The room was full of photos. Photos taken from the kingdom. Someone was taking pictures inside of the Ember kingdom. There were pictures taken of the castle, others had pictures of Eclipse in them. She also noticed other pictures of a different kingdom. The kingdom Astrid is from. She grabbed a few pictures and put them in her pocket.
She looked to Ash and stumbled on her words both from shock and anger, "I think we should go. I don't like this one bit."
Ash put a comforting hand on her shoulder, "I think we should talk with Tyson. He needs to know."
Eclipse thought about it before whispering softly, "I suppose you're right. C'mon."
Ash led the way upstairs, glancing occasionally back to make sure Eclipse was alright. They walked out the building and then stopped. They caught a glimpse of a figure disappearing behind a tree. Eclipse narrowed her eyes and Ash took a protective stance in front of his friend. He whispered only loud enough for Eclipse to hear, "Stay here. I'll deal with this."
Eclipse tried to protest but it was no use. She watched as Ash walked towards where the figure was seen. She looked around, paranoid of her surroundings. Soon Ash was walking back while shaking his head, "It was nothing, we must've been seeing things."
Eclipse narrowed her eyes, "Name one event that happened."
Ash frowned in confusion, "What do you mean?"
She backed up a step and locked eyes with the stranger in front of her, "From the woods."
Ash smiled again, "Oh that, we got lost. Don't worry, I'm not going to get us lost again."
This was the point where she knew that it wasn't the real Ash. She narrowed her eyes and suddenly the imposter's eyes widened before they ran off. Eclipse was slightly confused about why the person was scared. But that didn't matter, she needed to find Ash. She walked towards where he went to look for the figure.
She found him lying on the ground unconscious. After failing to pick him up, she gave up and sat down beside him. She hummed while waiting for him to wake up, occasionally glancing at him. After waiting for over half an hour, she laid down and closed her eyes, drifting into a light sleep.
She was awakened by being lightly shaken. She slowly opened her eyes and was greeted by a worried looking Ash. She mumbled, still half asleep, "Name an event."
Ash helped her to her feet and then spoke softly, "I can't hunt to save our lives, found out the hard way."
She let herself smile a bit before throwing herself at Ash and hugging him. They hugged for a while before Ash gently pushed her to arms length. He looked worried as he started talking, "We need to go tell Tyson."
Eclipse agreed and then thought about telling him about her conversation with Astrid. She thought it would be best for him to know. On the way back to the cabins, she explained what the girl had told her about them being different. Ash listened intently while she talked.
Back at the cabins, the two started looking for Tyson. They couldn't find him and eventually settled on seeing if anyone was in the staff cabin. Ash was the one to knock and it wasn't long before Nite opened the door. After seeing the two worried faces in front of him, he frowned, "What happened? Are you okay?"
Ash explained the situation. Nite began to grow a similar worried expression, "I will let Tyson and Roxy know right away. For now, you should keep it quiet from the other kids, wouldn't want to scare them. After I talk to the other two, I'll let you know what they want to do."
The kids thanked him before going to look for Astrid. They might not tell all the kids about what happened, but Astrid needs to know. Ash spotted her sitting behind the girl cabin. She was scribbling something in the dirt and when she noticed Ash, she quickly rubbed her hand over the dirt. She looked up towards the two slightly surprised. When she noticed their worried expressions, she frowned and also looked worried before standing up, "Are you okay Eclipse? What happened? And umm, does he know?"
Eclipse nodded her head, "Yeah, I'm okay. And yes, he does know. We were out exploring and found an abandoned building. Look what was in there," She pulled the photos out her pocket and handed them to her.
Astrid looked over the photos and frowned more, "Did you tell anyone about this?"
She nodded her head again, "Yeah, we told Nite."
Astrid sighed and walked to the corner of the cabin and looked around, "You shouldn't have done that. That's just going to put him in danger as well."
Ash frowned, "It's not her fault, okay? We found a building with all these photos, then I was knocked out by an evil twin, and then this person tried to lure Eclipse to who knows where. We had to tell someone."
Astrid paused to think, "I'm sorry, you're right. Anyone would've told a leader about that. And it's not like we can change the past."
Ash nodded his head in agreement and then noticed Eclipse had a far away look in her eyes. He quickly became concerned and wrapped an arm around her, "Eclipse, are you feeling alright?" He looked back at Astrid who also had a faraway look.
