did they want?
"Oh, God. Oh, God," Y/n mumbled to himself as he neared the bathroom door.
He then threw the door open, looking inside the dark room. There was no one there. The only person he saw was his reflection in the mirror. He sighs in relief.
Wait, was his reflection shaking his head?
"What the...?" Y/n flicked on the lights.
Immediately the bathroom was illuminated. Y/n's confused expression stared back at him in the mirror. He then shakes his head before the lights in his apartment started to flicker on and off, confusing the university student as he looks around.
"Y/n!" said Quirkless man turns to the bathroom mirror. His reflection looked intimidating. "Stop. Looking."
The apartment started to rumble as things fell to the ground. Panicking, Y/n began to run to his door.
"Oh, God, what's happening?" he asks in a panic. "What's happening?!"
He runs out his door and down the hallway. Lights were still flickering as if something was wrong with the power. He made a mad dash to the elevator doors and frantically pressed the elevator call button.
Once the doors open, Y/n runs inside and frantically presses one of the buttons to get to another floor. Thankfully, it works and the doors close. Y/n sighs as he leans on the reflective wall.
He then turns to face his reflection as elevator music plays. He places his hand on it, and the reflection mimics him. And then the elevator stops and the doors open, making Y/n turn to face the dimly lit hallway. He looks forward, only to hear something like a horrible whisper. He began pressing the button to Level G.
"No... G, G, G. Let's go," Y/n was scared. "Come on. Ground floor."
A chill suddenly went down Y/n's back, and he looked at the hallway. He then backed away into the wall in fear as he looked ahead. The silhouette of a tall being was standing in the middle of the hallway, and the flickering lights illuminated the white robes and its giant staff.
Then it started approaching at unnatural speeds. Even at a walk, it was creeping towards Y/n at a fast speed. Y/n gasped in terror as he pressed himself against the elevator wall and slid down it into a corner. He was terrified.
"Hold the door!" a woman calls out and a hand keeps the doors from closing. "Thank you."
The doors open again, and a middle-aged woman with green hair walks in. She looks at Y/n in shock and confusion, and he didn't know what else to say. He couldn't day he saw some kind of monster, now could he?
"Hi, Miss Midoriya," Y/n greeted the woman. "How are you?"
"Fine," Inko Midoriya answered as the doors closed. "Thanks."
"I, uh, just lost my contact lense," Y/n said as he stood up.
"Hope you find it," Inko smiles awkwardly.
"Thanks, Miss Midoriya," Y/n nods. "How's your son doing?"
"Oh, Izuku? He's doing great, actually," Inko states. "He's even attending UA High now."
"That's great," Y/n smiles. "Tell him I said hello."
Inko nods and turns back to the elevator doors as it dings. They open and she walks out of the elevator, but she stops and turns to Y/n.
"Would you like to come over for dinner sometime?" she asks the young adult. "I bet Izuku would love to see you again."
Y/n was about to decline, but he stopped himself. Maybe being with someone other than himself would be nice.
"Yeah, sure," he smiles. "I'd love that, Miss Midoriya."
The green-haired woman smiled at this and turned to walk to her apartment door. However, before she walks through, she turns back to her son's former babysitter.
"Have a good day, Y/n," she says.
"You, too," Y/n waves at her.
Inko then walked through her door and closed it. Y/n continued smiling, remembering the times he talked to the woman when he was younger. She always made him feel better. It was as if she had a second Quirk.
The lights began to flicker on and off again. Y/n turned to look behind him, only to see a monster with some kind of bird skull.
Y/n screams before blacking out.
He screams again as he snaps awake on a bus. He looks around in terror as the other passengers look at him like he was crazy. Y/n looks around in confusion as he realizes where he was at. Then he looks out the widnow to see the same creature from before, robed in some kind of flowing white cloth and holding a staff with a crescent moon on the top. And then he disappears.
Y/n begun to breathe heavily as he looked around. He realized that what had happened that day wasn't a dream. It was real. All of it was.
