Chapter 11
"Emberpaw? Emberpaw!" Emberpaw snapped open his eyes and he saw Deertail looking at him. He pushed himself up, "What? What's happening?" He said, gazing around.
The she-cat shook her head, "BreezeClan is here." Emberpaw froze and followed her, blinking as he saw Cedarstar, Lightningfire, Sagewater, and Wildclaw all standing below Highcliff. Lynxstar was staring at the intruders through narrowed slits.
"Why have you come here?" She asked lowly before adding, "Unannounced."
Cedarstar opened his muzzle before closing it and glancing at Wildclaw, who was ignoring the leaders and gazing around, his pale green eyes flicking around the camp.
"Wildclaw!" Emberpaw cried, lunging forward, making the tom turn.
"Emberpaw!" He moved towards the apprentice with a toothy smile that looked like a sneer to anyone else. "How're you?"
"Is this why you came?" Lightningfire growled irritably, "To check on another Clans apprentice?" His fur bristled in anger and he began to stalk towards the ginger-and-white tom.
"Easy, Lightningfire." Cedarstar stopped his deputy, "I'm sure there's more reason than that." he side-eyed the warrior who was in a soft conversation with Emberpaw.
"I'm fine." He had told the warrior as the BreezeClan warriors were grumbling. "Why're here? I-I know you said.."
Wildclaw gazed at the apprentice, a conflicted look in his eyes before he sighed, "Junipertail left me." He murmured, "After Fognoses disappearance."
Emberpaw froze, his eyes wide, "Why?" He asked, tail trembling. "She wasn't your guys' daughter."
"It was completely my fault," Wildclaw hung his head, "I snapped at her and it was too much. She couldn't stay." He looked away as he felt his leaders eyes on him. "I was checking on Emberpaw."
Cedarstars dark blue eyes darkened, "Wildclaw," He said lowly in a warning tone, "He's not one of our own. He tossed that chance away." He frowned, "He's okay however. It's time we go home." With that, the leader turned, shaking his head in a show of disapproval.
Lightningfire, however, was much more showing in his anger. He glared at the younger warrior, tail flicking to and fro in a fit of anger before he turned to Lynxstar gruffly. "I apologize for my Clanmates nosiness, it seems Fognose wasn't the only cat in BreezeClan who couldn't sense the border." He growled, turning to leave.
Wildclaw let out a roar and lunged at the deputy who yowled in shock and anger as Cedarstar, who had overheard Lightningfires comment and froze, shoulders tense, whipped around with his mouth hung open in shock.
"Wildclaw!" He roared, "Stop!"
Emberpaw stared in horror as the two powerful warriors tumbled in a tangle of fur, claws, and angry screeches.
At the sound of his leaders voice the deputy unhinged himself from the ginger-spotted tom and staggered back. He had a gash on his cheek and shoulder and his ear was bleeding. Wildclaw wasn't unmarked either, there was a jagged scar across his face from the base of his right ear across to the end of his chin on the left-most side. A clump of fur was missing on his under-belly but he was snarling, his eyes wild.
"Fognose was an amazing apprentice!" He growled, "It wasn't her fault that she was born without a sense of smell."
Lightningfire reeled back at that, eyes wide. Shocked mews from the DeltaClan cats who had gathered around the outsiders arose while Cedarstar cringed. "What?" The deputy growled, turning to his leader who stared at the deputy before lifting his chin the look in his eyes already confirmed it for the deputy whos jaw dropped.
Emberpaws mind was reeling but he couldn't focus on that, he stared as Cedarstar turned towards Wildclaw.
"Wildclaw, you attacked your deputy-" He began but Wildclaws angry screech cut him off.
"He insulted your daughter and my apprentice!" Wildclaws tail lashed, "If no one can defend her I will." He glared at his leader before sighing, "I feel no home in BreezeClan any longer, I've lost my mate, my kit, and now my apprentice." He shook his head as Cedarstar opened his mouth to say something, "I feel like a fox in a badger den."
