IX. - Revolution
Punz, who’s followed in Foolish’s story, has warned the Elytrian about what’s bound to happen on the festival also. He has explained to her how Tommy and Will got exiled a couple of months ago, and ever since, the older of the two brothers has been threatening Dream to blow up the SMP, showing him proofs of some of the hidden TNTs. And unlike Technoblade, the girl’s very own older brother, the blond actually offered the elytrian some better armor, potions and extra healing, seeing that Evelyn came rather unprotected. The man watched the girl struggle with the chest piece for a bit, before he decided to help her with the leather straps, closing them tight but still comfortable around her torso. “These are Puffy’s, actually, but she had to leave last minute. She left the armor here in case Niki wanted to fight, but she also left, just in case.” He explained how the armor ended up at his house, the pinkenette nodding slightly. She knew both women hated violence, but also knew that Niki would eventually show up — it’s not like she wouldn’t want to fight for her nation.
“Punz… If I die in this, please give this to Ranboo.” Evelyn turned around, and unclipped the necklace that laid around her neck. The gold around the Eye of Ender began to rust again, seeing Will’s magical hands haven’t touched it in a while now again, yet the actual iris of the eye stayed bright, magenta particles floating around. The blond looked at the necklace in the girl’s hands, then back at the kid, a troubled expression painted on his face. “Listen, even though Techno has been training me for the past year, I am weak, maybe even weaker than before. There is a great chance I will die protecting one of my brothers or Tubbo.” The girl explained, hiding the piece of gold in the other’s large hands. Punz nodded and clipped the necklace around his own neck, just to keep it safe with him, ruffling the girl’s hair. He decided to silently agree, knowing she was right. These kids were reckless, yet he hoped the girl would get out of this mess alive and healthy. Blindly hoped for that.
“Please try not to die, though, okay?” He asked, before leading the way outside. The two parted ways, with the blond heading off to the dream team, while Evelyn’s legs lead her over to her brothers. They had a meeting near one of Tommy’s cobblestone towers, to discuss the plan, while the festival would be happening. The three siblings will be watching from afar, waiting. Evelyn knew something really bad is going to happen that night, but still couldn’t really point her finger to what it might be – it scared her. Wilbur, for some reason, scared her. He was meant to be handed his presidency back after Schlatt has died, but they were hiding in a tower. He’s meant to be down there, waiting for his turn to speak, to give his speech, but he’s up here with Evelyn and Tommy, hiding like the coward he was. Evelyn was more than lost in her thoughts. It’s not been even two days since Schlatt has died and since the small war happened – Tommy has sent her a letter the day prior, telling her they fought Dream and Sapnap, then watched the ram man die. Scarring, truly. Maybe that was one of the reasons the pinkenettes decided to come down from the mountains.
Sooner or later, Wilbur actually made his way down to give the speech, Evelyn and Tommy following close after him and taking their seats on any free spots that were there. The young Elytrian sat beside Skeppy, whose once blue attire seemed to turn red. The boy greeted her with a smile, and nudged her shoulder with his in a playful manner. The two listened to what Will had to say, then listened to Tubbo and Tommy give their speeches as well. The presidency got handed down to the young ram hybrid, who seemed to beam with happiness, sharing his plans for the New L’manberg, deciding to make it the prettiest and calmest nation the world has ever seen. The girl didn’t doubt that – Tubbo has an awesome sense for design, and had even better building skills. His leading skills could be worked on, but they were good nevertheless.
The girl’s eyes landed on an empty spot beside Tommy, searching for her older, brown haired brother. Uneasiness settled within the pit of her stomach, when she couldn’t find his tall silhouette among the rather large crowd. Her eyes met the eyes of her blond friend, who shook his head, as in to tell her to not leave her spot, yet she did anyways. She whispered to Tommy that she had to check on something really quick, and left, legs leading her around the stage and towards the very back, hidden behind a small hill. The girl heard Punz call after her, silent pleads resonating through her head with every single step she’s taken. She knew she wasn’t meant to be there, but her curiosity got the best of her.
Two, very familiar voices caught her attention, as she neared an opening – some sort of door that led inside a cave. Evelyn knew it was there — back when she still lived in L’manberg, her and Wilbur built it, basically, to have a safe spot to watch the surroundings. Silently, she walked in, just as the brunette pressed a button, that sent off the explosives that were placed all over the SMP, Evelyn rushed to gather Will in her arms, closing her wings around them both, to protect them from the explosives with her back facing the ruckus. Shortly after, a sting and burn spread across the small of her back, and with it came the pain from being exposed to a very bad explosion, but as long as her brother was safe, she did not care. “Evelyn…?” a voice called; eyes filled with unshed tears. The girl moved her head from where it rested in the crook of Wilbur’s neck to meet the sky-blue eyes, a tiny, guilty smile spreading across her features.
“hi, dad…” left her chapped lips, before she collapsed to the ground with her knees giving out, dragging her brother down as well. Everything hurt, her whole body ached terribly, as the brunette held her close. Nothing hurt her as much as the promise her older brother just broke, not even the fact that it was his job to protect her. It wasn’t meant to be the other way around, and least not now, at this moment. Black feathers fell down, shimmering underneath the scorching sun that shone through a hole in the now broken up cave, the girl’s bloody back facing the people underneath them, watching with nothing else than horror behind their eyes. The girl trembled terribly, hugging tight on her brother’s shirt in an attempt to stay awake, wanting to say goodbye to her friend. She knew Punz would run up there, she felt it in her bones.
“I failed, Phil, do you understand? I can’t do this, I cannot live with such a weight upon my shoulders, dad.” The boy spoke upon feeling his sister grasp at the blood-stained shirt with the remaining of her strength, on the very brink of dying. The blond man shook his head, refusing to kill his second child – refusing to see another one die in front of his very eyes. The young elytrian watched silently, as her brother shakily let go of her body, laying her down on the ground gently before he grabbed the diamond sword from underneath the cape of their father’s, handing it to him. “Please Phil. Kill me.” The brunette begged, shaking his father’s shoulders gently.
And Phil did, with a loud cry, and repetitive apologies.
An end to another era.
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