Summon the Suit (Part 1)
The sound of a creature roaring and screeching in pain echoes in the darkness as Y/n sleeps. However, when it stops, he suddenly screams as he snaps awake and jumps from his bed. He falls to the floor, not being able to go very far thanks to his ankle restraints. He grunts and raises his head to look around. He was in his apartment.
"No, no, no..." he lowers his head back on the floor before sighing.
Later, after getting dressed, Y/n enters his bathroom and looks at himself in the mirror. He was expecting to see his living reflection.
"You there? Hm?" he asks. No response. "No? Yeah, didn't think so."
Instead of taking the bus, Y/n decided to walk to his university to clear his head. He kept on looking around to see if he was being followed again, but there was no one. He walked into his school.
Passing by a man with tools, Y/n raised a brow. Then he realized what the man was for. He was probably there to fix the school bathroom he obviously ruined last night after giving his reflection control. He assumed that same reflection was the Marc the bodyless voice kept on calling to.
"Hey, L/n. C'mere!"
Y/n turns to Captain Mu who was taping off the Egyptian exhibit. He walks towards the security guard.
"What happened here?" Y/n feigned ignorance.
"They said it was busted pipes, but it don't look that way to me," Mu explains.
"Anyone seen the security footage?" Y/n asks.
"I was about to," Mu states.
"Alright," Y/n nods. "I think I should should with you, yeah? I have some information about it."
"Alright," Mu says. "Come on."
Y/n nods and follows the head security guard to the security office. There, camera monitors were on the wall showing every place a camera was in the university.
"Hope the headmistress doesn't know I took you in here," Mu tells Y/n. "This isna sacred domain, ya here?"
"Captain, listen, I must warn you," Y/n tells the man. "What you're about to see is gonna melt your brain, alright?"
"Come on," Mu didn't believe the student.
"Listen. It's like Area 51, like MI6 bonkers, okay?" Y/n states.
"Alright," the security shrugs his shoulders.
"You ready?"
"Roll the tape."
Mu nods and begins playing the security footage from the previous night. It shows Y/n hiding behind one of podiums with his backpack close to his chest.
"Is that you, (mispronounced name)?" Mu asks.
"Still Y/n. With an (whatever letter you use for your name)," Y/n sighs. "And yeah, that's me. Oh, yeah."
Mu zooms in as Y/n tells him to watch.
"Are you... crying?" he asks.
"A bit, yeah. A bit," Y/n changes the subject. "Watch, here it comes. Wait for it. Wait for it."
The video shows Y/n throwing his backpack to the side and standing up. It didn't catch the creature chasing him.
"How long am I waiting?" Mu asks.
"Alright, try a different angle," Y/n suggests.
Mu does as suggested and changes the camera angle.
"Alright," Y/n smiles. "Here it comes, here it comes."
It shows Y/n bumping into another podium, sending a vase shattering to the ground.
"What?" the security guard questions. "L/n, come on!"
"No, no, no," Y/n couldn't believe he didn't see the creature.
"What are you doing in... What are you doing, you donut?" Mu asks as he watches the video.
Y/n runs away on screen as he passes the Egyptian artifacts. The present Y/n couldn't believe his eyes!
"You messed up the restrooms!" Mu accused the young adult.
"Shh! I don't--"
"Oh, God," Y/n held his face into his hands.
"Maintenance is absolutely going to shoot you," Mu tells Y/n.
"I swear to God, there was this weird creature chasing me," Y/n stated. "It was pale with four arms, and it's brain was out on the open! I swear!"
"I've heard it all now," the head security guard leaned in his chair.
Y/n still couldn't believe the cameras didn't capture anything. He turned back to the cameras to see himself walking past it. The Y/n on the monitor looked up at the security camera with intimidating eyes. His entire composure was completely different than Y/n now. He knew who it was.
"Marc," was what he spoke.
In the headmistress' office, Y/n sat on a chair in front of a desk. Behind the desk sat the headmistress who had a solemn look on her face.
"I should tell you, the university has no wish to press charges," she told Y/n as she offered him some water.
"Okay," Y/n took the water. "Thanks."
"But Mr. L/n, I've spoke to your classmates," the headmistress states.
"Yeah?" Y/n questions.