Lightningfire blinked, "I was wrong to insult Fognose." He rasped, "We may not get along all the time Wildclaw but I respect you and I'd hate to see you leave. Besides, where would you go? You love this wild life, you would go mad if you went to the barn or kittypet-place." He moved towards the warrior, "And you are much too honorable to live as a rogue or loner." He looked into the ginger-patched toms eyes, "You're a warrior Wildclaw, through and through."
Wildclaw stared back, "You're words touch me Lightningfire," He dipped his head, "But I have someone I need to watch." He gazed back at Emberpaw who had begun to creep closer and was now standing behind and slightly to the left of the cat. "And I can't do that in BreezeClan. Hawkeye would want me to." He looked down and stared at the grass.
Cedarstars eyes flicked with understanding and he gazed at Lynxstar, "He's yours if you want him. Wildclaw I hope you know that if you are turned into a DeltaClan warrior you may have to face your friends, mate, kit, maybe even myself in battle." His voice was weighted, adding more meaning then he needed to get it across to the warrior. "Kill one of us even. Are you willing to do as such?"
Sagewater, who had been watching silently decided to speak up, "Lynxstar, would you like him?"
The tan leaders ears twitched, "Wildclaw, you have given many of my warriors' scars." She started, glancing at Rumblethroat, Shadefern, and Rockheart who all had prominent scars on them. "I'm willing to have more powerful warriors in my Clan but the real questions are my warriors willing."
Rumblethroat glanced up at his leader, "I trust your judgment Lynxstar, it would be nice to have another warrior on our side." There was something unspoken that all DeltaClan cat understood.
Rockheart and Shadefern were staring at the ginger warrior. "Are we sure we can trust him?" Shadefern growled, "As you said Lynxstar he's caused many scars to our Clan."
"But with him on our side, he wouldn't." Emberpaws voice rose up. "E-everyone d-deserves a c-chance."
Shadefern gazed at his son, "He just proved that he had no qualms about attacking his own when provoked, Lynxstar it's your duty to consider your Clans voice when making a decision. Who all agrees with me when I say we should not allow this cat in our Clan?" He gazed around before moving at one side of the clearing, "Join me."
Emberpaw watched as Darkpoppy, Rockheart, Eagleeyes, Nightfrost, Quailfleck, Crabfoot, and Hailwhisker moved with Shadefern. Then Swiftwhisper, Appleblaze, Beetlestream, and... Deertail.
"Sorry Emberpaw." The she-cat murmured as she passed him, standing next to her mate.
Emberpaw stared at her before dipping his head in understanding.
He glanced behind him, the only cats left were Thunderjaw, Pikesky, Elmstripe, Amberheart, Brightnose, Lionpaw, Tigerpaw, Lilypaw, Redflare, Willowcoat, Missingfluff, and Barrontooth.
Tigerpaw glanced at his brother, Wildclaw, then Emberpaw.
"Come here Tigerpaw, you can't possibly agree with Emberpaw to let that savage join our ranks." Darkpoppy growled.
He turned towards his mother before shaking his head.
"Mouse." He growled, looking at Emberpaw, who stared in shock, "Just this once," His eyes narrowed and his ears pressed against his head, "I'll agree with you." He seemed to choke out those words before turning his back on the tom, his nose in the air as Lionpaw smirked slightly.
Lynxstar glanced around, eyes conflicted as shouts arose from the opposing groups. Protest against protest, fur fluffed up as insults were thrown and Wildclaw looked about ready to stop it with Lynxstar before a yowl cut them off.
Berrywish was staring at the sky, her eyes clouded. Her fur stood on end, her tail trembled, and her entire frame shook. "The sky! Look! The clouds!"
Emberpaw looked up and froze as he saw two puffs that seem to represent the two fighting groups with a single small one in the middle. Then they swirled together to form a giant cloud, strong and powerful looking.
"A sign! StarClan is telling us that if we divide on this our Clan will destroy itself, united with him we must stand!" Her voice lacked any doubt as she trotted to between the groups.
