"Sorry I'm late!!" Lisa is panting from the quick jog she had forced her feet on. The three other ladies are obviously done with their food and she's racing to only order a drink.
"Yaa Lalisa...I told you it's an important date, where have you been?" Jennie said, frowning in a sulk-like manner.
It really can't be helped. It's two months into the construction of her studio and she's already having panic attacks over reviewing the constant upgrades and downgrades of the place. That, as well as running around town for her freelance projects. Multi-tasking is really no joke - I can't believe I was that ambitious!
"There was an issue with the leaking water tank. It ruined my new ceiling and the electrical too," Sighing, she takes off the cotton scarf to fan on her sweaty neck.
"Yaa put it back on!! No one wants to see that!" Chaeyoung laughed out loud and for a second there, it got her confused.
She touched on her skin a little and realized - "Shit, sorry!!" Damn it - how could I forget?? These damn hickeys -
"Unbelievable! You guys are still on it, huh? This is the fourth time already - let us take a break once in a while, can you?" Chaeyoung complained.
"Shushh...don't mind her, she's just pissy cus Jimin's in LA since last week," Jisoo chuckled and she does the same.
"So I heard...he's coming back this Friday though, isn't he?" Lisa laughed because really, it's already been too stressful of a morning and so what if she shows off little marks here and there? It's not like they didn't already know how infatuated Jungkook could be for her!
"I've been so lonely...I can't even call you up since you're so damn busy all the time!"
"Chae, you look like a chipmunk when you make that face. It's not like it's intentional, I'm just caught up -"
"You weren't caught up to get that hickeys every two weeks!"
"You're seriously gonna compare me hanging out with you and me sleeping with Jungkook? What - you wanna take my boyfriend's side of the bed?"
"Eww why would you even go there -"
"Ehemmm..." Jisoo cleared her throat loudly and the two stopped bickering. "Now that the seats are complete...Jen, what's the news?"
"I um...we went for a check-up this morning and..."
Oh my God - It seems that the rest are thinking of the same thing, only out loud. Jisoo's hand is already clasped on top of Jennie's.
The shy smile is rare...and beautiful! "It's coming, guys...you're all gonna be aunts in 8 months, if all goes well!"
"A baby??" Frustrated-Jungkook is always cute to watch, so she lets him dwell more on it simply because she still has no idea why he's been acting this way. "I'm not a baby! You're a baby!!" He follows her from the kitchen where she just did the dishes and into the living room. "Is this what we're doing - you're gonna pretend to not hear me?" He sulks even more.
See? A baby! "I didn't say you're a baby, I said you looked like a baby - there's a difference. And I'm not pretending anything, Kookie...I'm calmly listening to you for now cus I know you're a little emotional over -"
"Emotional? Ckk - fine! So what if I'm emotional? I told you to get the other guy as a replacement but you went ahead with this...this Taeyong guy - where does he even come from??"
"I'm not sure...I haven't gone into exchanging places of origins yet,"
"Yet?? Are you purposely trying to upset me or something?"
She sighed. How apt that this is the third time they've gotten into an argument - in their third month of living together. Granted, the first one didn't really count because they made back up only minutes after but this one - oh man, I can't even enjoy the entire dinner he had prepared for us just now!
It's annoying because one, he's always been an incredible cook so she knew that the pasta was actually more delicious than what it tasted like while Jungkook's giving her the cold shoulder. And two, she haven't had anything to eat since she left the house this morning so she was really looking forward to have this meal with him!
It's not like it's even a big deal - why can't we have a normal discussion about this? He's been intimidating me about the freaking contractor since he picked me up at the studio this evening! She squints her eyes as he pulls the wingback they bought together 2 months ago forward with great effort, just to sit in front of her.
"Really? You're gonna argue with me while sitting in our cuddle couch?"
He sat and rests his elbows on his knees. His palms rub the sides of his temple before brushing back the soft of his hair. Then he looks up. "Don't you get why I'm upset?"
"I really don't. The guy you shared the contact with didn't pick up and I needed a new supplier for the lights quick,"
"And there's no one else who can install it? Does it have to be a damn model - why does it have to be him??"
Oh...is that why he's bothered? He's...jealous? Wait, he's jealous of the guy who installs the lights when he already owns my freaking heart?? He's the sole reason of why I gave that studio a chance of thought in the first place - does he not know how important that event was in my life?