"I know I'm hard on you, but I'm like that to everyone. It's to toughen you up. You're one of our brightest students, yet it's been a struggle recently, hasn't it?" the woman asks. "With your mother gone and all, it must be driving you crazy to not be with her. Everyone knows what she was to you."
Y/n looks down as he sniffles. He nodded his head. He visited his mother almost three time a week. It was what kept him together and sane. Now she was gone. She has been for years.
"Yeah..." he says.
The headmistress holds up a pamphlet for a group of doctors and psychiatrists.
"This particular group of doctors has a long-standing relationship with this university," she says as she offers Y/n the pamphlet.
"Doctors?" Y/n questions as he takes the pamphlet.
He opens it up and looks at its contents. As he read, the university headmistress continues.
"They're wonderful," she states.
"Yeah?" Y/n asks.
"I could arrange an appointment," the headmistress suggests.
Y/n didn't want any more doctors poking at his brain. He was tired of them. He had enough of that as a child with all the appointments. But why did he have doctors and psychiatrists and therapists poking at him when he was young? He could barely remember. His childhood was a haze covered in fog.
Y/n nodded anyway.
"Okay. Yeah," Y/n looks at the pamphlet. "It looks... It actually looks quite posh. Heheh. Looks like they're very good listeners, huh?"
"They are," the headmistress nods. "I know this is all classic and cliché to say, but... but you're not alone. You'll always be part of this university."
"Yeah. That's part of the problem, isn't it?" Y/n takes a sip of his water.
"Before you leave, I'm sorry for the protocol, but we need the school uniform back," the headmistress says, "and any property you have that may belong to the school. Books and whatnot."
"Yeah, yeah," Y/n wipes his nose. "Of course."
It wasn't long after that Y/n was back at the fountain. He sat on the bench next to the man pretending to be a golden statue. He's been the only thing that has been a constant in Y/n's life the past years since he started college. No one else would listen to him.
"Well, that's it. I got expelled," Y/n tells the golden man. "But I don't blame them. I'm a vandal. I should've been arrested."
Y/n sighs as the man doesn't give a response. People walked all around them, not giving them a second glance.
"I did-I did find things hidden in my apartment. I swear. I'm not joking," the twenty-three-year-old states. "That's worth exploring, isn't it? Like, if I could find that storage locker, that might be my one chance to prove that I'm not mad."
Y/n couldn't help but smile as he laughs.
"Oh, man, thanks you," he hugs the golden man. "Thanks."
The man only looks at Y/n in confusion, finally moving. No one noticed it, though.
Y/n soon left and began walking around the city to find what he was looking for. After an hour, he spots a sign on a building. It was a red "U" over a white background, just like the key he had. So he ventured towards it and walked inside to the front desk where a man sat behind.
"Hiya," Y/n greeted the man.
"Hey," he waved back.
"How are you?" Y/n asks.
"Good," the man nods. "Thanks."
"Yeah. Um, look, man, this is, like, the fifth branch I've been to," Y/n states as he shows his key. "I'm looking for my storage locker. Probably under 'Y/n L/n'. If not, then it's probably under Marc, or something. Would you have a look for me, if that's all right?"
"Of course! I know you," the man smiles. "Number fourty-three, right? I never forget a face. My Quirk gives me perfect memory."
No later was the man leading Y/n down a corridor filled with hundreds of storage containers. They pass by them one at a time as a light follows them. They soon make it to a certain container and the man unlocked it with the key given to him. He turns to Y/n.
"There you go," he says as he walks away. "Have a good day."
"Thanks," Y/n waves the man off. "You, too."
As the man leaves, Y/n turns back to the storage container's door. He grabs it and pulls it open. Walking inside, lights immediately turn on to reveal the contents of the container. There were shelves of items most likely stolen and a small military container box next to a small military cot. More military container boxes lined the walls, confusing Y/n.
The former student walks further inside as he examines his surroundings. He then kneels down in front of the duffel bag on top of the container next to the cot. He unzips it and opens it to see its contents.
"Oh, my God," he reaches inside and pulls out a gun.
He sets it aside on the cot and then takes another look inside the duffel bag. Stacks of money was inside, belonging to different countries. Euros, Yen, US dollars, you name it. It was all there. And dozens of them, all resulting in hundreds of thousands of dollars in that single bag. Maybe more.