Shadefern was the first to stand, "I will not go against StarClans word! I vowed my allegiance to them." With that he and many other cats trickled back, all surrounding Wildclaw with looks of not approval but acceptance.
Darkpoppy now stood alone, staring at the cloud, eye wide. Had she seen something else? Emberpaw watched as she shook her head and padded back. The tom glanced back up and noticed at there was a part of the cloud that had broken off.
Was that a sign of StarClan? Or was that just a normal cloud now?
"Wildclaw, you will be allowed to stay but not as a member, you will learn to hunt like us, think and fight like us." Lynstar cut off Emberpaws thinking. He turned to gaze at his leader and watched as Rumblethroat smirked.
"And swim." He added, laughing as Wildclaw cringed but nodded.
"And swim." Lynxstars eyes glowed with amusement. "I'll save you the humiliation of reverting you back to your apprentice name, but you will act as one. Shadefern, you opposed him instantly, you're the perfect tom to watch him as you'll be keen to point out any missteps. Tigerpaw is close to being a warrior anyway. Oh and Wildclaw." The ginger-spotted warrior looked up as she grinned.
"Try not to scratch his ears off."
Wildclaw stared at her before allowing himself an easy smile.
"I can't promise anything, but I'll try." He said jokingly.
Cedarstars voice rose, "Wildclaw, you are no longer a warrior to BreezeClan. You have turned your back on your friends and kin and leader. You are no longer welcomed into my Clan and will not be allowed to join back if you are chased from here." His voice shook as he spoke and Emberpaw could tell that he didn't want to do this. "You are an exile and a traitor to some, know that to me you are honorable for doing this." The gray leader dipped his head before turning, Lightningfire and Sagewater on his heels as he padded out of camp.
"I'll see them out." Eagleeyes said, following the BreezeClan cats trail with Crabfoot, Quailfleck, and Lionpaw.
Wildclaw let out a sigh and turned to Shadefern, who was licking and smoothing his fur. "So, when does training start?" He asked, eyes lighting with new conviction and determination.
"Well Wildpaw," Shadefern seemed to take glee in that but Emberpaw was shocked to see that the warrior didn't seem to mind. "You'll watch me and Tigerpaw train. The sooner you learn to swim the better."
"Not before that scratch gets treated!" Berrywish scolded, "Wildclaw come here and let me look at your face."
The ginger warrior followed her into the cave while Shadefern arched his back in a vent of anger but followed. "Tigerpaw, get you something to eat." He told the tabby who nodded and padded towards the depleting pile of prey.
"Antbranch, Nightfrost, and Patchfur, go refill that!" Rumblethroat yowled, "I'll join you."
The patrol left swiftly as Lynxstar organized a patrol consisting of Appleblaze, Lilypaw, and Dawnspot to mark the StormClan border.
Emberpaw watched happily before he turned to Deertail. "What should we do?" He asked, ears flicking.
The white she-cat smiled, "The island!"
Emberpaw nodded, "Can I eat first?" He asked the retreating she-cat who was moving towards Hailwhisker.
"Don't take long!" She said as she followed the queen back to her den, mumbling with her.
Emberpaw nodded and padded towards the prey and took the left-over scraps of duck that was in it. He had seen Hailwhisker eating it, the slightly fishy taste combatted the taste of bird, however, most DeltaClan cats still chose fish or land-dwelling prey than birds or water foul.
He pulled it out and hissed as a rabbit tumbled on him. With an angry snort, Emberpaw shook it off and glared at the gray creature for a few heartbeats before padding away when he realized that Wildclaw was watching him a few paces away with a raised brow.
"Careful Emberpaw," He teased, "the rabbit might get angry that you're staring at it."
"Shut up." Emberpaw hissed at him jokingly before dragging the duck away from the pile. He ate it as quick as he could, tugging chunks of meat out before he sharpened his claws on the bones. He got up and licked the blood off of his whiskers and around his mouth before he padded towards Deertail.
"Wait for me!" He called, running to catch up as she made her way out of camp. She paused a heartbeat, watching as he caught up with her easily and smiled down at him.
