Jungkook took one step back from the tinted window of the private room - embracing the full view and energy surrounding the interior. Amazing-looking party-goers, flashes of strobe lights, and music to live for the night...he needed to pinch himself to convince that he's not dreaming of this. Not anymore. His vision had finally came to life tonight and it looks as magnificent as how he imagined it to be!
The opening launch of Wild Venus night club has been a success so far. He didn't think this many people would show up but the house is packed! Jungkook smiled, watching the vibrations of the crowds as they moved and danced along with the tracks he prepared. A sense of pride rose in his chest. He had been so busy making this dream come true and it's worth every single sweat!
For as long as he could remember, he's always in love with music. He had records of all his yearly favorite tracks, spent most of his teenage years dreaming about making those unforgettable beats and music, and sharing it with the world - hoping he gets to see how they once made him feel. To witness that all guests are enjoying his crafts in this amazingly-transformed warehouse truly brought him joy like no other.
The only thing that could top this feeling is if I have someone to share the pride with...but let's not dwell on that for now!
"Kook!" He turned and found Jimin walking into the room - a huge smile plastered on his face. "Congrats!! The place looked amazing - you really did it!" The guy gave him a quick hug and a few taps on his shoulder.
Well, I guess Jimin will do! "Right?!" He laughed aloud, challenging the blast of his own beats. "The press came in first. I had a photographer to take pictures of the whole interior but even with their phone cameras, I could see the images looking perfect!"
Jimin nodded, clearly impressed with the outcome. Then he paused - his eyes looking up and to the sides as if he's trying to figure something out. "Isn't this the track you shared with me last week?"
Jungkook nodded excitedly. "We're playing all my tracks tonight. I wanna see how the crowd responds to it -"
"Well, look at that..." Jimin splayed a palm across the window. "They loved it! You really outdone yourself - I'm so proud of you!" Jungkook winced a little at the hard slap on his shoulder. "Aishh...I should've brought Chae here tonight! She had a photoshoot in the evening and I didn't wanna bother her. But looking at this...I could really show you off,"
"She didn't think you're cool enough?" He laughed.
"That...aishh! Yahh don't forget you owe this night to me!! I helped you on the resourcing -" The pout on Jimin made his cheeks look like little mochis.
"Forever grateful, Jimin-ssi! Let me get you a drink,"
"And I gave feedbacks on your tracks -"
"Two drinks then!"
Lisa checked through the lens of her camera, giving a few clicks and ensured that the settings are perfect for a night shoot like this. It's partly windy, but the area is calm with very few passerby. She'd never done a photoshoot this late before but it's definitely more welcoming to be here than at home.
Her current house 'situation' had not improved since she left Jisoo's place and into a 2-bedroom apartment with a girl who named herself 'Belle'. Lisa thought it's a pretty name until the girl admitted she changed it because she wanted to feel as beautiful as Belle from Beauty and the Beast. That's when she got a little weirded out...but she's desperate for a room so she ignored the signs.
Staying with Jisoo had been wonderful, but she didn't want to be a nuisance for too long. She wanted to pay rent for the room but her 'unnie' didn't want a single cent from her. Her husband, Jin, had been so nice to her as well - always making sure there's extra plates on their dinner table for her. They'd leave food for her even when she had to work a little late. When she finally found a place, Jisoo said she's welcomed in the house at any time she wants and Jin...well, he cried. It made her feel bad but she decided it's for the best. She didn't want to be too dependent to anyone else like how she was before.
Anyway, Belle is a beauty columnist for KCG - a Korean online gossip magazine that talks about celebrity secrets to no end. After the cringey introduction, she had walked into Lisa's room (without knocking) and sat herself down before probing into Lisa's skin care routine. She was flattered at first, but it didn't last long. 'Beauty talks' not being her 'thing' is one part, the fact that the girl talked about face serums for more than an hour is another.
Lisa thought she had memorized the sound of Belle's voice from that conversation alone, but again, she was wrong. Apparently, the girl's voice is much higher when she's talking on the phone. Lisa could hear every word, every laugh, and every scandalous gasp. It wasn't so much about the sound of the voice - Lisa knew that she herself would have that same loud pitch when she gets a little excited...or drunk!
