The knock on the door of his office didn't stop him from focusing on the task at hand. Clearing the roster for the next week ahead, Jungkook hummed for whoever it was behind that door to come in. For the third time this evening, Nancy stepped in - paired with another sly smile.
"Jungkook-ssi...just wanna let you know that Room 3 is booked for tonight," The girl leaned forward. "Looks like it's gonna be another busy one,"
"Alright. Thanks, Nancy," He answered calmly, not bothered to look up.
"I know it's only been two weeks since I joined the team...but I must say...I'm really impressed at how you run things around here. It's amazing how you managed to control everything by yourself,"
It should be flattering, but Nancy's constant praising is becoming more and more uncomfortable. Especially since 3 nights ago, when she brought in that expensive bottle of champagne she took from the bar - expecting to celebrate on the fact that the club had made its 10,000-mark footfall. Out of everyone here, why would she think she'd get that that special treatment??
He blamed it on Jimin. How in the world did I let him talk me into hiring this girl?! The guy only met her twice before - saying that she's a family's friend's daughter and that she needed a job. Suddenly it becomes my responsibility to make sure she has one?? The club's been running more than well for the past 2 months with my trusted staff - now I have to worry about this girl!
"Thanks," He answered nevertheless - only to be polite. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed the girl walking around - looking as if admiring the brown walls and his mahogany desk.
"Do you want a drink, Jungkook? I can get you one," Her voice came out softer as she got closer. What happened to formalities? Had she gone crazy??
"I don't drink at work, Nancy. Everyone knows this," He leaned back and stared at her with annoyance. "You're supposed to be attending to the phone calls. Why are you wasting your time in here?"
"You're cute when you get upset -"
"Nancy," He took a deep breath to calm himself. I haven't fired anyone before. There's always a first, right? "Please do your job right. I've been lenient to all my staff and everyone seems to know that they shouldn't take it for granted. I would hate to have to fire someone, I hope you understand that once and for all,"
She seemed to get the memo. Clearing her throat, she backed away little by little until she reached the door. "I'll see you at the briefing later then,"
"You're the face at the reception. You should know who's in charge every night. I told everyone that Jaemin will manage for tonight,"
"Oh...so you won't be here?"
Jungkook glared with irritations. It is what I say it is, dammit - is it so hard to understand??
"Sorry. I'll uh...I'll get back to work,"
The calmness started rising again after she left the room. Jungkook glanced to his watch. It's 5:48pm. He promised Jimin he'll be at the restaurants at 6:30. The day has finally come for him to meet the guy's future wife and Jungkook wouldn't want to be late. He knew Jimin can be sulky about it - who knows whether Chaeyoung will be the same? Best to avoid sitting in an awkward silence, he thought!
After one month and a half of moving in with the ever-bubbly Chaeyoung, Lisa had noticed the slight changes in her mood. She's happier and more at ease with herself. Since they're both at the same age, it makes her feel a little less reserved to be sharing more about herself - although the part where she was left standing alone at the alter still remains a secret.
Her smiles and laughter are more genuine too in all those video calls made to her parents. It made her feel less conscious about getting caught faking or pretending, so that's a good thing! These new air that she's breathing got her thinking if she's finally over her past...if it's finally time for her to activate her social media accounts back again.
Now standing in queue at a convenient store for some milk and snacks, she toggled on the screen of her phone in hand - switching between Instagram and her Home screen and wondering if she should even do it. It's been half a year...I wonder how everyone's doing.
Lisa left no trails of her whereabouts to any of her friends. They were his friends too, even if she was the one who introduced them to him. She didn't want them to worry about her life more than they already had. She did, however, checked with her mother - whether there had been any phone calls from her friends at the house. There were 3 on the first month she moved, then nothing.
It didn't bother her though. It wasn't attention that she craved for and she understood that everyone had their own lives to go about. It was the main reason why she left - so everyone could just move on from her unfortunate fate. As she keyed in her username and password, Lisa can't help but wonder a hundred different things of what's going on with the lives she'd left behind.
Did Sorn managed to get the seat she wanted in her father's company? What about Minnie - she should be 7 months pregnant by now, does she know if it's a girl or a boy? I hope everyone's healthy. I really hope nothing bad has happened since I left. I hope they're not too mad at me for leaving without -
It took her less than 2 scrolls on Sorn's Instagram page to see it. Happy, celebratory faces on 3 different posts. 2 close-ups and 1 with the entire group. Tapping the group shot to view it better, she read the caption internally. 'This guy's finally hitched! So happy that you found your other half ~ thanks for inviting us! Congratulations again lovebirds!'.
Lisa felt her heart breaking into pieces again. It was last month...the post was from last month. So it's true...he did have someone else all along. I can't...this fucking asshole - in his stupid white tux and that stupid, ugly hat!! And your bride - wait, isn't that...ahhh what's her name?? Elaine? Ailene - whatever - I've seen her before but from where?