"You really have grown." She purred as she trotted towards the island. Emberpaw glanced up, "So everyone has been saying." He watched a dragonfly buzz around some cattail before disappearing in a blink of an eye. Deertail chuckled fondly and flicked his flank gently.
He smiled up at her before jumping on the log and running across to the island, leaping onto the grass. He rolled around a bit before he jumped upwards. Deertail snorted, "Look out for ticks before you do that!" She exclaimed making Emberpaw grin.
He'd always be her apprentice.
He padded to the middle of the island and Deertail shook her head, following suit. "We are here to test your skills, you've been training almost ten moons, let us see how well you listened."
Emberpaw nodded and Deertail flung herself at the tom with a loud screech. She crashed into the tom with tremendous force and staggered back as he was slammed with a volley of attacks. He ducked underneath a blow and rolled onto his side, he shuffled under the she-cat like a snake and raked his paw on her underbelly before twisting onto his paws and surging to a stand. She was lifted up and he easily threw her over as she staggered trying to get her paws on the ground.
He leaped onto her and dug his teeth into her throat, careful not to draw blood and held her down. She stayed still for a moment, then another, and another. Emberpaw shifted his weight slightly and that was when Deertail exploded in power and knocked him off. He staggered a pace or two back and glanced behind him, noticing the log. He looked forward and saw a light of triumph in his mentors eyes as she sprang at him. He leaped back and bounced off of the log to give him more power and twisted in the air, landing squarely on her shoulders. He sank his teeth in her scruff and churched his hind paws along her spine. She went to roll over but Emberpaw now let his weight drop to his hind paws and yanked her up backwards before tossing her on the ground with a grunt of effort.
He pinned her down and lashed out blow after blow before she went limp and waved her tail.
"I'm done." She rasped and he let her go instantly.
"How was that?" He panted, chest heaving as he calmed down.
"That leap and hold was well executed, now there's a move I want you to practice, a few actually." She backed up a pace or two, "I want you to leap at me."
Emberpaw crouched into an attack crouch and leaped, paws extended. Deertail reared up to meet him and lashed out a paw, slamming into his cheek painfully. Emberpaw was sent sprawling into the soft grass and he pushed himself up.
"What was that?" He cried incredulously, staring at the she-cat.
"A good move to remember when facing StormClan opponents, or any opponent, when they come from the air. Most opponents expect to take them by surprise or for them to leap out of the way. Cats trained to do aerial combat are attuned to be able to retaliate even if they do not land the attack from the air. That's why this move is important, it moves it into your favor and if you slam them into a tree or off of one of the boulders on Sunningrocks it's lethal." Her tail-tip twitched, watching Emberpaw soak in the information. After she deemed what was plenty of time she crouched. "I want you to try it."
Emberpaw nodded and stood a tail-length away from his mentor and watched. Her shoulders tensed and she leaped. He reared up at the same time, using his tail to balance, and lashed out a paw but it was a second too early and only skimmed her. She was sent flying a bit but she was able to land on her feet and darted close, sweeping Emberpaws feet out from under him before ducking back as he slammed into the ground.
"Oof!" He looked up as pain fluttered from his chin and gazed at his mentors face. "Too early." It wasn't a question.
"Not bad but too early." She agreed. "Try again."
Emberpaw pushed himself up and watched her again. She tensed before leaping and Emberpaw reared up, he lashed out a paw but it was now too late and she crashed into him, pinning him down easily as he scrambled.
Deertail backed up off him as he shook his pelt and stood. "Again." She ordered.
The rest of the morning was spent in pain and 'again''s, it was either too early, too late, the red tom couldn't seem to get the timing right.
Deertail watched in slight frustration as, once again, Emberpaw pulled himself back up, wincing at sore muscles.
"Maybe I can be of assistance." Emberpaws ears lifted as he saw Amberheart padding over to the training cats. "I've been watching this crash and burn for much too long."
