42 hours. Almost 42 fucking hours! - and he wasn't even close at getting her to see him, let alone speak to him! He didn't think that she'd act so extreme when he allowed her to leave him so helplessly at the club the other night.
She was too calm...incredibly brazen...and fucking sexy! I knew she's gonna take the time to torture me with it but how the hell could I tell if she was gonna pack a bag and sleeps someplace else?? By the time Jungkook got back home an hour later, the house was in looming silence. Most of her stuff were there but not her.
He found a piece of paper on the kitchen counter with her handwriting of, 'I've fed Love his meds for the night. The next one should be at 10am tomorrow. Don't forget. And don't skip your meals. Take care of yourself and the boys. I'll come back in a couple of days.'
A couple of days... He had been fine in living alone. He had been alright with the house only echoing his footsteps around but ever since her presence went missing, the silence was deafening...and unsettling. It seems that Love is missing her too since he can't stop whimpering. I mean...if she can't feel sorry for me, why can't she think of the boys? Love's already having a fever, isn't she worried about him at least??
Since she's not picking up his calls, the first person he called for was Jimin. The wife said that Lisa had asked if she could stay at the old apartment for a few days that night, so he went to find her and bring her back but it's pointless. She could be hiding but he was almost 99% sure that Lisa wasn't at the house during the 3 times that he dropped by.
He tried to find her at the studio too but all he got was 'didn't she tell you that she has a photoshoot today?' from Sae Ron yesterday. It's frustrating and shortly, the soirée of her dance studio launch will begin. Maybe she's been too busy with her project and the set up that she hadn't spend much time at home, and that's why his knocks weren't answered? Haistt all this assumptions don't make things right!
Fixing his sleek, combed hair on the rearview mirror, Jungkook preps himself for what's to come. Wearing a black bomber jacket on top of his white shirt and black jeans, he checked the Rolex on him - hoping that their presence will somehow soften her heart, even a little when he shows up unannounced today.
Of course she knew that I'll be coming - why am I so worried?? It's an important day for her - a celebratory day for us! She can't chase me out - we started this together! Plus, she promised to introduce me to her parents. She didn't change her mind, right? No, I won't allow her!!
He didn't have to search deep within him to know that he has a lot to be sorry for. All the arguments...and the misunderstanding - he didn't think that it'll be a big deal for her. I wasn't flirting...though it might look like I was - jeez...I could've had the best birthday of my life if it wasn't cus of that blonde!!
Still, he's thankful that she didn't storm off without seeing him that night. It could have been a much worse scenario if she did...to be keeping things to herself like before. At least she said it out loud - and looked so fucking hot doing it! She just needed some time...so she can't change her mind, right?
Peeking into the studio, he tells himself again to not worry too much. That Lisa leaving the house wasn't a sign of them breaking up or apart...that she just needed some space to cool down. When he entered, the only familiar face he found was Sae Ron. Are Jimin and her friends not here yet? What about her parents?
Sae Ron was talking to two guests and when she saw him, her beaming smile and twinkling eyes made him feel a little better. My girl hadn't bitch about me to this one so I'm safe...for now! Passing by the many congratulatory flower standees, he spotted the one he sent this morning - standing proudly by the reception counter. It upped his confidence level by a notch because at least she didn't throw it away -
"Oppa, you made it!" Sae Ron greeted him. "Unnie wasn't sure if you're coming or not, she said you've been busy with work,"
Oh? I guess it's the safest answer she could give... "Yeah..." He says, chuckling nervously. "But I won't miss this for the world,"
"Aww you're the sweetest! I told her that you're gonna come, for sure!"
Speaking of which - "Where is she?" He stretched his neck to find the face that he's been missing for 42 hours, but it's still no use.
"She's on the second floor. There's a slight flicker from one the bulbs so she brought the contractor up just now,"
The contractor? The lighting supplier? That idol-faced - "Thanks," He forced a smile to not show any forms of irritation.
As he makes his way up the stairs, Jungkook tries hard to calm the heavy beating in his chest. He can't avoid the rising jealousy - it already ended a month and a half ago when the guy was done with the works here but now it's back.
