Eclipse was disoriented as the world came back into focus. She sat up as she tried to look around the room she was in. The lights were blinding so she kept her eyes closed. She stood up slowly and she felt like she was going to pass out again. Keeping her hands out to her sides, she was able to stay upright.
She walked around the room using her hands and feet to explore. The room wasn't that large and the only thing in the room seemed to be a sleeping mat and a thin cover. There were also two doors but both were locked. With nothing else to do, she went and sat on the mat. She put the cover over her to ease the eye strains she was getting from the light. It was odd, sunlight usually didn't give her headaches. Why was this light different?
There was the sound of a lock opening and something being pushed into the room. Behind her eyelids, she could see the light dimming. She cautiously peeked from under the cover and looked towards the door. While she was blinded, she missed the little rectangular hatch at the bottom of the white door. One door was an off white color and the other one was a dark gray. The room itself was a sterile white.
In front of the white door was a bottle with clear liquid. She got up slowly and grabbed the bottle. After removing the lid, she smelt the liquid. It didn't have an odd smell so she assumed it was water. She took a small sip. When she didn't taste anything wrong with it, she drank it greedily. She felt as if she hadn't drunk anything for weeks.
After drinking all the water, she felt a bit drowsy. She went back to the mat and layed down. Her thoughts were scattered and she couldn't quite focus on one thing. She closed her eyes and drifted to sleep.
Eclipse had no way to tell how much time had passed since she went to sleep. She didn't even have the companionship of her dreams. Waking up, she kept her eyes closed and stayed still to keep the illusion of her being asleep. The room was quiet except for the buzzing of the lights. She was able to think more clearly. She knows she passed out and was abducted, and also that there's currently no way to get out of the room.
She continued lying there for several minutes before getting restless and standing up to pace around the room. The lights dimmed and she stilled. There was a noise at the white door causing her to back up against the far wall. She narrowed her eyes at the door and was waiting for whoever would come through it.
She relaxed slightly when only Cole walked in carrying a barely working flashlight. Eclipse stood up taller and held her head high to display the little bravery she currently had. Cole let out a little, unamused laugh, "You've caused a bit of trouble ge-"
Eclipse interrupted by making small circles with her hands, "I've already heard that speech. Although I must admit, this cell is nicer than the one I imagined."
She glanced at the ajar door and then back at Cole. She kept a bored look on her face as she walked closer. Focusing on the flashlight, she easily made the bulb shatter. She did the same for the lights overhead. Eclipse watched with amusement as Cole became anxious and turned towards the door while calling out.
She could've easily ran out the door but there could be people waiting outside. Instead, she ran to the door and closed it. She walked around Cole while he kept spinning to where he heard her footsteps. She let out a sigh, "Now explain to me why I'm here."
Cole let out a small whimper which Eclipse couldn't help but sigh at. He acts like he's tough in the light, why does he act like this in the dark? One should never show fear to their enemy, at least that's what Eclipse's parents told her. Who was one to argue with their parents, much less the king and queen. She stopped in front of Cole and snapped her fingers for him to stop whimpering, "I asked a question. I want an answer."
Cole stumbled on his words, "You are exactly what the organization needs to reach our goal."
Eclipse stayed silent for a moment and then questioned, "And what would that goal be?"
"I can't answer that. The overseer will answer when they feel that you're ready."
Her eyes began glowing as she pushed Cole against the wall, "I'll ask one more time. What is the goal?"
Eclipse could hear him gulp loudly as he stared her in the eyes, "I- ... It's in order to take control of the world back from the humans."
Eclipse stepped back and let her eyes go back to normal. She was having several emotions. Why would this so-called organization do this? From what she's learned about most humans is that they can be weak and mean, but they can also be nice like the lady from the store. Whatever their reason, she was definitely not going to help them in any way, shape or form.
She went back to the sleeping mat and sat down. She watched Cole for a few minutes until the room filled with light from others opening the door and quickly taking Cole out of the room.
With the new information, it gave Eclipse something to do. She looked around the empty room again and frowned. There really was no way out the room. She could try something though, her mother used to do it all the time when she was younger. Concentrating, she made a void on one side of the room and then another on the other side. Taking a deep breath, she hesitantly put her hand in one void while looking at the other one. She nearly jumped from joy when she saw her hand exit out the other void. She calmed down and took deep breaths. When she was calm, she slowly entered the void. Almost immediately, she exited from the other void.
