Eclipse awoke early the next morning to knocking on one of the doors. They still haven't fixed the lights much to Eclipse's delight. She sat up and looked back and forth at the doors. A small slip of paper was slid underneath the white door. Picking up the paper, she realized it was a schedule. The handwriting was terribly written and she could barely make out the words.
10:00 pm: 1v1 combat (combat room #3)
11:00-12:00: break
12:30 pm: memory training (puzzle room)
2:00 pm: ability training (ability room #2)
Well that's one way to start off your day, knowing that you have a full schedule. Eclipse reminded herself that it could be worse. She could be drugged and chained up, thankfully that vision wasn't entirely true. Looking around the room, she sighed. She might not be drugged, but she was still imprisoned. Just in a nicer cell compared to her nightmare.
After a while, she finally decided to get up and go get breakfast. Isaiah was already sitting at a table. After fixing some buttered toast, she joined him. She passed the piece of paper. He shook his head slightly before passing the paper back, "They're not giving you an easy first day, are they? Like, an hour of combat training, really? In my opinion, they're trying to push you too hard right off the bat."
Eclipse looked at one of the several digital clocks on the wall. She breathed a sigh of relief at seeing the time was only 8:00 a.m. She looked back at Isaiah with a small smile, "We still have two hours before my first torture session. You said there was a storage room we can go through to decorate our rooms. Wanna do that?"
They quickly finished their food before heading down the hall they didn't use yesterday. The hall had bathrooms and a large storage room. In all honesty, the room was a mess. There were rugs scattered around, a couple nightstands, lamps, posters thrown about the floor, there was even a partly broken statue on its side.
Eclipse walked up to a slightly lopsided desk and ran her hand across the top. The pastel purple paint slightly chipping off even from the lightest of pressure. She moved onto the next desk, this one an ugly olive green, although it was in better condition. Picking it up slightly, Eclipse was happy that it wasn't too heavy. She set it just outside of the room and then started looking through boxes.
After putting old sketch pads and pencils into a small box, she set it in the seat of a metal chair. She easily carried the chair out into the hallway. She glanced at the chair, to the desk, then to Isaiah who was still in the room, "Do you mind giving me a hand?"
He picked up a book then came out to the hall before picking up the desk as if it were as light as a feather, "Of course, it's no problem. But, if you mind me asking, why are you decorating your room if we're... you know,"
Eclipse nodded her head in understanding, "I wouldn't call it decorating. More like setting up a work area."
Isaiah glanced inside the box at the items it contained, "I doubt you're going to be able to sell any art around here."
She laughed a bit at this, "I wouldn't need money anyways. No, I can draw the future. Same with some of my dreams, but they obviously aren't always accurate. I'll show you what I mean later. Just help me take these to my room."
Isaiah left after helping set up a sort of office area in Eclipse's room. She still had forty-five minutes before her first training started so she decided to start on a drawing. She took her time with every little detail. Her instincts were telling her what to draw and it was as if her body was on autopilot. She lost track of time as she worked. When she was finally done, she smiled at the paper. It was as if it were a photo of Isaiah with a plate full of fruit slices.
There was a knock on her door and she quickly flipped the paper over before the door opened. Tiffany stood in the doorway with a neutral face before smiling, "I was assigned to make sure you get to your scheduled lessons. I may be a little late, but that's fine! Who likes combat training anyways? Well, we better get going, or Ide will have a fit. You shouldn't worry too much about her though, she always finds something to complain about. The worst she'll do is probably just give you more training."
The woman continued rambling on for nearly thirty minutes before finally escorting Eclipse to the third combat room. Tiffany used her card to open the door. In the middle of the room stood a middle aged woman and a boy who looked to be sixteen. The woman had her arms crossed and glared at Eclipse, "You're nearly an hour late."
Eclipse opened her mouth to explain what happened, but the woman cut her off, "I don't want to hear your excuses. Since you're late, you're going to miss your break time now," She looked up at Tiffany, "You are dismissed."
Tiffany gave Eclipse an encouraging thumbs up before walking out the room. The woman introduced herself as captain Ide. The boy mumbled his introduction as him being Mathew.
Ide instructed Eclipse to enter the red outlined circle in the center of the room. She explained that the two would fight until one of them couldn't continue or left the circle. The only rule was not to kill nor severely injure each other. Anything else was free game. Before Eclipse could even think, Ide rang a bell.
Without a moment of hesitation, Mathew took an offensive stance. He moved so fast that he was simply a blur in Eclipse's vision. Within seconds, she was lying flat on her back. Mathew stood above her whilst extending a helping hand. She sheepishly accepted the hand. Ide instructed the two to get ready for the next fight.