But what can I do? Jungkook knew that he is not in the position to dwell about it. Not now, anyway! Because she was right...I got upset over some silly shit and when she saw me with that girl, she probably thought of the worst! God, I hope we're not breaking up!! I can't fucking lose her, not again!
When he can't find her in the first room, he went to the next. Lisa is standing with her back facing him - looking up to the idol-looking male on the ladder as he screws the bulb back into place. Jungkook didn't have to see her face...just her presence alone is enough to realize how much he's been missing her. 42 hours is too damn long!!
She is wearing a black sheer, knee-length dress and heels, and she turns to him only when the contractor noticed him standing still by the door. Her pink lips parted, as if she was going to say something but decided to hold it in. Her eyes stares onto him.
"Hi," He breathed with a small smile, feeling awkward as if it's his first time of ever seeing her. "I tried finding you downstairs...Sae Ron said you have a lightbulb issue..."
"Yeah..." She slowly makes her way towards him as the guy steps down from the platform ladder. When she reached him, she tiptoed slightly and kissed him once on the cheek. Her sweet scent is back into his space and it takes all his might to not just sweep her into his arms! "Taeyong, this is Jungkook...my boyfriend,"
Oh, thank God I'm still the boyfriend!!
"Oh hey!! Nice to finally, officially meet you! I've seen you a couple of times and Lalisa-ssi told me about you," She did? "She said most of this studio was your idea. It looks nice...you have good eyes on things," Of course I do! I don't need your flattery - "Here's my card -" Taeyong hands out a small, copper-coloured paper and he takes it.
"I told him you own a club. He's been a great help around here so if you ever need any electrical service, I can guarantee his prompt actions and quality of work," Lisa adds.
I mean...if he's really that good, that bulb shouldn't have messed up so soon - "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for your help, Taeyong-ssi," Jungkook plastered a friendly smile nonetheless because he needs to get on Lisa's good side today.
"No worries! I'm only able to do my best because the client knew exactly what she wanted, or how she wanted it to be. Saved both of us the time, really," He chuckled and brushed his hair back - looking like a complete model in front of a camera. It annoys Jungkook but he maintains the smile. "If everything is good, I'll make a move -"
"You can stay if you want, Taeyong-ssi. There are drinks and canapés downstairs -"
"I'd love to but I have an urgent appointment," He grins. "I actually left my girlfriend at a restaurant two blocks away,"
Ahh he has a girlfriend...fuck, was I petty!
"Oh no! I'm so sorry - I didn't even ask if you -"
"No, don't worry about it!! I'm always running here and there - she's probably used to it by now," He laughed. "Congratulations again!"
After Taeyong had left, Lisa stepped out of his arm. Jungkook began biting on his lips, unsure of what awaits him now that they're left alone.
"Can you...spare me some time?" He fidgets.
Lisa crosses her arms against her chest, pursing her lips as a sign.
"I wasn't flirting, I swear! She just grabbed me from behind and I..."
"Yes, I remember that bit,"
Damn...that small smile looks like it's ready to give me hellfire! "I only nudged her forward because she was tipsy and she said I should get her a drink if I was gonna reject her,"
"Cunning...I always thought that buying someone a drink is a way to prove your interests...not the other way around,"
He sighed because she was right. "It may seemed like it...and I can't dismiss the hurt you must've felt. But I swear...the only intention was to stay away...in the most polite manner I could. Why would I ever risk myself of losing you?"
"I wouldn't know the answer to that,"
"I love you! So fucking much that forty-two hours of not seeing you was just -" He breathed deeply to calm himself from raising his voice, just to let her know how much he misses her.
"I'll never...ever...be interested in anyone else aside from you, love. And I'm so sorry for being so fickle about things...for the petty arguments. I love you so much, it's only natural that I care - probably more than I should. You're the only one who constantly gets me worried...or jealous. I'm scared that I'll be no use to you if I can't take care of you. That's why I hoped that you had gone with my suggestions...I packed the meals for you cus I knew you would end up prioritizing your work than running out for lunch. It irritates me when you didn't mind much about it. It worries me when you don't listen,"
"You think I'd purposely gone out of my way to not listen to you?"
"No...I know it was unintentional. It was just...a heat of the moment kind of thing,"
"So can you blame me for being in the moment on your birthday?"
