Lisa remembers vividly of when Chaeyoung told her that Jimin had proposed 6 months ago. Until today, it still amazes her how she could plaster the happiest smile on her lips - all the while panicking internally over her own paranoia. Her past had been haunting her nights since that day, as much as she kept shooing them away. She really tried her hardest.
The joy in Chaeyoung's eyes as she glowed day by day stopped her from saying anything that might scare the bride-to-be. She kept reminding herself that 'just cus it happened to me, doesn't mean it'll happen to her'. Indeed, Jimin had proven to be the most patient and giving for his bride. Anything that Chaeyoung wants, Chaeyoung gets. It's really lovely to witness how the bride and groom decide things for themselves, unlike her previous arrangements.
"What are you wearing??" The shriek from her bedroom door had her shoulders jumped a little. Damn it - how high can that pitch go?? Lisa turned to find Chaeyoung gaping at her from top to toe.
"Why - what's wrong with my outfit?" She looked down to the black skinny jeans and crop top she's put on.
"You look like you're going for a stroll at the mall! It's my shower - where's that dress I bought for you last Christmas, you should wear that,"
True...we do look like heaven and earth. She's heaven of course, in that soft pink, short, tube dress -
"It's uh..." That silk dress looked like it's made for a dinner at a 7-star hotel - wouldn't it be too much? "Isn't it a little fancy?"
"It's a fancy night! You gotta put on some efforts Lis - we're gonna look good, have fun tonight and you'll probably even meet someone,"
"It's your bridal shower, why would I meet anyone?" She laughed nervously but was met with Chaeyoung's still-dead-serious face. "I think I have another dress. I bought it...never worn it -"
"Is it a party dress? It better be a party dress!"
"It's black...and short...so I guess it could be?"
Lisa knew she agreed to attend to this night with Jennie and Jisoo months ago, but closer to the date, something felt off. The more she's invested herself in participating for Chaeyoung's wedding, the more she felt like running away. And she would've gone through with her amateur plan of 'having a last minute freelance project' if it wasn't because Chaeyoung's sudden cold feet this morning.
The amount of tears shed from the best friend just 3 days before the wedding made her feel bad. She never had wedding jitters before, so she couldn't possibly have the right words to comfort the girl. Instead, she just said 'no matter what happens, I'll never leave your side' - to which made Chaeyoung finally smile.
By noon, she was already jumping up and down - excited for the shower. When Lisa stuttered in her 'I don't think I can make it tonight', the girl pulled an almost teary face - recalling her 'no matter what happens, I'll never leave your side'. So here she is now, dressing it down and hoping she won't feel so off about it.
"Ugh just put it on - we're gonna be late and it'll be your fault!"
"You're gonna meet them first, remember? I have to drop by somewhere -"
"I swear if you don't show up Lalisa, I'll ban you from entering this house ever again!"
"You're really gonna threaten me for life about this?!" The frown and Chaeyoung's rolling eyes looked hell-bent serious, so she sighed a 'I won't miss it for the world' with zero enthusiasm. I only needed to get the balloons...she didn't have to go psycho on me -
"Trust me, it's gonna be the best night of our lives! You're gonna meet someone, I can feel it!!"
With her shoulders lumped forward, Lisa makes her way back to the closet with silly little curses under her breath. Fuck my 'no matter what happens, I'll never leave your side'!
It's gonna be a busy night! Jungkook looked through the bookings again - recalling whether all preparations are done for all of the VIP rooms. 4 birthday celebrations, 1 surprise proposal...and a bridal shower. That reminds me - I need to call the guy again to confirm on the time.
Jungkook wasn't thinking clearly when he said 'yes' into helping the woman hiring a stripper for the bridal shower. He usually won't accept this kind of work but the name 'Kim Jennie' sounded familiar and the voice on the phone was quite pushy so he simply agreed to not hear any complaints or further whining.
One of things he'd gotten annoyed with since Wild Venus opened was drunk, pushy women - always whining about closer to the end of the night. There's always something funnily wild and clumsy about them that he used to find amusing. But not after months of handling their missing items, missing friends (and boyfriends), and having his staff on extra overtime to clean up the mess.
They can be quite bitchy too the next day - leaving nasty reviews on the club's website as if it was his people who forced them to drink more than they should be drinking. Of course, no matter the annoyance and his guests' ignorance, he can't simply ignore their request for help. Any possibilities of a good review means good for his business.
He was looking into the stocks sheets absent-mindedly when his phone rang. It was Jimin.
"Kook, I need to ask you something," The voice sounded anxious. "Is there a booking under Chaeyoung's name?"
"Your Chaeyoung? No...not that I know of. Why?"