This is so stupid, why the hell did I get on this thing?? Sorn, Minnie, Pali - they were all there, at my wedding...at his fucking wedding!! To think that I was worried...my friends...they were my friends!! You're such a pathetic mess, Lali! Here you are, running across the world while everyone's -
"Excuse me, you're cutting the line," The voice from behind her brought her back and a tear dropped unknowingly when she shuts her eyes.
Noticing the unfamiliar figure that wasn't in front of her before, Lisa can't help but feel helpless at everything. Where was I in their lives? Where am I now? I don't wanna be here - I don't wanna be anywhere! Where else can she run to? She's traveled to 2 completely different countries and endured the seasons her home never had. How far does she have to go for her not to feel like a complete failure, over and over?
"I'm sorry, miss...yahh boy! You're cutting the line, you should queue from the back,"
Not wanting to be caught up in this argument as well as her own emotions in this small convenient store, Lisa turned briefly and dipped her head slightly. He could take my place. Anyone's welcomed to take my place, really.
She left the basket down and stormed out as fast as she could - only halting her steps to figure out where else can she run to.
Jungkook was halfway through the restaurant they planned to meet when he received the call from Jimin. He should be angry that the friend cancelled when he's already on his way, but he welcomed the impromptu request to reschedule after thinking twice about it. Not having anything to do for the rest of the evening means more time for him to get some rest - which was what's been lacking since the opening of the club!
He thought of the few things he could catch up on for the evening. He needs to slowly start packing his stuff, for one. He just signed for the new house yesterday and although there's 5 months to go before he could completely move, Jungkook knew he wouldn't have much time to focus on it until the very last minute. I'm already busy with the club, then I'll be busy with the renovation...I might as well just start from now!
Remembering that he needed to get milk and bread before he heads back, he stopped by the first convenient store he spotted. It's a weird feeling, he'll soon realize. He was only going to get the milk and bread, but for some reason, Jungkook decided to walk around isle by isle. There's nothing in particular that he was looking for...but he still took his time - scanning around the items and wondering if he should pick it up.
By the time he started queueing, one hand was still holding a big bottle of milk and the other, a white bread. It wasn't a long queue...he stared up front to the back of 4 heads in front of him and glimpsed to the 2 behind him. He waited patiently behind a black long-haired girl - strategizing on what to pack first and maybe eat a toast before he gets started.
A boy entered the store and Jungkook watched him strutting to the cashier counter with ease - grabbing one mint that was on the small, lowered shelf in front of the girl who was before him. When he saw that the boy didn't move from the spot, his first thought was 'is he still looking for anything?' when it was obvious that he wasn't.
When he realized that the girl didn't seem to notice - having her head down and face glued to something in her hand - Jungkook heard the people behind him hissing in annoyance. They must've realized it the same time as him. And since no one was saying anything, he took the responsibility to correct what was needed. Kids these days...
"Excuse me, you're cutting the line," His voice was loud, but he wasn't shouting. He saw the slight flinch on the girl's shoulders, but the boy still didn't move. This brat - "I'm sorry, miss...yahh boy! You're cutting the line, you should queue from the back,"
With a more stern tone, the boy turned and acted as if he just realized there are other humans in this place. Jungkook rolled his eyes but they immediately landed on the side profile of the girl in front of him. She didn't completely turned and looked at him, but he saw one line of tear on her cheek. It was the exact same profile that he saw at the airport.
That familiar bell rang, silencing the world around him. It's her. It's definitely her! Jungkook felt his heart beating hard as he tried to process his thoughts. It must've taken him a long time to do it because by the time he wanted to say 'annyeong' and 'are you okay?', the girl had left her basket on the floor and ran out. Just like that...just like the first time - she was crying...she didn't even look at me!
Half breathless and in shock, Jungkook stared at the empty entrance...then at the basket. There's milk...the same brand that he took. And the same bread that he held in his hand. There are also packets of chips and what's that - seaweed? It took a couple of cleared throats behind him and the realization that the cashier was waiting before he grabbed the basket with him and brought it forward.
When he got back in his car, Jungkook took his time recollecting what just happened. She looked just as how he remembered her. Those eyes looked too big on her small, doll-like face...and they contained heavy, unspeakable sadness. The same face...that must mean that she's the same girl I bumped into - there's no denying it now!
How - why is she here? And who the fuck was it that kept making her cry - it's twice already!! Aishh...this is so annoying! He groaned and sighed as loud as he could. I kept missing my chances with her - it's already the third time! And why do I keep feeling this?? He placed a palm on his chest, soothing the heavy thuds.