"No...I don't blame you, not one bit," Actually, she looked like a freaking goddess when she's jealous! Not that I'll ever try to relive it - "Are you still angry at me?" He reaches for her hand and thankfully, she didn't slap it away.
But she did sigh. "No...I'm not angry anymore. I just...I worry too, you know. It just felt like a wake-up call, that's all..."
"But there's nothing -"
"That wasn't the first time that I saw you in another woman's arms, Kook. With your ex and then -"
"I didn't ask for their hands on me and I pushed them away every single time -"
"Yes, but that's while I was there! Who knows what happened when I wasn't around -" She rolled her eyes with complete disgust.
"The same all the while and if it happens again - baby, look at me!" He finds her eyes to prove his sincerity. "I promise you, no one can ever hold me like you do! If the thought of the what-ifs bothers you that much, I'll hire another floor manager to be on the ground - will that make us better? Will that make you come home to me?"
She paused, as if she's thinking about it for good measure. "Wow...you don't have to be so dramatic about it, Jungkook-ssi," Lisa smirked and he inhales sharply. She obviously knows me too well by now -
"It should be weird that you're seducing me, right when I'm trying so hard to apologize here -"
"Seducing you?" She said, raising an eyebrow. "I'm still one foot away from you if you hadn't notice -"
He tugs her hand and she jerks forward - leaning a palm on his chest as he wraps an arm around her perfect waist.
"You don't have to be close to me to do it. You keep on forgetting that I've been an easy target for you, Lisa-ssi..."
Her small, shy smile and blushing cheeks is a relief. Jungkook pulls her into an embrace, resting his chin on her shoulder as he breathes in the calmness again.
"I love you. Only you. I love you so much that I'd go crazy if you don't come back home with me tonight - I miss you so damn much, baby! Please...I'm sorry that you had to see that. I'm sorry that I didn't think that hard about how I might've looked like but I swear, baby, I meant nothing more! Please trust me,"
He felt the soft pats on the back of his jacket and when he pulls himself away, two not-so-soft slaps on his chest. The glints in her eyes are hard to miss.
"I miss you too...so don't be too friendly like that, ever again! I get jealous too, you know...I swear I wanted to kick you in the balls so hard that night - you should really count your blessings!" She pouts and breathes in deeply - probably a way to stop herself from tearing up.
Aishh she's so cute!! "I won't, baby...and thank you, for not kicking me anywhere...especially my balls," He says, grinning like a fool. "And congratulations on the launch...I always knew you could do it and look, you did so well!"
She blushes more and smiles down shyly. "Thank you for helping me find my way again. I can't tell you enough...how great you are...and how wonderful you've been. You're so important to me, Jungkook-ssi," She tips her toes and plants a light kiss on his lips.
His eyes are probably shining with delight...and humor. "You called me that on purpose, didn't you?"
"I don't know what you mean...Jungkook-ssi," Lisa's playful pout makes a show. "I was gonna come home tonight. It's hard for me to leave you too, you know...even for a day,"
"Then make it up to me. I don't think I got a full view of you in that red outfit the other night,"
She chuckled and says, "You might be lucky then. I'm pretty sure I haven't thrown it out yet,"
In a beat, Jungkook grabs her by the waist and pulls her in - claiming her lips for a rightful 42 hours of longing. It's not gonna be enough - Her hands reaches for his hair and he presses his moan despite the aching protests in his guts. Not now...fuck, why the hell can't it be now??
"You're so good at tempting me, love..." He breathes out to calm the 'excitement'. She blinks but that smirk shows that she knew exactly what she was doing to him. "Honestly, I don't care if we scare your guests on your studio's launch day...but I do mind what my future in-laws are gonna think of me,"
The smile left her pretty, pink lips. "Oh..." She takes a small step back and he wonders why. "They canceled...my mom told me yesterday. My dad's not feeling well so...I'm sorry, honey. I know how much you wanted to meet them,"
Everything feels perfect. Well...almost perfect. She can't quite reciprocate the sulky mood that Jungkook is in since the day after her dance studio's launch, but it's only because she needed to put on the constant smiles and energy for the new work she's put herself in. Lisa looks over her shoulder again, to where Jungkook is nodding to whatever Jimin and Taehyung is talking about.
