III. - New Beginnings
Three months. Three whole months took the young teen to become comfortable with all the men and Sally, but eventually she’s got the hang of it. However, she definitely did not become more talkative. The men were lucky if she uttered three sentences a day, and celebrated every single word she’s spoken in their heads. Everyone, except for Wilbur, who grew some kind of a hatred towards her. Unlike literally everyone in the house, Wilbur didn’t stand out. Due to him and Techno being human – piglin hybrids, both had human traits. Unfortunately for the brunette, he’s got them all, excluding his piglin–like ears. He hated it, he hated how even the new kid had wings, how she became the center of attention immediately, because she was a woman.
One day, the brunette had nothing better to do, than to watch his brother and father playing around on the field, surrounding their house. The winter has taken its leave a month ago, and the snow already melted on the small plain on the side of the mountain, where they lived. The scenery felt nice, like every spring, when everything became much more lively, colorful and smelled fresh, all the sweet flowery scents mixing in, hinting at the blooming trees, that would eventually offer the sweetest of fruits. New beginnings, as he liked to call them. When the winter passes, an end to an era goes along with it and a new one begins, is what Phil loved to say, whenever one of the boys felt hurt or sad. They all knew the phrase by heart by now, to the point where they phrased it back to him when he started it.
The seventeen years old boy felt like nothing could ruin his day, until a familiar feminine voice called out his voice from beside him, the hot pink hair almost blinding him with how vibrant it looked underneath the warm sunrays. Rolling his eyes underneath those long lashes of his, and turning his face into a scowl, he ignored the young elytrian, continuing on watching his father and brother, now with the older blond trying to teach the younger how to fly. Even though Will hated to admit it, somehow, Evelyn brought peace to the household. Techno, who hated socializing and spending his time with the family in the living room, now became much more friendly and open, Tommy who used to be energetic now started to calm down underneath the girl’s strict, yet playful demeanor and Phil, who never had time for his children, now relaxed more, as the younger elytrian loved to help in the kitchen, and helped with cleaning around the house, and overall their owned land. He saw how hard she tried to help, and how hard she tried to talk to him too, but Wilbur still didn’t want her by his side. He didn’t understand himself, but didn’t fight it either.
“Evelyn! Come help me show Tommy how to fly, he’ll learn better from you than me!” Phil called out, Tommy wearing a bright smile on his lips, as he jumped around, waiting for his older sister to come over and show him how to spread his wings properly, maybe even how to work them. One thing Wilbur has noticed, was that he’s never seen the girl fly. He heard her talk to herself about it once though, late in the night roughly about a week ago. Her voice back then sounded panicked, maybe even terrified, but he thought little of it. The brunette looked over at the elytrian with a hidden anticipation behind his brown eyes, but saw nothing but a stressed out smile on the girl’s face, and ticking, mismatched eyes that held nothing but pure uncertainty behind them.
“Phil I… I can’t fly.” She said back, her voice lacking the confidence and strength it held whenever she actually spoke to them. It shocked Wilbur, it genuinely took the breath out of his lungs for a mere second. How come she couldn’t force the large, cyan hued black wings to work? Was it because of how bad they looked back then, when she came by, or maybe a different reason? What even was the wither’s curse, now that he’s thought about it. Maybe that was the thing restricting her from taking off of the ground, but brushed that off, because Phil had the curse as well, yet still could fly. Will heard Phil shouting something along the lines that he could teach her too, but he saw the girl shake her head in protest, before she responded. His heart skipped a beat and he swore he would’ve started crying right that second, if he hadn’t had a good mood earlier. “I don’t want to… If Wilbur can’t fly, then I just don’t want to do it.”
“Is this why they’re tied with a bandage most of the time?” the brunette asked, coming down from the initial shock. To be fair, he loved it whenever Evelyn showed off her wings. Ever since she arrived, her wings only grew, and her black feathers developed a blue pattern, similar to Phil’s rectangles. Hers were constellations though, irregular but oddly regular, weird but beautiful from a specific angle, Will couldn’t quite describe it. He has read about patterns once, it interested him, and found out they were given by what kind of family the elytrians came from. His father came from a family of mathematicians, thus the rectangles to symbolize how smart and witty they were, while constellations or any kind of universe related patterns signified an astronomer – those families were rare, but harsh when it came to children with wither’s curse. When he thought about it harder, Evelyn must’ve been a very hardworking and determined person. Back in the days, she’s told them she might’ve been in the tundra for almost a year just by herself. Her life must’ve been terrific. Maybe he just misunderstood her.
Evelyn nodded gently, and stood up from the stairs they were sat on. She offered a gentle smile, hiding a bit of pain behind it, and tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. “I’m sorry, I know you’re not comfortable with me around.” The girl muttered and walked back inside the house, probably to see Techno once again. The two grew quite close by the time Evelyn came, and spent a lot of time sparring and hunting together. She has taught his twin how to hand pick berries from prickly bushes, and how to figure out which were poisonous and which weren’t, while Techno helped her learn how to hunt and fight. They were a very nice, hardworking duo, that frequently brought food upon the table. Maybe, Will was just jealous of the relationship she’s built with his siblings. Suddenly, something inside him switched, as if he had a change of heart.
Despite being confused, Phil and Tommy went back to their flying lesson, and Wilbur sat there, silently watching. The good mood he had earlier has left the second Evelyn stepped back into the house, and instead, regret fell upon his shoulders. Maybe he should’ve given her a chance since the beginning. She’s never tried to learn how to fly, because she thought it might be unfair towards him, and even tied her wings to her body in order to not show them as much. Perhaps, she wasn’t as bad and annoying of a person as Will thought at first. Regret followed him that day, until dinner time came by.
This has been the most he’s ever heard her talk.
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