Chapter 2 Part 2: Summoning
Doc had recently uncovered a basement that consisted of a massive library, 3 of the 4 walls consisting of bookshelves filled with various tomes. It was two floors, with the second being a massive armory locked with a steel door. They decided to catalouge the books, finding that some of them were government secrets. This offered an advantage to the Resistance, but eventually a worrying book was pulled from the collection. A book, lined in gold and ruby, the title written in a language none of them recognized. It was only when Xisuma held it that it donned on them that it was bound in human skin.
It was a good month later when they decided to open it, the contents being written in standard galactic.
"I⎓ ||𝙹⚍ ᔑ∷ᒷ ∷ᒷᔑ↸╎リ⊣ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ᒲᒷᓭᓭᔑ⊣ᒷ, ╎ℸ ̣ 'ᓭ ᔑꖎ∷ᒷᔑ↸|| ℸ ̣ 𝙹𝙹 ꖎᔑℸ ̣ ᒷ ⎓𝙹∷ ||𝙹⚍. D𝙹 リ𝙹ℸ ̣ ᓭ⚍ᒲᒲ𝙹リ ᔑリ||ℸ ̣ ⍑╎リ⊣ ⎓∷𝙹ᒲ ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ ʖ𝙹𝙹ꖌ. D𝙹 リ𝙹ℸ ̣ ⍊ᒷリℸ ̣ ⚍∷ᒷ ⎓⚍∷ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ∷ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷリ c⍑ᔑ!¡ℸ ̣ ᒷ∷ 6. Aリ↸ ᒲ𝙹ᓭℸ ̣ ╎ᒲ!¡𝙹∷ℸ ̣ ᔑリℸ ̣ ꖎ||, ↸𝙹 リ𝙹ℸ ̣ ⚍ℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ᒷ∷ ╎ℸ ̣ 'ᓭ リᔑᒲᒷ, リ𝙹 ᒲᔑℸ ̣ ℸ ̣ ᒷ∷ ⍑𝙹∴ ᒲ⚍ᓵ⍑ ╎ℸ ̣ ᓵ𝙹ᒲ!¡ᒷꖎᓭ ||𝙹⚍ ℸ ̣ 𝙹." Doc reads to the group with a sense of worry.
"Well, what does that mean?" Iskall replies with a sense of morbid curiosity.
Doc takes the book off the table and bringing it with him to one of the emptier floors.
"We've commited a grave mistake."
He leaves, taking Ren with him. The others discussed if someone should go with him, but nobody did.
They gently flipped through the pages, noticing that it looked old. Thousands of years old. They reach the end of Chapter 5 when Doc stops, reading over a paragraph detailing a ritual. The paper feels distincly rough, as if this was written some time ago. The ink came off on his hands ever so slightly.
The last thing they both remembered from the incident was a demon standing before them, their vision going red when looking at it. It looked annoyed, just standing there while they cowered in fear.
"You two really aren't that smart, are ya?"
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