He pulls out three passports and opens one up. After looking at the picture of the intimidating look of himself, he reads the name aloud.
"Marc Spector."
Sighing, Y/n opened up the next passport. It was the picture of a well-dressed man that looked wonderful to hang out with.
"Steven Grant."
Then he took the final one and opened it up. He didn't like the smile on his own face in the picture.
"Jake Lockely."
Y/n sighed as he tossed the passports aside.
"I don't even have a passport," he states. "And why are all these names English?"
Without getting his answer, the young adult digs deeper into the duffel bag. What he finds, however, shocks him.
"No way," he pulls out the USB drive from a few days ago. "It's real. It's totally real."
Y/n looked both exhausted and relieved to know what he had done wasn't just a dream. But now he knew the horrible truth about what was going on.
"Y/n, I need you to listen to me very carefully," Y/n turned to see his reflection in the wall.
"Marc?" Y/n questions as he stands. "There he is. Here he comes."
He waves at his reflection.
"Hello, man in mirror," he says. "I was wondering when you'd pop up again."
"I know you're scared," Marc started.
"A bit, yeah," Y/n nodded as he approached the wall.
"I know you're confused," Marc says. "You weren't supposed to see any of this."
"Well, a bit late for that, isn't it?" Y/n motions around the whole container. "So what what I? Like, am I some sort of mad secret agent or something?"
"It's a little more complicated than that," Marc states.
"More complicated? What am I? Possessed?" Y/n asks. "Are you, like, a demon? Or--"
"You're in danger, and I can save us, just like I did last night," the American reflection cuts Y/n off. "But I can't have you interfering in what I have left to do. So this is what's gonna happen. You're gonna go lay on that cot back there, and you're gonna take a nice nap."
"Are you joking?" Y/n was annoyed. "Sleep? I'm never gonna go to sleep again! You hear me?"
He leans in close to his reflection.
"Look, I don't care about how damn handsome you are," he says. "Tell me what you are, right now."
"You sure you want to know?" Marc asks. "'Cause it's gonna open up a whole can of worms you don't want to remember."
"Yes!" Y/n answers. "Tell me, please!"
"I serve Khonshu," Marc states. "I'm his Avatar. Which means you and the others are, too. Sort of."
"Wait, others?" Y/n questions.
"Yes. We protect the vulnerable and deliver Khonshu's justice to those who hurt them," Marc continues. "His mighty fist of vengenace."
"The Egyptian god of the Moon?"
Marc nods and Y/n turned away.
"Oh, my God, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard," he says. "I eat one piece of steak, and bam, I go bonkers."
Y/n walks over to the cot and sits down on it. His breathing becomes heavy and uneven.
"Oh, God. I'm having a panic attack," he states.
"We made a deal with Khonshu when we were younger," Marc states.
"I need to go to the hospital."
"But you don't remember because I asked Khonshu to burden me, not you, with his work. Sometimes the others get involved," Marc continues. "I didn't want you to be part of this. You have your own life, it's not mine to control."
Y/n kept on breathing heavily. Marc still talked.
"And this deal needs you to not interfere, Y/n," the American split personality states. "So give me the body, let me finish this, and you'll never hear from me again."
"Well, we all know that's a lie," a voice with a perfect British accent states.
"Shut it, Grant!" Marc spat.
"You want my body? Right, yeah," Y/n stands and begins to put the items back into the duffel bag. "Marc, how about this for a deal? I'm gonna take this bag full of illegal shit, yeah? And I'm gonna go straight to the authorities. And they're gonna put me away so I don't hurt anyone else."
Y/n zips up the bag and stands to his feet. Marc was looking at him as the lights began to flicker.
"And hopefully, NHS will fill me with enough pills so that you get out of my head!"
He then took to the door and ran out of the storage container. He shuts the door and sighs as the lights stop flickering. Then Y/n spots something down the corridor. It disappears when the lights go out and turn back on, but it returns when the turn off and on again. And the bird-skull creature got closer.
And closer.
And closer still as Y/n remained in a frozen state of terror. Finally, when the creature appeared right before him, Y/n screamed and turned to run the other way. The lights flickered and the doors to the other storage containers rattled from an unknown force.