Deertail snorted, "You're telling me!" She backed up and smiled at Emberpaw as he shot her a sorry look. "Don't look at me like that, when you were six moons you couldn't even do a proper forepaw slash! I didn't expect you to get this right on the first go."
Emberpaw grinned slightly and looked at Amberheart, "How're you gonna teach me?"
Amberheart moved in front of him, a little less than a pawstep away, "Rear up and I'm going to leap in place, trying to hit me."
Emberpaw reared up as she leaped and lashed out a hard blow to her cheek, sending her sprawling. He sat back on all fours and stared at her as she moved up.
"That was good! Now that's the distance you want to lash out on, let's try it with the leap." Emberpaw nodded and watched as Amberheart leaped at him, he reared up a second after and waited before an instinct told him Now! and lashed out a heavy paw, sending the she-cat to the left.
"Perfect!" Deertail cried as Emberpaw went back on all fours. Amberheart wasn't done, she leaped once more and he reared up, making another hit. The she-cat continued this harsh dance before the two collapsed in exhaustion.
"Think you got it now?" She teased the tom who tossed a clump of torn grass at her, too tired to speak.
"Alright, enough languishing around. Emberpaw come on, there another move I want you to try before sunhigh, we don't have long." Emberpaw groaned as his muscles screamed in protest when he stood. He gave himself a good shake and gazed at his mentor.
"It's another leaping move." Deertail smiled sympathetically at his crestfallen expression. "Don't worry, this one is slightly easier to judge the timing on." She turned to the golden-tabby who was watching silently. "Twist on your back one." She told the she-cat who nodded in understanding.
As the two she-cats moved into position Deertail explained to Emberpaw who sat obediently, watching the twos every move. "The trick of this one is to watch the shoulders of the opponent." She was saying, "When they tense and leap twist on your back and splay your paws, when they land on your belly, dig your front claws- yes claws- " She saw the look of confusion in her apprentices eyes but decided to ignore that, Best to show him she thought as she continued her explanation of the advanced move, "into their shoulders and hindpaws into their haunches and roll them over."
Emberpaw nodded, "Can you follow this up with anything?"
"The belly rake if they're being difficult, which most times they'll go as few warriors lurch their weight quick enough, from pinning them down aim for the head and throat, ears as well." Deertail answered before nodding to Amberheart. "Watch and learn."
Emberpaw did just that, taking mental notes as Amberheart leaped. Deertail twisted onto her back with paws splayed. Amberheart landed squarely on her belly and tried to back up as she realized she was in a bad position but Deertail locked her in place with her front claws digging into her shoulds and hind claws on her haunches. The white and gray warrior then twisted her weight on her side and rolled with the momentum she had created and pinned the golden tabby warrior down.
"That's brilliant!" Emberpaw cried, impressed.
Deertail grinned and backed up, "Your turn to try. Pay attention to the shoulders, when they tense and leap, drop." She nudged the tom forward as Amberheart moved a few paces away.
Emberpaw took some liberties with the mental notes he had made and when her front paws were off the ground he turned on his back, paws splayed. He recreated the same momentum, holding the she-cat in place as she tried to escape, and moved to his side, rolling with her weight to pin her down. He bit her neck lightly before moving away as Deertails praise met his ears.
"Well done! You did that perfectly! Just in time too." She glanced up at the sky seeing that the sun was directly overhead. "Let's go to the lake and-" There was a rumbling sound and the three cats whipped around to see some of the boulders slipping into the fast-moving water.
"Strange, it's never done that before." She padded over to the rocky path that led to the rocks that kept the water coming from around Greatstones, "Emberpaw stay there!" She ordered as her paws slipped from the water that gathered on the stones because of the spray. "It's too slippery." She padded forward cautiously and gazed at the rocks. "It's opening! The force of the water is getting to much." She told the group.
"How long before you think it breaks?" Amberheart called, eyes wide with fear.
"I have no idea, it looks sturdy enough it should hold for awhile but it's tricky with water. Afterall it's one of the strongest forces." Deertail backed up and made her way slowly back. "On both sides, she nodded to the left side of the narrow rocky path.