It's more on the fact that Belle talks about other people disapprovingly more than about any beauty routines! The phone calls would somehow be more raunchy during night time too - she wasn't sure why. Do people here only gossip at night? Coupled with a beer bottle or a glass of wine in Belle's hands, it reminded her of someone she knew back in Thailand...his sister had the same loud pitch and the same knack in gossiping and judging others...
Lisa had been telling herself to be patient...that she can't keep finding faulty reminders in the people she meets. That would be be unjust. I'm no angel but come on, is it even fun gossiping about people who don't even know you exist?? It's getting harder to stand each day, as Belle kept trying to get her involved in the stories somehow.
Not only is she always tired by the time she gets back, the chatty girl refused to let Lisa get any personal space! She never knew it was this hard to be comfortable in a rented room before. She got so lucky with Jennie and Jisoo, but it's probably because the first needed to be nice to a guest and the latter is her superior at work -
"Annyeong!" The model came up in front of the tripod and a smile appeared on the camera's display. "Are you the photographer? My gosh...you're so pretty!!"
Coupled with an awkward smile, Lisa dipped her head slightly.
"You can't be the photographer! You're like a model! Wahh...you really look like a Barbie - I'm blushing!" The blonde girl started fanning her cheeks with both hands. "I'm Chaeyoung, by the way!"
"Annyeong Chaeyoung-ssi...I'm Lisa," She took the held-out hand and shook it softly. "We'll do a couple of test shots first. If the lighting's too harsh in your eyes, just let us know yeah?"
"Okay! Where do you need me...here?" Chaeyoung walked around the wooden bench and sat herself when Lisa nodded.
"I thought about proposing. She already brought me to meet her parents a couple of times,"
Jungkook raised both eyebrows as he leaned back to the lounge sofa. Is this hyung drunk?? He's still sitting with his back straight though...
Their conversation kept being interrupted since earlier as his staff kept coming into the private room to call on him about some things. A small fight in the Men's room...a handbag that was left in one of the VIP room...the bar running out of tonic water and cranberry juice...a passed-out guest on the dance floor - these are all the issues he had to deal with so far. But none had surprised him more than hearing this news from Jimin.
"Isn't it a little early? You've been dating for what - a few months?"
"What are you talking about - it's been a year!"
Oh...has it?? "Sorry," He chuckled. "I didn't notice that it's been that long. Maybe cus you never introduced her to me -"
"Yahh how can I do that - you're always traveling around!"
Jungkook laughed. It's 99% true...he was almost never in town whenever the Jimin planned for a meet! That 1% applied to when he had agreed but the girlfriend couldn't make it. Jungkook has heard about this girl more than he's heard of Jimin's work to be honest - he wasn't even sure what the guy's passionate about in life aside from his love for music, attention and his girlfriend!
He's heard of Jimin since he stepped into the entertainment industry - the guy was the talk-of-the-town for not only producing but also because, like Jungkook, he can sing really well. But it wasn't until 2 years ago that he got to really know Jimin, while working alongside together in the production of a male group's album.
They're quite alike - both are expressive and damn stubborn about their works - so it's no wonder that they hit it off quickly...all those nights of bickering in the studio does wonder to a friendship, he thought! He remembered the day Jimin went on his first date with the girl named Chaeyoung - excitedly (and nauseatingly) flustering over the phone!
"So...you've thought this through?" It's quite amazing how fate works...I was in a relationship longer than him and he's settling down first!
Even with his failed relationships, Jungkook still believe that one day, he'll be able to experience real love. He's never been much of a quitter. How could he - everyone around him kept proving that it exist! Including this guy who's sitting cross-legged in front of him - eyes wondering about. No doubt imagining about his future wife for the billionth time this year!
"Yeah...I mean...she never asked for it so I'm not pressured or anything like that..." Lucky bitch. "Just that...it didn't feel right to keep showing up in her family gatherings. Her family never asked anything but last week...I can't help but think, you know? Like, what's there stopping me? It's not like I feel like I'm missing out on anything. I've been loyal to her since the beginning...and it got me thinking, if she's keeping her options open and that's why she never asked me before. She meets talents all the time...all these models...photographers. And all I could think of was that if I marry her, I won't have to worry about being dumped anymore,"
True... When they were first together, Jungkook wondered how well the girl actually treats Jimin. He's heard of the friend's jealousy so many times throughout their relationship that at one point, his mind had to interfere - telling Jimin that 'if it's too hard to deal with, just break it off!'. Thankfully, the guy hardly followed any of his advices. After a time, he knew that everything Jimin was feeling was just his own paranoia. That's what happens when you're too invested, I guess...just like when I was with Sana.