Once the bus stopped near his university, Y/n got off. Waiting for the bus to move, Y/n then spots a man with blue hair looking at him with red eyes. The student's breath immediately left all his lungs as the bus drove away.
Regaining his breath, Y/n walked up to his school and entered it. As he does, he passed by the head security guard, Mu, who was watching otter videos on his phone.
"Hey, Captain Mu," Y/n greeted the man. "How are you?"
"All right," he didn't even look up. "How's it going, (mispronounced name)?"
"It's Y/n," Y/n corrects. "Are you watching otter videos again?"
"They're adorable," Mu laughs.
"Great. Cool, cool, cool, man. Listen, man," Y/n says. "I need you to keep an eye out, 'cause I think I'm being followed."
"Really?" Mu looks up from his phone.
"Yeah," Y/n confirms. "Will you just, like, not let anyone in, yeah?"
"The university is part museum," the security guard states. "That'll be difficult."
"Obviously. Obviously," Y/n says. "I just mean, like, anyone dodgy. You know?"
"Anyone that wants to come in is comin' in," Mu returns to his phone. "It's free."
"I get it," Y/n says. "But this man--"
"Hey, Mr. L/n!" Y/n turns to see the headmistress walking towards him. "Get to class!"
"Wait a sec!"
The young adult turns back to Mu who wasn't paying anymore attention. Y/n keeps on trying to explain the importance of the situation, only to see someone in the corner of his eye. It was the blue-haired man again.
"Oh, God..." he says. "It's the man from the bus."
"I don't give a monkey's ass!" the headmistress says. "You've been missing for two days, now get to class before you get in trouble!"
"Will you...! Please, just give me a minute," Y/n walks past the headmistress and towards the man.
Cautiously walking towards the Egyptian exhibit, Y/n makes his way towards the man he saw on the bus. He was standing at the back of the exhibit, looking at everything with bored eyes. But when Y/n made it to him, he was gone. Where did he go?
"So you really do exist."
Y/n jumped at the scratchy voice and turned to see the blue-haired man behind him.
"My master assumed Y/n L/n was an alias," the man said. "Imagine my surprise to find you here."
Y/n looked around to find any security guards, but there weren't any. He was all alone.
"Look, pal, I don't have your USB drive, alright?" Y/n says. "I swear."
"It's technically not mine. It's my master's," the man slowly approached Y/n. "Do you know who my master is?"
"No, not exactly," Y/n slowly backs away. "Some kind of bogeyman, or something?"
"Something like that," the man said, a smile creeping onto his face. "You know, I watched the camera feed of that day. Do you know what I saw?"
"No, not really," Y/n shakes his head. "Are you going to kill me?"
The man only chuckles at this, unnerving Y/n even more than he already was.
"It's maddening, isn't it? The voices in your head. I know what it's like," the man circled the (H/C)-haired man. "Relentless, forever unsatisfied. No matter how hard you try to please, it devours you until there's nothing left."
Y/n looked into the scratchy-voiced man's eyes, and his blood ran cold. They were red like blood.
"I have my own voices, telling me 'do this!' and 'kill that!'," the red-eyed individual laughs a bit. "But I learned how to control them. Have you?"
"V-voices?" Y/n remembered the voices that have recently been in his head. "N-no...?"
"Heheheh... I can help you, you know," the man states. "We're the same, me and you. Wanna know how?"
Y/n was too afraid to answer. However, the man leaned in close, letting get a good look at his scarred face.
"There's chaos in you," he smiles like a madman.
Y/n nervously backs away, and doors suddenly open loudly. That snaps Y/n away from the man and he turns to the doors. When he looked back, the man wasn't even there. Yet he could still feel his unnerving evil presence.
Later, the main building of the university was closing down since it was late at night. Y/n had stayed behind to keep himself from leaving as long as possible, and to catch up on his work. He yawned from exhaustion and stretched his arms out, only for a noise to catch his attention.
"Oh, fuck," Y/n swears. "It's fine. Just keep walking."
Y/n turns around and walks towards the noise.