Y/n turned a corner and continued to run, but the tall figure in white only got closer. Y/n turned corner after corner to try to find a way out, only to stop at the next turn. In front of him was the figure pursuing him, and it turned to face Y/n with a chilling, dead stare.
"Give it back, you fool," it ordered him. It sounded like the voice that yelled at him a few days ago.
However, instead of doing as he was told, Y/n screamed and ran off again. He finally made his way out and ran out of the building. He tripped and fell to the ground, dropping the duffel bag. A motorcycle drove up to him and Y/n held his head in his hands, whimpering in fear. However, the bike stopped right in front of Y/n and the rider looked down at him.
Y/n looked up at the woman. She had dark skin with white hair and two bunny ears. Her eyes were a beautiful red. Y/n recognized her voice.
"Rumi...?" he then recognized her face. "Holy shit, you're Mirko."
"Uh, yeah. You know that," Rumi says. "Where have you been?"
On the back of her motorcycle, Y/n held onto Rumi Usagiyama with slight fear. He's never been on a motorcycle before.
"What the hell is going on? Is this 'Y/n' the latest fake identity for you?" Rumi asks. "I figured you were using a coded message when we spoke on the phone."
"How did you find me?" Y/n asked.
"How'd you think? I tracked your phone!" the Pro Hero exclaims. "Also, I have super hearing, remember?"
"Right..." Y/n nodded.
"I thought that's what you wanted me to do when you turned it on," Rumi went on.
"Yeah," Y/n muttered out.
"You know, you could've really given me any sign that you were alive," the woman said. "I thought that you were in danger, or kidnapped again! Just kept thinking, 'He's got the suit. He's fine.' Then, I thought, 'Well, what if he gets ambushed when he's not wearing it?' And 'What if he doesn't have it?' And-- Stop clasping my shoulder like that, please."
"Sorry. Didn't know where to hold," Y/n nervously stated and instead wrapped his arms around Mirko's waist. "Um, I didn't think a Hero like you worried that much."
"Yeah, well, I get to worry when my boyfriend doesn't answer my calls or texts," Rumi states.
Y/n's eyes suddenly widened. What did she just say? Boyfriend?
"By the way, this would be a great time for you to say something," Rumi continues. "Anything. Just in case it's not clear."
"Sorry, sorry," the former university student apologizes. "Did you say boyfriend? Are we a couple?"
The rabbit Quirk user only groans.
"Look, I'm pretty sure we lost whoever was chasing you," she says. "Just drop the act."
"It's not an act," Y/n says. "I--"
"Stop with the voice, please," Rumi orders. "I thought you were American."
"No, I'm Japanese," the young adult states. "And this is how I talk."
"Okay. Get off the bike," Rumi orders as the motorcycle slows down.
"No, no, no! Wait, wait, wait! Please!" Y/n says frantically. "Please, I'll tell you everything, just get me to my flat, alright? Just get me home."
Rumi sighs as she grits her teeth. However, she does as told and speeds up her motorcycle. She then scoffs before looking at her apparent boyfriend in the sideview mirror.
Later, after an hour of awkward silence, the two finally make it to Y/n's apartment. He opens up the door and turns on the lights before moving aside to let his apparent girlfriend in. Y/n couldn't help but notice the cute little cotton tail right above her butt as Rumi walked forward and looked around.
She spotted the New Gus' fish tank and bends down to look at the common goldfish. Y/n's reflection appears in the glass, but it wasn't him. It was Marc.
"She shouldn't be here," he says as his girlfriend taps the glass. "Get her out of here, Y/n. You're way out of your depth."
The Pro Hero looks up from the tank and over at Y/n. She notices that he was looking at something intently and followed his gaze, only to look back at the tank.
"I just want my life back," Y/n states.
"Yeah," the Rabbit Hero turned to Y/n. "I'm getting that."
"No. Sorry, I wasn't talking to you, just to myself," Y/n states. "Sort of."
Rumi rolls her eyes and walks further into the apartment. She spots Y/n's bed, seeing the sand around it, the ankle restraint, and the trashcan full of duct tape. She raised a brow.
"Uh, this is your apartment, Marc?" she asks.