"She's going out for her shower tonight. She said they might go to a club -"
"Okay, first of all, there are more than hundreds of clubs in this town - and don't get me wrong, I'm flattered that you asked. But it brings me to the second fact of the night, Jimin-ssi...you know you shouldn't be stalking your fiancé on her hen's night, right? Isn't it like a universal rule or something?" Jungkook chuckled as he ticked on the little box on his paper.
"I'm not stalking. I just wanna know if she'll be there...and if she is, maybe you can watch her for me. You know...make sure there's no funny business going on?"
His laugh was unintentionally loud - catching the eyes of the staff beside him. "Again, and I'd really like to emphasise this - I've only seen her in pictures. I don't know what she really looks like even if she were to stand in front of me and holds out a bouquet!"
"Why the fuck would she bring a bouquet??"
"Besides the point but I get bookings for bridal showers Thursdays to Saturdays almost every week - do you know how many brides have been in here? How many fake veils and ribbons and flowers I had to clean up?"
"So you do have a booking tonight?"
Jungkook rolled his eyes. "I can't reveal my guests' details but yes, Jimin-ssi, I do have a booking for one VIP room -"
"Under whose name? Is it Ashley Choi? Lee Hyeri? Or is it -"
"You butt in way too much - have some faith, for God's sake! It's her last night out as a single woman, let her live man!"
"Easy for you to say - you're not the one waiting to get married! You'll know how I feel when it's your turn - now tell me, who booked the room?"
"I don't mix business with personal matters so no, I'm not gonna tell you," He laughed even more when he heard the swearings coming from the other end of the line. "You have a good night too, Jimin-ssi! Don't worry too much - I'm sure she'll behave herself no matter where she'll be,"
"I'll cancel your name out for the bachelor party, you ass -"
"And I look forward for your visit tomorrow! Don't forget to have fun at my club okay?"
The thing about going out with your girls on one of your best friends' bachelorette party, Lisa couldn't help but now noticing, was that hardly anyone would dare to chat you up.
It's probably because the rest of the girls walked in with their 'forever-after rings' on their fourth fingers or something to do with the fact that they had booked an entire private room of the club just for themselves. Both of which are conflicting with the practically-forced-into-showing-up remark given to her by the bachelorette herself, Chaeyoung, that it will be a good opportunity for Lisa to meet new people. And by 'new people' - Lisa understood that it's definitely 'men'.
Or did she miss the memo that one the housewives here is suddenly coming out of the closet and Chaeyoung decided that Lisa would be the best fit now? Fuck, did she think I'm switching my sex preference? Aishh...
She took another gulp of the drink even though her head is already spinning lightly. She can't even remember the name of drinks Hyeri keeps ordering but she knows it's delicious! The room is buzzed with blasting house music and loud chats and laughter from the girls - cheering and bouncing with the sound. Chaeyoung looks like she's having the time of her life - dancing on the sofa with Irene, Tzuyu and Yeri.
"When's the stripper coming?" Ashley shouts, looking at her with a grin. Her blond hair looks darker in the low light and her brown eyes are twinkling devilishly.
"What?" Lisa began to feel nervous. Ashley - as she had gotten to know tonight - is as wild and outspoken as how Chaeyoung always said in her stories.
"You're the one who's supposed to order the stripper right? You're the single one,"
What?? How does being single puts me instantly in charge of strippers?? "I'm the balloon girl - no one said anything about me ordering a stripper?"
"No way - so we're not gonna have a stripper tonight??" Ashley's eyes grew larger and Lisa scooted back a little - worried that the lioness will make a show. I just bought this dress - swear to God if it's ruined just for a damn stripper -
"What are you two whispering about?" Jennie came in between them.
"Who's ordering the stripper? Lisa said it wasn't her -"
"Oh I did!" Oh, the relief!! Damn, that was such a pressure! "I spoke to the manager and asked if he has any connections,"
Just in time, all 8 heads turn towards the door when it opens. The girls immediately started laughing and catcalling while Lisa takes another sip of her drink - still thankful that she won't be scratched by the wild.
"Okay, Chae! Time to strip your single life the right way!" Ashley drags the hand from the door further into the room and stopped only a few feet away from her seat.
Lisa looks up and caught the face of chiseled perfection.
He's got to be the most incredibly handsome guy I've ever seen in real life! Looking like in his early twenties, he stood tall with a built either like a sportsman or a gangster - she can't tell which with the all-black attire. His hair is neither short or long, somewhere in between. His face is beautiful and Lisa can't help but scans down to his wide chest and shoulders.
She can't tell what color are his eyes from this profile but she can see that it's shining in its dark as he scans the room. He opens his mouth to speak when his gaze finally lands on her. The orbs looked nearly black and they twinkle when he cocks his head to a side and stared. It made her nervous and she's not sure why. They're like pools of ink, inviting her to jump in and drown.