"We'd best report this to Lynxstar." Amberheart murmured.
"I'm sure she already knows," Emberpaw said, "Rumblethroats been watching it. Besides, why bring up the alarm when theirs no evident danger?"
"Rumblethroat has also been busy the last quarter-moon." Deertail shook her head, "Amberheart is right. We must tell him better to let in a mouse than a badger." Emberpaw frowned at that but he saw the reasoning.
"Alright." He followed them back and glanced around, noticing a mouse crunching on a nut. He crouched low and circled around so the wind was blowing in his face. He moved forward slowly, his eyes narrowed, before he leaped, killing the mouse instantly.
"Nice catch!" Amberheart called as he padded back up the trail with them.
"Thanks!" Emberpaw said through mouse fur and followed she she-cats down the slope. He paused, nose twitching, as he smelt other cats over the mouse.
"Dawnspot, Appleblaze, and Lilypaw." Amberheart said, "All of them have ruffled fur too." Emberpaw turned and saw that Appleblazes eyes shone with anger, Dawnspots lip was curled, and Lilypaw had bushed out fur.
Emberpaw blinked and dropped his mouse as the patrol made a beeline straight towards them. Curiousity and fear burned in his pelt, making him shuffle in place.
Deertail meowed a greeting as they caught up with the small group. "What happened?" She asked Appleblaze.
"They're arrogant and cocky! They called us cowards!" Dawnspot erupted, her eyes flashing with rage. "That brown apprentice is now Bearclaw, he's the worse out of all them."
"Bearclaw?" Emberpaw felt a tremor of fear make his pelt shudder as he remembered thorn-sharp claws shredding his fur, sharp teeth gashing against his throat.
Deertail noticed his unease and smoothed his prickling fur down with a sweep of her short tail, having to get close to do so. "Those StormClan cats have gone too long without being punished, Lynxstar needs to get a move on!"
Grunts of agreement rose from Dawnspot and Amberheart.
"W-what do you think Lilypaw?" Emberpaw asked, looking at the she-cat who was sitting rigidly in rage.
"I think I would like to shred a couple ears off those scum." She spat, tail lashing. Her sky blue eyes glowed with contempt.
Emberpaw glanced around and saw that all of the cats seemed angry, he let out a sigh. "I-I think Lynxstar is waiting.." He murmured, "Maybe for us to have fully trained members?" He pressed against the ground as Appleblaze swung his angry gaze to the red tom.
"Waiting while they grow even cockier? Soon StormClan will think they can take whatever they want from us!" Appleblazes tail lashed as Emberpaw flinched back, "If Lynxstar doesn't send a battle party I'll lead one myself!"
Emberpaw gulped and backed up, forgetting his mouse he turned. He stared out towards the forest that was once theirs. "T-T-They had a reason.." He murmured, remembering what Oakstripe said, "T-T-T-That d-doesn't make right, b-but.." He gulped as he felt angry eyes on him.
"So what?" Dawnspot growled angrily, "They had no right to take land that was ours! It has always been DeltaClans, that is what Stormstar and Deltastar agreed on, I can't believe Thistlestar has the audacity to destroy that agreement!"
Emberpaw rounded on the she-cat, "L-Leaders d-do what is b-best for th-their Clan!" He cried, eyes wide and filled with tears. "Eld-Elders were th-thristy and probably d-dying!" He trembled as Dawnspot took a step towards him.
"Emberpaw.." Deertail began but Emberpaw rounded on her as well.
"And you! Y-you've never b-been this.. this.. this brash!" She flinched and stared at him with guilt. "Yo-You've always been wise.. and-and courageous, you taught me that a warrior doesn't rush into b-battle out of rage!" He shook his head, mind reeling. He felt as though he was trying to climb a cliff, finding fewer and fewer footholds as he went up. "Have you lost your head?"