"Again, honey..." She softened her tone again, taking a deep breath to desperately calm her tired mind while leaning forward to reach for his hands. "His father owns the store. I'm not sure about how the rest of Seoul feel about this but I truly appreciate the fact that he appointed his own son to do the work. Makes me trust them more -"
"Now you trust him??" His dark eyes appeared back again and she knew this isn't going to be resolved tonight.
Oh, for God's sake - "For the lights, hell yes! You know, if you can just tell me what exactly you're so upset about that you've raised your voice at me for five times now, I'd appreciate it the same, Jungkook!"
He pursed his lips and it looks like he's about to explode. Lisa held her challenging gaze still, refusing to back or bow down to his pettiness - whatever the root of the problem is! From across the room, she's aware that Love and Bahm have both quivered down on the rug - just like two kids afraid of the war in this household.
"You seriously have no idea - have you not take a good look at the guy maybe?"
"Well now I feel like I should!"
He held a palm across his chest, gaping at her with disbelief. "Wow...you're really telling me - the love of your life - that you're gonna ogle another guy at work??"
"Ogle??" She chuckled sarcastically. "Since this so-called love of my life is practically shoving me to do it, I don't see why not -"
"Lalisa, I swear to God -" He suddenly stood - his face burning red with anger. "Are you bored with me? Is that it?? So what - you're gonna flirt with -"
"Yaa Jeon Jungkook!!" Lisa got up to match his threat. She can see that it surprised him but she's too annoyed to even stop. "I'm tired and all I wanted was to come back home and have a nice dinner with you on your day off from work but all you've been doing is pointing my lighting contractor up in my face! I don't know why you'd even think that I would flirt with someone else - do I look like I have time to do that?? My schedules are always packed and it's a wonder that I'd even make it home for dinner and still flirt with you and that's all we do, Jungkook - we flirt, on or off bed! You know what, if you're so worried about him, maybe you should start fetching him at the studio instead or even better - get him to move in here and sleep with you!!"
That was...really...truly...a magnificent response to get me to shut the fuck up, wasn't it? This is...normal...right?
Jungkook looks down to the boys, sleeping soundly on the tufted rug. He fixed his pillow and uncomfortably shifts on the sofa, his body trying to find a common balance underneath the thin blanket. Fuck, I should really apologize!
It made him sigh for the umpteenth time tonight, beating himself up over the mess he created. But really, is there even a good response to find my doll looking up to that idol-face on the ladder - with his damn measuring tape in his skilful idol-like hands, with that damn idol-face talking and smiling to my doll who probably looked up to him with stars in her freaking doll-eyes??
What am I saying - and she dared to call me a baby when all I did was asks! I mean...yeah, maybe my manners were a bit off back there but come on, how could I have stayed calm when she was being so nonchalant about the guy??
It's clear that he's irritated at the unknown fact. The idea of Lisa, seeing that handsome contractor everyday until the light fixtures are all done is tempering in his otherwise calm-and-collected blood. His seething jealousy was never much of a show-off, but one look at them in the studio just now and it's like a world war in here!
And she's obviously winning because why else would I be sleeping on the couch right now?? She didn't even hesitate - she just straight up threw the pillow and blanket before I even had the chance to step into the room! Damn it, my back hurts!!
Jungkook scoots himself up all too sudden - earning a shot from Love before the pup tilts his head aside. It's probably a warning...he's always been more of a baby to her so he knows her best. But no, boy...I know her best! It's already two in the morning...she might not be so upset anymore...fuck, I hope she's not upset anymore!
5 hours...it's the longest that we've let an argument linger in the air we breathe in this house. And 6 more hours to go if he is to wait until the morning to apologize to her. They don't have much things to fight or stay angry about since either one will always find a way to neutralize any sorts of tension between them.
He should feel proud that he held that position in the last one...even if, both were his faults to begin with. And trivial things at that! The first was about the tiles he chose for her dance floors that she didn't agree on, thus leading him to sulk for some good ten minutes. The second, when she came back home from a full day out with the lunch he packed for her, still untouched because she was too busy to eat.
That lasted for two hours because she ended up having a light burn of gastric and he ranted his frustrations out all their way to the clinic. And this one...I mean, it's justifiable this time, right? Maybe not - damn, she's been really patient with me, hasn't she? All she did was sitting there quietly - sometimes smiling and others, ignoring my probably-childish spouts! Haistt this won't do! 5 hours - that's the max from now on!
Tiptoeing carefully along the staircase and towards the bedroom, the same measure was given when he pushes the door open. Jungkook calls out 'baby' in whispers, two times - just to check on her awareness level - and when she didn't respond, he smiles his way onto the mattress. Ahh bed...that's much better!