"No - are you crazy?! I told you, no strippers! Chim's gonna freak out if he finds out about this!"
Lisa shook her head slightly and the sounds, squeals, and cheers came back into her ears. What the hell just happened??
"Oh come on! We swear - what happens in the VIP room stays in the VIP room," Ashley slurs and giggles maniacally. Oh hell, she's a mess! Still, Lisa can't help but sigh a laugh.
"We promised a half-naked stripper by the time he leaves the room so you have to do it!" Jennie continued cheering her on.
Personally, Lisa felt a little out of place - annoyed even. Of course Chae wouldn't do it - do they not know her enough? She's a sweetheart, especially when it comes to Jimin. She won't do anything that might cause a problem, even more when it's so close to the wedding!
"No, no, I don't wanna! One of you can do it - Jen, you do it!"
"Are you crazy? I promised Tae I won't go anywhere near a man tonight,"
Chaeyoung laughed hard. "Ashley, go on,"
"Girl, look at him! If I do it, I'll be thinking bout him when I go home later! I already promised my man he'll get lucky tonight,"
"Ladies, I -" Lisa was going to pay attention to his voice when she heard her name being called. She turned to Chaeyoung immediately.
"You do it! You're the single one,"
Wow...way to sell me out like that - just...wow! As all eyes falls on her, she slowly raised her own to meet the Hot Stripper Guy's eyes again. There's a hint of smile on his lips as he continues staring at her. How did I get tangled in this - I've never stripped a stripper before!
"Strip him! Strip him!" She heard the excited cheering and the guy turns to face her fully.
He then crosses his arms over the chest...waiting...probably curious if she would have the guts to do it. His stare is unnerving and challenging. When Lisa stood up, she saw the rise of an eyebrow.
As if caught back into his earlier dark, mesmerizing gaze, she took a step closer to him. He smirked and heat washes over her. Had everyone left the room? It seems a little quiet in here... She took another step. Must be the drinks...it has to be... She felt a little breathless when his lips began curving a small smile, but she took another step anyway. There's something that forced her into invading his personal space. A forest...a universe...what was it?
"Sorry, I...I've never done this before," She breathed when she reached him, inches apart. Up close, she can finally see that it's smoky brown...no, dark brown...like a soil in a well-groomed garden - that's the color!
"Then I guess you should do your best," His voice sounded sinfully sweet. A corner of his mouth twitched as his expression is filled with challenge. Slowly, he spreads his arms away from his body.
Lisa wasn't always one to jump straight into a risky situation but at this moment, with his eyes bore into hers, she wanted to take the leap. A smile curved up on her lips as she felt the rippling muscles underneath his chest and all the way to the waist of his jeans. She paused for a second to be met with a flashing grin, then untucked his shirt. When it's free, she starts pulling it up.
When it reached his ribs, she had to tiptoe a little - leaning slightly forward to get the shirt over his shoulders and head, taking it fully off. He smells like a sexy vanilla!
"His pants!" The cheering echoed, sounding like they came from a far away distance.
The structure, everything on his upper body, is as perfect as it gets! Shyly, she looked down to the button of his jeans.
"Is that all you got?" He whispered close and she felt more heat.
Lisa looks up just in time to see the flick of his tongue on his upper lip. Why the hell is it so hot in here?? She took a deep breath and her fingers reached the button. Just as she released to unleash it, the door flung open and an intrusive voice snaps her back to reality.
"Sorry sir, there's a bit of an issue in Room 3. I called for the medics,"
"Wait, what?" She heard Jennie's voice before the whole room fell silent as Hot Stripper Guy turned to the buffed-looking guy and back at her. Lisa watched confused as he takes a deep breath and sighed. For the first time since he stepped into the room, she saw a friendly smile. So different than the sexy grin she'd gotten addicted to.
"Sorry ladies, but duty calls," He grabbed the shirt from her hand slowly and puts in on.
"What the hell's going on?" Now it's Ashley.
He doesn't answer right away but when he does, Lisa felt like crawling down under the sofa and stay there for a lifetime. Maybe with the jug of cocktail in her hand. "I'm Jeon Jungkook. I own the club." Another fading echo.
When he first walked into the room filled with cheering, beautiful women, Jungkook was filled with his usual 'owner-of-the-place' confidence and all-around charms. He was going to let them know that the 'show' they ordered for will arrive in 10 minutes, but as his ever-the-gentleman smile plastered for one face to the other, the poise trembled when his eyes landed on the girl in the little black dress - eyes fixed perfectly on him alone.
The moment their eyes met, Jungkook felt his heart beating louder than the bass filling the entire room. There are no tears or uncertainty this time. She was staring at him for the first time and it filled his chest with a satisfaction he'd never imagined before. The room fell silent - as if the entire world had been shut out just for this.