His stance is rigid, even with one hand in the pocket and the other holding a bottle of beer. That Rolex is always around his wrist when he's out of the house and it looks so much sexier on him, she thought. Despite the casual chatters and laughter, she could tell that his mind is somewhat elsewhere. What exactly is he thinking about? Was me leaving the house the other week too traumatizing for him? Is that why he's been a little silent?
It can't be helped. She thought it was best to give each other the space after that scene on the night of his birthday. They've been clinging too much on each other, and as much as she loved to be in that situation daily, she knew she had to put her foot down on certain things. She had to make it clear that she tolerates zero cheating or lies, since she had been such a naive girl with Kun before.
How can I make it up to him? Let him know that everything is, truly, alright again? That he doesn't need to be afraid of me running again? Hmm...should I put on that red lingerie back on? I mean...he'll cave in, definitely...but will that get him to talk? He'll touch me a lot...so probably not!
She watches Jungkook bids his goodbyes to the guys before his eyes caught hers. With a small smile, he came back into the restaurant and sat back next to her.
"I really have to go. I'll see you at home, okay?" He said.
"Okay...are you gonna be late?"
"No, definitely not. Just need to check on the arrangements for tonight's event,"
"I really don't mind going with you, you know...I can wait -"
"No, I don't wanna trouble you. Don't worry, Chim promised to send you home on time. I'll just see you then,"
Lisa sighs in resign as Jungkook kisses her forehead and leaves. There's a wistful feeling mixed with a tinge of curiosity in her chest and mind. Her boyfriend was never good at hiding things, but there's definitely a guard recently - especially these past few days. She'd catch him zoning out a couple of times while looking out in the backyard. And he's been giving her these vague excuses for every time he wants to go out alone.
It's getting harder to give him a 'benefit of the doubt' now, as she's been doing it for the past two weeks. She tries hard to make sense of it every time it crosses her mind. Questions like 'is he telling the truth on where he's going?' and 'is it really about work or is he meeting someone else?' are constantly popping up, but she knew she can't force the answer out of him. It will only lead them to hate on each other.
We used to kiss each other often...and he's always hesitant to let me out of his sight. What changed? Is it my fault...for leaving the house for that one day? I'll never really know, would I? I guess I'll just let things run on its own course...
She might not know much on how relationships fall out since she only ever had one experience to compare with - and that too, did not portray much signs for her to learn. She may be unprepared too for when it happens, but what she managed to gather by far is that she will be so completely...and absolutely, heartbroken.
The loud chatters and laughters among her friends and their husbands passes through the night, and although she appeared present in front of them, her heart kept shying down. There are moments when she felt like it was weeping even, at the thought of Jungkook being distant with her. He was always good with words...now all I keep getting is 'don't worry about it, it's nothing' or 'no, I don't wanna trouble you'.
Have I been too busy and unfair to him? But I'm always home on time...I don't understand. For once in my life, I've got everything I need all at the same time. He said I can have both. My passion...and my love. It sounded so easy...simple, when he said it. I thought he was happy. I thought we were happy -
"Call me later!" Chaeyoung shouted from the passenger seat of the car, right as Jimin started driving away.
Lisa waves back with a smile, though she missed the reason why. We just spent 5 hours of dinner together and she already talked way too much - why would she asks me to call her? Once they are out of sight, she turns and stares at the doorstep of Jungkook's house. For a while there, she wonders how long will it be until the truth is out. Until she can no longer call this place 'home'.
The longer she stands, the more she felt the urge to cry. So instead of succumbing to the negativity that's clearly in the win, she shakes her head slightly and takes out the keys - climbing up to the door and stepping in. The lights are on and she wonders if they left it that way when they went out this evening. Lisa frowns not only because the light, but also because her pups are nowhere to be seen.
She glances by the key holder and sees that both of Jungkook's car and house keys are hanged where it always were. Is he home already? That was a quick inspection...
"Kook?" She calls out as she takes off her coat and lays it on the sofa. The silence remains for a few seconds so she calls out again, louder. She hears a few thuds from upstairs - particularly the bedroom - but there are still no answer.
