VII. - Stal
The upbeat, yet pretty much calm music played in the background, as the two pinkenette's sparred against one another, unenchanted iron swords clashing against eachother, and shields were being destroyed. Evelyn was getting better and better at face-to-face battling, thanks to Techno's help. What also helped, was the fact that she's no longer being pulled back by her second older brother, that usually tried to stop her from training. She appreciated Techno's help more than anyone else's on that fine summer afternoon. The man has worked hard on training his sister into a strong, self dependent woman, and corrected the many mistakes she's managed to pick on from the times she's strolled the snowy tundra. All the wrong moves, all the wrong tactics - they were gone, replaced by much more useful and reliable ones. Evelyn felt good about herself.
"Hello?" a small voice called out, making the siblings look over to the gate, only to notice a short brunette, cat ears sticking out from underneath the shiny pieces of netherite armor. The Elytrian's lips curled upwards, as she dropped the weapon and shield, making her way over to greet her hybrid friend, who's been delivering letters to the two all year long. That's right - it's already been a year since Evelyn left L'manburg and although she missed Fundy and the others, she refused to go back. "Hey, hey! You guys have been invited to Tubbo's festival!" The man smiled happily, handing over the two invites, that were sealed perfectly in neatly folded envelopes, a red wax seal closing down the said envelopes. Both siblings thanked and bid their goodbye's to Antfrost, who made his way back to the SMP.
"Do you want to go, Techno?" The elytrian asked curiously, handing over the invite with her brother's name on it, written in a nice handwriting. She thought that maybe Quackity has written them - despite being rather messy and chaotic, the boy surely knew how to concentrate and his handwriting proved that. In fact, she wanted to go just to meet him and Punz again, maybe see what Callahan has been up to and check on the egg everyone has been talking about. The older pinkenette nodded, then motioned for his sister to follow him back to the house. On their way, they collected the weak weapons, and shields, just so they won't accidentally hurt themselves. The girl walked over to the jukebox in the corner of their kitchen and stopped it, seeing the vinyl has been on repeat for almost two hours now, repeating the same song all over and over. Even though Stal was her favorite, nothing could beat a good old pigstep. The siblings owned three copies of the vinyl, just because Techno was able to get anything he wanted from his piglin brothers back in the nether, in exchange for some high-quality gold, and gave one of the discs to his sister, just so she'd stop nagging at him.
The older's ears twitched upon registering the familiar melody of his favorite song, and paused putting on his armor. His red eyes moved to take in his sister's appearance from behind, noticing how tightly her wings were tied. Ever since she came to his place, the pinkenette tried to help her learn how to fly, although it went quite poorly. Even though, Evelyn has learned how to use her wings during fights, to overfly her opponents and use this tactic to backstab them. The girl has grown taller than Tommy, somehow, despite the elytrians usually being quite short. Hell, even Phil's height wasn't any remarkable - all of his sons were taller than him, now even his only daughter. The piglin continued on putting on the pieces of armor, before clipping the heavy, red cape around his shoulders. Unlike Evelyn, he usually switched between the colorful capes, wearing the red ones for most of the occasions, and he wore the blue, decorated ones mainly in winter or in colder weather, to provide himself some warmth. Sometimes, the blue capelets that sat just around his broad shoulders were brought into the light of the day, but only for ceremonies of some kind, or important events, where Techno knew he'd have to move a lot. Grabbing a silver crown, that would sit around the wearer's forehead, he walked over to the dancing girl, chuckling at her excitement. "How about we finally try to clip those netherite pieces to your wings, so they don't get damaged while we're outside?" A question slipped past his lips, as he clipped the gemstone covered silver crown around the girl's head.
Like gold, netherite was rather light on person's body. It didn't weight them down, and was quite easy to work in too, yet it was prominently stronger, than the yellowish pieces of armory. At first, it surprised the older hybrid - he always thought it would be heavy, but much to his surprise, it wasn't half bad. The piglin man sat behind his sister, carefully clipping the enchanted pieces to the bony parts of her wings, adding the necessary protection to them. Unlike her, Techno knew what was going to happen on the festival and even though he wished he could tell her, he knew that if he did, he could ruin her fun. He kept in mind how she told him a couple of days ago how much she missed some of the friends she's managed to make, and how much she wanted to meet Fundy again.
The girl has proceeded to clip her blue cape around her, hiding her wings, before the siblings finally decided to leave the mountains. They mounted their horses, and made sure both had their weapons, before the animals took them down the path they have made, and towards the direction of the infamous SMP. The whole ride was rather silent, with occasional small talk leaving the siblings' lips, yet neither of the two really minded. After all, both were rather quiet when it came to speaking, and neither really liked to actually talk much. Even then, Evelyn's mind wandered.
Let's just have fun, she thought, as they slowly approached the gates of the SMP.
Nothing could go wrong, right?
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