Lights filled the room as the door opened. Temporarily blinded, Eclipse sat up and was confused about what was going on. Then she remembered where she was and rubbed at her eyes. She was able to squint her eyes and make out five figures. The lights dimmed slightly and she could make out one of the figures. Although seeing Nite did not calm her nerves.
The other figures were wearing masks and matching gray uniforms. With her eyes still slightly squinted, she was unable to make out the logo on the uniforms. Not that it really mattered. Two of the uniformed figures were standing on either side of the door. Nite took a step forward and cleared his throat, "What I said earlier still stands. We don't wish to harm you at all. In fact, we just want your help. Cole told me about what happened. Can't say that I'm surprised. You don't have to come to any agreements immediately, we only wish for now that you listen to us."
Eclipse knew she would have to play along in order to get out so she nodded her head.
Nite continued talking, "Okay, for now you're free to explore the compound. We do ask that you return here by eleven each night. You're also allowed to decorate your room as you please. If you have any questions, you can ask any of the staff here or the residents."
Nite tossed a card which Eclipse easily caught. He looked her over before exiting the room, followed by the four other figures. Minutes later, there was a click as the gray door unlocked. She wasted no time in exiting the room. While putting the card in her pocket, she turned right and idly walked around. There were several doors lining the hallway on both sides.
The hall opened into a cafeteria with a few tables and a buffet line. There were a few people sitting around and chatting with each other. She walked over to the buffet line and looked at the food. She fixed a plate with a few pieces of bacon and eggs. After looking over the tables, she found a seat next to Isaiah.
He glanced at her and gave a small smile before returning to pushing his food around idly. He finally set his fork down before looking back to Eclipse with anxiety clear on his face. Eclipse set her own fork down to see what Isaiah wanted to say.
He put his hands on his lap as he fiddled with his fingers. Eclipse sighed since he was taking forever to just say what he wanted to say, "Just spit it out already please."
A few seconds passed before he finally started talking, "You didn't happen to notice anything strange when we first met?"
"Nothing too odd other than a weird tingling feeling. To be honest, it's like when a limb loses blood circulation and then you try to move again."
Isaiah looked at the ground and cleared his throat, "I think that you're my mate."
Eclipse froze in her seat for a minute before shaking her head, "I highly doubt that."
Isaiah hung his head low, "I know it sounds bad, and I understand it's absurd. I'm a werewolf hybrid if you haven't figured it out already. I can't explain it myself, it's more like instinct I suppose."
Eclipse practically buried her face in her hands and groaned, "Why me? I'm not even a, what was it again, a werewolf. How is this even possible? Listen, not to sound rude or anything but I don't have any of those feelings towards you. Please don't take that the wrong way. To be fair, in my one hundred and forty-so years of living, I don't think I've truly had any of those feelings. I-"
Isaiah cut off her rambling, "It's okay. I don't know why it's happening either. I just know that it is happening. I hope this doesn't make things too awkward between us, I just wish that we can continue being allies and possibly friends?"
Eclipse looked up and scanned Isaiah's face for any signs of joking, "Yeah, it's fine. Actually, if it's not too much trouble, could you show me around the facility?"
Isaiah looked at his full plate before picking it up and standing, "Yeah, I'm not hungry anyways. Don't think I'm scheduled for any training as well."
Eclipse took a few quick bites before grabbing her plate as well and following Isaiah to a trash can. He waived his hand towards the tables, "This is the cafeteria. The hall you came from is the living quarters. It's where everyone's room is."
"How many people are here?"
"I would guesstimate around fifty out of holding and perhaps another twenty in quarantine."
Eclipse frowned as she followed him down another hallway. This so-called organization is very optimistic thinking that seventy people would be able to take over the world. But were the numbers also including the staff? "How many staff employees are there?" She questioned.
Isaiah glanced at her with a frown, "Not sure, but there's quite a few. There's always about seventy around the place at once, they switch out every week. In total I would say around two hundred, if not more."
Eclipse suppressed a groan as they continued walking. Perhaps the organization wasn't as stupid as she originally thought. "What about other facilities?"
"I've been to four others, but I believe this is the largest facility. Well, at least between the ones I've been to. This is definitely more heavily staffed than the others as well."
Eclipse idly followed behind as Isaiah led the way. It wasn't exactly the answer she was hoping for, but nonetheless, it was only another obstacle. Nothing that she couldn't handle. It wasn't like she was alone or anything. Once the Ember Nation finds out about the kidnapping of one of the royal family, then they would send the army out. Not only that, but allying clans would join as well. She was lost in thought and didn't realize that Isaiah had stopped walking causing her to nearly run into him.
She mumbled her apology but Isaiah just waved it off. He simply started walking door to door and explaining the rooms, "This is the combat room, combat training is actually pretty fun compared to other training. Okay, the next room is the puzzle room. There's a new puzzle every week. Sometimes they set up mazes, there's also escape rooms."