What... Without even realizing it, her breathing fastened. She climbs the stairs slowly, chanting to herself that it's not the worse. That Jungkook would never do something like bringing another woman back home and into their bed while he sent her out - but it's getting harder and harder to hear herself when the chaotic steps from the room begins to sound louder. Harsher.
Oh my God...there's really more than a person in there! The glass in her chest are ready for the shatters. She held onto the knob for longer than she should - thinking and rethinking if this is how she wants herself to bear with the truth. Telling - or rather, praying - that she will not end up killing anyone today, including herself. Whatever it is...whatever the truth is...I'll face it bravely. Just like I did before.
She pushes the door open and paws leap up to her chest. Good God - what on earth - Love is now licking around her neck while Bahm yipped around her, the same actions she was expecting when she first entered the house but failed to find.
"What are you two doing in here?" Her giggles are breathy because of the earlier nerves. "How'd you even get locked - where is daddy?"
She can count on Bahm to start searching whenever she mentions 'daddy'. The pup barked once before he started running down the staircase. Lisa pulls herself up and follows behind after Love, calming down her breaths and heavy heartbeats. Damn, that was an adrenaline!! I don't know what I was thinking! Once she is back down, she heads for the sliding door that leads to the backyard - where Bahm is sitting on all four.
Is he out in the yard? What was he thinking - locking the kids in the bedroom while he's out there? From behind the sheer curtain, little yellow lights that she hadn't seen in the backyard before made an appearance. She slides the curtain open and what she sees next is nothing like she had ever imagined.
Fairy lights blesses almost everywhere - on the bushes and trees, as well as the grass. There are more flowers too - though they're all stuck in pots and vases. What's going on? Did he left early for this? Jungkook turned and when he found her, he abruptly fell on one knee.
Oh my...
It was really conflicting for him to decide on when to do this. He had high hopes that it could be earlier than tonight. It's unfortunate that it couldn't but now...now I can't wait for even a second longer! He's been hiding the ring for a month and the thought of the thing not excelling its true purpose is just painful.
Jungkook has planned it out since a month and two weeks before, confident that the beautiful scene in his mind will persuade her into giving him the answer he needs to hear. But of course, just like their very first date, the universe enjoys laughing at his cocky ass!
He wanted to wait until her dance studio is launched and running, and he was hoping so much to meet with her parents - introducing himself in the right manner and maybe get their blessings - but it couldn't be helped when they didn't show up that day.
He went through phases of disappointments and countless self-motivation to pick himself back up and he just can't prolong this process any longer. He needed so much to hear her say 'yes' and let the ring protects his heart. He felt like it's the only way to stop the incessant worrying of her leaving him.
"Did you...fall...or something?" Lisa looks like she's about to laugh but trying so hard not to.
He'd welcome it though because it is quite funny to startle her with one knee short on the ground! "You're just in time, baby," He said with a nervous smile. "A little late...I see you let the boys out," He glances over to the playful pups which are now yipping around the grass.
"How could you do that - you scared the shit out of me!!" I did? Why? "I thought you were in there with...with..."
Oh shit! Why the hell would she even think that - does she think my balls are made out of steel to even do something like that?? "It takes quite an effort to get things set up and they're constantly in my way. Nevertheless, more reason on why we're here tonight," Maybe she'll know once and for all how serious I've been when I told her I love her. "My love..."
Lisa gasped an adorable 'no' and he smiles an equally charming 'yes'. She then came forward and plops down in front of him. "Bunny...stand please. You're gonna hurt your knee,"
Damn, I love you so much!! It's partly amazing that she doesn't appear to be too surprised at his gesture. Maybe she knew it was coming. Who am I kidding...I did say I loved her pretty quick before!
"No..." Jungkook takes out the velvet box from his pocket and opens it before her. Her eyes sparkled but it isn't at the ring. "Love..."
With her staring at only him, he felt the rising heaviness in his chest as he called her that. A sob or a plea...or maybe both, cutting a slight flow of air in his throat.
"I know that...it's probably too soon...but I'd rather it be that than being too late. And the thing about time is...well...both of us won't know how late is late. I don't wanna pretend like I know about it, the same as I can't pretend like I'm fine when you're not with me,"
There are glints in her eyes and he hopes that it signifies something good.
