I. - Blue
The icy tundra felt colder than ever that one night, snow eating up painfully on the young elytrian's skin, as she made her way through the plains. Husks and zombies from all around tried to attack her whenever they got the chance, but the half broken weapong sitting on her hip always made them rethink their decisions, as funny as it sounded. They were monsters – merciless and ugly, hungry for blood and flesh, but the sight of the young teen made it hard for them to actually attack her. Her frame was painfully skinny, and the once beautiful black wings with feathers reflecting the light with a cyan hue, were lacking said feathers. Her legs and arms were just a bone with skin, painful scars decorating them. The remaining of her wings were always tightly wrapped around her frame as she moved around, gathering berries to feed herself, or sometimes over to trade with the wanderers, that always seemed to be in a hurry.
The wild outside was never safe for children her age, mainly because said kids had no clue of how to take care of themselves. She, however, has been living like this for a couple of months. It might be a year by now, actually, but how would she know, right? All days seemed the same to her, with an endless night, and a couple of hours of daylight, occassional snowstorm that made her wish she'd had a nice warm home, and rarely a fairly warm night, when the stunning Aurora shone upon her pathway. She wished she knew how to fly, she always wished she could be like her friends, who would take off gracefully towards the skies and glide around. Unlike theirs though, Evelyn's wings were pitch black as mentioned earlier. In the elytrian mythology, a popular belief stated that children who developed black wings, were spawns of Wither's. Wither's were the most powerful mobs in the entire world, feared and strong, thus these children had to be gotten rid of. This girl's parents decided it would be for the best to drop her at the "overworld", the world known as the blue world, full of life, various species that lived together in perfect harmony with one another and warm sun similar to Aether's. The humans who lived in the overworld were known for being as merciless as their hostile mobs – but yet were still somehow better.
"I'll check in tomorrow, if I don't wake up dead." the teen's muttered out with a puff of white air leaving past her lips, talking to the witch that lived in the swamp near the tundra. Somehow, the girl has managed to develop a negative relationship with her, by bringing her spider eyes and occassional supplies from the nether. In return, she would receive either some food, or potions that kept her alive. The young elytrian didn't exactly know why she kept coming by, why she wanted so desperately to live, but did it anyways. Maybe it was the relationship with the witch, maybe the very faint hope in the back of her head that told her she might find a home soon. Upon leaving the hut, the girl's feet were met with the prickling snow once more. The freshly fallen white blanket gave out a blueish hue due to the falling moon, her already dark purple lips curling upwards.
Her wobbly feet lead her back past the husks and towards the little hide out in one of the abandoned caves, that didn't really give out any source of warmth, but it had a bed made out of a couple pieces of wool she's gathered from some sheep back in the oak forest, and had a chest, where she gathered all of her berries and iron. It also protected her from the beasts, such as phantoms and endermen, who might've been the most terrifying monsters she's ever encountered. Until this day, the poor kid remembered the painful gnawing the phantoms sent her way that one night, drawing blood from her shoulders, and the bite one of the endermen delivered onto the joind of her wing, making her unable to use it for a full week. Maybe if it wasn't for the witch, she would've never gotten rid of the purple liquid the enderman left behind in the wound. Maybe she would've died.
After hiding out her potions and grabbing an apple, the girl decided to use up the couple of hours of daytime, and headed out of the cave to maybe find some more food, like the berries she liked, or wild potatoes. She found them maybe twice, and she could never forget the sweet taste they left behind, when they got cooked up nicely. This thought lead to another, making her lost in the amount of unspoken words, but still content. It buried down the bad voices, as she called them, and made her feel at least a little bit safer, knowing there was no room for negative thoughts. During the day, all she wanted was to feel at least a little bit free, because all the fear and negativeness came with the night.
Her frozen fingers gnawed at the exposed dirt, noticing some greenery peaking out from underneath the snow earlier. She picked at the stem and tugged at it with the remaining of her strength, fishing out a fairly large carrot. Her lips curled up into the widest smile she's probably ever gave out, and began searching even further, finding at least three more of the vegetables. She placed them carefully inside a pouch that rested on the leather belt of her shorts, and began looking for some more berries, already planning out what she might do with the carrots. She remembers seeing some bread in the chest back in her cave, so maybe she could run up the old furnace and warm up the bread, to have a nice dinner for once.
It might not be a lot, but you will learn to be modest in a place like this one.
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