She closed the voids and jumped from excitement. Then she paused, if it didn't work, she could've been lost in the void or even died. She sat back on the sleeping mat and put her head in her hands. If she died, she would never see Star, Ash, her parents, or Madi again. She took a deep breath to steady her nerves, the important thing is that she didn't die. In fact, it worked flawlessly. This is her ticket out, well it would be if she knew how to make a void in a different area. She sighed in defeat, then she perked up. All she has to do is practice and she's sure she will be able to go anywhere in the world eventually.
She stood back up and continued using voids to teleport around the room. She stopped as she had an idea. She created a void on the gray door and took a deep breath before walking into the void. She exited the void on the other side of the door. With a triumphant grin, she turned around and looked down the hall. She easily disabled the lights before walking down the hall slowly.
Her gaze was caught by someone walking towards her. She turned around knowing it was too dark for someone to see her. With the lights broken and there being no windows in the hall, it was pitch black. There was a frantic voice behind her, "Hey! Can I help you?"
She paused and turned around. The person didn't seem familiar, and he was neither a human nor a dragonkin, that was obvious considering he had wolf ears. He also had a strange aura around him that Eclipse couldn't explain. She sighed and waited for the person to catch up.
He held his hand out but put it back down once Eclipse just stared at it. He cleared his throat, "Hi, I'm Isaiah. I don't think I recognize you. Are you new here?"
Eclipse nodded, "Yeah, I'm Eclipse. Quick question, where is here exactly?"
Isaiah shrugged, "Not sure myself. Some sort of training facility. But of course you already know that."
Eclipse couldn't help but notice Isaiah shifting on his feet. She looked behind her as she heard people walking towards them. They couldn't just talk out in the middle of the hall like this. She grabbed his hand while ignoring the weird tingling feeling from touching him and pulled him to her door before opening the void again. She pulled him through the void with her and Isaiah stumbled once they were in the room.
From the floor, he glanced up at Eclipse, "How did you do that? And more importantly why? Isn't your door unlocked yet?" He paused for a moment while looking around the room and taking a step back, "You never told me you weren't out of quarantine."
"So that's what they're calling this?" She looked at Isaiah with mild curiosity of why he was behaving so odd, "Relax, it's not like I'm infected with the plague or anything like that."
He seemed to relax as he chuckled lightly, "I didn't mean it like that. They tend to tell us that anyone in quarantine is dangerous and unpredictable. Now that I think about it, you don't seem dangerous at all."
Eclipse rolled her eyes, "That's a nice way of calling someone weak."
He was quick to shake his head while stumbling on his words, "I didn't mean it that way, I swear!"
She couldn't help but grin at his childish acts, "It's okay," She paused while she thought about his previous statement, "Do you know what goes on around here?"
He shook his head and frowned, "No, I was told it was just training."
"Are you able to leave anytime you want?"
His frown deepened, "No, they said it would disrupt my training."
Eclipse sighed. She wasn't the only one here practically against their will. But at least she was clued into what was really going on. She looked Isaiah up and down to see if he was telling the truth, for all she knew, he could be a spy. After determining he was telling the truth, she decided to key him into what Cole had told her.
After explaining how Cole told her that they're there to take control over from the humans, Isaiah looked even more confused than earlier. She walked back over to the door and opened another void. She peaked her head out and looked down the hall. Grabbing Isaiah's hand, she pulled him through as well.
Isaiah was still at a loss of words, "I didn't know that!" He looked to the ground and whispered, "I'm so sorry for what has happened to you. I'll find a way to make this right."
Eclipse shook her head, "It's not like you were the one to imprison me, you shouldn't be apologizing for anything. You're as much of a prisoner as I am. But I appreciate your help. I should get back in the cell before they figure out I can just walk out when I want."
"I promise I'll find a way, I swear," He gave her a sorry look, "I'll see you around I suppose."
Eclipse gave a sad smile along with a sigh, "I'm sure you will."
She went back through the void and sat on the mat. She was sure her friends and family would be looking for her. But in case they couldn't find her, she needs a second plan. She decided that she would play nice and continue working on using her voids for teleporting. All she really needs to do is find a way out of the building and she should be good.
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