"Um, I'm Y/n."
"Are you living here with someone else?" Rumi turns to her apparent boyfriend.
"Oh. No, no, no. Just me," Y/n walks up to his apparent girlfriend. "No one cares for me enough to actually want to be with me, anyway. Other than my mom, but she's away right now."
"Wait, so you guys are talking again?" the rabbit girl asks in surprise.
Y/n didn't know how to respond. He hasn't really been talking to his mother recently, just sending her voicemails. But he nodded anyway.
Rumi smiled at this and she turns her head to look around again. Her left ear twitches and she spots a book. She grabs it and brings it close to her face.
"Marceline Desbordes-Valmore?" she reads aloud.
"Yep," the (E/C)-eyed man nods.
Rumi starts to flip through the book, and Y/n gets an idea. He starts to recite a poem in French which Usagiyama joins in on. Y/n looks at her in shock before smiling.
"Oui, oui," he says in French. "She's, uh, my favorite poet."
"I thought you didn't like poetry?" Rumi questioned. "You learning French now?"
She walks over to a desk and looked at the books and papers.
"And hieroglyphics?"
"Yeah, well... that's not that impressive, really," Y/n says as he walks over to his desk. "I-it's not hieroglyphs are a whole language. It's more like an--"
"Like an alphabet," Rumi finishes for Y/n, making him look at her. "You were big on Egyptian culture back before you... vanished. Taught me a few things."
"Yeah..." Y/n nodded. "But you still have to know ancient Egyptian to read it."
"For example, like this one here, right?" Y/n points at a hieroglyph on a paper.
"Funeral rites," Rumi says as she looks at it.
"Well, someone knows their unilaterals," Y/n smiles and points at Rumi. "You. Th-that's amazing."
Y/n smiles at this. He was never really one to speak with girls so casually, so this was new to him. But he seemed prefect fine with Rumi. Who actually laughed.
"Sorry, I don't mean that in a creepy way," the former student states.
"No, I'm sorry," Rumi looks up at Y/n. He was only two inches taller than her. "I'm not buying this, Marc."
"What?" Y/n questioned.
"Oh, for Pete's sake," the rabbit girl rolls her eyes.
She suddenly grabs Y/n by the collar of his shirt and brings him closer to her. Their lips connect in that moment, with Rumi's eyes closed and Y/n's wide open in shock. The kiss soon ends, however, as the Pro Hero pulls away.
"Better?" she asks. "Finally got things straight?"
Y/n looks at Rumi with a shocked look on his face. He's never been kissed before.
"Yaba..." he muttered out.
"Okay, what's gotten into you?" Rumi asks as she scratches the back of her head.
(Art by GuD0c on DeviantArt. Credit to them)
Y/n then shakes his head as he snaps out of his trance.
"Look, you seem absolutely lovely. In fact, you are. No doubt about it," he tells Rumi. "This Marc, on the other hand, is an absolute ass."
Marc, in a mirror on the wall, scoffs at this.
"And I don't know how to explain what's been happening," Y/n continues.
"Y/n," Marc calls to the boy.
"I don't expect you to believe me," Y/n goes on. "I honestly don't really believe myself."
"Y/n, listen to me," Marc growls.
Y/n doesn't listen as he walks over to the duffel bag he had set down earlier.
"All I can try to--"
"You're making a mistake."
"-- do is show you what I found."
"Y/n. Y/n, don't!"
"I found this bag in a storage container," Y/n opens up the bag.
"Listen to me!" Marc yells.
"And inside of it is all sorts--"
"Stop what you're doing right now."
"--of things," Y/n begins to move aside the money inside.
"Don't show her what's in the bag," Marc orders.
"Most interestingly--"
"You're gonna get her killed!" Marc declares. "You hear me?"
Y/n stops and turns to the mirror on the wall. Marc was looking at him in anger and desperation.
"What?" Y/n asks.
"You show her what we have, it'll make her a target," Marc states. "She'll be in danger."
"But she's a Pro Hero," Y/n replies. "She can handle it."
"Who are you talking to Marc?" Rumi asks.
Y/n ignores her as Marc talks again.
