Poor Wanda. She can never catch a break, can she?
Mount Justice
September 14, 17:53 EDT
As Conner, M'gann, and Kaldur were away preparing for M'gann and Conner's undercover mission, the rest of the team was having some down time at the mountain.
"What's undercover like? Is it fun?" Pietro asked, looking at Robin specifically.
"It can be, yeah. Depends on the mission though." Robin shrugged. "Why? You want to go undercover?"
Wanda scoffed. "Pietro wouldn't last a minute."
Pietro scoffed back, shooting Wanda a glare. "I so would last longer than a minute. Have some faith in me, will you?"
Wanda tapped her chin. "Hmm, no, I don't think I will."
"Did you really just call me a meanie? Pietro, we're fourteen." Wanda chuckled, yelping when Pietro flicked her forehead. "Now who is the meanie! Jerk head."
Pietro stuck his tongue out at her. Artemis, Wally, and Robin just watched the siblings interact, sipping on their cocoa. A thought occurred to Wally.
"Hey, without Tornado here, we have the caves to ourselves."
"It took you this long to figure that one out? Wow."
"What did you have in mind, Wally?" Robin asked.
Everyone turned to look at the red haired speedster. "Well, since none of our skill sets were needed for this mission and we are all here, why not have some fun?"
"Fun? Sounds boring."
"Oh, shut up, Pietro!"
"Make me."
"Oh, get a room!" Artemis, Wanda, and Robin all groaned at the same time. Wally and Pietro blushed.
"But seriously, what do you guys want to do? The others won't be back for awhile..."
"We could train?" Wanda suggested.
"Or we could not do that and say we did." Pietro smirked. "I say we have a competition."
The other three exchanged a look. "A competition? Color me intrigued."
Pietro sat up straighter, shifting in his seat. "Yeah, a competition. We each have a set of skills that we are particularly excellent at, so we give a go at the others' set of skills. So, for everyone but Artemis, for example, archery. And for Robin, let's say hacking. For me-"
"Being annoying?" Wanda snipped.
"Ignoring that. But do you get the concept?" Everyone nodded. "Okay, we need to think up specialties for everyone that we all agree on."
"Mine could be telling when someone is lying?" Wanda suggested. "Seeing as I assume we aren't allowed to participate in our own competition, I won't have an unfair advantage."
"Mine is easy; food." Wally rubbed his belly.
"Pietro would have an unfair advantage though." Artemis pointed out. "Think of something else."
"Mine is hand to hand." Pietro called dibs.
"Fine. I guess...video games?" Everyone blinked at him. "What! Everything else is taken."
"Alright, well, what are we starting with? Personally, I'd love to see you all give archery a whirl." Artemis challenged.
"You're on." Wally and Pietro accepted, everyone making their way outdoors. Artemis set up a target before handing her bow over.
"Alright, you each get three shots. Closest one to a bullseye is the winner of this challenge." She explained how to use the bow before giving it to Wanda first. Wanda gulped, taking the bow. She aimed, firing the first arrow. She missed the target completely, same with the second arrow. The third, however, hit the very edge of the target. Wanda handed the bow to Wally, who hit the target with all three arrows, coming close to a bullseye. Robin did pretty much the same as Wally. Pietro, however, hit the target with all three arrows and got a bullseye with the second, making him the winner. "Nice job! Alright, now what?"
"Let's spar." Robin suggested. "Me versus Wally and Artemis versus Wanda, then winners? No powers?"
"Alright. Let's do this."
They cleaned up and made their way back into the cave, Wally and Robin making their way into the ring first. The match lasted a few minutes but ultimately Robin won. Next, Wanda and Artemis went toe to toe, Artemis taking her down within a few minutes with a kick to the back. Robin stepped up and went against Artemis, this match lasting longer than the two before it. Artemis got the drop on Robin, knocking the younger teen on his back and being declared the winner.
"Now we see who is lying...how do we do that?" Everyone looked to Wanda.
"I will telepathically share with each of you an image. You will then tell everyone what the image was, changing one detail. Everyone has to guess what the one detail was. The person who correctly guesses the lies the most wins?" Wanda directed, starting with Pietro. This went on for a few minutes, Robin being the one to guess who was lying the most often due to his detective training. "Alright, video games and then hacking?"
The teens went off to the lounge, sitting down in front of the television as Wally set up the game. "Alright, this is Mario Cart, Rainbow Road. Whoever wins this, wins the challenge. You have to get through three laps, got it?"
"Yeah, yeah, we know how it works. Get out of the way." Pietro mumbled, eager to get started. The race began and immediately they all fell off the road, cursing at each other and the game. Wally laughed, sitting back as his friends got more and more into the game, jumping up every time their character fell off the road. "Are you kidding me?! Who shelled me?!"
"Get your big head out of the way, 'tro! I can't see!"
"Robin! You are clearly cheating!"
"How? By being good?"
They kept screaming and cursing through all three laps, the race tight and close. The winner came down to Wanda, last place surprisingly Robin, being nudged out at the last minute by Artemis and Pietro. Wally was in stitches, laughing hysterically at the looks of contempt on his friends faces.
"How can you enjoy that! Robin and Wanda cheat!"
"By winning, I cheat?"
"Whatever, let's go hack something." Wanda stuck her tongue out. "Robin, what are we hacking?"
"The mountain security." He replied smugly. The rest of the teens nodded, following Robin to the holographic computer. "First one in wins."
The each began typing rapidly, trying to break past firewalls and security codes. Robin watched carefully, surprised at the efficiency of his team. Wally got in first, almost as fast as Robin himself would've done it. The security tapes were what were pulled up when they broke through the last barrier, the tapes from August sixth.
"No, sir, he doesn't. I'd like to keep it that way."
"Alright, I'll respect that. But, Wanda, these types of situations have a way of getting out of your control. I suggest you find a way to nip this in the bud...before its too late."
All eyes were on Wanda as her electronic double froze, mid conversation with Batman. Pietro took a step towards her, eyes curious. "Wanda...what is going on? What aren't you telling me?"
"The less you know, Pietro, the better." Wanda avoided his eyes. "I feel tired, I think I am going to retire to my room early."
"Goodnight." Wanda cut Robin off, walking away briskly and leaving her friends behind.
Pietro turned to Robin. "Rewind the security tape. Find out what they were talking about."
Robin typed for a few minutes. "I-I can't. The file is...corrupted. Far too corrupted for me to salvage. I'm...I'm sorry."
Pietro sighed, staring off after his sister. This was the first time in their lives she had shut him out, what could she possibly be hiding from him?
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