Here we gooooooo! Y'all ready for this? I'm not.
Btw, this will DEFINITELY stray from how the episode went.
Mount Justice
December 31, 07:16 EDT
The team made their way to the mission room where Batman and Red Tornado were waiting, all eyes on Wanda. She hung her head in shame. "Batman, I-"
"We'll talk about your situation later, Scarlet Witch. Right now the League has more pressing matters to attend to." Batman pulled up images of Red Arrow. "The mole's identity has been discovered. Red Arrow."
"What?! Roy? That can't be!"
"Batman, we've all known Roy for years. He cannot be the mole." Kaldur dismissed the idea.
"Unfortunately the Roy Harper we have all known for the last three years has been another Project Cadmus clone." Red Tornado explained.
"We learned that the real Speedy was abducted and replaced immediately after becoming Green Arrow's sidekick. The clone was preprogrammed with a drive to join the Justice League, which is why he was so angry to any delays in his mission, and why he refused to join the team. This Roy Harper had no idea he was a clone or a traitor and his subconscious programming drove him to become League worthy." Batman continued. "So he struck out on his own as Red Arrow. When he was finally admitted, his secondary programming kicked in, and he attempted to betray the League to Vandal Savage. Fortunately, I had already deduced Red Arrow was a clone. We were prepared."
"Savage was subdued. But Red Arrow escaped. He is now a fugitive, armed and dangerous."
Wanda narrowed her eyes in suspicion. Something didn't feel right about this.
"What happened to the real Roy?"
"We don't know. We have to face the possibility that the real Roy Harper is dead."
"The clone Roy, the team will find him." Kaldur stated.
"Negative. Red Arrow is a member of the Justice League now. Leave him to us." Batman listened to the comms for a moment. "I'm needed at the Watchtower. Tornado, stay with the kids."
Clone or no clone, Red Arrow was one of us. We will go after him.
Red Tornado made a move towards Kaldur before shutting down. The team looked at him curiously.
"What...what just happened?" Pietro asked, tapping the Justice Leaguer.
"All systems are off line. A total shut down." Robin responded, his holo-gauntlet lit up.
"Guys, I'm sensing a low level mystic force at play here. I don't know if caused his shut down but now that I think about it, I was getting the same buzz off Batman." Zatanna looked at Tornado.
"So I wasn't just being paranoid." Wanda mumbled.
"Batman...he called us kids. He never does that."
"Look." Wally pulled something from Tornado's hand. "One of those biotech chips we confiscated from Cheshire."
"Something is not right...Robin, Kid, Rocket, Zatanna. See if you can get Tornado back online. The rest of you are with me to find Ro-Red Arrow." Kaldur dictated, everyone splitting up to go about their duties.
The majority of the team got into the bioship, flying in tense silence from Happy Harbor to D.C.
"Computer logs indicate Red Arrow zeta'd from the Watchtower to the Hall. But he could be anywhere by now." Artemis sighed.
"After Roy went solo, he installed equipment caches in several major cities. One is here." Kaldur told the team as they landed on the roof of the building. "I will go alone, talk to him first. Stay here."
Kaldur dropped from the bioship, leaving the others to sit and wait. It was a few minutes before Kaldur returned with Red Arrow. They boarded the bioship, flying into the sky.
"Hey." The team waved to Roy. He just nodded.
"We were told you were the mole." Kaldur looked to Roy. "But we have reason to doubt."
"Forget doubt. I was the mole." Everyone had shocked expressions on their faces.
"Batman and Tornado said you are a Cadmus me."
"That explains it." Roy sighed. "I was a sleeper agent, preprogrammed the infiltrate the League. I think...Sportsmaster was my handler. He had a key phrase, broken arrow, that could shut me down, put me in a hypnotic state to steal secrets for his superiors or incorporate further programming. I'd then carry out all orders subconsciously, completely unaware of what drove me."
"How did Batman discover this and prevent you from betraying the League?"
"He didn't."
"That means the Justice League must all be under the control of the Light." Pietro deduced. "Carrying out their orders, like Roy did."
"I'm sorry, but how is it that you are no longer enslaved?" M'gann asked.
"No Starro tech for starters, just my Cadmus programming. And once I satisfied its last parameter, my mind began to clear. I'm sure Savage planned to Starro tech me, but he paused to...bask. I escaped."
"I promise I can clean any residual programming from your mind." M'gann assured him.
Are you guys in range?
Here Robin, linking both squads and de-camouflaging.
Great, because we really need to compare notes.