He turned towards Appleblaze, "You've always been kind and understanding. T-That's what made you a good warrior." He frowned as he tried for another foothold, "And you Lilypaw." He turned towards the she-cat who had a neutral look on her face. "You're always ready to defend your Clan but this? This rage and aggression isn't like you." He gestured to her and her neutral look faded into a frown.
"Look at all of you!" Emberpaw backed up, "StormClan has changed the lot of you. I-I hardly r-recognize you anymore."
The cats glanced around at each other, the looks of anger soon dissipated as they saw the looks on each other's face. Their eyes widened in shock then shame as they realized the truth in what the apprentice was saying.
"How have we come to this? Letting a cat join our Clan just out of wanting revenge on StormClan?" Appleblazes mew was loud. The three cats had made their way to camp silently and Appleblaze called for all to come around Highcliff to hear his words. "This anger was not what we honored when we were made warriors, even Darkpoppy was honored for her independence and dedication!" He nodded towards the dark tortie who blinked.
"This is not the DeltaClan that I grew up in, that taught me the honor in the Warrior Code and flamed my faith in StarClan. This is hardly a Clan at all now, we must set aside our rage and think about the good of the Clan. How many cats have gone hungry in the last moon?" Appleblaze gazed around noticing many cats rose a paw. "Hunting patrols are now an afterthought, we've been focusing so much on battling now." It was true, Rumblethroat had told the warriors to sharpen their battle skills and claws and now it was a frequent sight to see groups of warriors sparing in the camp or right outside. "Emberpaw is the only one whos true Clan spirit shines, he's the only one who has kept an open head and not let anger consume and fuel his motives."
The dark, muddy, orange calico dipped his head at the apprentice, "Let our rage end now, a battle with StormClan will come but it will not be fueled by anger and rage! It will be fueled by honor and defiance of a wrong that must be turned right!"
Silence met his words, no one moved, or spoke. Eyes flicked around, catching and meeting another eye. Lynxstar, who was laid on Highcliff, didn't move or speak. She flicked her tail, eyes narrow with Rumblethroat by her side, his golden eyes unblinking as he watched.
Emberpaw looked around before a raspy voice broke out. "He's right."
Heads turned as Missingfluff and Barrantooth made their way towards the center of the cats. "Let this spell of hatred end. What will happen once Hailwhiskers kits are born and they see that battle is all we think of? They'll grow up with their hearts filled with anger and hatred." The brown she-cat looked with light green eyes. "They'll never grow into the honorable warriors that all Clans have known us to be."
Missingfluff was nodding, "If we spend the rest of our days in a fit of madness then we'll all lose touch with what made us warriors in the first place. We are noble and kind, we are strong and powerful, but most of all, and what the other Clans say when introducing apprentices to us, is that we are fair and calm-headed." His deep-set brown eyes flicked around. "There had been darkness clawing our hearts, spreading hatred for respectable enemies. We may have lost and we may be angry about that, but a battle shouldn't be fueled by anger, we'll be doomed to lose if we lash out blindly. A battle should be fueled by courage and dignity, strength and pride!"
Rumblethroat finally spoke, "I can sense that all of you see the truth in the words that were spoken today. Already the anger that clung to the ground and walls of this camp has been lifted." Emberpaw could sense it now that he mentioned it, the camp seemed lighter and less heavy. The air was sweet and now birds chirped from the elm tree that waited just outside the camp, it's leaves hanging over the Dirtplace and Elders den. It served as a look-out spot for those willing to climb it, though few DeltaClan cats were willing to, which explained by birds nested in its strong branches.
"We should not allow us to fester young cats into thinking that battle is all there is to being a warrior." The smoky black tom went on, "Emberpaw, you have time and time again shown us that you can look past all the anger and bloodshed and remind us of what makes us a mighty Clan. Your name will be remembered in DeltaClan."
Emberpaw shuffled, "T-T-Thank you..." He stuttered in embarrassment.
Lynxstar rose, "StarClan honors you Emberpaw, I think I speak for everyone when I say you'll make a great warrior."