Eclipse suddenly lost consciousness at the same moment Astrid did. He gently laid Eclipse on the ground and began waving his hand trying to cool her off. It was no use so he got up and began pacing. He stopped whenever he noticed a black sphere surrounding both of the girls. He took a step closer and reached out to the sphere. When he touched it, his hand went into it. His hand became cold and he pulled it back out. He quickly came to the conclusion that the sphere was a void. Which made sense considering they were void elements.
He sat back down and watched the void. After what seemed like forever, the void retreated back to nothingness. Slowly both of the girls started to regain consciousness. He rushed over to them, "Are you guys okay?"
Eclipse nodded her head, "Yeah, I think so. That was weird, there was-"
Astrid cut her off, "Eclipse! You can't tell him that. It'll just put him in more danger."
Eclipse shook her head, "I suppose you're right. But what if what they said was true?"
"They?" Ash questioned, "What do you mean by they?"
Astrid waived his question away, "If it is true, more reason to leave him out of it."
They discussed a plan of action. They became silent after hearing approaching footsteps. Nite came into view and the kids relaxed slightly. Nite stopped and looked at the kids, "I talked to Tyson and Roxy, they said if anything happens again, to come and find me. For the time being, we want you to stay on the campgrounds."
The kids nodded in understanding and then made their way to the front of the cabin. Ash left the girls as he went to the other cabin. The girls entered their cabin and were relieved to find it empty of the other kids.
Eclipse looked through her drawer and pulled out her journal. She wrote down all the events that happened before setting the notebook beside her. She glanced at Astrid and asked, "Do you want to talk about what happened?"
Astrid shook her head, "There's not much to discuss. If what they said was true, then we're in trouble. If they're wrong, well, that's a good thing."
Eclipse had an idea. She grabbed her journal and flipped to the back pages where she kept her sketches. She found the drawing she was looking for. The drawing was of the camp. It was practically an exact replica of the previous night when the kids raced off to play hide and seek. She tossed the journal next to Astrid who looked at her with confusion, "What about it?"
Eclipse sighed, "Look at it. It's like I took a picture last night."
Astrid shrugged, "So? What are you getting at?"
"I drew that days before we even got here," She explained.
Astrid handed the notebook back, "Are you serious? That would mean that they're right."
Eclipse put her notebook back in the drawer. She laid down and stared at the ceiling. She closed her eyes and thought about what to do. "I think we need to leave. We're only putting everyone in danger here if we stay," Astrid said, sounding concerned.
"But at least we have a chance here. Maybe I could send a letter to my parents? They should be able to do something."
"I doubt it. Who knows if we're even allowed to send letters?"
Eclipse shrugged it off. Soon, she fell into a light sleep as tiredness overwhelmed her.
Eclipse dream POV:
I woke up in a strange room with a figure standing above me. As I looked up, I noticed it was only Cole. I relaxed a bit until he smiled. The smile was full of maliciousness.
"Nice of you to finally wake up. You've caused us quite a bit of trouble while bringing you here. We can't allow that now, can we? You'll soon realize there's only one choice. You have to be a good princess and listen to us," He spoke as if he was the one in control.
I tried lashing out at him only to find my hands bound by thick rope. He made a tsking noise before leaving the room only to be replaced by three people in white scrubs. One of them carried a syringe filled with a light blue liquid. I could feel my eyes widen in fear as I tried to stand up and fail. I use my legs to scoot myself back as far as possible. My back hit a wall and the people began moving closer. As they were within arms length, I began kicking and yelling out. Anything to get them away from me. It was no use, two of the men pinned me down as the other one was about to stab the needle into my shoulder.
Eclipse was shaken awake by Astrid, "Are you okay?!"
It took her a moment to calm down before talking, "Y-yeah, just a nightmare."
Astrid gave a curious and worried look, "What about?"
"I-I was in a room and C-Cole was there. He was talking about listening to them, I don't even know who he was talking about. H-he left and then there were three men. They were about to inject me with something and then you woke me up," She tried her best to hold back tears but failed.
Astrid tried to give her a soothing hug only to be shocked. She took a step back and tried to talk softly and calm, hoping it would calm Eclipse, "It's okay. It was only a dream. C'mon lay back down."
Eclipse nodded her head shakily. Astrid was right, it was only a nightmare. It would be best for her to get some rest. Eclipse was finally able to get back to sleep, this time, she didn't have any dreams.
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