The duvet is mostly on her, so he slides himself to the right...one inch at a time to not wake her up. He almost laughed at himself in the process, thinking of how ridiculous he must've looked right now! When he pulled up the edge of the thick cloth, she stirred. Jungkook froze.
"There you are..." Lisa flung one arm across his chest, pulling her own body closer to him.
Is she...really not mad at me anymore...or is she mumbling in her sleep? Either way, do I even have the right to complain??
"I don't like it when we fight..."
Oh... He wrapped one arm around her neck and lifts her head to rest on his now-happy chest. "I'm sorry..." There...nice and comfy again... "Goodnight, love,"
"I love you..." She muttered in a sigh, snuggling and burying her face at the crook of his neck. "...only you..."
I mean...since she put it that way - hey, I can pass as an idol too if I want, right??
After 4 solid months of sweat and tears, Little Cosmic Dance Studio is finally registered and will be opened for business in two days time. Lisa couldn't be more ecstatic - but also nervous - that this is finally happening. It felt a little surreal that she's here again, realizing her passion after putting it on hold for so long.
She had gathered 4 instructors with her so far - 2 as part-timers - to handle ballet, contemporary and hip hop classes for children. With the help of her hired receptionist-slash-secretary, Sae Ron, they had went through 6 blocks around the studio as well as 2 neighbouring housing areas to distribute the flyers she made 2 weeks before, and the result is exciting.
As of today, Lisa has 5 students registered and ready for ballet, 8 for contemporary, and 11 for hip hop. It might be small numbers but it already exceeded her expectations. She thought that she'd have to hold at least one of those classes for a few months or so until they have somehow established their mark in this field but it seems that a lot of parents are as keen as she is!
Jungkook was right to suggest this area. The only dance studios around are for 18 and above so she didn't have to worry much about competition. There's also a bus station located right in front of the studio so that makes it easy for the kids to be dropped off. Safer too.
"You're leaving early. Is Jungkook oppa not fetching you today?" Sae Ron asked with a coy smile.
Lisa always finds it cute when the girl calls her boyfriend 'oppa' like this. The little crush vibe surrounding her may worry some - like how Chaeyoung does - but Lisa just finds it amusing.
"No, he has a few events tonight and had to start work a little early. I'm going to the club to meet him instead. It's his birthday today,"
"Ahh please wish him a Happy Birthday for me! Are you celebrating with friends?"
"I'm not so sure...he insisted for us to meet at the club but I'm not sure if there'll be friends," I hope not!
It's kind of a bitter thought. It's the first birthday to be celebrating together between the two. She wanted to set up a wonderful dinner with maybe some ambiance lighting in their backyard. They'd dance to a few romantic songs before sexy ones, for her to present him with what she had in mind and maybe see how he likes it!
But all she can do now is to show the gift she bought at his workplace. Where it's packed with people. And while he's working. Jeez, maybe I should rethink the 'plan'...skip it just to be safe?
"That's nice...I've never been to a club before. My parents were quite strict you see,"
"You just turned nineteen so don't worry, there's plenty of time. But in all honesty...it's only fun to go if you're dancing with friends,"
Sae Ron blinked. "I thought that's what everyone does in clubs?"
"Not really, no. Some goes to drink and people-watch while they bop their heads off...some to find partners or be perverts," She giggled. I mean, I went for a bachelorette party...or to get my boyfriend back a couple of times! Have a little 'fun' in the VIP room once in a while...and dance for or with him - but let's not get into that!
She is a sweetheart, really...and Lisa's not about to ruin the younger's innocent mind just yet. The sole reason why she hired Sae Ron in the first place - even when the girl didn't have any experience of working before - was because she felt bad for her. It's clear on the certificates which Sae Ron first presented that she is a bright and smart girl. She just couldn't further her studies because her family can't afford it.
"Maybe we'll do a company outing next month...to Jungkook oppa's club..."
Sae Ron hopped once and clapped her hands repeatedly, obviously excited by Lisa's casual announcement. "You'll buy me a drink?"
"Only if you do a good job!" She sighed a laugh.
"I will, unnie!! I definitely will!" Oh, bless this adorable pink-cheeks!
Looking into the mirror, Lisa could hardly recognize the woman staring back at her. This is by far, the most over-the-top effort she had ever done on herself. The salon had styled her shoulder-length hair into flowy beach-waves around her forehead and face. The make-up artist she worked with had taken her 'idea' onto a new height - with a set of smoky-eye and think mascara, adding an amazing glow on her along with the blusher, as well as the wine-coloured lipstick. Even Jisoo gasped in approval of seeing the 'new' her.