"This is something way worse than whatever she's faced. This man is basically a god," Marc informs. "He'll kill her without effort or hesitation. If you show her that drive, you are responsible for what happens to her."
Y/n looked at Marc for a moment before nodding and slipping his hands from the bag. He wouldn't want that for anyone.
"Nevermind?" Rumi questions.
"Nevermind," Y/n says. "It's nothing."
"What's in there?" Rumi steps towards Y/n.
"Nothing--" he gets pushed aside. "Wait, wait!"
The rabbit girl begins to dig through the duffel bag. Y/n tries to stop her and Marc was groaning and yelling in frustration. Rumi then pulls out the USB drive Marc/Y/n stole a few days ago. She looks over at Y/n.
"What is this?" she asks.
"I-I don't know," Y/n states.
"Does this have to do with this League you've been obsessing over for the last year?" Rumi asks.
"League?" the (S/C)-skinned man questions. "What league?"
"You gotta be kidding me," Rumi sighed in frustration as she thumped her foot on tbe floor. "Marc, just stop lyi--"
"I AM NOT MARC!" Y/n yells, shocking the dark-skinned woman. He then calms down. "I'm not Marc Spector. I'm sorry. I'm Y/n L/n. I go to the University of Mustufa. Well, I used to, anyway. And I think I'm in real danger, and I think you might be the only person that can help me."
Rumi only looked at Y/n.
"Please," he begged.
"You really don't remember anything about what you've been doing the last year?" she asked, and Y/n shakes his head. "You're nightly patrols. Your fights. Our time together?"
"God, I wish I could," Y/n said.
"Not even your adventures as the Moon Knight?"
"I'm sorry?" Y/n tilted his head in confusion.
A knock was heard at the door. Y/n and Rumi turn to it.
"Hello? Y/n L/n?" a deep voice calls from the other side. "I would like a word with you."
"Oh, God. They've come for me," Y/n turns to Rumi. "You need to hide. Or find someplace safe."
"Screw that!" Rumi grinned excitedly. "Anyone tries to harm you, I'm beating their asses."
Y/n smiled a bit at this. Though her statement was blunt, he felt assured by what Rumi said. He nodded at this.
Another knock was heard.
"Just a minute!" Y/n calls out.
He walks over to the door and slowly begins to unlock all the locks on it. He then grabs the doorknob and turns to Rumi. She nods at him with a grin and gets into a fighting stance. Y/n nods in response and turns back to the door. He twists the knob and pulls the door open.
"Can I help you?" Y/n asks as he pokes his head through the door.
However, he cries out in fright as dark mist consumes his body. He hears Rumi calling out to him, but it fades away as does the floor beneath his feet. He falls to his butt and the mist vanishes, revealing that he was now in a small room he didn't recognize.
"Oh, dear..." he stood to his feet. "Where am I?"
Y/n looks around to try to find a way out. He spots a metal door and runs to it. He grabs the door handle and tries to open the door, but it was locked. He couldn't get it open.
"Dammit!" Y/n yells before he gets a headache. "GRNAAGH!"
He holds his head in pain as he felt like he was fighting something. Or someone. When the pain passes, he looks at the reflective metal door. Marc was there staring at him.
"You don't need to fight me, Y/n," Khonshu's fist of vengenace says. "Surrender control."
"No. No, I saw what you did to those people the other day. You killed them," Y/n shakes his head. "And you just left Mirko--... Rumi all alone without telling her anything."
"It's not what you think," Marc states.
"I am never giving you control again," Y/n tells his reflection. "Ever. Do you hear me? You are a bad person."
A beep is suddenly heard, and Y/n looks at the ceiling.
"I hear you loud and clear, Y/n L/n," a familiar scratchy voice stated.
Y/n recognized the voice, but the door suddenly opened before he could say anything. The twenty-three-year-old yelps as he falls to the floor and grunts. He then groans as he pushes himself up, only to see someone approach him. It was the man with red eyes and blue hair, but he wore a hand over his face this time.
(Art by DopeOnDemand, I believe. Don't know what website they use, but I found this on Fanpop. Credit to them)
"I'm sorry about the wait. I just needed to understand your situation," the man stated. "I believe you should know who am I first, though. My name is Tomura Shigaraki. Pleasure to properly meet you, Y/n L/n."
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