He stopped at the second door and just waved further down the hall at the other five doors, "Those rooms are for abilities. I'm not usually scheduled to use those rooms."
He motioned for Eclipse to continue walking down the hall. At the end, there was a door with the label, 'courtyard', with a card scanner below it.
"I'm assuming you can read. All you have to do to get to the courtyard is scan the card you were given. That's pretty much how the majority of the doors here work. Technically, you're not supposed to open doors for anyone. I had to wait several weeks before my card worked for the courtyard. You can try your card if you want."
Eclipse held her card to the scanner and mumbled when the light turned red. Isaiah held up his card with a small smile, "I'm sure we can just use my card. If anyone questions us, I'll take the blame. Wouldn't be the first nor the last time I break the rules."
He quickly scans his card and holds the door open for Eclipse. Out in the courtyard, she looked around and frowned. There were walls on all four sides, creating a decent sized box. There was also a glass roof. She completely dismissed the idea of flying out. Sure, she could probably just break the glass, but that would most likely severely injure her wings. Honestly, it wasn't worth it. Besides, she is sure that her original plan will work.
There were a few benches scattered around the grass. Eclipse found an empty seat and Isaiah sat next to her. They sat in a comfortable silence until Isaiah broke it, "Do you have a plan yet? If not, I have a plan."
"Yeah, I do have a plan. But what were you thinking of?"
"When the staff is switched out at the beginning of the week, they have a meeting. Nearly all the staff go so there's rarely any roaming around. I could easily unhinge doors. The only problem with that is that alarms would probably go off."
This knowledge brought a small smile to Eclipse's face, "That wouldn't be good. But between us, I could just use my void to get us through the doors."
Isaiah nodded and returned his own small smile, "That would be better. What were you thinking?"
"I was just going to train myself to move the void further and further so I could essentially just teleport away without a trace."
"I like your idea better, the only problem being how long it will take."
Eclipse shook her head, "You're completely right. Your's is better time wise. Less effort as well. When do they switch out?"
Isaiah paused in thought, "Well, their last change was two days ago. So that means in five days it's our opportunity. What do you plan on doing until then?"
"I'm just going to play along. Let them think they've won. That way, they won't keep such a close eye on me."
"I suppose that's smart. We can meet in the mornings in the cafeteria, do our training if we have any, then meet in the empty training room. Just meet me here tomorrow and I'll show you where it is."
Eclipse looked up to see someone wearing the staff uniform approaching them. She sat up straighter and nudged Isaiah's arm. He nodded his head slightly and then made eye contact with the staff member. Isaiah gave him a forced smile, "Good morning."
The man did not return the friendly gesture, instead he made a sound equivalent to a grunt, "I need to check both of your IDs."
"Of course," Isaiah took his card out of his pocket while Eclipse did the same. They both held out their cards which the man basically snatched from their hands. He took the handheld card scanner off of his utility belt. After scanning both the cards, he looked at the small screen and frowned.
He handed Isaiah back his card and then looked at Eclipse, "You're not supposed to be here. You're going to have to go to the director to determine your punishment. Come with me."
Isaiah stood up with a frown and shook his head, "It was my fault, sir. She's new here so I was showing her around. My apologies, we'll head inside now."
Eclipse stood up and started following Isaiah back inside. They heard the booming voice of the man. When they turned around, they saw him with his hand on one of the weapons on his belt. "In that case, both of you are going to have to see the director."
Noticing the commotion, a woman wearing the same guard uniform came over, "What's going on here?" Her voice was gentle yet stern at the same moment.
The guy nodded his head towards the two kids and handed the woman Eclipse's card, "The girl isn't permitted to be out here, and the boy admitted to helping her. His excuse was that she's new."
The woman nodded in understanding, "I'll take it from here."
The man started to protest but a sharp look from the woman shut him up quickly. The woman motioned for the kids to follow, which they did so without complaint. Once they entered the building, the woman sighed from relief, "Sorry about him, he thinks he's the best. I guess all rookies are like that straight out of training. Here's your ID back, Eclipse is it?" She nodded in response before the woman continued talking, "I'm Tiffany by the way."
As if just noticing Isaiah's presence, she smiled, "Oh, hey, Isaiah! It's been a while since I've been stationed here. Anything new?"
Isaiah shrugged, "Not much. We did get a new site director though. You remember Cole, right? That one strict guard?"
Tiffany nodded with a frown, "Yeah. Please don't tell me he's the new director. What about Nite? He seemed more cut out for the job."
He shook his head slowly, "Sadly, Cole is the director. Nite is his second in command. Do you know why we even needed a new director?"
Tiffany shook her head, "No clue. Well anyways, I better get back to my post. It was nice meeting you Eclipse. If you need anything, just let me know."
She waved before going back out into the courtyard. Isaiah finished giving Eclipse the tour and then walked her back to her room. She only left the room once after that to bring dinner back to the room. The stress of the day melted away as she fell into a peaceful sleep.
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