An Odd Introduction - Chapter One -
Starweeper hugged Qibli first, as Winter was hugging his older sister, Charu. Then the two young dragonets, hugging the other parent. Starweeper shivered lightly at his father's scales, still not used to the IceWing's chill. When he pulled away, he spotted Winter roll his eyes as Qibli spoke to Charu, giving her the usual talk about trouble.
"Remember honey, don't start any fights. But if someone does pick a fight with you-"
"Make sure I finish it," Charu said with a small chuckle. "I know. But I have to at least try to behave myself seventy-five percent of the time, I don't think Aunt Moon will tolerate my antics this year."
Starweeper grinned. "No way she will, especially since she was babysitting Raza all summer," the young NightWing stated. Charu groaned, muttering something along the lines of, 'little brat.' This earned her a small puff of cold air in the face from Winter, Starweeper laughing as Charu scrunched her snout.
"We'll see you guys once autumn break comes around, have a good year, both of you," Winter hugged his children once more, pulling Qibli into the hug as well this time. Starweeper wasn't sure if feeling warm scales on his left and cold on his right was worse than feeling one or the other by itself. Guess he just had to get used to it.
After the embrace broke apart, Qibli and Winter took off, flashing their kids one last encouraging smile, and Qibli shouted, "Good luck with behaving!" Clearly, it was meant for Charu, as she groaned. Starweeper smiled brightly, however he was beginning to feel a bit nervous without either of his parents with them. Charu was a great help, though, her just being a few feet away was comforting.
"So, are you excited to meet your winglet?" Charu inquired as they walked towards the academy entrance, glancing at the departing families they passed and looking for childhood friends. Starweeper made a noise that sounded like a 'no,' and Charu laughed softly at her baby brother. "Don't worry, I'm sure they're amazing. You're in Cobalt Winglet, right?" She asked.
Starweeper gave a nod. She grinned. "Fantastic! Panoma is also in the Cobalt Winglet, Catastrophe told me a few days ago." Starweeper sighed in relief. Good, a dragon he actually knew in his winglet. Panoma was quite nice, and very quiet. The two got along great.
"Ru!" Starweeper jumped at the shriek of his sister's name, and the older hybrid glanced around, a grin appearing on her face.
"Daz!" Charu called back, waving the dragoness over. The dragon who had originally yelled, Daz, was one Starweeper didn't recognize. She was about Charu's height, but was more physically built, brown and blue scales glinting in the sunlight. Starweeper raised a brow at his sister, who flushed a light blue. "Tell Dad and Papa, and I'll tell them you were actually the one to break those vases." She said, and Starweeper nodded.
Daz hugged Charu tightly once she was close enough, knocking the hybrid to the ground. They were both laughing, and Starweeper cleared his throat quietly. "I'm just gonna go to my dorm, possibly meet the rest of my winglet... yeah, sounds good, I'll leave you two be." He dashed off just as Daz gave Charu a quick kiss, before helping her up.
He slowed as he fully entered the academy, the main hall much more crowded than it was outside. He yelped as his tail was stamped on, and received an immediate apology from the parent who had accidentally done it. Squeezing his way through the dragons, he finally found the hallway leading to the sleeping caves, and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw a lot less dragons in this part. Most were older students, catching up with friends, but he spotted a few dragons his age trying to find their caves.
Luckily for him, Starweeper had already gotten the grand academy tour, on multiple occasions. He was able to find the Cobalt Winglet common area, and upon entering, he was greeted by a lounge like area with many pillows, blankets, hammocks, and fairy lights. And on the sides of the room were two other caves, the sleeping caves, the left was for the females and the right for the males. Starweeper was hesitant to enter the sleeping cave, and instead made himself comfortable on a few pillows, taking a book- they upgraded to books! His mind cheered, much preferring books over scrolls.
He truthfully wasn't sure how long he was alone - or thought he was alone, at least. He was startled out of his imagination at the sound of giggling a few feet away. Of course, as he had been startled, he had flared his wings, and smacked whoever was next to him.
"Ow!" Complained the dragon, materializing before Starweeper's eyes. "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you, but I can't believe you didn't notice me until now," the RainWing grinned, his pastel blue scales mixing with a light yellow. He hopped to his feet, moving to stand in front of Starweeper. Starweeper was surprised to see that, if he stood, he'd be quite taller than the dragonet, and Starweeper was short. "I'm Gecko, you?"
Gecko held out a talon, his scales shifting so his talons were black, and eventually the black turned into dots before completely disappearing as it got higher up his arms and legs. "Starweeper," he said as he shook Gecko's talon. Gecko scrunched his snout, and Starweeper began to worry.
Three moons, did I say something wrong? He thought, smiling nervously as he retracted his talon.
"Who in their right mind gives their kid such a sad name?" Gecko exclaimed. "Mind if I just call you Star?" He asked, and Starweeper nodded. He had to agree, whoever his parents were, they chose quite a depressing name for their dragonet. "Awesome! Well Star, it's great to meet you."
"You as well," Starweeper replied simply, smiling softly. He went to return to his book, before someone dashed into the cave and jumped onto Starweeper, wrapping her arms around his neck as he made an 'oof' sound. He mentally groaned, recognizing the giggly laughter anywhere.
"Hey, Raza..." He said, trying to pull the younger dragonet off. She obliged, releasing him. She was practically hopping. "Aren't you supposed to be with Aunt Moon?" He asked.
"She let me explore the academy, and I had to say hi to one of my cousins!" They weren't really cousins, but since they called their parents' close friends aunts and uncles, they pretty much were.
Gecko and Starweeper turned towards the winglet entrance at hearing a dragon huffing, and Starweeper smiled at the sight of Panoma. She wheezed, walking into the room and falling onto some pillows. Panoma looked at Raza with a suspicious expression. "How - are you - so - fast," she panted out. "I swear - you're magic." And with that Panoma buried her face in the pillows.
"That's Panoma," Starweeper whispered to Gecko, who nodded in understanding. Starweeper then turned to look at Raza. "How about you go back to Aunt Moon, I'm sure she'll want your help greeting the new students!" Starweeper smiled, even if it was a bit forced, and Raza grinned happily.
"Great! See you guys later!" And with great speed, Raza disappeared down the hall.
"Is it safe?" Groaned Panoma from her pillows, and Starweeper confirmed it was, and she sat up. "I swear, that child has more energy than her mom. And that's something." She said, then spotted Gecko. "Ah! How rude of me, Starweeper already introduced me, but just call me Noma. And you are?"
"Gecko," Gecko grinned, shaking Panoma's talon happily. "Now, what are we supposed to do now? Because I don't know if the others are here yet, and if they are, when they'll show up."
"Moonwatcher said to be in the dining hall at sunset, so wait for about two hours?" Panoma stated, though it came out as more of a question.
"Waiting would probably be best," Starweeper stated.
Silence fell over the trio, and Gecko glanced between them. "I'm guessing you both are bookworms as well - well, of course Star is, but what about you, Noma?" Gecko inquired, and Panoma sighed in relief.
"Yes, now pass over that blanket, it looks awfully warm."
For the next two hours as they waited for sunset, the three were mostly silent, reading books in the comfortable lounge. They talked briefly about favorite stories, just slowly getting to know one another. But mostly read. That was all thee of their favorite parts, just getting to read and fangirl/fanboy over the books without worry of being judged because the only two other dragons in the vicinity understood.
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