Learning What Now? - Chapter Two -
Starweeper yawned, curling on his pillow beside Panoma and Gecko, Panoma was still reading silently and Gecko was sleeping, snoring loudly. He looked over at the lounge entrance at the sound of voices, and saw quite a few more dragons. Ah, right, there's going to be eleven dragons in a single winglet. He thought, almost in disappointment. But he smiled softly nonetheless at the new dragons, a few waved excitedly, one nodded politely, and the others were looking around in awe.
"This. Is. Awesome!" Yelled a SilkWing dragonet, the light of flamesilk lanterns and candles hanging from the ceiling reflecting off her autumn colored scales. She seemed to shimmer in the lounge. Beside her, an Icewing rolled her eyes, but couldn't seem to stop smiling.
"I must admit, the academy certainly has gotten better, according to my mother." She commented, her scales so pale, she was almost glowing.
Gecko had startled awake at the SilkWing's loud voice, and yawned loudly, rubbing his eyes. He had been using a book for a pillow, the story having lulled him to sleep. Panoma smiled kindly at the others, getting to her talons and approaching a HiveWing who drifted towards the book shelf. Gecko sleepily made his way to the Icewing and SilkWing, and Starweeper mentally cursed, and scanned the dragonets for someone who looked nice enough to meet.
He spotted a LeafWing standing off to the side a bit awkwardly, and he approached them. "Um, hey. I'm Starweeper, what about you?" He asked. Their scales were similar to the SilkWing's, a mix of autumn colors, except the LeafWing's were much duller, with flecks of green along their wings.
The LeafWing looked a bit startled that someone had approached them, and they cleared their throat. "It's... a bit of an embarrassing name..." He trailed off, shuffling his front talons and swishing his tail nervously. Starweeper raised a brow skeptically.
"Dude, my name is depressing. Trust me, whatever your name is, I don't think it can be very embarrassing." Starweeper said, forcing his body to relax. It helped him when he was speaking to strangers, but might as well get to know the dragons in his winglet, yes?
Starweeper watched the dragonet shift his leaf-shaped wings uneasily, curling in his tail. He seemed to be making himself smaller, although that was a bit difficult, since the LeafWing was the same height of a young SkyWing adult. "Lilium..." He mumbled, and Starweeper smiled reassuringly.
"That's a fantastic name!" Starweeper exclaimed, however his voice didn't raise by much. Certainly not enough to draw attention to the two conversing dragonets.
"Really?" Lilium questioned, a bit hopeful.
"Yeah, I think it's a nice name. Lilium." Starweeper tried the name out, and it flowed well with his words. Lilium smiled in relief, a small sigh escaping him.
"Thank the moons-" Lilium was cut off with a loud gasp from the center of the lounge, followed by the SilkWing's loud voice.
"You can create snow?" She yelled, staring at the MudWing dragonet in front of her. He looked a bit worried and anxious about the sudden spot light.
"Autumn, stop yelling, please," the HiveWing from before spoke up, rubbing her temples. "Honestly, I could have sworn your dad told you about the volume-" She was cut off by Autumn, who batted her away, squealing again at the MudWing.
Lilium and Starweeper glanced at one another before approaching the other dragonets to see the magic. The MudWing, who Starweeper later learned was named Bluejay, held open his palm. A heartbeat went by before anything happened, before a flurry of white specks began to form, spiraling around his palm until more and more formed. The rest of the winglet oohed and awed at the sight, and after a minute of his little performance, Bluejay clenched his talon into a fist, and just like that, the snow disappeared.
This got everyone talking, and so Starweeper met the rest of his winglet.
He was quick to remember everyone's names; Buttercup the HiveWing, Skyfire- Prince Skyfire, he corrected himself- the SkyWing, Princess Glistening the IceWing, Angler the SeaWing, and Caracal the SandWing. And, he learned their habits very quickly, considering most of them were quite expressive.
Starweeper flinched at the sound screeched from what he assumed was an intercom.
"Sorry about that, everyone. My name is Moonwatcher, and I'm your headmistress. Please make your way to the newly added auditorium for a brief introduction and then to the cafeteria for dinner."
Starweeper had recognized the voice of his aunt immediately, and Panoma recognized the voice quite quickly as well. It was no big deal to them that Moonwatcher was their headmistress, but the others seemed very giddy to hear that some of the Original Jade Winglet Members were running the school, as well as a few from other winglets. Before Starweeper could even register it, though, there were only five of them standing there, the others having rushed out.