The two factions of the team gathered in the bioship, formulating their plan of sending in Red Tornado, Red Arrow, and Black Canary as decoys after they found a way of reverse engineering the Starro tech to negate the mind control.
The Watchtower
December 31, 23:16 EDT
The team was gathered on a lower level of the Watchtower, looking at Robin's holo-gauntlet.
RT did it. Wirelessly bypassed security as soon as he arrived. Savage doesn't know we are here.
Move out.
As the team was about to split up, they found themselves surrounded by a green bubble. They gasped, looking to see Green Lantern standing there, his power ring aimed at them.
What do we do now?
We go along with it.
What?! Wanda, are you crazy?!
No. I have a plan.
Green Lantern carried them to the main part of the Watchtower where Vandal Savage was with Klarion, both grinning when they saw the team apprehended. "Well done. Now, chip them."
M'gann, shut down Lantern. Everyone else, get ready to fight.
M'gann did as she was asked, shutting down Green Lantern. As soon as the team was free from the bubble, they jumped into action, all except Wanda. She turned her attention to Klarion, eyes glowing scarlet.
"You! You ruined my life! I will not allow you to ruin the lives of an entire galaxy." Wanda threw a psionic bolt at him, one he easily brushed off.
"I made you stronger, Wanda. You should be thanking me, working by my side, bringing chaos to the universe!" Klarion cackled.
"You're right, Klarion, you did make me stronger." Wanda smirked, reaching out with her powers. She entered Klarion's mind, taking down his psychic barriers with ease. "Strong enough to take you." Wanda felt a dampness on her neck but she ignored it, continuing closer to Klarion. His eyes were now the same shade of scarlet as hers and his face was slack. "Where is the rest of the Justice League?"
"Bring them back here. Now." Wanda commanded, her hands next to his head as she poured her energy into him. Klarion typed away on his magical keypad for a moment and a boom tube opened up, a group of Justice Leaguers walking through. "Good. Now subdue them. Subdue the entire Justice League."
Pietro watched as his sister commanded the Lord of Chaos to do her bidding, watched as the Justice League stopped fighting and stood still. He turned to his team. "Quickly, give them the cure!" The team went around to each Justice League member and gave them the cure to the Starro tech as Wanda continued to keep Klarion at bay. Once everyone was given the cure, Pietro looked to Wanda. "It is done, sister. Save your strength."
Wanda grit her teeth, feeling her hold on Klarion slipping. She released him from her grasp, backing away from him as he fell to his knees. He turned to glare at her. "If you think there is a chance you are coming out of this alive-"
"Klarion." Savage spoke sternly. "Go. We are defeated. There will be another time."
Klarion continued to glare as he conjured a portal. "Coming, Savage?"
Savage shook his head. "I have words for the Justice League."
"Suit yourself." Klarion disappeared, leaving Savage to look upon the Justice League and the team.
"You are vastly out numbered and powered, Savage." Conner grunted.
"I am not here to fight you. I have something to offer you." Savage smirked.
"What could you possibly offer us?" Pietro snarled.
Wanda collapsed to her hands and knees, vomiting up blood and bile. Her whole body shook as Artemis and Pietro knelt next to her. Wanda looked up at Savage, eyes narrowed in suspicion as he answered. "A way to save your sister."
"Why would you want to help us save Wanda? She betrayed your associates."
"Yes, well, she may still prove to be useful. After all, anyone who can tame Klarion is a worthy ally." Savage grinned. "She may not see the Light now, but in time, her view will change."
"And if it doesn't?" Wanda hissed.
Vandal Savage just grinned wider. "Would you like to hear my proposal?"
I think we should hear him out...
What?! Pietro, he just tried to control the entire Justice League and us!
Yes, but if he can save Wanda...
The Justice League is working on a cure.
It may not happen quick enough. Look at how much power she used up fighting Klarion. Who knows how much longer she has left? A month? Three weeks?
...Alright. We will hear him out.
The team nodded. "Okay. What is your proposal?"
"We use the Lazarus pit to heal your decaying cells."
Everyone tensed. "Don't the Lazarus pits cause you to become crazy?"
"Is her sanity more important than her life?"
Pietro turned to Wanda. "Sister...I think we need to do this. I cannot lose you."
Wanda nodded weakly. "Alright. I will do it for you, 'tro."
Pietro looked at Savage. "What is the catch? What do you get in return for this?"
Savage looked down at Pietro. "Like I said, Scarlet Witch will eventually see the Light."
The team exchanged glances, not liking the sound of that but disliking the sound of Wanda being dead even more.
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