But the best part isn't just that. This is his special day and she wanted to surprise him...please him. And that is really the point of her donning this blood-red bustier corset - with its criss-cross straps highlighting the top of her breasts and cleavage and its laces lining the cups. The mesh on her torso is tied together with a satin elastic waistband and is clipped onto the thigh-high lace stockings. The matching satin and laced G-string makes her feel sinuous...and hot.
Covering herself up with only a long, robe-like black coat, she walks out of the powder room with the initial clothes she stepped in with - all shoved into a brown paperbag. It seemed that none of his staff could recognize her too, seeing as how she needed to 're-introduce' herself when the bouncer stopped her tracks by the usual route of the entrance just now.
Feeling a little giddy with excitement, she wonders how Jungkook will respond upon seeing her in the attire underneath. She hadn't tried finding him yet since she wanted to get changed before. She tried his office first but saw that it's lifeless. She placed the paperbag on the guest sofa, then makes her way to the stairs, thinking that he'd be in the room that he mentioned he had booked earlier.
Halfway up, her eyes scan briefly towards the party crowds on the dance floor. Their bopping heads look like a pool of chaotic vibrations from where she stands. Lisa was only glancing through the bar area when she saw Jungkook. She stopped her tracks to make sure it's really him. Behind the counter, 3 of his baristas are cheering while 1 holds out a shot glass. Beside him is one of the waiters who's also encouraging him to take the drink - tapping impatiently on the bar-top with what she assumes are paired with some motivational talks.
Jungkook takes the glass, throwing his head back as he takes in the clear liquid. Lisa smiles to herself because he looked so hot doing that! I hope he hasn't gone off-limit yet - this outfit isn't made to entertain if he's too drunk! She was about to step back down when she saw a body, suddenly latching onto him from behind. She can't see the face it belonged to but her hair is dirty blonde and long. Her skin prickles at the sight.
The arms snake around his shoulders and Lisa's heart beats faster. One... two... three... four... five - five fucking seconds! Six... seven... eight... It's obvious that Jungkook is too engulfed by the cheers around him to even pay attention as he lets that body stapled on him for longer than he should. Maybe I should find a damn stapler from his office and just make it official - fifteen... sixteen...
He finally takes the hands off and turns around. There's the shock...then the serious expression that she always finds so sexy on him appears, but he doesn't take much steps back. He says something and the girl covers her giggles. Lisa felt her blood boiling with jealousy and anger - a little crack in her chest sounded louder when he puts on the charming smile that she adores so much.
Of-fucking-course. You can never fully trust them, can you? Benefit of the doubt, Lily - he's being polite to a party-goer...you can't expect him to shout at the woman in front of everyone, can you? No...cus he's a professional at work...and a gentleman. So gentleman in fact, that he's now offering to get her drink, pulling her closer to the counter.
Lisa should be praised and patted on the back for not running out right this second - or jump down to fly-kick him in the head! No, she stomps her way up and towards the room instead. Once inside, she sends a message to him that says 'once you're about done with the blonde, your girlfriend will be waiting for you upstairs'.
She takes off her coat and sits down on the velveted sofa - counting the seconds as the blazing inferno burns hot inside - probably in the shade of red, just like the colour of her corset. The cold of the AC does nothing to calm it down. She then takes out the gift box and places it strategically on the low glass table.
I really can't believe him! All day I've been running here and there...no, almost a year I've been running here and there - and this is it?? All those fights over his petty excuses and we're now here? Maybe I shouldn't have tried that hard, huh?
If there's an ounce of justification - yes, she did go over her earlier thoughts again - her angry and half-tired mind is definitely pushing it to the brink of bin. Tired because she woke up pretty early today since she wanted to make something special for him.
She made omelette and sausages and had them decorated like a smiley face on the plate. She messed up on the red beans - can you believe that? Something from a can...all she had to do was heat it up and that too tasted like the 7th gate of hell! Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration - maybe it's the 2nd!
Anyway, it doesn't taste or look good and although Jungkook was a pro at acting like it did and savoured the whole meal until the plate was almost clean, she can't help but feel so lost over it. For the entire rest of the day, she had been upping her game plan - thinking of how else can I make Jungkook the happiest birthday boy today? And now this.