Overwhelmed by being the center of attention, Emberpaw slinked back into a shadow and dipped his head. "T-Thank you." He murmured, "I-I'll d-do D-DeltaC-Clan good!" He rose his voice so it echoed in the clearing and he cringed by how small and shrill it was.
Growls of agreement rose from the surrounding cats and Emberpaw looked up before freezing.
A fiery tom, his green eyes glowing from his blazing fur, was looking down at him from Highcliff. Emberpaws jaws dropped and he froze in place. The fur along his spine rose and his tail fluffed out as he stared at the tom.
The tom stared at him for a moment before he raced down the ledge in a few bounds and tackled Emberpaw who yowled in fear before all went black.
"You will blaze like fire but even the brightest fires can be wiped out by the darkest night." A growl said in his ear before the tom gazed around and saw he was on DeltaClan territory. He looked in front of him and saw a leaf, a blazing red color, at the top before it blew away.
Emberpaw once again padded to the slope and saw that same group of cats but this time he could recognize a few, Lionpaw, Tigerpaw, Lilypaw, he thought he could pick out Pikesky, Elmstripe, and Amberheart but it was futile, the pelts were too meshed together with differentiate other than the three he already could see.
He opened his eyes-when had he closed them?- and looked up at Heatherspirit, who had a dark look on her face. Emberpaw watched her silently before the she-cat looked at him with blazing blue eyes. "Come with me." She ordered briskly, tail twitching low to the ground as she padded off, "Lynxstar, you too." She called as disappeared into the leaders den.
"Well that certainly isn't like Heatherspirit, she's always been a respectful cat!" Rockheart snorted, his amber eyes glowed with nervousness. "What has she seen?"
"What has she seen?" Dawnspot muttered, "What has Emberpaw seen!"
Emberpaws fur began to spike as the Clan broke into factions, whispering suspiciously as he crept along the side of the clearing towards Highcliff.
He pulled himself up on the boulders and glanced pack, pausing at the last boulder before the ledge that jutted out.
Elmstripe, Pikesky, and Amberheart all gave encouraging smiles, while Deertail nodded. Wildclaw was nowhere to be seen, neither was Tigerpaw or Shadefern, training probably. He searched the cats and saw Redflare sharing tongues with Barrantooth. She felt her sons eyes on her and shot him a smile before resuming.
Emberpaw gulped and pulled himself up the last boulder and pushed through the reeds and lichen that hung from the entrance. He paused, gazing at around the den. He saw a single nest in the back of the cave, which only went back about a fox-length inward. There was a small bone pile, the remains belonging to a shrew, near it and Lynxstar was up, Heatherspirit next to her, their ears pricked as he took in this unfamiliar den.
"Emberpaw." Lynxstars voice echoed slightly, spooking the tom. "Come here."
Emberpaws gaze flicked to Heatherspirit, searching for their familiar warmth, but it was cold and shielded now, devoid of any emotion. He frowned and moved forward uneasily before settling a tail-length away from the two she-cats.
The two gazed at him in mutinous silence before the leaders tail flicked, the tip tapping the medicine cats haunches. Heatherspirit side-eyed her but Lynxstars gaze was fixed on Emberpaw before she sighed.
"A red leaf and a fiery tom have plagued you since birth." Heatherspirit murmured, "I first got the red leaf omen the day you were born, it stuck to you like a burr. I thought because it was leaf-fall it was just a coincidence but it follows you." Emberpaws mouth felt dry, how could a leaf follow him?
"And that fiery tom," Heatherspirit went on, negating any possibility to think, "I recall you speaking of him once before and I assume you've seen him after that." She gazed at the apprentice expectantly.
Hesitant, Emberpaw swallowed dry. He nodded slowly and flinched when Heatherspirit closed her eyes and looked up at the roof of the cave.
"What does it mean?" Lynxstar asked, amber eyes turning towards her Medicine cat.
Heatherspirit looked at her leader before looking back at Emberpaw with a wry smile.
"It means that Emberpaw, whether he wants to be or not, was chosen by StarClan to fulfill a destiny."
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