"I don't think that's a good enough reason though,"
"And what - you're an expert in this field?" Jimin chuckled, trying to push his buttons.
Jungkook just sighed a smile. "I'm an expert cus I almost fell into it. I think that you need to be sure about each other's feelings before really deciding it, you know? Not just cus you're scared of what the other will do - like if she'll leave you if you don't marry her or something -"
"I get what you're saying. I'm hundred percent sure about mine...and she told me she loved me so many times. And she stayed even when we argued so much. Never once did she ask for a break. Doesn't that count?"
I can't say this enough - lucky bitch! "I guess it does. You should know - it's your girlfriend! If you've decided, I'm happy for you, Jimin-ssi,"
"Aishh...I told you not to call me that! It makes me feel old -"
"You are old,"
"By only 2 years - yahh!" Jungkook laughed as they guy sat straight - looking ready to beat the shit out of him! "Anyway...what about you? Haven't found a replacement yet?"
A replacement? He said like it's a fucking doormat! He took a gulp of the whisky in his glass and shook his head. It's not like he's even looking for anyone - he'd been spending his time focusing on the club! "I'm not looking for a 'replacement', hyung,"
"Really?? Why not? It was so easy for you to get digits before - even when you had a girlfriend! It can't be about Sana...you said you're over it,"
As if that's even a problem! "I mean...not gonna brag but yeah, I do have new contacts in my phone book," Jungkook smiled with pride and Jimin scoffed. "Just not who I wanted,"
"Oh...who do you want then?" His friend's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Just tell me your type - what, like petite girls, short hair - I'll find one for you so you'd have a date to my wedding! You don't wanna come alone - it's pathetic, trust me!"
"It's not like your wedding is tomorrow!" He rolled his eyes in complete annoyance while the elder laughed, seemingly happy to see Jungkook being irritated.
Since the day she was dumped on the supposedly best-day-of-a-girl's-life, Lisa had learned to let things be. It especially kicked in when she started the journey of being by her own self - letting her heart and feet takes her wherever she's allowed to stay. She learned that even if she reacts, it won't change anything.
It won't get her that day back. It won't magically make that boy love her like he did when they first met. It sure as hell won't get anyone to respect the center of her inner peace. So she stopped sharing. She stopped waiting for explanations or answers. Some would say she'd gone cold...distant even - but it's what she thought was best. It was her version of 'hope'.
"It's strange isn't it? That feeling when you left a place. Like you're not only be missing the people around you, but also that hollow in your chest...as if you'll miss who you are when you were there. That's how I feel when I moved from Melbourne,"
Chaeyoung had been coming up with conversations since they started shooting. Whenever she stopped clicking, the girl would have things to say or ask - from where she came from to her favorite things to do on a weekend. Lisa can't help but wonder why the girl took so much interest in her, especially while executing a job. Normally, models would just keep to themselves and only spoke to the photographers for directions. It's very rare (for her, at least!) that someone would ask so many personal questions.
"I had that too...like you're not completely ready for what's to come," She shrugged, trying to lighten up the topic of why she moved from Thailand to New Zealand, then to South Korea within a span of 7 months. "I didn't think much about it though. I didn't think I'd miss that person,"
"Really? I used to miss the old me all the time! I can honestly say it cus I used to be shy...much less talkative than I am now. Not to say that the me now is worse, but my friends have mentioned it a couple of times before...that I just couldn't seem to shut up when I'm supposed to," Chaeyoung's pout made her giggle. She's adorable!
"I guess...I didn't like that version of me. My friends and family back home thinks I'm a dreamer. Like I was too nice and I had this tendency to just say yes to anything that'll make them happy. They pointed it out like it's a bad thing so I guess I just wanted to be better,"
"I would've liked to meet the you back then, Lisa! Maybe I was the same too so I think we'd be good friends!"