He bursts into the room at exactly 1 minute and 20 seconds after, panting like he had just finished a marathon...or running from zombies since his face had gotten so pale! He looked just fine with the blonde just now -
"Baby, let me ex -" His halts, standing straight and immobilized. His eyes widened at the sight of her and that alone, is satisfying for her to watch.
She says calmly, "I got you a gift," and smiles.
"Woah," She hears him breathe, stepping further into the room with eyes never leaving her.
Good...just drink me in. Drink all of this in! "You wanna open it?" She asked suggestively...on purpose.
"Uh huh," He nods and when he's about close enough, she leans forward and pushes the silver box towards him.
"Hope you like it," She says sweetly.
It takes him about 3 seconds to digest back into reality - blinking a couple of times and looking deathly cute that it annoys her. "You've already spoiled me a lot today, baby..."
Yes, I did...a Marshall bluetooth speaker because he said he likes the sound, and the XBox Series X because he hadn't stopped talking about it. Oh, and now, these additional two - wow...I really went all out today, didn't I?
He started unwrapping the ribbons and the silver paper. "You shouldn't have..." And he gasps. A small frown appears when he looks back at her. "This is...how expensive is this?"
Lisa kept her silence as he takes out the Rolex Submariner - handling it with such care that it almost softened her heart. Almost.
"This is..."
"Do you not like it?" She leans back comfortably.
"I do - I just...it's too much, baby,"
"Yes..." Maybe it is. "It's worth eight of my editorial projects, to be precise. But I don't mind it...it makes me happy if you like it,"
She will never forget the fact that he's been supporting her living expenses by providing her a house to feel safe in, as well as food and groceries to keep her healthy. He drives her around as much as he could too so she was able to save a lot from her freelance income. That, and a little extra top-up from her savings. She was so sure that he deserves to feel like a king on his special day...although the scene that she saw just now does make her question that last sentiment!
"Like it?" He beams. "I love it!!" He started putting it on and a small part of her is blushing that she had gotten the 'gifts' part right.
All except the one that's wrapped around her. It probably is too but maybe I'll just keep it in my own small box of random mistakes!
Lisa stands up and grabs her coat, but takes her time in putting it on. "Right. I'm actually with your last gift but I think -"
"What are you doing?" He frowns. His eyes goes back onto her body and they're scanning her. From her neck...he stays longer on her chest...and she saw the heaving shoulders when he reached her hips. It is just too amusing now.
"I'm putting my coat on..." She acts all innocent and is so ready to watch him crumble into pieces.
"Yeah, I mean...I can see that -" He chuckles nervously. "Why? You just got here and we still haven't -"
"Because..." She cuts him off and walks leisurely forward - purposely letting the robe loose along her sides to let him have a better view. Stopping so close against him, she then raise a hand and let her fingers trail along his cheek...down to his neck...and rests her palm on his chest. It's beating fast and hard.
She could tell that he's been holding his breath and it almost broke her character. When he leans in to kiss her, she held her index finger on his lips. "Out of all the gifts I got you today...this is the most precious. Because it's me...and I don't think I should put me to waste by being second to anybody," Jeez, when have I ever been this bold??
He blinked and it probably just dawned on him that she hadn't let the former issue go. "Love, I can explain..."
She inhaled the alien scent on him and disapprovingly, she shook her head slowly. "I like you better when you don't smell like another woman," She whispers and his whole stance goes stiff. "I'll make one thing clear, Jungkook-ssi...the last time my man had chosen someone else, I moved three thousand kilometres away. But of course, I won't be so dramatic like that now..." She sighed a smile and hovers her lips closer to his. "But you best believe that the next time I see you in another woman's arms...or you entertaining a woman so affectionately like you did just now...I won't ever see you again, even if you walk right past me,"
"Baby, it's not what you think -" He said as his hands move to grab her waist, but she is too quick on her feet - releasing him and taking a few steps backwards.
"I've provided you quite a show, haven't I?" She gave a seductive smile purposely. She even brought one hand to rest on her bare hip, after pushing the robe aside.
"Will you please let me explain?" He grits on his teeth and she can see the tense in his jaw.
On other normal occasions, she would have felt sorry for doing this. But not tonight...no, not tonight. Tonight...now...now I'm just tired. "You got mad at me over tiles and lights, honey. I've never even gotten a feet close to my contractor and yet..." She watched how the regrets appear on his face and he's clearly frustrated at the turn of event. "You can take your time...think about it...and maybe, once you're done...I'll give you time to explain," She came back into his space and tiptoed slightly - planting a chaste kiss on his cheek before whispering into his ear, "Who knows...I might even be kind enough to let you see this again,"
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