"I don't see the big deal... Dad was a teacher already, and it wasn't very amazing," Bluejay stated as he made his way towards the hall, being followed by Starweeper, Panoma, Gecko, and Glistening. Glistening raised a brow, her steps faltering.
"Wait, your dad? Who's your father?" She asked, tilting her head and sweeping her tail to the side to cover up the fact she tripped.
"Well, he's not my real dad, just adoptive. Pretty sure you've heard of him- Clay."
Panoma grinned. "That's where I've heard your name from! Mum always talks about her sort of brothers and sisters, and in my case, aunts and uncles. She and Dad were talking about the other Dragonets of Destiny and their kids, saying they haven't heard from them in awhile." She said, just as they made a turn into the auditorium.
"You're the one who's Glory and Deathbringer's daughter?" Glistening and Gecko shrieked in unison, and Panoma, Bluejay, and Starweeper laughed between themselves.
"Yes?" Panoma said, flicking her black and silver tail. Glistening facetaloned, and Gecko mumbled to himself, saying something along the lines of 'how did I not recognize her?' They were silent as they stood with the rest of the students, Panoma smiling to herself, while Glistening, Bluejay, and Gecko grinned at one another, and Starweeper tilted his head as Moonwatcher attempted to gain everyone's attention.
"Everyone, please settle down. I know you all are excited, and so are we! So, listen up!" A very bossy SeaWing called from beside Moonwatcher, who had looked to the other for help. Everyone fell silent as they realized it was Princess Anemone speaking. "All yours, Moon." And with that, Anemone stepped aside.
"Thank you," Moon said, her soft voice carrying over the crowd. "Welcome everyone! It's beginning to get late, and I'm assuming most of you are getting hungry, so I'll keep this as short as I can.
"It's a brand new year, and to mark the fifteenth anniversary of Jade Mountain Academy, we have introduced a new class! Stonemover has finally agreed to teach about animus magic, along with Princess Anemone." Cheers erupted after Moon's announcement, and she smiled.
"We also have a few new teachers, Cricket, who's now teaching history of Pantala, and Luna, who will be teaching about flamesilks!" Luna and Cricket waved to the students from the row of teachers standing behind Moon, and Starweeper recognized Stonemover as well, no longer fully covered in stone, but still wore a stone chest plate of sorts. Autumn seemed to be the loudest dragonet applauding- and Starweeper could see the resemblance between her and Luna, so assumed they were related, and made plans to ask her later if he was correct.
Starweeper was brought out of his thoughts as Moon finished up her speech. "Now, the prey center is open until curfew, three hours after sunset. Have a wonderful evening, everyone!"
Starweeper piled out with everyone else, listening intently to Panoma's thoughts on learning animus magic. As soon as the words had left Moon's mouth, he became very unenthusiastic. Animus magic was... something he did not care much for. Especially after learning about Darkstalker. Three moons, even Anemone was scared to use her magic-which hasn't even been working lately- same with Turtle, and Stonemover thought his magic was a curse. His own father still had nightmares about Darkstalker.
Panoma seemed to have a similar thought process. "Don't get me wrong! I would love animus magic, if it was all used how the IceWings use it. Giving one gift to the tribe. That's great. But like... Look at what happened to Darkstalker, Arctic, and Albatross! They went insane!" The hybrid flared her wings as she spoke, nearly smacking Glistening in the face.
Glistening huffed lightly. "No, trust me. You don't want to use animus magic like that, either. Suddenly, you think everyone isn't as important as you, and become a self-absorbed, ungrateful, and bratty dragon."
"Strong opinion... What makes you hate animus magic so?" Lilium sidled up beside the princess, flicking his wings. They had just entered the prey center, and the LeafWing's voice had nearly been drowned out by the mix of animals and other students.
Glistening seemed to hiss softly, shaking her head. "Nevermind, it's not really important." Lilium was about to protest, prodding more into Glistening's life, but she suddenly waved at someone, leaving with a quick "see you guys later." Lilium gave Panoma and Starweeper a confused expression.
"Honestly, I don't know." Starweeper said, wandering over to a table which had a variety of fruits and choosing some papaya. Panoma was close behind, immediately grabbing a grapefruit, her favorite. Lilium made a face before catching a small deer, walking back over to Panoma and Starweeper with bloodied teeth.
They sat in a semi-circle, devouring their food in silence.
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