Our first meet. Finally, she sees me.
What an amazing coincidence this is... Now he wished he didn't brush Jimin off earlier - just so he'd come prepared. I was sure I've prepared myself enough to meet her at the wedding but she's really here now - at my club! And damn...she looked like an expensive doll with that thin straps on her shoulders, in that tight dress that hangs just above her thighs - revealing smooth, long legs for days -
"No - are you crazy?! I told you, no strippers! Chim's gonna freak out if he finds out about this!"
The sudden high-pitched volume of one girl snapped Lisa off first, and Jungkook took a deep breath as if he just ran for miles. Ahh...that must be Chaeyoung! Same blonde and sweet face from Jimin's picture -
From one to another, the women continued bickering on who's supposed to 'strip' him. It actually took him a few seconds more to recover from those big, round, mesmerising eyes - and when he does, he voiced out to explain his appearance.
"Ladies, I -"
"Lisa!" Amazing how one single name could make him forget what he was about to say. "You do it! You're the single one,"
Lisa. Single. Ahh I need to make a mental note to thank Chaeyoung personally later!
Jungkook's gaze fell back instantly on those liquid eyes, wondering if luck could really, finally be on his side after so many missed opportunities. She looked up with hesitations, and for a second, he thought of making it easier for her...to just come clean.
"Strip him! Strip him!"
But of course, words of motivations like these can't be easily ignored...so he turned to face her, hoping to find an answer from the woman who came to him like a dream for the past one year. It won't hurt if I stare a bit longer, wouldn't it? When...when will be the best time for me to ask for her number? I'd take her out on a nice walk in the park...along the fresh flowers...I'd make her smile, laugh until she forgets how to cry -
When she got up, Jungkook raised his eyebrow - partly surprised. When she took a step closer, he heard his subconscious gasping 'damn, she's beautiful!'. Between her black hair flowing nicely on her shoulders and bangs that sits perfectly just above her pretty, round eyes, he wished they were alone in this room together. With every little steps she makes towards him, he heard more muttering 'such fine, fine legs'. There's no rush here...I'll wait. The thought made him smile.
"Sorry, I...I've never done this before," She breathed when they're finally inches apart.
A shy vixen... "Then I guess you should do your best," It was actually hard to say it out loud but he forced it anyway, not wanting her to have doubts.
When he spreads his arms wide open, a playful smile curved up on her plump, inviting lips. It doesn't leave as she runs her hands from below his chest and around his waist, making it clear as she untucked his shirt. He thought he saw her biting the lower lip and Jungkook's grin widened at the sight.
She kept her eyes straight as she starts pulling up the shirt and as she leaned in closer, the scent of her perfume started filling in his air. She smelled sweet and a little musky. Probably from the alcohol but fuck - she's fucking sexy! How is this the same girl who cried at the airport and at the grocery store?? I swear whoever hurt her lost it big time!
When she tiptoed a little and plastered her body to his - stretching up to get the shirt over his head - Jungkook felt his chest tightened. Overwhelmed with the feel of her, he held his palms into a fist - determined not to ruin this moment.
He could see how shy she is about it as she backs up and stared down to his abs - that much was obvious. It's like she wants to look - or touch him - but a little embarrassed to, which only made him scream 'please, just fucking do it!' internally for some reason.
"His pants!"
It's cheering like these that made him control himself from plunging forward, really. It's hard to be aware that there are other eyes in the room when hers are the only ones mattered. The only ones I can feel anyways. I'm risking everything here and she's...hesitating -
Not keen on the idea of her stopping, he whispered a little taunt. "Is that all you got?"
Still caught in the fascination of Lisa, he held his breath as she mustered the courage to reach for the button of his jeans. Such determination...hot as hell! He watched the plump lips turned into a wicked smile and he had to grit his teeth to keep himself from just pulling her in.
Just as she's about to take it to a whole new level, light pours in from behind him - breaking the spell of a one-year longing.
"Sorry sir, there's a bit of an issue in Room 3. I called for the medics,"
Fuck my life - if that person lives, I'll kill him myself!!
"Wait, what?" He vaguely heard one of the girls confused shout.
Jungkook turned to see one of his staff standing by the door with a frown on his forehead. He's probably confused too as to why I'm fucking shirtless - hell, I'm confused too! He sighed and smiled embarrassingly.
"Sorry ladies, but duty calls," It's hard to take the shirt from her but he needed it. Otherwise, no one in this joint will ever take him seriously ever again.
"What the hell's going on?" Another angry voice.
Jungkook fixed the shirt, tucking it safely back and looked at Lisa. She seemed perplexed and suddenly, he felt really bad. "I'm Jeon Jungkook. I own the club." Even in the low light, he could see her soft cheeks blushed.
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