"Oh, of course," Y/n threw his arms into the air. He then looked forward. "Hello? Anyone there?"
More noises ensue from the darkness of the exhibit. They sounded like an animal, and Y/n called out to it as he ventured further into the exhibit. He passed a glass case, but his reflection stayed there. It looked over to another case, and something moved behind it.
"God, what're you doing, Y/n?" the university student asks himself.
He calls out again and whistles. Nothing had responded to him yet. So maybe he was just hearing things.
"Maybe I am going crazy," Y/n tells himself.
A low growl gains the man's attention and he slowly turns to its origin. He didn't find one. And instead of leaving like a rational person, Y/n followed the growling into a hallway. He stopped when he saw the shadow of some beast and ran to hide behind a podium holding up some ancient Egyptian artifact. He held his backpack close to his chest as the intercoms flared to life.
"Y/n L/n of Mustufa City," it was the man with the scratchy voice again. "Give me the drive and you won't be torn apart."
The sound of something heavy thumps closer to Y/n as the growling grows louder. Without having any other choice, Y/n throws his backpack to the side and into the other part of the exhibit. The monster lunges for it and tears it apart with its teeth.
Y/n takes this opportunity to get up and slowly walk away. However, he bumps into a vase and it falls to the ground, shattering. The growling stops for a moment and Y/n turns to the monster. It had sickly-colored skin with four arms and two legs which it crawled upon. Its mouth was hanging open, letting drool drip from its fang-filled jaws. Finally, two dead eyes rested just beneath an exposed brain.
"Oh, shit..."
The creature lunged at Y/n and he screamed in terror. He surprisingly avoids the attack and runs for his life as the monster chases after him, tearing the exhibit up as it does. Y/n then bursts into a hallway filled with shelves of boxes which Y/n brings to the floor. It didn't help as the creature barged in no later and took the ceiling as its root after Y/n.
Turning again, Y/n runs right into a bathroom. He shuts the door on the creature chasing him as it screeches, and locks the door. He then backs away in fear.
"Oh, God! Oh, God!" he panicked.
"Y/n," the American voice called out, and Y/n turned to his reflection in the mirror to his right. "Y/n, I can save us."
Banging on the bathroom door can be heard as the creature tries to get in. Then Y/n looks over at the left mirror.
"But I can't have you fightin' me this time," the voiced reflection then speaks behind Y/n, making him turn to the mirror behind him. "You need to give me control. You understand?"
"No. What... Control of what?" Y/n questions. "What are you talking about?"
"That thing's about to break through the door!" the reflection states as he points at said door. "We're of time."
"Dammit! No!" Y/n cried out.
"Alright, hey," the reflection tries to get Y/n's attention. "Listen to me."
"No!" Y/n slaps himself.
"Look at me."
"This is not real!"
"This is real. I'm real."
"No!" Y/n shouts. "You're not real! None of this is real."
The banging continues as more dents form in the door.
"Yes, it is, Y/n," the reflection states. "You gotta give me control. It's the only way."
"Oh, God..." Y/n starts to tear up. "I'm gonna die..."
"I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die."
"Look at me!"
Y/n turns to his reflection.
"You're not gonna die," he says. "Let me save us."
Y/n looks at his reflection. Egyptian markings begin to flicker on and off the walls as the lights flicker as well. Then the man slowly nods as he faces the door again. What else did he have to lose? He was going to die anyway.
However, Y/n felt himself slowly losing conscious as he felt himself lose control of his own body. Then he stiffens up as white cloth begins to materialize around him, and the door breaks down. The creature previously chasing Y/n lunges at him.
However, sounds from the bathroom sound more than just a killing. Fighting is heard as a broken sink is flung out, crashing into a wall and dropping to the floor. The creature that was once the predator had become terrified, trying to escape only to be dragged back to its slaughter.
Inside was a man in white clothing, bearing a hood and a cape. All around him was a bathroom ruined by violence. He beats down on the creature, making it scream a few times before a final hit makes it go limp. The man then stands to his feet and turns to walk off, revealing his glowing white eyes.
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