It's already the third time...wasn't it only 2 months ago that I thought...when I'll be seeing her again? Did I wish too hard? If I wish harder...thought about her more...will I get to see her again then?
It's a weird feeling that meant a lot. Had he stuck by the milk and bread, he would've missed her altogether. And had he been one or two seconds later, he wouldn't have been the one standing right behind her. Jungkook's curiosity and determination grew stronger today.
She heard Chaeyoung's call from the living room but she couldn't find it in her to turn around. More than just a heart break, now she feels angry. At everything...and at herself. She thought whatever that comes, she'll be able to deal with it.
Wiser...calmer...at peace. Wasn't that the whole point of this journey? One drop...just one drop of tear this time. Surely, that means I'm getting better? But why didn't I feel like it?
"Lisa...what's going on?" The girl stepped into her room and halted her tracks when she saw Lisa folding her clothes. "Yahh...what are you doing?? Are you going somewhere? Are you moving??"
"I...I'm sorry, Chae. I need to go -"
"Go where? Wait - why is your face all red?? Lisa-yaa...talk to me! Are you angry at me - did I do something wrong? Was it cus I kept finishing the bread and asked you to get it?"
It's funny how even in her furious mess, Chaeyoung's cuteness could still make her laugh. Lisa shook her head and sighed, feeling slightly embarrassed to be stared this way.
"I did something...I shouldn't have done it,"
Chaeyoung came fast and sat cross-legged in front of her - taking the folded clothes and hugging them across her chest as if she's scared that they might disappear. The gesture made her laugh even more.
"What is it - tell me!! Did you hurt someone? Accidentally? Just nod, we'll firm up the details together -"
It's too amusing but Lisa managed to finally hold a straight face. "You're gonna help me bury them?"
"Them?? How many are we talking bout - we might need extra hands! I'll call Chimchim. I...I'm sure he knows people -"
"No one can know. I'll be damned if Jimin says anything,"
"He won't! I promise he won't! He said he'll do whatever it takes to marry me by end of this year so I know he won't!" The pinks are starting to show on Chaeyoung's cheeks.
"You're gonna use that to blackmail him? You'll do that...for me?"
"Of course!! Chim can even take your place in jail - I don't mind!"
It's becoming too funny for her to not laugh, so she did...hard. Lisa laughed until she felt pain in her cheeks and stomach, and unknowing tears floating at the tips of her eyes.
"Just tell me...tell me what's wrong," The blonde girl pleads again when her laughter died into heavily burdened silence.
"I activated my Instagram...I shouldn't have done it,"
"Okay..." It's probably wasn't the answer Chaeyoung was expecting. "Why not?"
"I was in love. I was so in love before. He was this charming boy who was so persistent...so shameless in chasing me around. Everyone thought of us as this perfect couple - for 5 years, everyone really thought we'd end up together. His family owned hotel chains and my family owned the food chains...it really seemed like a fairytale...and I failed to see the signs of how it wasn't,"
This will be the first time that Lisa speaks about the real reason of her leaving home. She knew that she never made things clear...and maybe that's one of the reasons why they acted the way they did. She lost her friends. She went off and made new ones. Does that make her a bad person?
But they knew...they were there, sitting among the crowds when I stood alone and gave them the news. They were there...and they looked at me with sadness and understanding before. Or was it pity? Maybe...
"I felt really bad when I left. For everyone. I was conflicted - for the longest time, I hear myself asking if I made the right choice by leaving? I knew my intentions...I was determined with it - but I also can't help but think if they'd be angry at me. If they understood why I couldn't be there. I thought I was making it easier for everyone. I didn't want everyone to treat me like I'm a sad case, you know? I thought for the best of them...and maybe it'll be the best for me too. I just wanted so much to be some place else - I didn't mean to abandon them -"
"Fuck them. You don't need them, you've got me. I'll never take the side of anyone who'd hurt someone close to me - I don't care how much money they have! And I honestly don't think your parents are the same. They're probably dealing with it in their own ways. You're not alone, Lisa...all these while, you've never been alone. And you shouldn't feel like it's your fault. It's theirs and theirs alone! Maybe it happened for this sole reason. Maybe it's to show that none of them truly deserved you. You'll see - you'll find better people. Like me...and Jennie and Jisoo unnie. What about them - do they know about this?"
Lisa shook her head weakly. "Please...don't tell them. I don't want people to feel sorry for me, including you. I'm telling you out of confidante. I could really use a friend right now, Chae...not another person looking at me like I'm damaged,"
"Lisa, you're not! Not cus of that - goshh...anyone with some common sense would know that!" Chaeyoung rolled her eyes, obviously still annoyed at the reason of Lisa's packing issues. "If anything, you should start taking lots of pictures with us and post it up - give them a taste of how good your life is here!"
The pout was filled with vengeance...in a cute type of way...and Lisa started laughing again.
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