When the bell rang, Eclipse was ready. She took defense and was able to block most of Mathew's attacks. He took a few steps back to think through his next attack. Eclipse took that moment to get a few hits in. Mathew nearly lost his balance when Eclipse tried kicking his feet from underneath him. Instead, he was able to grab her leg mid swing and easily took her to the ground.
By the next round, Eclipse was fully ready. Instincts took over and only after a couple seconds, she was able to knock the young boy out of the circle and onto the ground.
For the next half hour, Eclipse continued knocking Mathew down faster and faster. Once satisfied with her performance, Ide dismissed the two. Mathew hung back in the room while Eclipse was happy to be leaving it. Tiffany was waiting outside the room, idly playing on her phone.
It took a moment before Tiffany realized that Eclipse was watching her. She quickly put the phone in her pocket and gave a nervous laugh, "Between us, I don't even own a phone. Got it?"
"I'm taking that it's against the rules?"
The woman nodded.
"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I guess my next stop is in the puzzle room?"
"Oh right, nearly forgot. It's only a few doors down. It wouldn't really matter if you're late or not, it's basically at your own pace. What do you have after this?"
Eclipse took the piece of paper out of her pocket and quickly scanned over it. She sighed quietly while putting the paper back, "Ability training in room two."
Tiffany smiled, "I think you'll like it. The trainer is Sol. He's nice, plus he's not strict."
Lucky me, Eclipse thought. Tiffany opened the door to the puzzle room, closing it behind Eclipse. The room was large but there was only a small table in the middle. Eclipse made her way to the table and sat down. There were seven different colored buttons. The lime green button had the word 'start' on it. After pressing the button, buttons lit up one by one quickly. After thirty seconds of the buttons flashing, it was Eclipse's turn to press them in order.
She immediately started with the wrong button and a buzzer sounded. The buttons lit up again. This time, she was ready. When it was her turn, she got about a quarter of the way through the sequence before messing up.
It took about six tries before she was finally able to complete the sequence successfully. Just when she thought she was done, the buttons started lighting up again in a different order. This time she watched closely. It only took her twice to remember the order and hit the buttons. The buttons lit up again in another order. She internally groaned before getting the sequence right the first time.
She sat and looked at the buttons for five minutes before standing up and walking to the door. Like last time, Tiffany was waiting for her. The woman looked at her watch and smiled, "It's only one. You still have another hour before your next training session begins. Others usually take the entire time period for that memory game, sometimes they don't even finish the first round. It only took you half an hour to figure it out flawlessly. Anyways, we got some free time. I'll let you do your thing and I'll just hang out in the staff room."
"Okay, bye," Eclipse replied but the woman was already gone. Eclipse made her way back to her room and grabbed the drawing from earlier. She put it in her pocket before heading to the cafeteria. Isaiah wasn't there, so she decided to see if her keycard would work for the courtyard.
Her card actually worked this time and she let out a soft sigh of relief. She made her way to an empty bench that was against one of the walls. There were a few people walking around and talking with each other. It wasn't long until the same guard from before walked up to her with a scowl, "I guess you didn't learn your lesson, you don't have the clearance to be outside."
Eclipse took on a smug expression while holding out her card, "I apologize, but I believe you're wrong about that."
He snatched the card from her and scanned it. If even possible, his frown deepened as he dropped the card on the ground and walked off. Eclipse picked up the card and put it in her pocket triumphantly. It felt good to hold even a little power over the people who worked at the prison.
A few minutes later, Isaiah approached her with a confused expression painted on his face, "I thought you had a full schedule?"
Eclipse shrugged, "Yeah, but I finished the puzzle training early. You wanna go grab some lunch?"
"I suppose so."
Eclipse grabbed a turkey sandwich before sitting at an empty table. Isaiah soon joined her with a plate full of colorful fruits. Before Isaiah could even take a bite of his food, Eclipse pushed her drawing across the table. He took the paper and continued looking between the paper and his plate for a few seconds before handing the paper back, "When did you draw this?"
"As soon as I got back to the room," Eclipse replied casually after swallowing a bite of her sandwich.
"Don't you have ability training next?"
"Yeah. What would I even do?"
"I don't know, it's different for everyone. Do you know who your trainer is?"
She thought back to what Tiffany told her, "I believe I was told that it's Sol."
"Oh, I know him. I train with him once a week. I can ask to watch your training today," he paused and then quickly added, "If you're okay with that of course?"
"That's fine. But are you even allowed to do that?"
"We'll find out. I doubt Sol will turn me away though. He's pretty nice."
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