There's also something else she learned since she started traveling. It's that the more she keep to herself, the easier it was for her to notice the vibes people are letting off. Perhaps when you talk less, your energy is focused on other people's energy too. She wasn't sure the science of it, but it's worked so far with everyone she had met along her way. And Chaeyoung's energy is definitely a good one. It makes her comfortable, the same as Jennie and Jisoo.
"Where are you staying? Maybe we can do coffee or dinner together sometimes?"
"I'm at Yeonnam-Dong currently. But I'm looking for a new place...maybe somewhere nearer -"
"You should stay with me!" The shriek was the first that surprised her. The second was the fact that Chaeyoung's excited invitation came only within an hour upon knowing her. "I'm staying alone - I've always wanted to find a housemate but I couldn't find anyone suitable,"
"Suitable?" I'm sure there's a lot of people looking for rooms to rent - is she a picky landlord?
"Trust me, there's a lot of weird girls around. I couldn't find anyone that had the same wavelength as me. I think it's important you know...the fact that you're staying in one house together...it's only a matter of time before you get to see their crazy side. How can I trust my house with someone who came with crazy vibes on the first meet?"
Ah yes, that I know so well! Silly me for always ignoring the 'vibe' just cus I was desperate for a place to stay. Now I'm stuck with Belle!
"And you didn't think I'd be one of those crazy people, Chaeyoung-ssi?" Lisa muttered with a laugh while the girl sat still for another shot. She could see the urge of smile almost curving up Chaeyoung's lips from the lens.
"No...definitely not! I have a good sense when it comes to people, you know. You're harmless!"
Jungkook tossed and turned - still couldn't get his mind to shut itself down and just fall asleep. It could be the adrenaline from the club's first night of operation...or Jimin's news - but more specifically, his question - that's keeping him awake.
My type... His mind had been replaying those two words even long after Jimin had left for the night. Among the many faces he'd seen at the club, he'd ended up asking himself 'are you it?' - trying to find some sort of resemblance to an answer. Of course, he failed. Maybe he managed to find parts of what he would like, but not in its entirety.
He never had any realistic type before. And when Jimin asked him that, he can't help but realized that a lot of his friends had it. Take the closest one - Jimin - for instance. He never said it out loud, but Jungkook knew an ex-girlfriend whom he dated before Chaeyoung came along. Sure, he's never met the girl but based on the stories alone, he's 100% sure that they're of the same breed. Sweet and cute, with a feminine style and tone.
Just on top of his head, one of his friends and mentor - Yoongi, had revealed that he actually married the girl of his dreams. Another one he grew up with, Mingyu, had been in a steady relationship with his ideal girl too. Funny how he's surrounded by these people but never really paid much attention to it before.
His first girlfriend was when he was in high school. She approached him and declared her 'liking' towards him. He went along with it because everyone were dating someone at that point. The second was shorter, which only lasted for 3 months. He met her when he first moved to Seoul. He went out with a couple (or maybe more) after that but none were exclusives. Then there's Sana.
It shouldn't be this big of a deal but it bothered him nevertheless. What do 'type' even means? Perhaps he missed out on understanding himself before, and that's why he wouldn't know the answer to Jimin.
I'm a simple guy...but I'm also a high-achiever. I know what I want - most of the time - and I'll stick by it. Am I one of those romantic type? He laughed to himself, feeling slightly embarrassed at the thought. Not all the time...it depends, I guess. So my type should be someone similar to me...right?
Simple...but she gotta have her own dreams. She must be a determined person too, I don't think I can stand someone who's indecisive about her own feelings - or about me! Someone sweet? In a nutshell...I guess. Jimin mentioned physical appearance - is that necessary too?
Long legs...shorter than me but not that short. Long hair...with bangs that sits just about right...on top of her big, round eyes - looking magnificently desolated and hopefully, I get to complete it. Plump lips that holds that small, soft, uncertain 'sorry' and 'thank you'. Fuck - I wished she spoke more! Endlessly interesting...
Before he knew it, the image of the girl at the airport and the one he bumped into had been playing in his mind. He remembers it just like it was only yesterday. The silent gaze...and the flawed politeness. Who are you? Will I ever see you again? Aishh...I must've gone crazy! I don't even know her and here I am - putting her on this imaginary pedestal!
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