"My life's been a complete whirlwind, ever since I saw you. When you first looked at me...and smiled at me...I swear I felt like the luckiest man on earth when you touched me. You've turned my world upside down so many times and I...I wouldn't have it any other way,"
"I love it when I wake up next to you. I love that you love Bahm and Love as your own. I love how protective you are with my knee right at this moment...or my heart...and your own heart. And how patient you are with me. I loved the you before so much...and I love you now even more. If you can do me the honor of accepting this ring, I'd be most happy with you...every day, I promise I'll make you the happiest too," He felt his heart beating louder than the living world outside.
"Even when you pick fights with me?" He could tell that her smile is meant to suppress her tears from falling.
He chuckles down the shame. "Even when I pick fights with you...or you with me. I'll still make you happy,"
Her plump lips are trembling as she looks down to the box in his hand. The two Bvlgari platinums sits perfectly, side by side - hers with a string of diamonds sculpted into the wavy band and his, a single shine, matching her pattern. She takes one out and puts it on.
Jungkook swore he heard the fireworks somewhere in the background - reflecting the complete relief and happiness he never thought was possible. Lisa then takes the other out and puts in on him. His hand is probably shaking but he just can't help it.
"Does that mean it's a 'yes'?" He asked, just to hear it clearly.
"It's...not a 'yes'..." What... He felt his heart cracking - ready to break into a million little pieces. "But also...not a 'no'..." What - what does that mean? "You said you'd be happy if I accept the ring so...I'm accepting it," Is she playing with me right now??
She held her hand up - the one with his ring on - brushing gently from the hair that falls on the side of his forehead, and down to his cheek. Her eyes twinkled and she looks so soft, smiling affectionately like this. "I love you more than you can imagine, Jungkook-ssi...you know that?"
"Then why isn't it a 'yes'?" He swore he could start crying at any moment now! She already has the ring on - why is it not a 'yes'??
"Because...my love," She emphasized that last bit with a playful smile. "I want you to meet my parents first...and I'd like to meet yours. That's the only reason why I can't give you the answer,"
Oh...right. I mean...of course I had that ideal plan before but I didn't expect her to be so conventional and practical like this!
"I want things to be right with us and when it comes to the topic of you...I need the blessing, I really do. I hope you'll like and accept my small family and I hope your family likes me too,"
Fuck - she sounds so sweet!! "Of course they will!! I promise they will! And I - I already like your parents!" His mumbles are probably out by a mix of excitement and nerves, but it's given. "When should I get the tickets?"
She laughs and it's music to his ears. "I'll get back to you on the date," She holds his hands tighter. "We have so much to learn about each other still, honey. From each other. Perhaps...could it be that you're asking me this because you're worried?"
There's really no point in hiding it. "That too...but mainly because I had a thought. When you said before...that your parents will be coming here for the launch and you might have to stay at Chaeyoung's for a while. I know I said I didn't mind it but honestly...I did. And when you were upset at me and really did left to hers..." He sighs. "I wasn't lying when I said I love waking up next to you every morning. I'm used to it...and I can't - I hate the thought that there will be days when I couldn't. I hate when we argue too...it gets me scared...like you'll leave me or something. I want to have you with me every day, that's all. I know there'll be times when we have to be apart...but I wanna come home to you. I'm asking you to please, marry me...because I feel safer that way,"
"I feel safe whenever I'm with you. Kook, we're learning to trust each other. It's fine if we argue once in a while - even if we're married, it's only healthy if we talk things out. I love you...you're like...one of the two most important men in all of my life, aside from my dad. I'm sorry if I haven't given you enough credits for that. I'm sorry that I constantly worry you - as if I'd run any time I want. I won't. I'll never run from you again - not unless you want me to -"
"That won't happen, love," He reaches for her neck and pulls her close, kissing her like his life depends on it. "I'll wait...I'll get better and I'll wait for your answer,"
She smiles and a tear finally drops on her cheek. He wipes it off with a thumb. "We'll get better. And I'll hold on to that,"
"I've been so in love with you...please hold onto me...and stay with me,"
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